LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Why give any of them amnesty when it's cheaper to deport them all. Let them go back to their countries of origin and make their own countries a better place to live. Most Anchor babies parents don't speak a word of English so, I'm sure they know their native language!

DHS confirms cheaper to deport every illegal alien than allowing them to stay

DHS confirms cheaper to deport every illegal alien than allowing them to stay - National Immigration reform |


Department of Homeland Security (DHS) put into writing to several Senators; “Our conservative estimate suggests that ICE would require a budget of more than $135 billion to apprehend, detain and remove the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.”

According to a recent study by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) the costs to keep illegal aliens in America costs taxpayers $113 BILLION a year.

“In other words, the mass deportation would pay for itself in a little over a year.”

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The legal and illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States. - Transcripts


Comprehensive Immigration Reform is only a temporary fix and does nothing to address the next influx of illegal aliens.

We are not a nation of illegal immigrants but of legal immigrants.

If I and my husband take our children against their will with us to commit a crime and are caught, we are carted off to jail and our children or carted off by social services and that is the consequences of our actions. When illegal aliens bring children with them across the border illegally against their will and when they are caught the parents are deported and the children should go back across the border just as they came and that is the consequences of the actions of their parents. Illegal aliens who break the law do not get a “get out of jail card” because of their children.

I have to obey the laws of this land or I suffer the consequences and illegal aliens should suffer the consequences of their actions.

Illegal immigration is not a “change” that we have to accept and stated by Rosario Dawson; “A town in Ga. passed law against illegal aliens and the illegals along with legal and citizens left and the town was devastated.” Well, what do you think happens to Mexico when 20 million of it’s citizens leave?

“Beyond Borderlines” was a documentary all about Latinos in the country illegally and why is that when illegal aliens are from many countries? Because the majority of illegals are Latinos and they are the cause of the majority of the problems illegal immigration causes this country. Latino gangs, anchor babies, drug dealers or incarcerations, rapist, murderers, etc.

Illegal immigration is about families and they should be treated as a unit. We cannot separate the hard working illegal aliens , the anchor baby, the illegal children, the gang members, drug dealer and other criminals because they are a unit. A family.

The illegal alien parents brought the illegal child with them across the border of no choice of their own and when the parent is deported they should take the children they brought with them back across the border.

What do we do with the 20 million that are here? All the country need to be on the same “Arizona on steroids” system. We don’t round them up, put them on busses and deport them. We make it impossible for them to work here with strict E-Verify system with systematic raids on the business, no arrest, detainments and deportation, and they will soon find they cannot work and they will leave and they will not come. Make it impossible for businesses to hire illegal aliens.

Why Comprehensive Immigration Reform will not work? Illegal aiens will be given legal status with a path to citizenship and they will make demands of businesses for higher and fair wages and then they will be fired and replaced with American workers because they will no longer be “cheap labor” which now replace legal workers. Even legal immigrant are displaced. They, because of their legal status, will become wards of the welfare system as the expense of the tax payers. Creating a bigger problem than being illegal every been. Legalizing 20 million illegal aliens will create a bigger problem than we could every imagine. The will not be in the workforce, paying taxes as pro-illegals claim, they will we in the welfare system living off taxes paid. Illegal aliens now out of work is either living off their anchor babies or committing crime. Illegal aliens crossing the border now and not finding work is committing crimes.

There is only one solution to illegal immigration. Enforcement at the work place. Enforcement of our immigration of our immigration laws are not racist or inhumane. All our laws work when they are enforced. Our immigration system is not broken our government is broken for not enforcing our immigration laws. We can make more immigration laws (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) but if they are not enforce they do not work.

It is un-American and unpatriotic to be pro-illegal immigration or pro-amnesty. There is only one way to attain citizenship and that is according to the citizenship laws.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the Dream Act is doing away with immigration laws and amnesty now mean amnesty tomorrow.
If the 10 administrations and congress since 1954 had enforced our immigration laws we would not be dealing with 30 million illegal aliens, 500.000 anchor babies and unknown number of illegal children and a Dream Act.

We cannot give citizenship to 20 million illegal aliens based of a few law abiding hard working illegal aliens. We admit 1.1 million immigrants to citizenship each year. Our immigration system works.the

The Dream Act will cost Billions of dollars to American Taxpayers. It will also, allow criminals up to the age of 35 to take advantage of the benefits paid by the taxpayers. If they legalize these people (illegal aliens) they can petition to bring into America up to 9 relatives a piece legally. The minute they get a green card they'll be eligible for welfare and other public services.


Immigration Reform: What Will The Dream Act Cost Americans

“Dream is an acronym for Development, Relief & Education for Alien Minors. Illegal aliens who qualify will be able to take advantage of federal and state funding programs such as grants and higher education loans.”


