LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

we need all different kinds of workers to fill different jobs, that is a given as the work force ages. The question is do we really need to import so many? My answer is no.
We don't need more Republicans. We have plenty.

And just have the lovely democrats that took the house in 2006 done so well for this country since then? other than blame bush on everything..

Only the house. The senate was divided 49 to 49.

In fact, considering what Republicans did TO the country for 6 years under Bush, I think the Democrats have done a remarkable job, otherwise we would be rebuilding Iran, totally bankrupt and in a deep depression. You know it, I know it. The direction the Republicans were taking this country was plain.

Republicans don't like Obama because he is black and the majority of Republicans are "Confederate". There is no other explanation for their "vitriol". He has done nothing close to the fiasco that was Bush. In fact, considering what the "filibuster" party has done, I'm shocked he has done as much as he has.
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We don't need more Republicans. We have plenty.

And just have the lovely democrats that took the house in 2006 done so well for this country since then? other than blame bush on everything..

Only the house. The senate was divided 49 to 49.

In fact, considering what Republicans did TO the country for 6 years under Bush, I think the Democrats have done a remarkable job, otherwise we would be rebuilding Iran, totally bankrupt and in a deep depression. You know it, I know it. The direction the Republicans were taking this country was plain.

Republicans don't like Obama because he is black and the majority of Republicans are "Confederate". There is no other explanation for their "vitriol". He has done nothing close to the fiasco that was Bush. In fact, considering what the "filibuster" party has done, I'm shocked he has done as much as he has.

I think you need an Exorcism RD. ;)
We don't need more Republicans. We have plenty.

And just have the lovely democrats that took the house in 2006 done so well for this country since then? other than blame bush on everything..

Only the house. The senate was divided 49 to 49.

In fact, considering what Republicans did TO the country for 6 years under Bush, I think the Democrats have done a remarkable job, otherwise we would be rebuilding Iran, totally bankrupt and in a deep depression. You know it, I know it. The direction the Republicans were taking this country was plain.

Republicans don't like Obama because he is black and the majority of Republicans are "Confederate". There is no other explanation for their "vitriol". He has done nothing close to the fiasco that was Bush. In fact, considering what the "filibuster" party has done, I'm shocked he has done as much as he has.
With 2 liberal independent Senators. :eusa_whistle:
Organ transplants are the most idiotic and downright heinous thing medicine has ever gotten involved in. That money would be better spent in research for cures and genetic manipulations.
I'd willingly pay for you to have a brain transplant.

What is your problem, Ravi? Americans cannot get simple routine medical care and you want illegal aliens to get transplants paid for by the tax payers?:cuckoo: I think you are the one who needs a brain transplant.:confused:
Better yet, Rave why don't you volunteer to pay for a transplant for an illegal alien?

Probably an organ donated by an american.

Not everyone on your list is an illegal. Does that matter to Republicans? They could have given fund raisers. They could have looked for help. But they were fooled into thinking they already had help.

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."

i have read a few of your posts now and all i got to say is where the hell do you get your knowledge and lies from. Why should we give illegal border hoping assholes anything other than a kick in the ass. Even dropping them near the boarder sucks they just keep coming back in... drop those mexicans as far south as we can to tell them we mean it not to come back anymore.
I'd willingly pay for you to have a brain transplant.

What is your problem, Ravi? Americans cannot get simple routine medical care and you want illegal aliens to get transplants paid for by the tax payers?:cuckoo: I think you are the one who needs a brain transplant.:confused:
Better yet, Rave why don't you volunteer to pay for a transplant for an illegal alien?

Probably an organ donated by an american.

Not everyone on your list is an illegal. Does that matter to Republicans? They could have given fund raisers. They could have looked for help. But they were fooled into thinking they already had help.

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."

that's what happens when states are mandated to provide unfunded services by the government. get used to it. we told ya the death panels were on the way, but did you listen? fuck no you did not./

i have read a few of your posts now and all i got to say is where the hell do you get your knowledge and lies from.
Why should we give illegal border hoping assholes anything other than a kick in the ass. Even dropping them near the boarder sucks they just keep coming back in... drop those mexicans as far south as we can to tell them we mean it not to come back anymore.

