LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Man !!!! So much hatred amongst you native Americans !! Y'all aint gonna go on the war path are ya? Do I hear war drums?

I don't have a problem with Cherokees. My mother was Cherokee and Dad Chicksaw. I never knew any other Native Americans until I moved to Nevada 40 years ago. I have familiy members who are Mexican, English, Black, Jewish, French and I married a Puerto Rican and my son married a Polish girl, My daughter a German and other daughter a Nigerian. and among them I have 5 grand children.
I guess my problem is with MINI's attitude.:confused:
By the way ya go.......

United States of America
Main article: United States Coast Guard

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is both a military and a law enforcement service. It is one of the seven components of the uniformed services of the United States and one of the five elements of the United States armed forces. Its role includes enforcement of US law, coastal defense, and search and rescue.[19]

During peacetime the USCG falls under the administration of the United States Department of Homeland Security. During wartime, the USCG may, at the direction of the President, report to the Secretary of the Navy; its resources, however, are integrated into U.S. military operations (see 14 U.S.C. § 3–4).

The USCG maintains an extensive fleet of coastal and ocean-going patrol ships, called cutters by tradition, and small craft, as well as an extensive aviation division consisting of HH-65 Dolphin and HH-60 Jayhawk helicopters and fixed wing aircraft such as the C-130 Hercules, HU-25 Guardian, and HC-144 Ocean Sentry. USCG helicopters are equipped with hoists to rescue survivors and also play a major role in law enforcement. The helicopters are able to land and take off from USCG cutters, making them an indispensable tool in fighting illegal drug traffic and the influx of illegal migrants. The fixed wing aircraft are used for long range search and rescue and law enforcement patrols.

Coast guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said Bullshitter, you ought to do some research before making yourself look stupider than you already are.
You know...........the military isn't really for conducting patrols inside the country. That is the job of the Border Patrol, National Guard and the police.

The military is for handling things OUTCONUS, which means outside the US borders. It's also the reason that the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Transportation rather than the Department of Defense, because otherwise it would be illegal for them to patrol in coastal waters. really should do some research rather than being the retarded troll that follows me around.

AMAZING, The level of ignorance that some people have is beyond belief. The men and women of our armed forces swore an oath to defend the United States Of America foreign and domestic. The growing increase of illegal immigration is not a war time scenario by ant means, but the problem is greatly affecting our economy and our unemployment percentages not to mention gang, criminal and drug activities are steadily on an increase. And to say our military isn’t for conducting patrols, turn on a TV, read a new paper or listen to a radio in both Iraq and Afghanistan our troops spent months patrolling the streets and country side gathering intel acting on that intel and using that to capture the suspects. If they can do it there why not here, what is so hard difficult about that? And using the Coast Guard is beyond stupid, they have neither the manpower nor the assets for a job this big, nor do they have the predisposition or training for such a job. Plus this doesn’t have nothing to do with the Dept. of Transportation this is a problem for Homeland Security. Get it together before your next reply.
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

James are you a middle school drop out? American citizens prove their citizenship when they apply for a license so once you have a license you have no need to prove it again. That’ not to say that illegal’s don’t get a license just like they get ssn# (identity theft). And minority cops know better than to than to ask for proof of citizenship for a white man, that shit don’t play. As for asking Latinos well sorry but they fit the description of the suspect brown skin no speake English no papers three strikes your out.
By the way ya go.......

United States of America
Main article: United States Coast Guard

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is both a military and a law enforcement service. It is one of the seven components of the uniformed services of the United States and one of the five elements of the United States armed forces. Its role includes enforcement of US law, coastal defense, and search and rescue.[19]

During peacetime the USCG falls under the administration of the United States Department of Homeland Security. During wartime, the USCG may, at the direction of the President, report to the Secretary of the Navy; its resources, however, are integrated into U.S. military operations (see 14 U.S.C. § 3–4).

The USCG maintains an extensive fleet of coastal and ocean-going patrol ships, called cutters by tradition, and small craft, as well as an extensive aviation division consisting of HH-65 Dolphin and HH-60 Jayhawk helicopters and fixed wing aircraft such as the C-130 Hercules, HU-25 Guardian, and HC-144 Ocean Sentry. USCG helicopters are equipped with hoists to rescue survivors and also play a major role in law enforcement. The helicopters are able to land and take off from USCG cutters, making them an indispensable tool in fighting illegal drug traffic and the influx of illegal migrants. The fixed wing aircraft are used for long range search and rescue and law enforcement patrols.

