LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Toughest job in the world: Woman, 20, becomes police chief in one of Mexico's most violent border towns... because no one else will do it

By David Gardner
Last updated at 12:58 PM on 21st October 2010
Comments (45) Add to My Stories A twenty-year-old woman has been appointed as police chief of one of Mexico’s most violent border towns.
Criminology student Marisol Valles Garcia is about to get a quick lesson in the harsh realities of keeping the peace in a state overrun by drug traffickers.
She took charge on Monday of security in crime-plagued Guadalupe Distrito Bravo, a town with a population of 10,000 close to the U.S. border.

Read more: Female student, 20, becomes police chief of one of Mexico's most violent towns | Mail Online

All these little punk ass bitches, anchor babies because Mexico is the country of their parents and those who were brought here illegally, need to take their riots back to their homeland and help this young lady fight for their country. How can we trust that they will fight with our young men and women against terrorist? If they had an ounce of patriotism and compassion toward their people they woud go home.
Amazing that Big Old Bitch's thread filled with racist bullshit is still alive.

I will be speaking out against illegal immigraition until the last shovel of dirt covers my old stinking body. and beyond. and I am flat on my back and cannot move my legs at the moment as I am in a MS relapse. At least I am not pedaling my ass useless on a bike. or is that useless ass on a bike? Maybe you should pedal your ass down to Mexico and make yourself usefull fight drug cartels.:cuckoo:
All I hear from you is racist and more racist. I intend to continue to make myself an illegal alien's worse nightmare.
Illegal aliens civil rights goes no farther than being treated civil while they are being evicted and deported back home. Civil rights for illegal does not equal citizenship or even a path to citizenship.
Amazing that Big Old Bitch's thread filled with racist bullshit is still alive.

I will be speaking out against illegal immigraition until the last shovel of dirt covers my old stinking body. and beyond. and I am flat on my back and cannot move my legs at the moment as I am in a MS relapse. At least I am not pedaling my ass useless on a bike. or is that useless ass on a bike? Maybe you should pedal your ass down to Mexico and make yourself usefull fight drug cartels.:cuckoo:
All I hear from you is racist and more racist. I intend to continue to make myself an illegal alien's worse nightmare.

What's the matter Big Old Bitch? Are ya pissed that you're unable to do anything other than bitch about the illegals on a board?

At least I don't contribute to pollution. I ride everywhere I need to go in town.
[At least I don't contribute to pollution. I ride everywhere I need to go in town.

I'll bet you still have training wheels on that piece of junk. Why don't you put it in the water and see if you can track down some Mexicans in that stream of piss called the Rio Grande.:lol:
Amazing that Big Old Bitch's thread filled with racist bullshit is still alive.

I will be speaking out against illegal immigraition until the last shovel of dirt covers my old stinking body. and beyond. and I am flat on my back and cannot move my legs at the moment as I am in a MS relapse. At least I am not pedaling my ass useless on a bike. or is that useless ass on a bike? Maybe you should pedal your ass down to Mexico and make yourself usefull fight drug cartels.:cuckoo:
All I hear from you is racist and more racist. I intend to continue to make myself an illegal alien's worse nightmare.

What's the matter Big Old Bitch? Are ya pissed that you're unable to do anything other than bitch about the illegals on a board?
At least I don't contribute to pollution. I ride everywhere I need to go in town.

I do more than that punk ass bitch. If I only bitch on the board it more then pedaling my ass on a bike across town on a bike. Don't take any brains to do that, uh?
Learn any new words beside racist? Get a life and stop being a pesty little bug.
I doubt if you've contributed to anything to the human society in your miserable little existence.
Anyone using the screen name "aBikerSailor" has got to be a loser.
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Last Cop In Mexico Town Missing | Female Officer Kidnapped In Guadalupe [Video]
29 December 2010

It seems that an entire town has been given over to the Mexican drug cartels, and people are wondering if this is a small view into things to come for the embattled country. The government has not yet retaliated to the kidnapping of Irma Erika Gándara, 28 was the only police officer in the whole town of Guadalupe, with nine thousand souls.

Story continues below…

Last Cop In Mexico Town Missing | Female Officer Kidnapped In Guadalupe [Video]]
Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

FNCIC is the Foreign National Crime Information Center. It is a registry and data base for serious crimes committed against people by foreign nationals in the United States. VOIACM is the Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial, which is a victim orientated presentation of the FNCIC data base.
The pictures you see above are just a few of the Victims Of Illegal Alien Crime.

