LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

They didn't do to well during the Rodney King riots they will do worse in this type of riot. The only bad part is a lot of good folks will get hurt by accident.
The only way Mexico will ever win another war is if France invades Acapulco.
Lemme see here. It's been about 8 years. How are things going in the sand pits where they have no artillery, planes, choppers...........?
Keep waving that flag.

I suggest you look up the King riots there dougie. The Koreans had a 24 to one kill rate alone.
The only way Mexico will ever win another war is if France invades Acapulco.
Lemme see here. It's been about 8 years. How are things going in the sand pits where they have no artillery, planes, choppers...........?
Keep waving that flag.

I suggest you look up the King riots there dougie. The Koreans had a 24 to one kill rate alone.
The Koreans were fighting a bunch of yard apes, not the fucking US military...........However........... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Could that be the problem ?
Free Trade, when it employ's Child, Prison, and Slave Labor is an Oxymoron, or Double Speak at best. The problem is not the Free Market Concept, not where and when value for value is practiced. The Problem is when Oligarchy Capitalism or State Capitalism comes in and corrupts the market at every level.

I must respectfully disagree that the concept of a so-called "free market" is not the problem. It is the problem. Why? Because that concept places control of worldwide food supplies into the hands of the heinous. From that position in the so-called "free market" they easily plan and execute man made famines. Who now controls Commodities?? The Vatican. Have you noticed how expensive food has become? Food prices are rising daily and Obama -- the President of the strongest country on the planet, is sitting on his tail allowing this thing to happen.

As well, "free market" and "free trade" has also come to mean people -- trading people. Bush even signed a treaty with Mexico making Mexicans "things" of "free trade".

It's nazism on a grand, worldwide scale and it gives them the total control they require to do as they please to anybody.
Ah the parish priests in Arizona are at it again, eh?

They actually think they are going to spark what? A civil war??

They might want to rethink their designs. We know all about the Vatican hands in this picture. You betcha.
Don't kid yourself. They aren't "self deporting". They are going home to satisfy green card requirements which requires that they leave America for short periods, then they can return.

As well, many return home for holiday celebrations and religious demands.

Just once in the greater scheme of things, I wish the American people were told all the facts on this immigration issue.
Report Shows Unauthorized Immigrants Leaving Jennifer Ludden
September 1, 2010

ICE is now deporting some 400,000 immigrants a year, double the number just a few years back.
There has also been mounting anecdotal evidence in recent years that some immigrants, fearful of arrest, are deciding to leave the U.S. on their own. ... =129578179

Now that they are finally self deporting, why are Obama and Reid inticing them to stay with the Dream Act and Comp. Immig. Reform?:confused:

Is an 'unauthorized' immigrant the same as an illegal immigrant? :lol::lol::lol:
They are very good at blah, blah, blah - all talk no action. Have you not heard how when they speak they go on and on and on and on.
The Parish Priests are exactly who has been organizing the rebellion in those people.

And a WHOLE LOT of us Catholics are fed up with that crap.
It's been going on for 2 years and Obama is increasing the pace of deportations. I don't like the guy and particularly I don't like what he says but in this area he is a big improvement on Bush.
Don't kid yourself. They aren't "self deporting". They are going home to satisfy green card requirements which requires that they leave America for short periods, then they can return.

As well, many return home for holiday celebrations and religious demands.

Just once in the greater scheme of things, I wish the American people were told all the facts on this immigration issue.

They also fail to mention the fact that they are coming over the border in record numbers... so sure "some" may be going home for whatever reason, but alot more are sneaking here in plain sight.
It's been going on for 2 years and Obama is increasing the pace of deportations. I don't like the guy and particularly I don't like what he says but in this area he is a big improvement on Bush.

This is bullshit... Im sorry, but no way!

Where is Obama on just the two incidents listed below?

Authorities Release New Info in American's Shooting Death on U.S. Border Lake

Authorities Release New Info in American's Shooting Death on U.S. Border Lake -

Mother forces Mexico to admit killing of her son

Mother forces Mexico to admit killing of her son - Americas, World - The Independent

Obama is a coward..... he sits there and listens while President Felipe Calderon ripped Arizona's new law clamping down on illegal immigrants in front of Congress.

When is Obama going to stand up and defend America????
What a fraud! Just whose country is he behind?
Don't kid yourself. They aren't "self deporting". They are going home to satisfy green card requirements which requires that they leave America for short periods, then they can return.

As well, many return home for holiday celebrations and religious demands.

Just once in the greater scheme of things, I wish the American people were told all the facts on this immigration issue.

If you had the facts you would know that they are not getting back in. and they pay for the pack of lies they receive that they can get back. I know a woman who tried to get back in to her child and could not. Unless she sprout wings and fly in she is stranded in Mexico indefinately.
Yes thousands are self deporting because they have lost their jobs and cannot find work. There are jobs in Mexico.
Fact is less are attempting to cross the border and there is more border control.
Convict Turned Youth Counselor Fights Deportation
December 29, 2010

SAN FRANCISCO -- Community leaders Tuesday were trying to convince Governor Schwarzenegger to pardon a Chinese immigrant who works as San Francisco youth counselor in one of his last acts before he leaves office to keep the counselor from being deported because of his criminal record.

"I didn't really fully comprehend the consequences of my actions to how much it affected the victims, the community, and my family." Zheng said. "I was naïve. I was uneducated."
Convict Turned Youth Counselor Fights Deportation - News Story - KRXI Reno

Napolitano creates dangerous loophole in ‘Nation’s Security’
• December 26, 2010

Director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, has agreed to setup a “Trusted Travel Program” between the U.S. and Mexico. It will allow Mexicans who are considered low security risk to skip customs check points when they fly into the U.S.

Critics say this lays out a welcome mat for drug cartels and others with evil intentions that are trying to get into the U.S. These individuals would only have to pass a Mexican background check and Napolitano believes that this would be good enough.

Napolitano creates dangerous loophole in ‘Nation’s Security’
Arizona Regains Footing in Legal Battle Over Immigration Law
December 15, 2010
After suffering a major legal setback in the summer, Arizona regained its footing in court Friday when a federal judge dismissed parts of the U.S. Justice Department’s challenge to the state’s new immigration law and rejected several claims made by Hispanic activists and Phoenix police

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