More Reid DREAM Act - More Costs to Taxpayers

“According to Stephen Clark’s December 02, 2010 online article, “DREAM Act Would Cost Taxpayers $6.2 BILLION Per Year…“per the Center for Immigration Studies. That’s where the problem begins. It gets worse when all the facts are uncovered; facts that Democrat supporters of the Act, led by Senator Harry Reid, D-NV are not making public and hoping they will stay below the radar undetected.
“The $6.2 billion per year of costs for this atrocious piece of legislation was just the estimate covering the illegal children already in this country, but these children will beget hundreds, thousands and millions more because not only will those under 35 years of age get multiple benefits from it, but the potential for those children to be able to sponsor their other relatives until the country is overrun with unwanted hordes of foreigners, along with the illegals that pour across the border almost unmolested thanks to Obama.”


Republicans Slam DREAM Act for Including Immigrants With Criminal Records

(The Dream Act not so innocent)

“Republicans are grousing about what they argue is a glaring loophole that allows illegal immigrant criminals to qualify for a green card.”
“According to a memo circulated by GOP aides on the Senate Judiciary Committee, there are a host of crimes illegal immigrants would be allowed to commit and still qualify -- assault, domestic violence, sexual abuse, reckless driving and various types of fraud among them.”

Republicans Slam DREAM Act for Including Immigrants With Criminal Records -


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The money that will be spent on the Dream Act could send lots of American children to school giving them the chance for the American dream. This is about as senseless as a bucket of hose crap.
Hopkins Medicine Magazine - The Alfredo Story


From illegal migrant worker to Hopkins brain surgeon: It sounds like a movie plot, but the leading man now walks Hopkins' hallways.

BY David Dudley


This is where all the Republican and conservative hilarity pops up. Here is an illegal alien who is now one of the top brain surgeons in the world saving American lives.

So Republicans, the party that is home to less than 6% of American scientists, says, "But an American could have that position only he got it because he's an illegal alien". You can bet this guy registers at about the top 1% of talent in the world. You don't get to be a brain surgeon because you bumped someone else out of line.

Really, you guys tickle me pink. Really and truly hilarious.

Teen made $50,000 smuggling drugs across border.

Danny Santos has a new goal now. He's training as a professional boxer. Sitting in high school, math and history lessons never captured Danny Santos' imagination. The drug-fueled streets of the Texas-Mexico border provided his education, and he was an excellent student.

Santos says he became one of the thousands of American and Mexican teenagers recruited into the dangerous world of drug smuggling.

"I didn't care. I had no conscience," Santos said at a boxing gym in El Paso, Texas.

"You're young, and you're naïve, and you think it's easy."

Teen made $50,000 smuggling drugs across border - CNN
Hey, Big Old Bitch, what's with the "path to citizenship" title?'re a racist twat lipped **** who likes to stir up shit because you're scared of the brown and black people.
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Just because you're willing to break the laws and steal and expect everything for free still doesn't make it right. Your doctor should go back to his native Mexico, they're in short supply of doctors there. He took some deserving American students place when he decided to cheat, rob, steal the American Dream. Come the right way or don't come at all, I don't care how smart you are. OBEY THE IMMIGRATION LAWS!

Why should illegal aliens get to break multiple laws without consequences? Americans are bound to obey the laws in America, why not illegal aliens from foreign countries?
"The Pew Hispanic Center study from February 2009 found that even though Hispanics make up 13 percent of the adult population, they accounted for 40 percent of sentenced federal offenders in 2007."

A report shows 75% of illegal aliens have less than a 6th grade education. Over 71% have children. 30% admit of using forged social security cards, and half of them have done so, for more than 5 years.

Just because you're willing to break the laws and steal and expect everything for free still doesn't make it right. Your doctor should go back to his native Mexico, they're in short supply of doctors there. He took some deserving American students place when he decided to cheat, rob, steal the American Dream. Come the right way or don't come at all, I don't care how smart you are. OBEY THE IMMIGRATION LAWS!

Why should illegal aliens get to break multiple laws without consequences? Americans are bound to obey the laws in America, why not illegal aliens from foreign countries?

Oh you guys are truly hilarious.

Look at Bush and McCain. Bush was jumped over thousands of others with higher grades because of his father's connections, same with McCain. Bush graduated with a C minus average and became the worst president in American history.

McCain graduated 5th FROM THE BOTTOM out of eight hundred and ninety nine cadets. And almost became a president as bad or worse than Bush.

We need to find talent and develop it no matter where it came from. If right wingers refuse to go into science or become highly educated, then the talent has to come from somewhere.

Like I said, becoming a world renowned brain surgeon isn't just "bumping someone" out of line. You have to score in the top 1%. Not a C minus, not 5th from the bottom.

In fact, there should be slots at all universities in every field where students compete for those slots, don't have to pay, and the only "stipulation" is they live in this country for 10 years after graduating. Results through competition.
Hey, Big Old Bitch, what's with the "path to citizenship" title?:confused:'re a racist twat lipped **** who likes to stir up shit because you're scared of the brown and black people.

Ignorant Little Bitch, my family is white, brown and black.:eusa_hand:
What part of illegal do you not want to understand and acknowledge.?:cuckoo:
Are these the kind of children we want in our military and as American citizens?