Coast guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said Bullshitter, you ought to do some research before making yourself look stupider than you already are.

And what part of the so-called 2,000 mile US-Mexico border do your CG buddies guard?

OK mister military genius!! What is the plan against a MILITARY ATTACK made by Mexico? This ought to be REALLY GOOD!

I know what you would do................


then hop on a Carnival Cruise to parts unknown.

Try to outrun the Mexican Navy!!:lol:
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You know...........the military isn't really for conducting patrols inside the country. That is the job of the Border Patrol, National Guard and the police.

The military is for handling things OUTCONUS, which means outside the US borders. It's also the reason that the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Transportation rather than the Department of Defense, because otherwise it would be illegal for them to patrol in coastal waters. really should do some research rather than being the retarded troll that follows me around.

AMAZING, The level of ignorance that some people have is beyond belief. The men and women of our armed forces swore an oath to defend the United States Of America foreign and domestic. The growing increase of illegal immigration is not a war time scenario by ant means, but the problem is greatly affecting our economy and our unemployment percentages not to mention gang, criminal and drug activities are steadily on an increase. And to say our military isn’t for conducting patrols, turn on a TV, read a new paper or listen to a radio in both Iraq and Afghanistan our troops spent months patrolling the streets and country side gathering intel acting on that intel and using that to capture the suspects. If they can do it there why not here, what is so hard difficult about that? And using the Coast Guard is beyond stupid, they have neither the manpower nor the assets for a job this big, nor do they have the predisposition or training for such a job. Plus this doesn’t have nothing to do with the Dept. of Transportation this is a problem for Homeland Security. Get it together before your next reply.

The answer is something all Americans saw earlier this year when the President of Mexico warned the American Congress about making LA RAZA (Mexico's Nazi Party) mad! It made the US Government the enemy of all loyal Arizonians trying to throw out the invader Mexicans.

The US government has the power to FORCE Americans to fight wars that defend foreign countries and people YET doesn't have the BRAINS to DRAFT state and local law enforcement for the purpose of removing illegal invaders that destroy the United States.
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Here's a funny one. What do you call a poster who can't tell the difference between the "Immigration" forum from the "Humor" forum?

Answer: An Idiot.
wouldnt a predator cover more area than a 50 mile radius?
i'm, thinking you could do it every 200 miles(maybe more)

The millitary has all the assets needed to sucessfully defend our borders, ground support, technological support and air support. And the idea is to narrow the window of opertunity for them to cross the closer the better.

Why is it that when the Mexican Army helping drug cartels deliver shipments of drugs, sneak into the US and confront the US military, the US military has run away. It has happened several times already. That doesn't make most Americans sleep easy at night.

Because our government has their hands tied, our troops are not allowed to stand and fight that would be consider thay an act of war and that would be bad for big American business located in mexico costing some polititions alot of blood money.
Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Crime Summary

In recent Testimony of District Attorney John M. Morganelli before the House Subcommittee on immigration, Border, Security and Claims he stated:

"Unfortunately, the majority of illegal aliens who are here are engaged in criminal activity. Identity theft, use of fraudulent social security numbers and green cards, tax evasion, driving without licenses represent some of the crimes that are engaged in by the majority of illegal aliens on a daily basis merely to maintain and hide their illegal status.

Ignoring the "minor crime" such as ID theft and property crimes being committed by illegal aliens, here is a summary on some of the collateral damage reaped in crimes as a result of tolerating illegal aliens in the USA:

Still think illegal immigration is a "victimless crime" and we don't need to control our borders? Remember, about 60% of the crimes being committed are by illegal aliens who were previously deported.

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Crime Summary
By the way ya go.......

United States of America
Main article: United States Coast Guard

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is both a military and a law enforcement service. It is one of the seven components of the uniformed services of the United States and one of the five elements of the United States armed forces. Its role includes enforcement of US law, coastal defense, and search and rescue.[19]

During peacetime the USCG falls under the administration of the United States Department of Homeland Security. During wartime, the USCG may, at the direction of the President, report to the Secretary of the Navy; its resources, however, are integrated into U.S. military operations (see 14 U.S.C. § 3–4).

