LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

I have never understood why we can't deport illegals. So what if there are 20 million? Are we physically unable to move that many people, or what?

Makes no sense to me....I'd love to hear this argument fleshed out more.
Government doesn't WANT to because:

1. Businesses want the slave labor.
2. Politicians want the votes.

Yes, illegals vote. En masse.
We can throw people out of the country but not 12,000,000 people. You all are going to have to find a way to live with our Latino neighbors other than attempting to throw them out.

Sorry about that. Use your brain.

The above comments are a very good example of a defeatist attitude. It's a good example of defective liberal thinking, and must not be listened to.

Americans can do anything they put their will power into, and that includes riding our nation of illegal aliens, no matter how many there are here, it can and should be done.
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I have never understood why we can't deport illegals. So what if there are 20 million? Are we physically unable to move that many people, or what?

Makes no sense to me....I'd love to hear this argument fleshed out more.
Government doesn't WANT to because:

1. Businesses want the slave labor.
2. Politicians want the votes.

Yes, illegals vote. En masse.

Illegals don't vote.

Corporations trick the middle class into voting Republican.

Darrel Issa sends out emails to corporations asking them, "What should we do next?"

The Republican base, watching their leadership send jobs to China and add another two trillion of debt to their children's future, complain, "Government doesn't work".

See how circular?
Should we continue to give welfare to anchor babies even if it bankrupts our nation?
The children of illegal aliens (anchor babies) have bankrupted the state of California

In 2009, San Bernardino County spent $64 million providing welfare benefits to U.S.-born children of illegal aliens.

According to county records, during a typical month, close to 15,000 offspring of illegal aliens received either welfare payments or food stamps in 2009. Over 11,000 of those children received both forms of assistance.

Illegal immigration is slowly but surely destroying this nation.

Source:… ... 424AAdOuB3

More reason to repeal 14th Amendment. and stop illegal immigration, secure the border and deport.

Don't tell me they do not come here to have their babies. They don't get these kind of benefits in Mexico.
Nevada’s percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nationBy Timothy Pratt
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m.

Nevada tops the nation when it comes to the percentage of illegal immigrants in the workforce, according to a report issued today by the Pew Hispanic Center.

The Washington-based think tank estimates that 170,000 workers, or 12.2 percent of the state's total, are illegal immigrants. That is more than twice the national average, which is 5.4 percent. The top five were rounded out by California, Arizona, New Jersey and Florida. The figures are 2008 estimates.
The report also estimates that there are 230,000 undocumented immigrants in Nevada, placing the state 13th nationwide.
Other findings in the report include that 4 million children, or nearly three-fourths of the children born to illegal immigrants, are U.S. citizens by birth.
The report also notes that Nevada is one of five states in which at least one in 10 children in K-12 schools has a parent who is an illegal immigrant.
To read the full report go to
Nevada's percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nation - Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

That explains the reason Nevada’s unemployment is the highest in the nation. Thanks to illegal aliens.
170,000 in the workforce? What are the remaining 60,000 doing? Some are living off the welfare given to anchor babies. Welfare grants, food stamps, public housing, Medicaid.
Where are they working? We don’t have lettuce fields, slaughter and meat packing houses. There in every area of work there is.
ILLEGALS Costs Nevada Taxpayers $2 Million EACH Month
One Old Vet ILLEGALS Costs Nevada Taxpayers $2 Million EACH Month
How do i delete a post????
Ask an illegal immigrant to do it for you...the vast majority of them are smarter than you.

Hit "edit" -- a window pops up and there's an option for deleting a post.

BTW, this surprises me greatly. Don't you need ID to apply for TANF?

They have IDs. And they are not applying for themselves, and they only need to prove there childeren are anchor babies. They are in the welfare offices, filling out application with the help of translaters. Welfare office is not allow to ask of their status in the country and illegal does not matter to the welfare office. The children are legal citizens and eligible for welfare.
You call them anchor babies but what they are are Americans.

Choke on it.
Harry Reid: Illegal Aliens Don't Work on Construction Jobs in Nevada [ame][/ame]

Dems give scarce Nevada jobs to Illegal Immigrants [ame][/ame]

Harry Reid has dementia.
hit "edit" -- a window pops up and there's an option for deleting a post.
btw, this surprises me greatly. Don't you need id to apply for tanf?

thank you madeline.

You're welcome, but I still have the same question.

How is anyone getting TANF without ID?

The 2002 Farm Bill restores SNAP eligibility to most legal immigrants that:

Have lived in the country for 5 years; or
Are receiving disability-related assistance or benefits, regardless of entry date; or
Starting 10-1-03, are children regardless of entry date.

Certain non-citizens such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons and those admitted for permanent residence are also eligible for the program. Eligible household members can get SNAP benefits even if there are other members of the household that are not eligible

(See Policy on Immigrants for information on qualified alien categories and eligibility)

Non-citizens that are in the U.S. temporarily, such as students, are not eligible.

A number of States have their own programs to provide benefits to immigrants who do not meet the regular SNAP eligibility requirements. For a table of those programs, see State Programs.

Last modified: 09/17/2010


This is why the Anchor baby issue is such a problem Madeline.
They are Americans and have all the rights of the rest of Americans.

Until we get control of the evil that is welfare, we will always have to care for them b/c thier families refuse.

Seems the only option is to send them to the countries thier parents came from. If they decide to leave thier family they will be free to return.

Criminals shouldn't get a pass just b/c they know how to abuse our Constitution.

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