LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Gloria AlRED used the Diaz woman to help Brown get elected - her friend of many years. Diaz will not be deported as this government does not follow the Rule of Law anymore! It's that simple. We are NOW a 3rd world country. I really thought we still had a few years left of sanity, but I guess I was wrong.
Gloria AlRED used the Diaz woman to help Brown get elected - her friend of many years. Diaz will not be deported as this government does not follow the Rule of Law anymore! It's that simple. We are NOW a 3rd world country. I really thought we still had a few years left of sanity, but I guess I was wrong.

i doubt diaz will be deported. and if she is, i'd think that wouldn't trouble any of the posters who are crying about alred "using' the maid.

i'd like to see proof that alred was working for brown now just because she did work for him as a NOW volunteer in the 70's. assuming a relationship of any kind, isn't it more likely that the campaign got the info and sent the woman to alred to protect her rights? (and mind you, i can't stand gloria alred, but i can't stand more the whining about an illegal alien's *rights* by a bunch of people who think all illegals should be rounded up.

shouldn't you be more concerned that your candndiate hired someone illegally and then LIED because she knew it would cost her the election?

who threw the maid under the bus again?
shouldn't you be more concerned that your candndiate hired someone illegally and then LIED because she knew it would cost her the election?

What and ADMIT that their heroine is a lying emploitive piece of hypocritical shit?

Come on now, Jill, you know these people better than that.

The Constitution itself is obsolete.

27 Amendments to the US Constitution Since then it has been amended 27 times and can be amended in the future as well . ... Of the 27 amendments to the US constitution, only 26 amendments are in ... - Cached - Similar

This should reallly tell us something about the Constitution.:

When they read the constitution, did they read the 27 amendments?
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Yeap , its a living document which is what teh founders designed.

There are times the people get it wrong and have to correct it like prohibition.

The American people do not think the 14th amendment needs repealing
It was much harder for then to get here, leaving is just a matter of getting to the border.

If we started to round them up and putting them on busses and sending them home, others would get the message and volunteer in herds to get on the busses to get the best free seats for free ride back home.

They are being stopped at the border also and searched for guns and drug money.
Amid fuss over illegal immigrants, they're already going home’
By Marisa Taylor | McClatchy Newspapers

HARRISONBURG, Va. — For 10 years, Ezequiel Gonzalez and his wife, Lupe, feared that their lives as illegal immigrants in America would be discovered.
One spring evening two years ago, it finally happened. Immigration agents detected Ezequiel working illegally at a local glass company here and ordered him deported to Mexico. Left on her own, Lupe packed up their few belongings and prepared their four children, ages 8 through 15, for the journey to a country they barely knew.
Read more;
Amid fuss over illegal immigrants, they're already going home | McClatchy
Gloria AlRED used the Diaz woman to help Brown get elected - her friend of many years. Diaz will not be deported as this government does not follow the Rule of Law anymore! It's that simple. We are NOW a 3rd world country. I really thought we still had a few years left of sanity, but I guess I was wrong.

BullsEye. Spot on. Politics pure and simple. There's a special place in hell for lawyers like that.
Gloria AlRED used the Diaz woman to help Brown get elected - her friend of many years. Diaz will not be deported as this government does not follow the Rule of Law anymore! It's that simple. We are NOW a 3rd world country. I really thought we still had a few years left of sanity, but I guess I was wrong.

i doubt diaz will be deported. and if she is, i'd think that wouldn't trouble any of the posters who are crying about alred "using' the maid.

i'd like to see proof that alred was working for brown now just because she did work for him as a NOW volunteer in the 70's. assuming a relationship of any kind, isn't it more likely that the campaign got the info and sent the woman to alred to protect her rights? (and mind you, i can't stand gloria alred, but i can't stand more the whining about an illegal alien's *rights* by a bunch of people who think all illegals should be rounded up.

shouldn't you be more concerned that your candndiate hired someone illegally and then LIED because she knew it would cost her the election?

who threw the maid under the bus again?

