LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

HELL NO.(As Jose Jalapena would say) Organ transplants paid for by the federal or state government should be reserved for American citizens and not for illegal aliens. Send the illegal aliens home, present from the tax payer, and let their country and people pay for their transplants.

I don’t want to pay for transplants, education, healthcare, incarcerations, welfare for anchor babies or anything for those who are in the country illegally. If their country don’t want to foot the bill, send them the hell home. Just maybe that will fix our illegal immigration problem. Make their countries pay and maybe their countries will stop them from immigrating illegally. If we continue to financially care for their people, why should their even care?
I thought the Nov. election was about our want smaller government and less government involvement and less taxes? If so then we should expect less money from the government?


Should illegal aliens receive organ transplants?Should illegal aliens receive organ transplants?

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."
Newsvine - "In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."

Taxpayer Funded Organ Transplants for Illegal Aliens
(Part Two of an Occasional Series)
By Connie Kaplan, RegainAmerica Staff Writer, February 16, 2009
Part two of RegainAmerica's ongoing Series on "How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent".
Just how are the federal and state and municipal governments of the United States spending OUR (the taxpayers' ) money?
Meet Ana Puente and Jose Lopez, two young Illegal Aliens residing in the State of California. They were featured in an article from the Los Angeles Times as part of a series entitled Life in the Shadows, although, as we will see, Ms. Puente and Mr. Lopez, although in the US illegally, seem markedly unconcerned either with their illegal status or with flying beneath the radar. Ana and Jose have had FIVE LIVER TRANSPLANTS between them.
All paid for by the taxpayers.

Taxpayer Funded Organ Transplants for Illegal Aliens (Part Two of an Occasional Series) | RegainAmerica
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The only thing taxpayers should fund for illegals is a bus ride to the nearest border and a swift kick in the pants to ensure they make it across.
The only thing taxpayers should fund for illegals is a bus ride to the nearest border and a swift kick in the pants to ensure they make it across.

I agree. Maybe you should run for Congress and help to get a law passed to make this happen.:clap2:
Only from other illegal aliens.

Seems fair to me, and compassionate enough for the scallywags!
Immigration is so extreme all over the world, it has become a threat to Security for everyone. And that seems to be the real intent behind the massive shifts of populations across the globe.

Some nut had a plan, cut some deals outside the scope of citizens representations, and now the entire world is in a state of flux.

Here in the USA, the governments of Mexico, and South and Central American countries are controlled by the Vatican and all are pits of violence and terrorism. Their citizens are forced by their own governments to migrate to the USA, and even if they want to go home, they can't. The violence in their home countries is so bad they can't go home.

They need to move on, and migrate to Vatican City. The Vatican made this mess. The Vatican enjoys the lofty perch that isolates them from virtually all of the problems THEY created, so my thinking is the Vatican rats nest (which happens to be a bunch of stinking nazis), should be the responsible party and host for shifting populations migrating to Vatican City.

Well Toss though I know that most(if not all) Latin American countries are predominately Catholic, I'm curious to what makes you think the Vatican is at fault for the hell hole some of these countries have become? Last I checked a large protion of these countries problems is caused by the Cartels... & the ony Saint they seem to worhip is Santa Muerte.
HELL NO.(As Jose Jalapena would say) Organ transplants paid for by the federal or state government should be reserved for American citizens and not for illegal aliens. Send the illegal aliens home, present from the tax payer, and let their country and people pay for their transplants.

I don’t want to pay for transplants, education, healthcare, incarcerations, welfare for anchor babies or anything for those who are in the country illegally. If their country don’t want to foot the bill, send them the hell home. Just maybe that will fix our illegal immigration problem. Make their countries pay and maybe their countries will stop them from immigrating illegally. If we continue to financially care for their people, why should their even care?
I thought the Nov. election was about our want smaller government and less government involvement and less taxes? If so then we should expect less money from the government?


Should illegal aliens receive organ transplants?Should illegal aliens receive organ transplants?

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."
Newsvine - "In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."

Taxpayer Funded Organ Transplants for Illegal Aliens
(Part Two of an Occasional Series)
By Connie Kaplan, RegainAmerica Staff Writer, February 16, 2009
Part two of RegainAmerica's ongoing Series on "How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent".
Just how are the federal and state and municipal governments of the United States spending OUR (the taxpayers' ) money?
Meet Ana Puente and Jose Lopez, two young Illegal Aliens residing in the State of California. They were featured in an article from the Los Angeles Times as part of a series entitled Life in the Shadows, although, as we will see, Ms. Puente and Mr. Lopez, although in the US illegally, seem markedly unconcerned either with their illegal status or with flying beneath the radar. Ana and Jose have had FIVE LIVER TRANSPLANTS between them.
All paid for by the taxpayers.

Taxpayer Funded Organ Transplants for Illegal Aliens (Part Two of an Occasional Series) | RegainAmerica

Finally, Republicans put their "death panels" into operation.

