LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

It's the politicians who are keeping the borders open and allowing the illegal aliens to invade the U.S. Then the illegal aliens multiply and jump on welfare with their Anchor Babies and cost Billions of dollars to the U.S. taxpayers. They steal everything from education funds to free housing, free food stamps, free medicare some of them even get free after school babysitting services. While the poor American smucks work sometimes 2 jobs to support their families.

An illegal alien parent receives welfare benefits on behalf of his or her U.S. citizen child. Regardless of the parents immigration status may receive welfare and other benefits. When such a child receives assistance, the aid also helps support the child’s family. SOURCE: Illegal Aliens Extent of Welfare Benefits, Page 1.
The illegal aliens should be transplanted from America to their countries of origin. Now, I could go for that.

Maybe, if we promise them a free transplant we could trick them and their families to come forward and then we could transplant all of them back to where they came from.
Shyte, I thought they were already at war with us.

Every day 12 Americans are murdered by an illegal alien. Another 13 Americans are killed by uninsured drunk illegal aliens and 8 American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by an illegal alien each and every day!

The legal and illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States.

"The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States".
DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!"
by safari

“This is war!”
claims Phoenix student Aldemar Cruz. “Republicans may
have stopped the DREAM Act, but they won’t prevent La Reconquista from
happening. “White people, watch out!”

Olivia Perez, an undocumented student who claims she was forced to
fill out false paperwork in order to stay in the United States, says,
“Latinos need to fight back. We need to march. We need to scream. If
necessary, we need to riot. We need to do everything Blacks did to get their civil rights!”

DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!" - Page 12

IF it's war you want, it's war you will get. Bring it on you liitle #%$@ #@$% $$#% #q$#S.

"Give them and inch and they want a mile."

I may have missed something along the line in the last few years. Since when did it become a civil right to be granted citizenship in a country you have illegal broken into?

Buoys strung on border canal to prevent drownings
Elliot Spagat, Associated Press – 1 hr 2 mins ago

CALEXICO, Calif. – A government agency on the front lines of the immigration debate has begun installing lifesaving buoys in a fast-moving canal along the U.S.-Mexico border where migrants drown each year as they sneak into the country illegally.

The debate over the lifelines has long presented authorities with a moral dilemma: Is it acceptable to do nothing when so many immigrants are dying in the water? Or do lifesaving devices lull immigrants into a false sense of security that they can conquer the channel while giving them extra motivation to enter the country illegally?
Buoys strung on border canal to prevent drownings - Yahoo! News

Im surprised we dont just get them a ferry or just leave canoes for them....

Me myself... I say line the shores with landmines, but thats just me :eusa_whistle:
Homeland security is mostly concerned with the security of everyone who enters this country one way or another but Homeland Security doesn't give a flying-f about the folks that live here.
How do you say "Warning: Dangerous Water." in Spanish? That's the problem. They cannot read English.

But the Imperial Irrigation District reversed course in August and has been bolting 105 lines across the 82-mile desert canal at a cost of $1.1 million

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How do you say "Warning: Dangerous Water." in Spanish? That's the problem. They cannot read English.

I vote to put one up the reads "come on in... the water is nice" :lol:

"vamos pulg .. el agua es agradable"
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Because of the unintelligent and violent ways of the Hispanic people these borders must be guarded.

What is it that the white people of America created that the Hispanic people can't at least copy in their own countrys?
Because of the unintelligent and violent ways of the Hispanic people these borders must be guarded.

What is it that the white people of America created that the Hispanic people can't at least copy in their own countrys?

Hispanic is too broad a term that includes millions of white Mexicans, Argentines, Brazilians and Uruguayans, Tank.

The words mestizo, mulatto, half-breed, brown, etc... would convey the message you're trying to get across much better.
José;3163494 said:
Because of the unintelligent and violent ways of the Hispanic people these borders must be guarded.

What is it that the white people of America created that the Hispanic people can't at least copy in their own countrys?

Hispanic is too broad a term that includes millions of white Mexicans, Argentines, Brazilians and Uruguayans, Tank.

The words mestizo, mulatto, half-breed, brown, etc... would convey the message you're trying to get across much better.

Jose, Does Mexican narrow it down for you?:eusa_whistle:
If you cannot swim, don't go swimming.
Originally posted by LilOlLady
Jose, Does Mexican narrow it down for you?

You can continue to pretend I was not replying to Tank's post, lilolady... but what's the point in doing so?

Tank believes these two mexican girls


due to their white heritage have much more right to share the american dream (a nation founded by people of THEIR RACE) than this american citizen:


and this american citizen:


and this american citizen:


Tank would gladly roll out the red carpet to those two white mexican girls while buying your entire tribe a one way ticket to Bolivia :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And quite frankly... a substantial fraction of the american people would do the same... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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I just see what a shithole Mexicans turn places into and I want to stop it.

Shit, even Mexicans don't want to live in Mexico.
This is going to get me in big trouble but I must be one of the few that think this is a good idea. Illegal aliens or not they do not deserve to die simply for trying to cross the border.

Now, what I want to know is who would be stupid enough to try to swim across that canal? I do not recall having seen that one but I have seen the one in Northern California and I do remember all the TV commercials that were broadcast regularly stating that people enter those canals and do not come out alive because you cannot climb out due to the slick cement on the sides. Surely that message can be made available to the Mexican people as well.

Holy shit!!

I'm about 2 or 3 posts away from becoming Tank's official spokesperson!! :lol: :lol:

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