LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

As a native American (Cherokee), I say fuck all of you.


Sorry. I don't know any Cherokee jokes. You should lighten up and take a deep breath. We're just having some fun. You going to tell me that Mexican don't make jokes about us white guys here in America?

Carlos Mancia, Gabriel Iglesias, George Lopez all make fun of white people.

Native American jokes.
what is the most humorous native joke you heard? - - Your portal to Native American Tribal Culture
Arizonians are not anti-immigrant.

Chris Matthew has a woman on his show today that said the people of Arizona who supported SB1070 were “anti-immigrant.” People of Arizona like most Americans are “anti-illegal immigration.”

How can any intelligent person even form their lips to voice that those who want our immigration laws enforced, our border secured, against illegal immigration, against revolving amnesty to be “anti-immigrant” or racist against “Mexicans.”?
Man !!!! So much hatred amongst you native Americans !! Y'all aint gonna go on the war path are ya? Do I hear war drums?
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

No you are for legalization because you don't want to do jack shit about it....your not fooling anyone
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

No you are for legalization because you don't want to do jack shit about it....your not fooling anyone

So you think the government has the right to violate a citizen's constitutional rights, due to the color of their skin?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Under what situations would you judge someone having probable cause to ask an American Citizen for documentation to prove their citizenship? It's clearly in the constitution they need it. Answer that for me.
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

No you are for legalization because you don't want to do jack shit about it....your not fooling anyone

So you think the government has the right to violate a citizen's constitutional rights, due to the color of their skin?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Under what situations would you judge someone having probable cause to ask an American Citizen for documentation to prove their citizenship? It's clearly in the constitution they need it. Answer that for me.

If a person gets pulled over for a traffic they have to show identification?
The same goes for the illegals.....they need to show identification....nothing unconstitutional about it. You want to make up lies go ahead thats what you do.
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.
English, Irish, German, Scot, Welsh and Native American by blood here. 100% American at heart.

Speaking specifically of Hispanic Illegal Immigrants. Why does it seem like so many of them do not actually want to be Americans? They want to work here and send money home, Not learn the language, and not assimilate at all into our society. Not all of them by any means but it sure seems like more than any other group of immigrants. Maybe it is just because there are so many more of them than any other group. It just seems like when our ancestors came here, they came here to be Americans, Not to be Mexicans living in America and supporting Mexico.

Just saying.

After paying rent, feeding yourself, purchasing auto insurance, clothing yourself and the dozens of other expenses you spend $ on, what do you do with your $?
Burn it?
Giving your $ to your family is what most responsible adults do. The US government could learn a valuable lesson from the resoursefullness of these Hispanic folks.
They are more disciplined a people than we are.

It’s not discipline, it’s the willingness to live conditions that a rat would say fuck this shit I’m out of here. There in nothing knobble about illegal’s and they send money home not for their parents gain but for their retirement nest egg. Americans do help their parents when needed and some don’t because their parents have money. You can put lipstick on a pig its still a pig. A real American wouldn’t give a shit what pro amnesty asshole think they would support the laws against illegal’s and support a the idea of better border security.
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.

Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. Americans currently DO NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship. You can't have 1 law saying you only have to issue a DL, or state ID, and another law stating you have to prove citizenship. They contradict each other.

Let's say you or me (I'm assuming you're American), are driving and are pulled over. We're asked to PROVE CITIZENSHIP. We only have a DL on us. We're going to jail.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.
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Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.

Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. American's currently D NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.

Hey stupid, If they're here legally they have to have a form of ID on them at all times, just like we do. If they have nothing, then there is a problem isn't there? Just like if I had nothing there is a problem.
Nobody is going around and stopping the Latino's asking for proof of citizenship. If it did the courts would hear it for sure....This is where your bullshit ends.
With all the politics being played over Arizona, it is only a matter of time before Arizonans take matters into their own hands.

As they should.


and none of that 5.56 junk shit 6.8 and 308 when need to reach out and touch someone just waiting for the call.
Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.

Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. American's currently D NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.

Hey stupid, If they're here legally they have to have a form of ID on them at all times, just like we do. If they have nothing, then there is a problem isn't there? Just like if I had nothing there is a problem.
Nobody is going around and stopping the Latino's asking for proof of citizenship. If it did the courts would hear it for sure....This is where your bullshit ends.

Legal immigrants need proof of legal residency-not just any form of identification. That's a fact. American citizens only need a form of ID (DL, or state issued ID minimum). That's a fact. I'm not disputing that. The problem is this: what if an American citizen is asked for proof of CITIZENSHIP. A driver's license and state issued license is NOT proof of citizenship-this part cannot be disputed-as legal immigrants get driver's licenses and state issued IDs if they wish.

