LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

I'm not saying your like that, I'm just saying most of the people I encountered that hate Mexicans mostly have blacks coming in at #2 on their hate list.

I hate Mexicans only to the point of removing them from the United States and maybe from part of Mexico too. Their invasion of the US is illegal and they should have to pay for any damage they have done. Blacks are Americans and maybe more American than me. I have nothing against them. I wish them all the best.
You're in CHICAGO and bitching about Mexicans? Where the fuck are they coming from, Canada? Yeah.......some all the way at the north, when the real problem is down at the south. I'm closer (and probably better informed) than you are Bullshitter.
Since Illinois is the state with the greatest amount of gang members per capita and Chicago is the distribution hub for drugs from Mexico, I can see why a guy who claims to "serve and protect":lol: Americans would want to live as close to the border as possible so he can jump ship if thing get nasty.

Just as long as they don't put any in your hands.

Must be that blacks did riot against the Mexicanos during the last few invasion rallies. Makes me ashamed to be in the same race as those "serve and protect" guys who are afraid to crack some illegals skull.

If they're like you, they're hiding in their parent's basement.
If they're like you, their renting their parents basement to those wonderful illegals. a link to prove that Chicago has a higher gang population than Los Angeles, because under the standards of USMB, when you're challenged, it's up to you to post the link to prove your point.

As long as they don't put any weapons in my hands? What makes you think that I don't have any NOW?

BTW stupid......."serve and protect" is the motto of the police force.

And no......haven't been in my parents basement since I was 8. That's when I was orphaned.

Ya got anything else Bullshitter? BTW cock monkey, post the link to prove that Chicago has higher gang populations than LA.
[ a link to prove that Chicago has a higher gang population than Los Angeles, because under the standards of USMB, when you're challenged, it's up to you to post the link to prove your point.
I said ILLINOIS had the highest gang population per capita.

This should be clear enough!
D-Links - National Gang Threat Assessment 2009

As long as they don't put any weapons in my hands? What makes you think that I don't have any NOW?
Now I'm starting to sweat!!

BTW stupid......."serve and protect" is the motto of the police force.
It's all the same bullshit.

And no......haven't been in my parents basement since I was 8. That's when I was orphaned.
Like I give a shit.

Ya got anything else Bullshitter? BTW cock monkey, post the link to prove that Chicago has higher gang populations than LA.
Have you considered laser surgery to correct your bad vision. Or do you just read into thing whatever you want?

This is more your speed!

With kung fu grip and realistic sphincter muscles!!
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And what part of the so-called 2,000 mile US-Mexico border do your CG buddies guard?

OK mister military genius!! What is the plan against a MILITARY ATTACK made by Mexico? This ought to be REALLY GOOD!

I know what you would do................


then hop on a Carnival Cruise to parts unknown.

Try to outrun the Mexican Navy!!:lol:

Bullfighter, bikesailor suonds like another one of those pro immigration pussy who wont come out of the closet and just admit it, instead they want to try everything that wont work,use an inempt agency like the CG a one dementional agency who offers assets with the least amount of impact. Opposes any type of border security upgread such as a more effecent fence dead man zones(mine fields) increased manpower,etc. This jackoff is probably in favor of amnesty, Choose a side ether with the Mexican or the citizens of the USA.

Hey stupid.......I'm a 20 year US Navy veteran who has served in 4 war zones. I understand about the border problem (I live in Texas), as well as know that the primary reason that we don't have secure borders is because nobody wants to spend the money.

My suggestion is to put up 2 Predator (scan range is roughly 250 miles) drones every 200 miles, with 1 Reaper (the one with guns and missiles) every 200 miles.

The first time that a gun runner gets blown away? The rest will think twice about it. As far as the Predators? Have 'em scan the border, and when there are illegals crossing over, send in patrols to arrest and deport them.

Tell ya what Chili Owens, next time you decide to be a n00b on a message board? At least find out about someone before you pop off that festering sore you call a mouth.

BTW Bullshitter, looks like your retarded little brother showed up in the form of Chili Owens.

