LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Let me know when it reads more than 30 Million.

I'm not surprised that you prefer a lie

Yep, Every year people flood over the Border, Every year, the claim stayed a 12 Million, now the claim is down to 8 Million, and you accuse me of Lying. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Merry Christmas Sangha! :)

Only a wingnut would wonder why fewer people sneak into the US for jobs during a period of high unemployment :lol:
I'm not surprised that you prefer a lie

Yep, Every year people flood over the Border, Every year, the claim stayed a 12 Million, now the claim is down to 8 Million, and you accuse me of Lying. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Merry Christmas Sangha! :)

Only a wingnut would wonder why fewer people sneak into the US for jobs during a period of high unemployment :lol:

The more that come, the less you acknowledge. ;) You count worse than Al Gore! :lol: :lol: :lol: Those numbers just keep going down, yet my streets are more crowded every year. Good play. ;)
Yep, Every year people flood over the Border, Every year, the claim stayed a 12 Million, now the claim is down to 8 Million, and you accuse me of Lying. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Merry Christmas Sangha! :)

Only a wingnut would wonder why fewer people sneak into the US for jobs during a period of high unemployment :lol:

The more that come, the less you acknowledge. ;) You count worse than Al Gore! :lol: :lol: :lol: Those numbers just keep going down, yet my streets are more crowded every year. Good play. ;)

Then move out of the ghetto, or can't you afford a decent place to live :lol:
Only a wingnut would wonder why fewer people sneak into the US for jobs during a period of high unemployment :lol:

The more that come, the less you acknowledge. ;) You count worse than Al Gore! :lol: :lol: :lol: Those numbers just keep going down, yet my streets are more crowded every year. Good play. ;)

Then move out of the ghetto, or can't you afford a decent place to live :lol:

You are really good at diverting and avoiding argument and reality both. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The more that come, the less you acknowledge. ;) You count worse than Al Gore! :lol: :lol: :lol: Those numbers just keep going down, yet my streets are more crowded every year. Good play. ;)

Then move out of the ghetto, or can't you afford a decent place to live :lol:

You are really good at diverting and avoiding argument and reality both. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And you're really good at thinking "anecdote = statistics" :lol:
The lives and future of America is at risk.

Enforcement is the only solution to illegal immigration. It has been tested and worked in the past. Not the Dream Act or Com. Immig. Reform that encourages more illegal immigration.

American students, from pre-school upward are already competing with children of illegal aliens for education and jobs. Parents of American children are already competing for jobs with parents of illegal liens children.

Put illegal alien children on a path to citizenship through the Dream Act and their parents on a path to citizenship through Comp. Immig. Reform and it will create more competition for American children and their parents.

Illegal aliens have cost this country and Americans economically. Hospitals across the country has gone bankrupt because illegal aliens use Emergency Rooms for their primary healthcare, they use delivery room to deliver they anchor babies and do not pay their bill. They take jobs and lower wages for skilled an unskilled American workers.

Children of illegal aliens lower the standard of education for American children because they usually have to be taught English before they can be taught reading, writing and arithmetic. Taking teaching time away from the American child. Resulting in failing schools, failing teachers and failing children. Then came the Voucher Program that further took away from the failing public schools and the children left behind in them and displace good teachers who can only do so much. We never had failing schools, failing teacher and failing students until our schools became over crowded with children of illegal aliens who had to be taught English before academically.

Not to mention the crime that comes with illegal immigration. 20 million illegal aliens are not all hard working people who only want to take care of their families. Because of illegal alien criminals our prisons are overcrowded resulting with the release of thousand of criminals back on our streets on citizens.

The depletion of our natural resources. We have a shortage of drinking water and water to grow crops to feed this country. Resulting in exporting much of our food source that put Americans and their animals at risk. Our social services are over extended, welfare, food stamps, medical care, public housing and HUD subsidized housing and those programs are cut and benefits or cut. There is nothing positive about illegal immigration. Even our homeless are being displaced by homeless illegal aliens they have to compete with.

Our government has to do the right thing for Americans and America if we are going to get through these hard time and survive as a nation. Americans are struggling and they don’t need anything that makes that struggle harder. Illegal immigration is not all the problem, but it added to the problem.

My brother had a lucrative painting business, hired several Americans to work with him. Because illegal aliens underbid and took jobs from his business the lost his business. His employees lost their jobs. He lost his home and rentals. He lost his wife and finally took his life. How many more Americans have lost because of cheap labor? Americans have taken their lives and the lives for their families because of the economy exacerbated by illegal immigration and cheap labor.
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Tell me Lilo

Do you also understand why FREE TRADE is the same sort of betrayal of Americans?
Nevada’s percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nation
By Timothy Pratt

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m.

Nevada tops the nation when it comes to the percentage of illegal immigrants in the workforce, according to a report issued today by the Pew Hispanic Center.