The USCG maintains an extensive fleet of coastal and ocean-going patrol ships, called cutters by tradition, and small craft, as well as an extensive aviation division consisting of HH-65 Dolphin and HH-60 Jayhawk helicopters and fixed wing aircraft such as the C-130 Hercules, HU-25 Guardian, and HC-144 Ocean Sentry. USCG helicopters are equipped with hoists to rescue survivors and also play a major role in law enforcement. The helicopters are able to land and take off from USCG cutters, making them an indispensable tool in fighting illegal drug traffic and the influx of illegal migrants. The fixed wing aircraft are used for long range search and rescue and law enforcement patrols.

Coast guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said Bullshitter, you ought to do some research before making yourself look stupider than you already are.

And what part of the so-called 2,000 mile US-Mexico border do your CG buddies guard?

OK mister military genius!! What is the plan against a MILITARY ATTACK made by Mexico? This ought to be REALLY GOOD!

I know what you would do................


then hop on a Carnival Cruise to parts unknown.

Try to outrun the Mexican Navy!!:lol:

Bullfighter, bikesailor suonds like another one of those pro immigration pussy who wont come out of the closet and just admit it, instead they want to try everything that wont work,use an inempt agency like the CG a one dementional agency who offers assets with the least amount of impact. Opposes any type of border security upgread such as a more effecent fence dead man zones(mine fields) increased manpower,etc. This jackoff is probably in favor of amnesty, Choose a side ether with the Mexican or the citizens of the USA.
Solutions To The Illegal Immigration Problem

That said, what are we to do with the 12+ million illegal aliens currently in the country? If 12 million is a problem, then 25 million is a much bigger problem. When a water pipe breaks in your house, the very first thing you do is to shut off the water and then the mess is cleaned up. This is common sense that most in the Government seem to be missing.

Illegal immigration must be treated in the same way. This requires two different set of actions: first slowing down and ultimately preventing entry and then making it harder for existing illegal aliens to live and stay in the US while simultaneously "encouraging" many to go home as well as deporting others
Solutions To The Illegal Immigration Problem
Here's a funny one. What do you call a poster who can't tell the difference between the "Immigration" forum from the "Humor" forum?

Answer: An Idiot.

You got that right.:cuckoo: Anyone laughing their asses off? :eusa_whistle: Immigration Humor belongs in the Immigration Forum? Or the Administrator would move it?:confused::eusa_drool:

Political Humor
in the Political Forum?

American Girl chill out and stop being so tight #$@.
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By the way ya go.......

Coast guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said Bullshitter, you ought to do some research before making yourself look stupider than you already are.

And what part of the so-called 2,000 mile US-Mexico border do your CG buddies guard?

OK mister military genius!! What is the plan against a MILITARY ATTACK made by Mexico? This ought to be REALLY GOOD!

I know what you would do................


then hop on a Carnival Cruise to parts unknown.

Try to outrun the Mexican Navy!!:lol:

Bullfighter, bikesailor suonds like another one of those pro immigration pussy who wont come out of the closet and just admit it, instead they want to try everything that wont work,use an inempt agency like the CG a one dementional agency who offers assets with the least amount of impact. Opposes any type of border security upgread such as a more effecent fence dead man zones(mine fields) increased manpower,etc. This jackoff is probably in favor of amnesty, Choose a side ether with the Mexican or the citizens of the USA.

Hey stupid.......I'm a 20 year US Navy veteran who has served in 4 war zones. I understand about the border problem (I live in Texas), as well as know that the primary reason that we don't have secure borders is because nobody wants to spend the money.

My suggestion is to put up 2 Predator (scan range is roughly 250 miles) drones every 200 miles, with 1 Reaper (the one with guns and missiles) every 200 miles.

The first time that a gun runner gets blown away? The rest will think twice about it. As far as the Predators? Have 'em scan the border, and when there are illegals crossing over, send in patrols to arrest and deport them.

Tell ya what Chili Owens, next time you decide to be a n00b on a message board? At least find out about someone before you pop off that festering sore you call a mouth.

BTW Bullshitter, looks like your retarded little brother showed up in the form of Chili Owens.