Some of the "illegal aliens" Republicans suddenly, out of the blue, denied coverage after they had been told "yes". They could have been "fundraising" to possibly pay for what Republicans had promised. Now they have "nothing". Not even a future. Do these even look like "illegal aliens". And, they weren't even "poor". They were "middle class". Part of the Republicans continuing "War on the Middle Class". Get ready America. This is what you voted for. Good luck on how that works out.



About this women, she is a High School Gym Teacher. Her students are going to get a first hand look at Republican Policies.
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Chicago immigrant youth are Undocumented and Unafraid
Submitted by Isaac on March 11, 2010 - 4:41am

Out of the Shadows and Into the Streets!

To kick off a national "Coming Out of the Shadows" week, more than one thousand Chicago immigrant youth and allies, crowding behind a banner with the words UNDOCUMENTED AND UNAFRAID, chanted "Without Papers, Without Fear - Immigrants are Marching Here!"

Chicago immigrant youth are Undocumented and Unafraid | Solidarity

Is this the kind of "fear" Obama was talking about when he said; During a recent press conference, President Obama claimed that since the Dream Act failed to pass, illegal immigrants and their children will find themselves under a "shadow of fear."
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Is the term "illegal alien" offensive?
(Maybe, but not illegal)

By Nicole Underwood - Producer/ KETK News
Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 4:15pm

"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty"... that's the reason that some people claim that the term "illegal immigrant" or "illegal alien" is offensive.

They are calling for the phrase to be removed from the media's vocabulary.

Supporters of the change say that the term "illegal" spreads unnecessary fear and hate.
They say that using the term "undocumented worker" or "undocumented immigrant" would be less offensive.

Do you agree?

il·le·gal (
1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.
An illegal immigrant.

Illegal [ɪˈliːgəl]
1. forbidden by law; unlawful; illicit
2. unauthorized or prohibited by a code of official or accepted rules
a person who has entered or attempted to enter a country illegally
illegally adv
illegality n
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Is the term "illegal alien" offensive?
(Maybe, but not illegal)

By Nicole Underwood - Producer/ KETK News
Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 4:15pm

"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty"... that's the reason that some people claim that the term "illegal immigrant" or "illegal alien" is offensive.

They are calling for the phrase to be removed from the media's vocabulary.

Supporters of the change say that the term "illegal" spreads unnecessary fear and hate.
They say that using the term "undocumented worker" or "undocumented immigrant" would be less offensive.

Do you agree?
Update: Is the term "illegal alien" offensive? | KETK

il·le·gal (
1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.
An illegal immigrant.

Illegal [ɪˈliːgəl]
1. forbidden by law; unlawful; illicit
2. unauthorized or prohibited by a code of official or accepted rules
a person who has entered or attempted to enter a country illegally
illegally adv
illegality n

Not to anyone who matters.
I'd willingly pay for you to have a brain transplant.

What is your problem, Ravi? Americans cannot get simple routine medical care and you want illegal aliens to get transplants paid for by the tax payers?:cuckoo: I think you are the one who needs a brain transplant.:confused:
Better yet, Rave why don't you volunteer to pay for a transplant for an illegal alien?

Probably an organ donated by an american.
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I'd willingly pay for you to have a brain transplant.

What is your problem, Ravi? Americans cannot get simple routine medical care and you want illegal aliens to get transplants paid for by the tax payers?:cuckoo: I think you are the one who needs a brain transplant.:confused:
Better yet, Rave why don't you volunteer to pay for a transplant for an illegal alien?

Probably an organ donated by an american.

Not everyone on your list is an illegal. Does that matter to Republicans? They could have given fund raisers. They could have looked for help. But they were fooled into thinking they already had help.

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."
Chicago immigrant youth are Undocumented and Unafraid
Submitted by Isaac on March 11, 2010 - 4:41am

Out of the Shadows and Into the Streets!

To kick off a national "Coming Out of the Shadows" week, more than one thousand Chicago immigrant youth and allies, crowding behind a banner with the words UNDOCUMENTED AND UNAFRAID, chanted "Without Papers, Without Fear - Immigrants are Marching Here!"

Chicago immigrant youth are Undocumented and Unafraid | Solidarity

Is this the kind of "fear" Obama was talking about when he said; During a recent press conference, President Obama claimed that since the Dream Act failed to pass, illegal immigrants and their children will find themselves under a "shadow of fear."

I'd like to see just one of these Mexicans try that in 1930's Berlin.

US veterans made it safe for these monkeys to march on the streets of America.
To post incessantly, on message boards, about immigration issues?

I'd say probably not.

Reading and comprehension are two different things. What I have advocated (that you term "incessant") is that the Immigrants migrate to Vatican City.

I never said Immigration wasn't a serious problem. It is.

It's a serious problem worldwide.
Sorry, TO, I was responding to the OP not your post.

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