LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

FOR STORY FRONTERA-CANAL - FILE - In this Dec. 30, 2002 file photo, the All-American Canal runs along the United States border with Mexico near Calexico, Calif. When crews finish lining the All-American Canal with concrete, the waterway will be deeper, faster and more dangerous for migrants crossing the border illegally from Mexico. (AP Photo/Tim Tadder, File) .
The ... 5167c.html
Hi Lil:

The debate over the lifelines has long presented authorities with a moral dilemma: Is it acceptable to do nothing when so many immigrants are dying in the water?

Here is the deal: Everyone hiring, aiding, abetting, harboring or helping illegal aliens in any way is also responsible for the 10,000 Americans they kill every year.


Originally posted by LilOlLady
Jose, your citizenship is not determined by your race. It is what country you are born in. White and black people born south of the border are not american citizens because of their race.
Afro-American do not have a claim on Africa?????

In America, citizenship is not determined by race, you're right... but in Israel it is... Any american jew has the right to settle in Israel at any time.

Do you remember when Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake last year? The president of Senegal offered plots of land to the haitian population since they all have african ancestry.

Why is it that American Jews have the right to immigrate to a jewish nation and black Haitians are offered sanctuary in Africa while white Mexicans, Colombians, Venezuelans are forced to live among mestizos, mulattos and all kinds of mixed race peoples?

I believe America or some European country should give these two girls the opportunity to leave Mexico and get automatic citizenship in a white majority country if they so choose:

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I would not fear the militant Mexican than I would the racist redneck or the black power militant. Words are just words like most people who come to message boards like this to rant about how much their life sucks and to blame it on the Mexican. I respond to LilOlLady because you seem to be more mature than most people on these boards. A hate crime is a hate crime no matter who commits it or who receives it. And the law is everywhere. The Los Angeles riots could have been put down in a day if they would have allowed the national guard in but they did not. There would have been too many casualties and political repercussions for the politicians in Los Angeles. Nobody gets away with anything in this country, whether you be black or white, so do not worry so much about trash talkers. That is all they are, LilOlLady.
Meanwhile an American businessman who takes thye same damned flight from Chicago to Pittsburg every week has to take off his shoes and be exposed to the equivalent of about 50 dental ex-rays just to get on the damned plane

Homeland SECURITY?

Oh my god, what an insane nation this has become.
I would not fear the militant Mexican than I would the racist redneck or the black power militant. Words are just words like most people who come to message boards like this to rant about how much their life sucks and to blame it on the Mexican. I respond to LilOlLady because you seem to be more mature than most people on these boards. A hate crime is a hate crime no matter who commits it or who receives it. And the law is everywhere. The Los Angeles riots could have been put down in a day if they would have allowed the national guard in but they did not. There would have been too many casualties and political repercussions for the politicians in Los Angeles. Nobody gets away with anything in this country, whether you be black or white, so do not worry so much about trash talkers. That is all they are, LilOlLady.

The National Guard were called in and the police were doing exactly what they are paid to do: Protecting RICH neighborhoods at the expense of American lives. It wasn't until the US Army showed up that control was restored.

The Mexican use this to frighten American about what will happen in America if LA RAZA's demands are not met!
José;3163700 said:
Originally posted by LilOlLady
Jose, Does Mexican narrow it down for you?

You can continue to pretend I was not replying to Tank's post, lilolady... but what's the point in doing so?

Tank believes these two mexican girls


due to their white heritage have much more right to share the american dream (a nation founded by people of THEIR RACE) than this american citizen:


and this american citizen:


and this american citizen:


Tank would gladly roll out the red carpet to those two white mexican girls while buying your entire tribe a one way ticket to Bolivia :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And quite frankly... a substantial fraction of the american people would do the same... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I would be tempted to let them in not because they're white but because they're hot. It doesn't matter what color they are. Btw, how do you know those girls are Mexican? They look Spanish to me. My understanding was that most Mexicans are a mix of Aztec and Spanish. This results in brown skin. However as in many countries there is a mix of different races in Mexico as well.
DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!"
by safari

“This is war!”
claims Phoenix student Aldemar Cruz. “Republicans may
have stopped the DREAM Act, but they won’t prevent La Reconquista from
happening. “White people, watch out!”

Olivia Perez, an undocumented student who claims she was forced to
fill out false paperwork in order to stay in the United States, says,
“Latinos need to fight back. We need to march. We need to scream. If
necessary, we need to riot. We need to do everything Blacks did to get their civil rights!”

DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!" - Page 12

IF it's war you want, it's war you will get. Bring it on you liitle #%$@ #@$% $$#% #q$#S.

"Give them and inch and they want a mile."

I may have missed something along the line in the last few years. Since when did it become a civil right to be granted citizenship in a country you have illegal broken into?


Since America stopped giving a fuck about who ran accross our open borders and what they were bringing into this country.
Originally posted by mudwhistle
I would be tempted to let them in not because they're white but because they're hot. It doesn't matter what color they are. Btw, how do you know those girls are Mexican?

LOL... horndog to horndog... I hear ya, whistle!! :lol::lol:

Originally posted by mudwhistle
Btw, how do you know those girls are Mexican? They look Spanish to me. My understanding was that most Mexicans are a mix of Aztec and Spanish. This results in brown skin. However as in many countries there is a mix of different races in Mexico as well.

Your impression is the result of the image of Mexico created by the media, whistle.

Less than 10% of South Africa's population is white but you don't see many people having a hard time believing there are lots of white South Africans.

15% of Mexico is white and here you are wondering if those girls are really Mexicans.

before our government get the message that we have been invaded and occupied by illegal aliens and they are killing more Americans than the Taliban and Al Qaeda. They continue to cross the border, putting themselves in danger and border patrol agents. The Taliban and Al Qaeda are not flooding across the border and there are not 20 million of then in this country cost lives and money.

The solution is not Comprehensive Immigration Reform that legalize 20 million and is an invitation for more to come. They come because we are doing nothing to stop businesses from hiring them. How hard is it to hold businesses accountable? If they cannot work they will leave and they will not come and those remaining here and continue to come is not coming to work. Those are obviously criminals and they should be rounded up and deported or imprisoned. Illegal aliens here that cannot prove they are working should be deported.
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Mexico says U.S. border agent killed teenage boy
(Reuters) -
By Alonso Castillo

NOGALES, Mexico, Jan 5 - A U.S. Border Patrol agent was involved in a shooting on the Arizona border with Mexico on Wednesday that resulted in the death of a 17-year-old boy trying to illegally scale the border fence, Mexican police said.

Frustrated by tighter security on the U.S.-Mexico border, illegal immigrants and drug traffickers regularly pelt U.S. agents with rocks, take shots and even throw gasoline bombs

A rock is a dangerous projectile and the agent has the right to protect himself or others. Things like this will continue happen until our government do something more drastic to stop illegal crossing.
We are the blame for all the deaths. Illegal aliens and border patrol agents.
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What a great way to stop illegal immigration, this should be standard procedure for all Border agents.
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There have been 111 Border Patrol agents killed over the years, Mr. Bonner said. “For such a small force to have lost so many agents just punctuates the danger that the men and women face every time they put on their uniform,” he said. “Even with all their training, sometimes evil gets the upper hand.”

“That it’s dangerous, there’s no doubt, but I don’t want to overstate it,” Sheriff Estrada said. “It’s not like we’re seeing this happen every day. The border is a lot more secure, but it’s not sealed and never will be.”

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