LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Ask an illegal immigrant to do it for you...the vast majority of them are smarter than you.

Hit "edit" -- a window pops up and there's an option for deleting a post.

BTW, this surprises me greatly. Don't you need ID to apply for TANF?

They have IDs. And they are not applying for themselves, and they only need to prove there childeren are anchor babies. They are in the welfare offices, filling out application with the help of translaters. Welfare office is not allow to ask of their status in the country and illegal does not matter to the welfare office. The children are legal citizens and eligible for welfare.

So the family is awarded aid, but only enough for one child?

What an insane system. God help us if these parents discover SSI.
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Should we continue to give welfare to anchor babies even if it bankrupts our nation?
The children of illegal aliens (anchor babies) have bankrupted the state of California

In 2009, San Bernardino County spent $64 million providing welfare benefits to U.S.-born children of illegal aliens.

According to county records, during a typical month, close to 15,000 offspring of illegal aliens received either welfare payments or food stamps in 2009. Over 11,000 of those children received both forms of assistance.

Illegal immigration is slowly but surely destroying this nation.

Source:… ... 424AAdOuB3

More reason to repeal 14th Amendment. and stop illegal immigration, secure the border and deport.

Don't tell me they do not come here to have their babies. They don't get these kind of benefits in Mexico.

It's not the babe's fault. They are being used as pawns.

If we skew the situation a bit, and make it a babe being born to an American woman who thinks that having the child will "save her marriage"'s still the same thing. The child is being used as a pawn. It's not the child's fault.

The child shouldn't be blamed.
thank you madeline.

You're welcome, but I still have the same question.

How is anyone getting TANF without ID?

The 2002 Farm Bill restores SNAP eligibility to most legal immigrants that:

Have lived in the country for 5 years; or
Are receiving disability-related assistance or benefits, regardless of entry date; or
Starting 10-1-03, are children regardless of entry date.

Certain non-citizens such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons and those admitted for permanent residence are also eligible for the program. Eligible household members can get SNAP benefits even if there are other members of the household that are not eligible

(See Policy on Immigrants for information on qualified alien categories and eligibility)

Non-citizens that are in the U.S. temporarily, such as students, are not eligible.

A number of States have their own programs to provide benefits to immigrants who do not meet the regular SNAP eligibility requirements. For a table of those programs, see State Programs.

Last modified: 09/17/2010


This is why the Anchor baby issue is such a problem Madeline.

Your own link says illegal aliens are not eligible for SNAP (food stamps, I think). Doubtless the requirements are higher for TANF (welfare).

I dun know if "anchor babies" are a problem, or of I want to see any changes made to the 14th Amendment. I want illegal aliens to be deported; if they want to leave children born here behind, I guess we can cope.
You're more likely to be deported to Mexico than even 500.000 illegals, Madeline.

1 - America has the legal right to deport them.

2 - America has the material means to deport them.

But the political will (on the part of american politicians) and the social climate (general acceptance by the american society) is simply not there.
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You're welcome, but I still have the same question.

How is anyone getting TANF without ID?

The 2002 Farm Bill restores SNAP eligibility to most legal immigrants that:

Have lived in the country for 5 years; or
Are receiving disability-related assistance or benefits, regardless of entry date; or
Starting 10-1-03, are children regardless of entry date.

Certain non-citizens such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons and those admitted for permanent residence are also eligible for the program. Eligible household members can get SNAP benefits even if there are other members of the household that are not eligible

(See Policy on Immigrants for information on qualified alien categories and eligibility)

Non-citizens that are in the U.S. temporarily, such as students, are not eligible.

A number of States have their own programs to provide benefits to immigrants who do not meet the regular SNAP eligibility requirements. For a table of those programs, see State Programs.

Last modified: 09/17/2010


This is why the Anchor baby issue is such a problem Madeline.

Your own link says illegal aliens are not eligible for SNAP (food stamps, I think). Doubtless the requirements are higher for TANF (welfare).

I dun know if "anchor babies" are a problem, or of I want to see any changes made to the 14th Amendment. I want illegal aliens to be deported; if they want to leave children born here behind, I guess we can cope.

The issue has not, will not and is not about "anchor babies". It's the parasite nature of the parents. They are at fault, they use the system to stay here and live off the system, teaching thier kids to do the same.
José;3192915 said:
You're more likely to be deported to Mexico than even 500.000 illegals, Madeline.

1 - America has the legal right to deport them.

2 - America has the material means to deport them.

But the political will (on the part of american politicians) and the social climate (general acceptance by the american society) is simply not there.

Yanno how I feel about this, Jose'. Deportation is only half the solution -- the other half is helping Mexico up off its knees. Mexicans should be safe and able to live decently in Mexico. If they can't, this problem will never get solved.
Two Thumbs wrote:

The issue has not, will not and is not about "anchor babies". It's the parasite nature of the parents. They are at fault, they use the system to stay here and live off the system, teaching thier kids to do the same.
I disagree. The Mexican parents are fleeing conditions far worse than my folks fled when they left Scotland in the 1920's. At least no one was shooting at them. Demonizing Mexico's poor is not gonna get us anywhere.
Two Thumbs wrote:

The issue has not, will not and is not about "anchor babies". It's the parasite nature of the parents. They are at fault, they use the system to stay here and live off the system, teaching thier kids to do the same.
I disagree. The Mexican parents are fleeing conditions far worse than my folks fled when they left Scotland in the 1920's. At least no one was shooting at them. Demonizing Mexico's poor is not gonna get us anywhere.