She hired a woman through an employment agency who showed up at her door with all the proper documents all of them stolen. Yes, Whitman is the victim, the victim of a lying thief who stole into this country illegally and lied her way into being employed and will now be rewarded for the lying and the theft and then Whitman was victimized by That Bitch Alred who took political advantage of the hate mongering the left had stirred up. You guys did a good job. It leaves a shitty taste in the mouths of most Americans.
shouldn't you be more concerned that your candndiate hired someone illegally and then LIED because she knew it would cost her the election?

What and ADMIT that their heroine is a lying emploitive piece of hypocritical shit?

Come on now, Jill, you know these people better than that.

we know who the lying peices of shit are and it's not Mrs. Whitman.
Quoted Chris Matthews. Yes we can and yes we have.

When we “throw” people out of the county when they are here illegally, it is called “deportation.”

Border patrol agents chase down, catch illegal aliens, hand cuff them and “throw” them out of the country back into Mexico. But if they get past the border patrols, we cannot round them up, hand cuff them and throw them out of the country because that would be “racial profiling.”

When we “throw” criminals into prison, it is called “incarceration.”

ICE raided McDonald, meat packing companies and other business and rounded up those working illegal and “threw” them out of the country. Deported them.

When we “throw” people out of their homes if they do not pay their mortgage, it is called “foreclosures.”

When we “throw” people out of homes they are renting for not paying their rent, it is called “evictions.”

This country is my home and illegal aliens have broken in and are staying as uninvited guess and ICE has to round them up and “throw” them out of my home. Deportation.

Deportation by Attritions is another way to “throw” those who are working in the country illegally out.

E-Verify is another way to “throw” illegal aliens out of the country. It is called Self Deportation or Deportation by Attrition.

If they cannot work they will “self deport” and they will take their families with them. Since the economy went bad, illegal aliens have been “throwing” themselves out of the country by the thousands.

We can throw people out of the country but not 12,000,000 people. You all are going to have to find a way to live with our Latino neighbors other than attempting to throw them out.

Sorry about that. Use your brain.
Yeap , its a living document which is what teh founders designed.

There are times the people get it wrong and have to correct it like prohibition.

The American people do not think the 14th amendment needs repealing

Perhaps it doesn't need repealing, but amendments have to be added to spellout exactly what the OP is talking about.

Since our Supreme Court seems to be leaning to be a legislative Court, I feel that more amendments have to be seriously considered to spell out what immigration laws and citizenship allows in this nation.
Quoted Chris Matthews. Yes we can and yes we have.

When we “throw” people out of the county when they are here illegally, it is called “deportation.”

Border patrol agents chase down, catch illegal aliens, hand cuff them and “throw” them out of the country back into Mexico. But if they get past the border patrols, we cannot round them up, hand cuff them and throw them out of the country because that would be “racial profiling.”

When we “throw” criminals into prison, it is called “incarceration.”

ICE raided McDonald, meat packing companies and other business and rounded up those working illegal and “threw” them out of the country. Deported them.

When we “throw” people out of their homes if they do not pay their mortgage, it is called “foreclosures.”

When we “throw” people out of homes they are renting for not paying their rent, it is called “evictions.”

This country is my home and illegal aliens have broken in and are staying as uninvited guess and ICE has to round them up and “throw” them out of my home. Deportation.

Deportation by Attritions is another way to “throw” those who are working in the country illegally out.

E-Verify is another way to “throw” illegal aliens out of the country. It is called Self Deportation or Deportation by Attrition.

If they cannot work they will “self deport” and they will take their families with them. Since the economy went bad, illegal aliens have been “throwing” themselves out of the country by the thousands.

We can throw people out of the country but not 12,000,000 people. You all are going to have to find a way to live with our Latino neighbors other than attempting to throw them out.

Sorry about that. Use your brain.

It's been done before in history. Let's give it a try and see who's right. We can start with the brave state of Arizona. They deserve to have the Honor.
Quoted Chris Matthews. Yes we can and yes we have.

