LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread


Only contribution illegal aliens make is to corporations who want unlimited supply of cheap labor without have to pay health insurance or unemployment benefits and future votes for democrats.

illegal aliens pay income tax and social security tax when they work, be it under false pretenses or not. THAT money goes into federal funds. are some the funds paid by illegals, yes, but not all. why don't you stop going after immigrants that want to work and support the programs that help YOU and go after the CORPORATIONS that are breaking the law. that would be republican supported CORPORATIONS. wake up Lil, your anger is misplaced.
LilOlLady...are you mad at Mexicans and Canadians and all other "non-natives" to the Continent too? It always seems like Americans take the grunt end of people's frustrations. Also, that reminded me of a sign I saw from a Mexican woman at a pro-illegal immigration rally saying for Americans to "go back to their own continent". Arn't Mexicans just like Americans, as in the majority are all of mostly European ancestry?

As for Illegals doing nothing. They do do jobs...that they shouldn't have. There should be nothing to give them free citizenship...that's like rewarding any other criminal, stupid. Deport everyone (regardless of background) that is illegal and start from scratch, taking a couple hundred people in annual to make the system better and to keep the country safe.
LilOlLady...are you mad at Mexicans and Canadians and all other "non-natives" to the Continent too? It always seems like Americans take the grunt end of people's frustrations. Also, that reminded me of a sign I saw from a Mexican woman at a pro-illegal immigration rally saying for Americans to "go back to their own continent". Arn't Mexicans just like Americans, as in the majority are all of mostly European ancestry?

As for Illegals doing nothing. They do do jobs...that they shouldn't have. There should be nothing to give them free citizenship...that's like rewarding any other criminal, stupid. Deport everyone (regardless of background) that is illegal and start from scratch, taking a couple hundred people in annual to make the system better and to keep the country safe.

What part of "ILLEGAL" do YOU not understand. I hate illegal immigration and here in Nevada and Arizona where I live and grew up in it was predominately Mexican illegals.
Illegal aliens from Mexico are not Americans even though they are considered white. They are citizens of Mexico who entered this country illegal AFTER we drew up immigration laws.
Europeans who entered this country through Ellis Island and registered are not in this coutry illegally.
The Mexican women who rally for Americans to go back to their country or orgin is stupid to the history of how those immigrants entered this country. They made a contribution because we were in to nation building then but now we are into to nation survival and we cannot survive with uncontrolled immigration.

Majority of illegals are from south of the border and they are the ones causing most of our problems. MS13 gangs.etc. They enter school not able to speak English and we have to hire teachers to teach them. They are coming across the southern border and we pay border patrols. Canadians are not entering at the rate of Hispanics.
African American are of African descent but that does not give Africans legally right to be here?
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Only contribution illegal aliens make is to corporations who want unlimited supply of cheap labor without have to pay health insurance or unemployment benefits and future votes for democrats.

illegal aliens pay income tax and social security tax when they work, be it under false pretenses or not. THAT money goes into federal funds. are some the funds paid by illegals, yes, but not all. why don't you stop going after immigrants that want to work and support the programs that help YOU and go after the CORPORATIONS that are breaking the law. that would be republican supported CORPORATIONS. wake up Lil, your anger is misplaced.

Illegal aliens are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes any any and they collect benefits that far out weigh the taxes they pay. Healthcare via ER. Anchor babies education and social services. Incarcerations. Gangs.
I don't discriminate. I go after corporations, our government and ilegals.
Illegals killed 25 americans a day, rape 8 children a day not to mention other crimes committed. The price of illegal aliens is to high for americans to pay.
If they are paying my social security, why is social security going broke and I did not get my COLA last two years, and there are 20 million in this country?
They are not contributions to the economy either, it is failing. All the rhetoric you hear is coming from pro-illegal immigrants advocates and illegals.
They contribute absolute nothing to this country. I don't see it and I sure as hell don't feel it. They have bankrupt Calif and many hospitals. The reason why they should be deported is too many to mention.

Illegal aliens make no contributions to this country what so ever. The benefits they receive by way of their anchor babies, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing and section 8 housing, and the benefits of free emergency room medical care. Canceled out any taxes they may pay.
They are low income earners and pay very little taxes if any. They take jobs from Americans and lower wages.
They do not pay my social security because social security is going broke and were is my social security COLA?