The Washington-based think tank estimates that 170,000 workers, or 12.2 percent of the state's total, are illegal immigrants. That is more than twice the national average, which is 5.4 percent. The top five were rounded out by California, Arizona, New Jersey and Florida. The figures are 2008 estimates

Nevada's percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nation - Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

AND Nevada has the highest unemployment rate. 14.3% in July.
Nevada Sets New High For Unemployment At 14.3%

Could Reid be part of the problem also?
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Nevada’s percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nation
By Timothy Pratt

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m.

Nevada tops the nation when it comes to the percentage of illegal immigrants in the workforce, according to a report issued today by the Pew Hispanic Center.

The Washington-based think tank estimates that 170,000 workers, or 12.2 percent of the state's total, are illegal immigrants. That is more than twice the national average, which is 5.4 percent. The top five were rounded out by California, Arizona, New Jersey and Florida. The figures are 2008 estimates

Nevada's percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nation - Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

AND Nevada has the highest unemployment rate. 14.3% in July.
Nevada Sets New High For Unemployment At 14.3%

Nevada's business owners are using the tax cuts to create new jobs!!!!

For illegal immigrants!!!! :lol::lol:

That's wingnut economic policy for you!!:lol::lol:
Free Trade, when it employ's Child, Prison, and Slave Labor is an Oxymoron, or Double Speak at best. The problem is not the Free Market Concept, not where and when value for value is practiced. The Problem is when Oligarchy Capitalism or State Capitalism comes in and corrupts the market at every level.
Dirty Work
What are the jobs Americans won't do?
By Daniel Gross
Posted Friday, Jan. 12, 2007, at 6:36 AM ET

Yet it's increasingly common to hear politicians, CEOs, and immigration activists impugn American workers as a bunch of shiftless layabouts who regard many good jobs as beneath their dignity. That, they say, is why employers have to turn to immigrants—some of them legal, many of them illegal. To hear CEOs tell it, they'd much rather hire English-speaking, tax-paying U.S. citizens, people who won't disrupt operations by getting rounded up in Homeland Security sweeps. But they just can't find any Americans willing to do their jobs. As President Bush himself said last March, the United States needs a temporary guest-worker program that would "match willing foreign workers with willing American employers to fill jobs that Americans will not do."

In December 2006, Mickey Kaus discussed the immigration raid at Swift & Co. In October 2006, Kaus wondered whether President Bush would sign the bill authorizing construction of a 700-mile fence along the Mexico border. In April 2006, Jacob Weisberg argued that the U.S. does not need a big immigration-reform bill. In May 2005, Daniel Gross wondered if there was a link between immigration applications and the fluctuating value of the U.S. dollar.What are these jobs that Americans will not do? Do they exist? Or are they a figment of the business community's imagination? It turns out that their claims are largely true—there are plenty of jobs Americans avoid. Let's take a tour of them. Americans shun pretty much any unskilled labor that requires them to get their hands dirty: landscaping, entry-level construction, picking fruits and vegetables (Reuters reports that "up to 70 percent of U.S. farm workers are estimated to be undocumented, totaling about 500,000 people"), cleaning hotel rooms, busing tables, and prep cooking in urban restaurants.

What are the jobs Americans won't do? - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Dirty Jobs Americans Supposedly Won't Do
I've never seen an illegal aliens dumpster diving for aluminum cans, picking fruits and vegetables in Reno and other large cities with large populations of illegals. 20 million illegals are not getting their hands dirty doing back breaking work in 107* heat.
Report Shows Unauthorized Immigrants Leaving Jennifer Ludden
September 1, 2010

ICE is now deporting some 400,000 immigrants a year, double the number just a few years back.
There has also been mounting anecdotal evidence in recent years that some immigrants, fearful of arrest, are deciding to leave the U.S. on their own. ... =129578179

Now that they are finally self deporting, why are Obama and Reid inticing them to stay with the Dream Act and Comp. Immig. Reform?:confused:
Student ILLEGALS Threaten Race Riots Over Loss of AmnestyOne Old Vet Student ILLEGALS Threaten Race Riots Over Loss of Amnesty

Children of illegal alien respond to the Dream Act being defeated by demanding their “civil rights” as the blacks demanded for their civil rights in the 60s.

I ask when? Has illegal aliens segregated, had to sit in the back of the bus, after getting on the bus and buying the ticket, having to get off the bus and board the bus through the rear door, could not eat at lunch counters, separated drinking fountains, rest rooms and waiting rooms, hung for just being Mexican, called boy or gal no matter how old you were, dogs let loose on them, hosed down with water, could only live in Mexican section of town, having your churches bombed, being bussed to white school cafeterias to eat after white children had eaten, after being enslaved for hundreds of years, etc. Do Mexican children even know what “Jim Crow” mean?

How dare children of illegal aliens try to compare their not given legalization under the Dream Act to the atrocities Blacks had to endure just to stay alive? It is offensive to every Black person to make such comparison.

When Mexican children live the hundreds of years treated as sub-human, shut the fuck up and go home. Blacks do not have a home to go to. They were forced from their homeland, torn from families, shackled and treated worse then the animals transported with them.

Where is Jackson, Sharpton, Cosby, West and all the black representatives who listen to this garbage and say nothing? How dare them.

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