When we “throw” people out of the county when they are here illegally, it is called “deportation.”

Border patrol agents chase down, catch illegal aliens, hand cuff them and “throw” them out of the country back into Mexico. But if they get past the border patrols, we cannot round them up, hand cuff them and throw them out of the country because that would be “racial profiling.”

When we “throw” criminals into prison, it is called “incarceration.”

ICE raided McDonald, meat packing companies and other business and rounded up those working illegal and “threw” them out of the country. Deported them.

When we “throw” people out of their homes if they do not pay their mortgage, it is called “foreclosures.”

When we “throw” people out of homes they are renting for not paying their rent, it is called “evictions.”

This country is my home and illegal aliens have broken in and are staying as uninvited guess and ICE has to round them up and “throw” them out of my home. Deportation.

Deportation by Attritions is another way to “throw” those who are working in the country illegally out.

E-Verify is another way to “throw” illegal aliens out of the country. It is called Self Deportation or Deportation by Attrition.

If they cannot work they will “self deport” and they will take their families with them. Since the economy went bad, illegal aliens have been “throwing” themselves out of the country by the thousands.

We can throw people out of the country but not 12,000,000 people. You all are going to have to find a way to live with our Latino neighbors other than attempting to throw them out.

Sorry about that. Use your brain.

Use your brain. You use the same old lame rhetoric that lefties use. "We cannot round up 20 million people and put them on busses and deport them." No one is suggesting that. But we can get them to self deport if we had the guts to. If we enforced our immigration laws, they would self deport. If the economy continue like it is there will be no work for them and they will leave. No all of them will not leave, but enough to make a difference. I can see the difference here in RENO.
"Fences make good neighbors." Agree?

No we don't have to learn to live WITH them and we never will. They will leave and we will not have to deport them. A change is gonna come and you had better get use to it.
They have been leaving ariz and going home since 2007 because of work.
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Yeap , its a living document which is what teh founders designed.

There are times the people get it wrong and have to correct it like prohibition.

The American people do not think the 14th amendment needs repealing[/B]

Yes we do. Who do you mean when you say "they amrican people"? Anchor babies, their parents and pro-amnesty advocates? Maybe not repealing, but eliminated altogether. it is of no use now. Anchor babies are not descendent of ex-slave.

Do a little research and know who the founding father were. A bunch of immoral criminals thugs.
I have never understood why we can't deport illegals. So what if there are 20 million? Are we physically unable to move that many people, or what?

Makes no sense to me....I'd love to hear this argument fleshed out more.
Quoted Chris Matthews. Yes we can and yes we have.

When we “throw” people out of the county when they are here illegally, it is called “deportation.”

Border patrol agents chase down, catch illegal aliens, hand cuff them and “throw” them out of the country back into Mexico. But if they get past the border patrols, we cannot round them up, hand cuff them and throw them out of the country because that would be “racial profiling.”

When we “throw” criminals into prison, it is called “incarceration.”

ICE raided McDonald, meat packing companies and other business and rounded up those working illegal and “threw” them out of the country. Deported them.

When we “throw” people out of their homes if they do not pay their mortgage, it is called “foreclosures.”

When we “throw” people out of homes they are renting for not paying their rent, it is called “evictions.”

This country is my home and illegal aliens have broken in and are staying as uninvited guess and ICE has to round them up and “throw” them out of my home. Deportation.

Deportation by Attritions is another way to “throw” those who are working in the country illegally out.

E-Verify is another way to “throw” illegal aliens out of the country. It is called Self Deportation or Deportation by Attrition.

If they cannot work they will “self deport” and they will take their families with them. Since the economy went bad, illegal aliens have been “throwing” themselves out of the country by the thousands.

We can throw people out of the country but not 12,000,000 people. You all are going to have to find a way to live with our Latino neighbors other than attempting to throw them out.

Sorry about that. Use your brain.

You bleeding hearts are going to be the DEATH of our country. we are well on our now.

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