Through exclusive investigations, we have discovered that crimes committed by foreign nationals, including illegal aliens, on American soil are not tracked, recorded, or reported by the FBI or the Justice Department as being committed by foreign nationals. This includes all crimes, including those committed by illegal alien terrorists to illegal alien criminals who are currently molesting, raping, killing, and murdering Americans in shocking numbers.

FNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial

Nothing and no one, especially worms like aBikerSailor and his ranting is going to stop me from speaking out against illegal immigration when ever and where ever I can.
Are you listening, you fucking little worm?
Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution states, "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union, a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence."

Unfortunately, in our politically correct era, "invasion" and "domestic violence" are now parsed with the word "is." Regardless, our republican principals are being ignored, our borders are being trampled, our laws broken, our sovereignty violated, and our citizens are under attack from outside peoples, foreign nationals, who are committing more and more domestic violence, denying American Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, as well as Safety and HappinessFNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial

Also remember that you or a member of your family could just as easily be listed in FNCIC-VOIACM.

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Watch out LilOLady, or you will be called conspiratorial. Ignoramuses and supporters of that violence will even bang a Bible at you.

The violence is a serious problem and has been for years. Just today in our newspaper here in Texas, a report told of a City in Mexico who has absolutely no Police whatsoever. They've all been killed or resigned. One Officer was left and now she's gone missing since around December 17.

If our Intelligence networks, with all their bells and whistles, can't properly investigate and shut down this obvious Vatican effort, something is way wrong in America. And THAT should be investigated as well.

But of course, we made a king sized mistake electing another unfit person for our President.

I say this as a Democrat AND a Catholic.

Finally, this violence gone unchecked is ushering in nazi violence. And they are connecting with rightwing goons in the USA. I received an information email about that European nazi trash again this week and they are most definately following the same nazi plans of WWII, including that filth that only they are genetically perfect. They are infiltrating BOTH our political parties in the USA under third party.

The far left Democrats are already planning to move over to another third party -- the Green Party (origin, Germany) trying to escape the pall they have created with their medical murder and abortion garbage. Interestingly, the far left Democrats embrace a lot of Hitler's vile programs and the far right pick up the rest of Hilter's vile programs.

Pope John Paul told all the Cardinals to "cast your nets far and wide". Little did we know ...
The Aliens can't go back home because the Vatican goons have savaged all those areas with horrific violence.

This is immigration issue is happening all over the world, not just the Americas.
DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!"
by safari

“This is war!”
claims Phoenix student Aldemar Cruz. “Republicans may
have stopped the DREAM Act, but they won’t prevent La Reconquista from
happening. “White people, watch out!”

Olivia Perez, an undocumented student who claims she was forced to
fill out false paperwork in order to stay in the United States, says,
“Latinos need to fight back. We need to march. We need to scream. If
necessary, we need to riot. We need to do everything Blacks did to get their civil rights!”

DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!" - Page 12

IF it's war you want, it's war you will get. Bring it on you liitle #%$@ #@$% $$#% #q$#S.

"Give them and inch and they want a mile."

The mexicans already got their asses kicked once. I reckon they're ready for round two. Bring it on!

Hey LoneStar!

Six Generation Texans, Ten Generation Americans here!

This bunch not only fought the Brits, Indians, the nazis and the French, but marched to the Alamo where they fought and died. One of our kinsmen was also captured by Pancho Villa and forced to join his army or they'd kill him. (He used his wiles on Pancho and they became friends and remained so until their deaths decades later!)

Looks like Texas will have to LOAN Rick Perry to the country to clean this stinking mess up, and when he goes to DC, I'm sure he will take our Texas Rangers. From get to go, things will get cleaned up and back in shape.

And like I said, it's only a loan. We want the Perrys back here in Texas after they've fixed the country. We will however give all the Bushs to anyone willing to pay their travel expenses out of Texas -- on the condition they keep the Bushs forever. Those, we don't want back.

Our Perrys are pure blood Texans, and they are OURS.
Amazing that Big Old Bitch's thread filled with racist bullshit is still alive.

I will be speaking out against illegal immigraition until the last shovel of dirt covers my old stinking body. and beyond. and I am flat on my back and cannot move my legs at the moment as I am in a MS relapse. At least I am not pedaling my ass useless on a bike. or is that useless ass on a bike? Maybe you should pedal your ass down to Mexico and make yourself usefull fight drug cartels.:cuckoo:
All I hear from you is racist and more racist. I intend to continue to make myself an illegal alien's worse nightmare.