But........gotta wonder about someone named "chili"............because he may be one of them Mexicans that you're so worried about.

Sailor, are you part of the don’t ask don’t tell? That would explain you passive approach to border security. As of right now Predator Drones and Blackhawks are being used out of Davis Monthan Air Force Base with very limited success. Maybe if you spent some time on dry land on the front lines where the real action was you might understand the need ground troops and their assets. I am a 44 yr old White male who has Mexican cousins, but imp still in favor of mass deportations and a closed border. And as for spending money your wrong again, illegal’s cost the American tax payer 300 million dollars a year in social services, legal services etc, that could be used better security system along our border. It’s the US Government not the American citizens who are against spending the money. Lobbyist for American big business in Mexico do a good job of buying votes against any legislation about border security and immigration. That’s why you hear more about amnesty than you do about a solution to the problem from our politicians. So ether talk about a real solution on this issue and provide some useful data or go back to playing Modern Warfare on your kids XBOX.
[Sailor, are you part of the don’t ask don’t tell? That would explain you passive approach to border security. As of right now Predator Drones and Blackhawks are being used out of Davis Monthan Air Force Base with very limited success. Maybe if you spent some time on dry land on the front lines where the real action was you might understand the need ground troops and their assets. I am a 44 yr old White male who has Mexican cousins, but imp still in favor of mass deportations and a closed border. And as for spending money your wrong again, illegal’s cost the American tax payer 300 million dollars a year in social services, legal services etc, that could be used better security system along our border. It’s the US Government not the American citizens who are against spending the money. Lobbyist for American big business in Mexico do a good job of buying votes against any legislation about border security and immigration. That’s why you hear more about amnesty than you do about a solution to the problem from our politicians. So ether talk about a real solution on this issue and provide some useful data or go back to playing Modern Warfare on your kids XBOX.

The American politician must first admit that it is there job to protect American citizens from foreign intrusion no matter how it is done.

The American politician must also recognize that any help given to those foreign intruders works against the very idea of self determination which is the hallmark of democracy.

The American politician must choose sides in this war. There is no middle ground. Foreign intruders must be removed with any family they built on this side of the border. Those organizations that work to destroy the fabric of the American way of life must themselves be destroyed and any funds stolen from the American people must be recovered even if force must be used to do so.
Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.

Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. Americans currently DO NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship. You can't have 1 law saying you only have to issue a DL, or state ID, and another law stating you have to prove citizenship. They contradict each other.

Let's say you or me (I'm assuming you're American), are driving and are pulled over. We're asked to PROVE CITIZENSHIP. We only have a DL on us. We're going to jail.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.
You're not really in Florida are you?
You know? The state where you have to show your birth certificate, social security card, AND 2 pieces of mail with your name on it in order to get a license??

hey, JamesIn Wherever, I thought you said you repLIED to this.

Still waiting, pillow-muncher
CATO Institute Finds $180 Billion Benefit to Legalizing Illegal Immigrants
By Daphne Eviatar | 08.14.09

A new study from the libertarian CATO Institute concludes that legalizing the more than eight million undocumented workers in the United States would have significant economic benefits for the country, while simply enhancing border enforcement and applying restrictive immigration laws would actually hurt the U.S. economically.

The new report, written by Professor Peter B. Dixon and Research Fellow Maureen T. Rimmer at the Centre of Policy Studies at Monash University in Australia, relies on an economic model used by the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Agriculture, and Homeland Security, as well as International Trade Commission

CATO Institute Finds $180 Billion Benefit to Legalizing Illegal Immigrants | The Washington Independent

Go figure.:lol:
We don't have "low skilled" workers?
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The cato institute is nothing more than another generic, radical left wing group funded by that anti American piece of shit george soros. The man has openly admitted he wants to see America fail. He should be shot, court marshaled and sent to the Russian front.
The cato institute is nothing more than another generic, radical left wing group funded by that anti American piece of shit george soros. The man has openly admitted he wants to see America fail. He should be shot, court marshaled and sent to the Russian front.

The Cato Institute Is a Libertarian group. More right wing than left.
They are very pro business.

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