:lol:....another one who has only been here a few days and already has you figured out Dean.....Roger meet our resident BIG TENT sure your going to be under it....welcome to the will find that Dean knows things about Republicans/Conservatives that even they dont know.....but hey he knows...he thinks he is an expert....
What is your problem, Ravi? Americans cannot get simple routine medical care and you want illegal aliens to get transplants paid for by the tax payers?:cuckoo: I think you are the one who needs a brain transplant.:confused:
Better yet, Rave why don't you volunteer to pay for a transplant for an illegal alien?

Probably an organ donated by an american.

Not everyone on your list is an illegal. Does that matter to Republicans? They could have given fund raisers. They could have looked for help. But they were fooled into thinking they already had help.

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."

i have read a few of your posts now and all i got to say is where the hell do you get your knowledge and lies from. Why should we give illegal border hoping assholes anything other than a kick in the ass. Even dropping them near the boarder sucks they just keep coming back in... drop those mexicans as far south as we can to tell them we mean it not to come back anymore.

A lie is only a lie if it's not true. That's why I post links to reputable sources. Something right wingers on this site very rarely do. Instead, they call names.
They should not receive transplants from the transplant list.

However, if they have the cash to pay for the surgery and they have a living donor lined up (i.e. a twin brother willing to donate a kidney), then they should be able to have it...then go home after they have had the surgery.
A lie is only a lie if it's not true. That's why I post links to reputable sources. Something right wingers on this site very rarely do. Instead, they call names.

yea reputable sources like the Christian far Right....oh and your favorite the Texas Republican State Platform....or just any FAR right moron you can come up with saying something is this for a name Dean....your a Dishonest that good?.....
such compassion from the religious right

What makes you think I'm religious?

Being religious means obeying the law of the land put in place by GOD. GOD punished those who disobeyed his law. and ;;;

Romans 13:1-2 "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2 Therefore he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will receive judgment to themselves."
Not everyone on your list is an illegal. Does that matter to Republicans? They could have given fund raisers. They could have looked for help. But they were fooled into thinking they already had help.

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."

i have read a few of your posts now and all i got to say is where the hell do you get your knowledge and lies from. Why should we give illegal border hoping assholes anything other than a kick in the ass. Even dropping them near the boarder sucks they just keep coming back in... drop those mexicans as far south as we can to tell them we mean it not to come back anymore.

A lie is only a lie if it's not true. That's why I post links to reputable sources. Something right wingers on this site very rarely do. Instead, they call names.

We are only posting our opinions and links are only opinions of other men. There is not a man on earth that does not lie. Opinions, polls, charts,etc can only be taken with a grain of salt. Republicans lie as Democrats lie. Fact of life.
Just because we post a link does not mean it's true, it just means where you got the message.
What is your problem, Ravi? Americans cannot get simple routine medical care and you want illegal aliens to get transplants paid for by the tax payers?:cuckoo: I think you are the one who needs a brain transplant.:confused:
Better yet, Rave why don't you volunteer to pay for a transplant for an illegal alien?

Probably an organ donated by an american.

Not everyone on your list is an illegal. Does that matter to Republicans? They could have given fund raisers. They could have looked for help. But they were fooled into thinking they already had help.

"In Arizona, 98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts."

that's what happens when states are mandated to provide unfunded services by the government. get used to it. we told ya the death panels were on the way, but did you listen? fuck no you did not./

Death panels on the way? Where have you been sonny boy? We have always had death panels. They were called Dr. Kavorkian, Afghanistan and Iraq and before that Vietnam, absent of healthcare has been killing people for years and it do not discriminate between the elderly and children. Don't forget the child molestor who is systematically killing our children. End of life healthcare is not death panels. It let people die with dignity.But healthcare is never withheld in Hospice.
Private healthcare system has always been a death panel when they with hold medical care. You get what you pay for under the private healthcare system. IF you cannot pay for the service, private HC so not give it to you and you could die. OBAMACARE save live, not take lives.

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