I'm not Demonizing poor people. I'm Demonizing criminals.

Poor Mexicans are Mexicos problem, not ours.
Originally posted by Madeline
Yanno how I feel about this, Jose'. Deportation is only half the solution -- the other half is helping Mexico up off its knees. Mexicans should be safe and able to live decently in Mexico. If they can't, this problem will never get solved.

Your solution is morally superior, compassionate... And a much more effective and less costly way to solve the problem.

But it's also pie in the sky, starry eyed idealism. America will not succeed in improving living conditions in Mexico anymore than it did in Afghanistan (a dirty poor country 10 years after the american invasion).

If America opts for this strategy as a way to reduce illegal immigration instead of multiplying ICE agents a thousand fold it might just as well throw in the towel, raise the white flag and roll out the welcome mat to illegals.
Two Thumbs wrote:

The issue has not, will not and is not about "anchor babies". It's the parasite nature of the parents. They are at fault, they use the system to stay here and live off the system, teaching thier kids to do the same.
I disagree. The Mexican parents are fleeing conditions far worse than my folks fled when they left Scotland in the 1920's. At least no one was shooting at them. Demonizing Mexico's poor is not gonna get us anywhere.

I'm not Demonizing poor people. I'm Demonizing criminals.

Poor Mexicans are Mexicos problem, not ours.

That makes for a lovely slogan, but it isn't getting us anywhere. If we don't aid Mexico to restore law and order and create opportunity for its people, they will never stop trying to enter the US. Our own self-interest dictates we take some effective action.

I just wish I knew what that might be.

If we don't aid Mexico to restore law and order and create opportunity for its people
How do you "restore" something that was never there?

I'm not a history buff, Tank, but I do believe Mexico has enjoyed greater peace and prosperity in the past.

Pretending their fate won't affect ours is whistling in the dark, not to mention turning our backs on our neighbor's suffering is inhumane.
In my opinion babies of illegals are illegal births in this country. Any baby being born to and illegal in a hospital needs to be shipped out across the border the moment it comes out and not birth certificate is given. Just a record of a live birth.. If they have babies at home then the do not have a birth certificate either.

Babies of illegals should be given the same status as the mother. Illegal from what ever place she came from.
Mexicans behave the way they do, because thats what Mexicans do.

To think you can change the way a entire race behaves, are the thoughts of a racial supremist.
In my opinion babies of illegals are illegal births in this country. Any baby being born to and illegal in a hospital needs to be shipped out across the border the moment it comes out and not birth certificate is given. Just a record of a live birth.. If they have babies at home then the do not have a birth certificate either.

Babies of illegals should be given the same status as the mother. Illegal from what ever place she came from.

It doesn't work that way. That child born in America is the daughter or son of a taxpayer.

Nobody is going to "ship" them anywhere.
In my opinion babies of illegals are illegal births in this country. Any baby being born to and illegal in a hospital needs to be shipped out across the border the moment it comes out and not birth certificate is given. Just a record of a live birth.. If they have babies at home then the do not have a birth certificate either.

Babies of illegals should be given the same status as the mother. Illegal from what ever place she came from.

It doesn't work that way. That child born in America is the daughter or son of a taxpayer.

Nobody is going to "ship" them anywhere.

I understand that is not "how it works" What i suggest is that is the way "it Should work"
If we don't aid Mexico to restore law and order and create opportunity for its people
How do you "restore" something that was never there?

I'm not a history buff, Tank, but I do believe Mexico has enjoyed greater peace and prosperity in the past.

Pretending their fate won't affect ours is whistling in the dark, not to mention turning our backs on our neighbor's suffering is inhumane.

Thier suffering is of thier own doing.

We give away billions of borrowed dollars every year, year after decade to the same countries again and again. And none have improved.

At some point you need to tell countries that it's time to grow up.
In my opinion babies of illegals are illegal births in this country. Any baby being born to and illegal in a hospital needs to be shipped out across the border the moment it comes out and not birth certificate is given. Just a record of a live birth.. If they have babies at home then the do not have a birth certificate either.

Babies of illegals should be given the same status as the mother. Illegal from what ever place she came from.

It doesn't work that way. That child born in America is the daughter or son of a taxpayer.

Nobody is going to "ship" them anywhere.

Illegal immagrants are not taxpayers. They are criminals, thus the name illegals.

the child is an American, however the entire family should be sent back to thier country of origin. If the kid wants to come back later, he's free to do so.
In my opinion babies of illegals are illegal births in this country. Any baby being born to and illegal in a hospital needs to be shipped out across the border the moment it comes out and not birth certificate is given. Just a record of a live birth.. If they have babies at home then the do not have a birth certificate either.

Babies of illegals should be given the same status as the mother. Illegal from what ever place she came from.

It doesn't work that way. That child born in America is the daughter or son of a taxpayer.

Nobody is going to "ship" them anywhere.

Illegal immagrants are not taxpayers. They are criminals, thus the name illegals.

the child is an American, however the entire family should be sent back to thier country of origin. If the kid wants to come back later, he's free to do so.

Many illegals are taxpayers. You simply don't know what you are talking about here.

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