The Dream Act will cause “chain migration” of millions of immigrants that we don’t have jobs for. 15 million Americans are unemployed and we don’t know how many illegal aliens are unemployed or collecting unemployment.
If the Dream act put millions into our military, they will be paid and eventually qualify for all veterans benefits.

Only contribution illegal aliens make is to corporations who want unlimited supply of cheap labor without have to pay health insurance or unemployment benefits and future votes for democrats.

Illegal aliens are still entering this country daily in hope of benefiting from the promise of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (amnesty) and there is no work for them and they turn to committing crimes. One such we was ask why he committed crime said because there is not work. Crimes are on the increase with the unemployment of illegal alien.
With illegal immigration comes more gang violence and drug smuggling and dealing.

Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast
September 5th, 2010 by
Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast | Treasure Coast Talk
The Dream Act will cause “chain migration” of millions of immigrants???

I rather doubt this. Very few illegal immigrants would qualify.

Just to qualify the person would have to have proof :confused:that they lived here for 5 years and entered the country prior to the age of 16 and have a clean record. In addition the person would also have to graduate from High School and been accepted into a college. They also have to be between the ages of 12 and 35 at time the bill was enacted so anchor babies would not qualify. :confused:The granting of citizenship depends on getting an honorable discharge from military service or graduation from college. plus other requirement. Any criminal activity and they're out.

DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To qualifty for citizenship

Then it is not worth the cost to even implement? How does one prove anything when they have numerous aliases? An illegal aliens who is convicted of a crime has only to change his alias,
There probably won't even be enough that qualify to even bother with the Dream Act. Most drop out and join gangs anyway. What advantage is there for them to become citizens anyway. They can live and work here as long as they want to? To become american citizens, they have to give up their Mexican citizenship. Right????
Illegal Immigration Statistics That Might Shock You

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 at 9:03 pm

A lot has been already said and nothing much has been seriously done for impeding the illegitimate intrusion into our country. As a result, the mounting illegal immigration statistics and escalating crime rate has not just shocked us, but has distresses us as well. Illegal immigration statistics were on a rise for many years in a row and the entire US has faced its aftermaths. Illegal immigration is like an illicit burden on our economy.

The cost that is incurred by our government in offering them medical and other facilities is far greater than the taxes these illegal immigrants pay whenever they purchase a good or through their ITIN number.

Illegal Immigration Statistics

Illegal aliens make no contributions to this country what so ever. The benefits they receive by way of their anchor babies, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing and section 8 housing, and the benefits of free emergency room medical care. Canceled out any taxes they may pay.
They are low income earners and pay very little taxes if any. They take jobs from Americans and lower wages.
They do not pay my social security because social security is going broke and were is my social security COLA?

The Dream Act will cause “chain migration” of millions of immigrants that we don’t have jobs for. 15 million Americans are unemployed and we don’t know how many illegal aliens are unemployed or collecting unemployment.
If the Dream act put millions into our military, they will be paid and eventually qualify for all veterans benefits.

Only contribution illegal aliens make is to corporations who want unlimited supply of cheap labor without have to pay health insurance or unemployment benefits and future votes for democrats.

Illegal aliens are still entering this country daily in hope of benefiting from the promise of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (amnesty) and there is no work for them and they turn to committing crimes. One such we was ask why he committed crime said because there is not work. Crimes are on the increase with the unemployment of illegal alien.
With illegal immigration comes more gang violence and drug smuggling and dealing.

Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast
September 5th, 2010 by
Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast | Treasure Coast Talk
The Dream Act will cause “chain migration” of millions of immigrants???

I rather doubt this. Very few illegal immigrants would qualify.

Just to qualify the person would have to have proof :confused:that they lived here for 5 years and entered the country prior to the age of 16 and have a clean record. In addition the person would also have to graduate from High School and been accepted into a college. They also have to be between the ages of 12 and 35 at time the bill was enacted so anchor babies would not qualify. :confused:The granting of citizenship depends on getting an honorable discharge from military service or graduation from college. plus other requirement. Any criminal activity and they're out.

DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To qualifty for citizenship

Then it is not worth the cost to even implement? How does one prove anything when they have numerous aliases? An illegal aliens who is convicted of a crime has only to change his alias,
There probably won't even be enough that qualify to even bother with the Dream Act. Most drop out and join gangs anyway. What advantage is there for them to become citizens anyway. They can live and work here as long as they want to? To become american citizens, they have to give up their Mexican citizenship. Right????
Approximately 65,000 students graduate from U.S. high schools each year who have been in the United States more than 5 years, but face limited prospects for completing their education or working legally in the U.S. because they were brought here at a young age without immigration documents.

The CBO has not scored the Bill in the Senate, however the cost of the 2004 bill was judged insignificant and covered mostly by fees.

The five year residency requirement is pretty easy prove, since they have to graduate from high school to be qualify.

The advantage to these kids of becoming a US citizen should be obvious. An undocumented alien lives beneath the radar. Taxes are taken out of their paychecks but they do not get refunds because they are afraid to file a return. They pay social security but can never draw it out. They are excluded from military service. Many social programs require documents which they do not have. Many live in crime infested neighborhoods but are afraid to report crimes to the police. They work for lower wages than documented immigrants often in illegal enterprises. They are cheated by employers but have no legal recourse. And worst of all, they live with the constant thought, that they may be deported from the only country they know.

Most of the kids that would qualify for the Dream Act did not choose to come into this country illegally. They were brought here by their families. In general, their families encourage them to stay under the radar, which often mean dropping out of school and forgoing any opportunity of holding down a decent job.. The Dream Act would make it possible for these kids to become an asset to the nation as opposed to liability.

Yes, you can be a citizen of the US and Mexico.
Originally posted by LilOlLady
You cannot conceivablely be that stupid and unimformed.

Jose, Maria and junior illegal are first class Free Loaders and never be more than Free Loaders. Only reason they are here is for the freebies because there is work in Mexico, there is healthcare and there is education. Other reason they are here is because this is America.
I would like to see Family Illegal do without Americans for one day. No freebies for one day.

An illegal Mexican who spend most of his life fixing roofs in the US contributes a gazillion times more to the American economy than an american citizen who gets 23 k from the US government every year just for being an Indian.

This is a fact no matter how much it displeases you.
How the Land of Northeast Ohio Was Stolen from Indigenous Peoples
How Indian Land Was Stolen

In one of the saddest episodes of our brief history, men, women, and children were taken from their land, herded into makeshift forts with minimal facilities and food, then forced to march a thousand miles(Some made part of the trip by boat in equally horrible conditions). Under the generally indifferent army commanders, human losses for the first groups of Cherokee removed were extremely high. John Ross made an urgent appeal to Scott, requesting that the general let his people lead the tribe west. General Scott agreed. Ross organized the Cherokee into smaller groups and let them move separately through the wilderness so they could forage for food. Although the parties under Ross left in early fall and arrived in Oklahoma during the brutal winter of 1838-39, he significantly reduced the loss of life among his people. About 4000 Cherokee died as a result of the removal. The route they traversed and the journey itself became known as "The Trail of Tears" or, as a direct translation from Cherokee, "The Trail Where They Cried" ("Nunna daul Tsuny").

The Trail of Tears - Cherokee Indians forcibly removed from North Georgia

Land run (sometimes "land rush" ) usually refers to an historical event in which previously-restricted land of the United States was opened for homesteading on a first arrival basis. Some newly opened lands were sold first-come, sold by bid, or won by lottery, or by means other than a run. The settlers, no matter how they acquired occupancy, purchased the land from the United States Land Office. For former Indian lands, the Land Office distributed the funds to the various tribal entities according to previously negotiated terms. The Oklahoma Land Run of 1889 was the most prominent of the land runs, although there were several others enumerated below.

There were seven land runs in Oklahoma:

Land run - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But in all honesty, would you rather be living in a western hemisphere in 2010 that never saw a single "foreigner" that improved civilization for millions of people who live here today. Can you honestly say the land belongs to those who do nothing to improve it?

I know at least one "Native American" who laughs at the thought of living the way "his ancestors" did.

And really, virtually ever country has gone though something similar in their past. It is who can improve the world and make it a better place to live in that counts.
José;3040895 said:
Originally posted by LilOlLady
You cannot conceivablely be that stupid and unimformed.