What's the matter Big Old Bitch? Are ya pissed that you're unable to do anything other than bitch about the illegals on a board?

At least I don't contribute to pollution. I ride everywhere I need to go in town.

*** Hey tricycle man, watch your mouth. Got that?
I will be speaking out against illegal immigraition until the last shovel of dirt covers my old stinking body. and beyond. and I am flat on my back and cannot move my legs at the moment as I am in a MS relapse. At least I am not pedaling my ass useless on a bike. or is that useless ass on a bike? Maybe you should pedal your ass down to Mexico and make yourself usefull fight drug cartels.:cuckoo:
All I hear from you is racist and more racist. I intend to continue to make myself an illegal alien's worse nightmare.

What's the matter Big Old Bitch? Are ya pissed that you're unable to do anything other than bitch about the illegals on a board?
At least I don't contribute to pollution. I ride everywhere I need to go in town.

I do more than that punk ass bitch. If I only bitch on the board it more then pedaling my ass on a bike across town on a bike. Don't take any brains to do that, uh?
Learn any new words beside racist? Get a life and stop being a pesty little bug.
I doubt if you've contributed to anything to the human society in your miserable little existence.
Anyone using the screen name "aBikerSailor" has got to be a loser.

I've got the name "A Biker Sailor" because not only was I an amateur racer (ranked no. 20 in the city of Memphis TN) of bicycles, but also because I have a Harley.

Oh yeah.......I also served this country for 20 years in the US Navy, through 4 war zones.

Still think I didn't contribute anything to human society? I'd beg to differ. What have YOU done for this country other than be a racist bitch?

Fuck off you goddamn pedant, go please purists, bitch.
[I've got the name "A Biker Sailor" because not only was I an amateur racer (ranked no. 20 in the city of Memphis TN) of bicycles, but also because I have a Harley.

Oh yeah.......I also served this country for 20 years in the US Navy, through 4 war zones.

Still think I didn't contribute anything to human society? I'd beg to differ. What have YOU done for this country other than be a racist bitch?

Fuck off you goddamn pedant, go please purists, bitch.

He served his country by AVOIDING contact with America's enemy, MEXICO, and wasted 20 years of taxpayer dollars claiming to fight people who are absolutely no threat to Americans. That is why he calls those who see the Mexicans as evil invaders, racist!
Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast
September 5th, 2010 by

The number of convicted illegal immigrants housed in Treasure Coast and Okeechobee jails has more than doubled since 2007.

The reason, local authorities said, is twofold: more illegal immigrants were coming to the area because the economy has been better here than in their own country, and they have a desire to reunite with family already in the area - no matter the consequence.

“They come here for work - agriculture, construction, day laborers,” Martin County Sheriff Bob Crowder said. “If there was no work here, then they would return to their own country.”When they’re here, some of them commit crimes.

Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast | Treasure Coast Talk
Illegal Immigrants Cause 6% of Crime , which Costs$24 Billion

David Wilson pointed out flaws in my earlier post on crime and illegal immigrants. My numbers were way off, but even when cut they support my ultimate conclusion: the cost of crime by illegal aliens wipes out the economic gains from them. And this is true even if it were to be the case, as Mr. Wilson suggests, illegal aliens have a lower propensity to commit crime---adjusting for age, sex, ethnicity, etc. --- than citizens do. (That's because for the question of how much they harm the U.S. , one shouldn't adjust: what matters is how much crime they commit in total, not how much crime they would commit if they were old and female.)

Eric Rasmusen's Weblog: Illegal Immigrants Cause 6% of Crime , which Costs$24 Billion

Illegal Immigrants Cost America $84 Billion per Year Because of Crime
Immigration is so extreme all over the world, it has become a threat to Security for everyone. And that seems to be the real intent behind the massive shifts of populations across the globe.

Some nut had a plan, cut some deals outside the scope of citizens representations, and now the entire world is in a state of flux.

Here in the USA, the governments of Mexico, and South and Central American countries are controlled by the Vatican and all are pits of violence and terrorism. Their citizens are forced by their own governments to migrate to the USA, and even if they want to go home, they can't. The violence in their home countries is so bad they can't go home.

They need to move on, and migrate to Vatican City. The Vatican made this mess. The Vatican enjoys the lofty perch that isolates them from virtually all of the problems THEY created, so my thinking is the Vatican rats nest (which happens to be a bunch of stinking nazis), should be the responsible party and host for shifting populations migrating to Vatican City.

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