An island in Death Valley is easier to sell to the American people than the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform (amnesty) with some of the rhetoric coming from pro-amnesty advocates that support the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

1---They, the children, don’t know anything but this country.

BS. If some of the came here at age 16, they don’t speak English and don’t know our culture and never fully fit in here. Those born here or came here as babies enter school and still cannot speak English but speak the language of their parents and know the culture. Going to Mexico would not be a culture shock as those who came here experienced. The reason why some of them join gangs is because they do not fit in and many of the parents were gangs member too.
2---We cannot round up 20 million illegal aliens, put them on busses and deport them. We do not have enough ICE agents and it would cost too much. So the only thing we can do now it let them stay and put them on a path to citizenship. But they will have to “earn” citizenship by paying a fine, paying back taxes, learning English and going to the back of the line.

BS. No one is suggesting that we round them up like cattle but put the E-Verify system in place and monitor businesses systemically to make sure it is working and if they cannot work they will take their families and leave and they will not come. No arrest, detainments and deportations are needed.

Earn citizenship? Why would they pay a fine if they only want legal status and citizenship may take up to 20 years? How do would you figure how much back taxes is to be paid? Learning English is not a punishment and the end of the line begins in Mexico and not at the nearest Immigration Center.

3---We cannot deport them because some of them have been here for 20 years and have children that are American citizens. So we cannot deport the parents and separate them from their children.

BS. There is no statue of limitations on illegal immigration. Some of them left families back in Mexico when they came here separating families. There is no law that keeps them from taking their children with them when they are deported.

4---Economically we need them to pay for our social security. To do the jobs American will not do. Illegal aliens create a “surplus” in our economy? LMAO.

BS. Illegal aliens are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any and the benefits their anchor babies receive, welfare check, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing, emergency room medical care far outweigh the contribution they may make through any federal or state taxes paid.
20 million illegal aliens are not picking lettuce in 107* heat, cleaning toilets and washing dishes.
There are no jobs American will not and has not done. I with other Americans picked cotton dragging a 100 lb sack of cotton in 110* heat for 3.5 cent a lb.

5---Illegal aliens commit “less” crimes than American citizens or legal immigrants. They are only hard working law abiding people who only want to make a better life for their families.

BS. ”Less” is not the point. We have more than enough criminals of our own and we do not have to import more. 20 million illegal aliens are not all hard working law abiding people. We have no way of knowing who are criminals and who are not because of the many aliases and false identifications. Jose may have a criminal record and as Juan he may not.
Illegal aliens; Kill 25 Americans daily. Rape 8 children daily. Make up more then 50% or criminals in prison. Make up the MS13s the most dangerous gangs in American and other Latino gangs and drug dealers.

6---Illegal aliens only come here for a better life. To work and take care of their families and have the American dream.

BS. They do not cross the border starving, homeless and penniless. Some of them pay as much as $10,000 to human smugglers. Some of them quit jobs to come here. The do not come for a “better life” but for the life we have to offer them at our expense. All the government freebies . Have and anchor babies and hit the jack pot. Bring your criminal talents and reap the more lucrative benefits that committing crimes here has to offer.
If things are so dire in Mexico, why since 2007 have they been returning to Mexico by the thousands? With permission from the Mexican Embassy to enter with their anchor babies. Mexico has had to prepare socially for the mass influx of Mexicans returning. And our leaders are trying to entice them to stay with promise of the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform. (amnesty)

7---The most outrageous excuse I’ve heard in support of the Dream Act is those children brought here as babies and have been here for year attending high school, going to college and graduating cannot work because they are illegal. (so the Dream Act is needed to make them contributing citizens to this country)

BS. You want me to believe they have been here for years, attend school, going to college and have never worked?

Every excuse imaginable has been used by pro-amnesty advocate to support the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform, amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens.

We cannot give citizenship to 20 million illegal aliens based of a few law abiding hard working illegal aliens. We admit 1.1 million immigrants to citizenship each year. Our immigration system works.

The money the Dream Act will cost would send thousands of American children to school who want to go but cannot afford to and give them a chance to the American dream. Dream Act will take all that away and their dream.

The rhetoric for the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform has got to stop and reality need to set in. This is all destructive for America and American and will do nothing to fix illegal immigration and secure our border.
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Why the Lame Duck Session of Congress is So DangerousBy: Floyd Brown

To understand Washington DC, you have to first stop listening to the rhetoric, and start watching the behavior. As TV character Michael Weston aptly puts it, “Watch my actions, not my words.” Underneath all the bluster, we live in a single party country where the Republicans and Democrats are just different factions of a big-government loving elite feasting on the plunder of an enormous bureaucracy.

"Why the Lame Duck Session of Congress is So Dangerous" - Patriot Update
Illegals are here because:

They get social benefits.
Employers hire them.
There are Sanctuary Cities.
There's no Southern Border fence.
There's no enforcement of current immigration laws.

How would this bill fix any of that? Oh yeah, it won't.
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