Jose, Maria and junior illegal are first class Free Loaders and never be more than Free Loaders. Only reason they are here is for the freebies because there is work in Mexico, there is healthcare and there is education. Other reason they are here is because this is America.
I would like to see Family Illegal do without Americans for one day. No freebies for one day.

An illegal Mexican who spend most of his life fixing roofs in the US contributes a gazillion times more to the American economy than an american citizen who gets 23 k from the US government every year just for being an Indian.

This is a fact no matter how much it displeases you.

In my neighborhood, that roofer's 2 kids would drain the economy of $23,000 just going to the local elementary school. There's no way illegals give more than they take unless they are rich people just looking to live in America and don't have time to stand in line at Customs.
José;3040895 said:
Originally posted by LilOlLady
You cannot conceivablely be that stupid and unimformed.

Jose, Maria and junior illegal are first class Free Loaders and never be more than Free Loaders. Only reason they are here is for the freebies because there is work in Mexico, there is healthcare and there is education. Other reason they are here is because this is America.
I would like to see Family Illegal do without Americans for one day. No freebies for one day.

An illegal Mexican who spend most of his life fixing roofs in the US contributes a gazillion times more to the American economy than an american citizen who gets 23 k from the US government every year just for being an Indian.

This is a fact no matter how much it displeases you.

No this is not a fact. It's only a fact to Jose. If you think you can put me on a guilt trip, you are wasting you time. The U.S. government will never pay native american enough for what they have stolen. They will never pay afro-american enough either that's why it is never considered.

Steve King call reperation for blacks farmers being discriminated against in the 80s and 90s as reperation for slavery. Fucking idiot racist.

Steve King: Black Farmers' Settlement Is 'Slavery Reparations'

The Senate last week finally approved the multi-billion-dollar funding for the Pigford II and Cobell settlements, which will allow the government to pay out claims to African-American farmers and American Indians who were discriminated against in recent decades by government agencies. Now, the House -- which has passed the funding several times over -- will have to approve it, probably this week. The House, in fact, was voting on procedural motions surrounding the bill as this post was written.

Steve King: Black Farmers' Settlement Is 'Slavery Reparations' (VIDEO) | TPMMuckraker
How can the measly amount a few black farmers would collect began to pay reparation for hundred of years of slavery? :think: :doh: :eh:
No amount of reparation would give back the families members slaves lost to slavery.
They are low income earners and pay very little taxes if any. They take jobs from Americans and lower wages. ...

Are you blaming the undocumented workers for lowering wages and being low income earners?

They are employed because they work for less than ameican will doing the same jobs. Otherwise they would have jobs. I am not blaming then for being low income earner and uneducated poor of Mexico. They just are. The reason they are here working is corporations need for cheap labor.

Phyllis Schlafly, JD, conservative political activist, public speaker, and author, in a Nov. 9, 2004 Human Events article titled "Get Borders and Illegal Immigration Under Control": "No Amnesty. Congress should stiffen its backbone against the Bush Administration plan to grant amnesty to illegal aliens... Millions of foreigners are 'willing' to work for a few dollars a day and Americans are not willing to work for Third World wages. Terminate H-1B visas, since the U.S. has thousands of unemployed American engineers and computer specialists."[1]

Argument: Illegals take jobs from and lower wages for US citizens - Debatepedia
They are employed because they work for less than ameican will doing the same jobs. Otherwise they would have jobs. I am not blaming then for being low income earner and uneducated poor of Mexico. They just are. The reason they are here working is corporations need for cheap labor.

I don't get it... in an day and age where right wingers see the minimum wage as a bad thing, isn't it a good thing these workers bring wages down? Isn't cheap labor a good thing?
I haven't really looked at the Dream Act, but if it doesn't include fast-tracking to citizenship (the wait is now an average of 3 years AFTER payment of hundreds of dollars for application fees along the way), illegal immigrants from Mexico will continue to cross the border.

That, and I don't know why we can't just go back to the structural bussing to and from the border areas of seasonal workers to do the planting of various fruits and vegetables across the country, and then the harvesting. Anyone remember Caesar Chavez? He was a lone lobbyist for fair wages for California's grape pickers, but those pickers weren't here illegally: They were here on work visas, and it worked out very well.

The Dream Act is posted in full on, should you be interested in reading it...:)

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