But........gotta wonder about someone named "chili"............because he may be one of them Mexicans that you're so worried about.
Hey stupid.......I'm a 20 year US Navy veteran who has served in 4 war zones. I understand about the border problem (I live in Texas), as well as know that the primary reason that we don't have secure borders is because nobody wants to spend the money.

My suggestion is to put up 2 Predator (scan range is roughly 250 miles) drones every 200 miles, with 1 Reaper (the one with guns and missiles) every 200 miles.

The first time that a gun runner gets blown away? The rest will think twice about it. As far as the Predators? Have 'em scan the border, and when there are illegals crossing over, send in patrols to arrest and deport them.

Tell ya what Chili Owens, next time you decide to be a n00b on a message board? At least find out about someone before you pop off that festering sore you call a mouth.

BTW Bullshitter, looks like your retarded little brother showed up in the form of Chili Owens.

But........gotta wonder about someone named "chili"............because he may be one of them Mexicans that you're so worried about.

What a relief! Just knowing that you're in Texas and a thousand miles away from Chicago makes me feel much better. And the fact that you aren't near any real weapons that the US military has makes me feel even safer.

I say we arm all the black kids that got their jobs stolen by taco heads and see if we can march to Mexico and take the country away from the banditos.
What a relief! Just knowing that you're in Texas and a thousand miles away from Chicago makes me feel much better. And the fact that you aren't near any real weapons that the US military has makes me feel even safer.

I say we arm all the black kids that got their jobs stolen by taco heads and see if we can march to Mexico and take the country away from the banditos.

You're in CHICAGO and bitching about Mexicans? Where the fuck are they coming from, Canada? Yeah.......some all the way at the north, when the real problem is down at the south. I'm closer (and probably better informed) than you are Bullshitter.

Not near any "real weapons"? Well........Clovis is only 90 miles away (lots of stuff on that base) as well as the Navy detachment is over in Oklahoma City (about 250 miles away).

Oh yeah..........Amarillo is where Pantex is. That's the company that makes nuclear weapons.

Any other idiocy that you'd like to spew? More racism perhaps? Why is it that you specifically designate blacks to be armed and take out the Mexicans, where are the white boys?

If they're like you, they're hiding in their parent's basement.
What a relief! Just knowing that you're in Texas and a thousand miles away from Chicago makes me feel much better. And the fact that you aren't near any real weapons that the US military has makes me feel even safer.

I say we arm all the black kids that got their jobs stolen by taco heads and see if we can march to Mexico and take the country away from the banditos.

You're in CHICAGO and bitching about Mexicans? Where the fuck are they coming from, Canada? Yeah.......some all the way at the north, when the real problem is down at the south. I'm closer (and probably better informed) than you are Bullshitter.

Not near any "real weapons"? Well........Clovis is only 90 miles away (lots of stuff on that base) as well as the Navy detachment is over in Oklahoma City (about 250 miles away).

Oh yeah..........Amarillo is where Pantex is. That's the company that makes nuclear weapons.

Any other idiocy that you'd like to spew? More racism perhaps? Why is it that you specifically designate blacks to be armed and take out the Mexicans, where are the white boys?

If they're like you, they're hiding in their parent's basement.

Whites who really hate Mexicans rarely have a high opinion of black people.
You're in CHICAGO and bitching about Mexicans? Where the fuck are they coming from, Canada? Yeah.......some all the way at the north, when the real problem is down at the south. I'm closer (and probably better informed) than you are Bullshitter.
Since Illinois is the state with the greatest amount of gang members per capita and Chicago is the distribution hub for drugs from Mexico, I can see why a guy who claims to "serve and protect":lol: Americans would want to live as close to the border as possible so he can jump ship if thing get nasty.

Not near any "real weapons"? Well........Clovis is only 90 miles away (lots of stuff on that base) as well as the Navy detachment is over in Oklahoma City (about 250 miles away).

Oh yeah..........Amarillo is where Pantex is. That's the company that makes nuclear weapons.
Just as long as they don't put any in your hands.

Any other idiocy that you'd like to spew? More racism perhaps? Why is it that you specifically designate blacks to be armed and take out the Mexicans, where are the white boys?
Must be that blacks did riot against the Mexicanos during the last few invasion rallies. Makes me ashamed to be in the same race as those "serve and protect" guys who are afraid to crack some illegals skull.

If they're like you, they're hiding in their parent's basement.
If they're like you, their renting their parents basement to those wonderful illegals.

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