So let's say you're an American citizenship, and are pulled over for speeding. You are then asked to prove your citizenship, and you present the officer your driver's license. Have you proved your citizenship? No. You haven't. Now the officer asks if you have any proof of citizenship-and you say no. That officer now has the ability to arrest you-a legal American citizen, while you have committed no crime (aside from speeding).
Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. American's currently D NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.

Hey stupid, If they're here legally they have to have a form of ID on them at all times, just like we do. If they have nothing, then there is a problem isn't there? Just like if I had nothing there is a problem.
Nobody is going around and stopping the Latino's asking for proof of citizenship. If it did the courts would hear it for sure....This is where your bullshit ends.

Legal immigrants need proof of legal residency-not just any form of identification. That's a fact. American citizens only need a form of ID (DL, or state issued ID minimum). That's a fact. I'm not disputing that. The problem is this: what if an American citizen is asked for proof of CITIZENSHIP. A driver's license and state issued license is NOT proof of citizenship-this part cannot be disputed-as legal immigrants get driver's licenses and state issued IDs if they wish.

So let's say you're an American citizenship, and are pulled over for speeding. You are then asked to prove your citizenship, and you present the officer your driver's license. Have you proved your citizenship? No. You haven't. Now the officer asks if you have any proof of citizenship-and you say no. That officer now has the ability to arrest you-a legal American citizen, while you have committed no crime (aside from speeding).

Legal immigrants have green cards and ARE required by LAW to produce Legal Documents upon request.
How many times has your little cherry picked scenario happened in your lifetime? :cuckoo:
You don't want closed borders and you don't want these law breakers out of our country. I get doesn't make you right, but I get it.
Hey stupid, If they're here legally they have to have a form of ID on them at all times, just like we do. If they have nothing, then there is a problem isn't there? Just like if I had nothing there is a problem.
Nobody is going around and stopping the Latino's asking for proof of citizenship. If it did the courts would hear it for sure....This is where your bullshit ends.

Legal immigrants need proof of legal residency-not just any form of identification. That's a fact. American citizens only need a form of ID (DL, or state issued ID minimum). That's a fact. I'm not disputing that. The problem is this: what if an American citizen is asked for proof of CITIZENSHIP. A driver's license and state issued license is NOT proof of citizenship-this part cannot be disputed-as legal immigrants get driver's licenses and state issued IDs if they wish.

So let's say you're an American citizenship, and are pulled over for speeding. You are then asked to prove your citizenship, and you present the officer your driver's license. Have you proved your citizenship? No. You haven't. Now the officer asks if you have any proof of citizenship-and you say no. That officer now has the ability to arrest you-a legal American citizen, while you have committed no crime (aside from speeding).

Legal immigrants have green cards and ARE required by LAW to produce Legal Documents upon request.
How many times has your little cherry picked scenario happened in your lifetime? :cuckoo:
You don't want closed borders and you don't want these law breakers out of our country. I get doesn't make you right, but I get it.

Read my other posts, where I agree that we should stop all aid towards illegal immigrants, and deport them right when they're found, and we shouldn't allow anchor babies to have citizenship. The only thing I don't think is feasible is securing the border. So don't put words into my mouth.
Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. American's currently D NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.

Hey stupid, If they're here legally they have to have a form of ID on them at all times, just like we do. If they have nothing, then there is a problem isn't there? Just like if I had nothing there is a problem.
Nobody is going around and stopping the Latino's asking for proof of citizenship. If it did the courts would hear it for sure....This is where your bullshit ends.

Legal immigrants need proof of legal residency-not just any form of identification. That's a fact. American citizens only need a form of ID (DL, or state issued ID minimum). That's a fact. I'm not disputing that. The problem is this: what if an American citizen is asked for proof of CITIZENSHIP. A driver's license and state issued license is NOT proof of citizenship-this part cannot be disputed-as legal immigrants get driver's licenses and state issued IDs if they wish.

So let's say you're an American citizenship, and are pulled over for speeding. You are then asked to prove your citizenship, and you present the officer your driver's license. Have you proved your citizenship? No. You haven't. Now the officer asks if you have any proof of citizenship-and you say no. That officer now has the ability to arrest you-a legal American citizen, while you have committed no crime (aside from speeding).
when was the last time you got a DL?
last time i got mine i had to provide proof of residence, and when i got my FIRST one i had to provide my birth certificate(as proof of AGE)
so, how hard would it be to have all states do this and put citizenship status on the DL?
that way no need for addition FEDERAL ID's
Legal immigrants need proof of legal residency-not just any form of identification. That's a fact. American citizens only need a form of ID (DL, or state issued ID minimum). That's a fact. I'm not disputing that. The problem is this: what if an American citizen is asked for proof of CITIZENSHIP. A driver's license and state issued license is NOT proof of citizenship-this part cannot be disputed-as legal immigrants get driver's licenses and state issued IDs if they wish.

So let's say you're an American citizenship, and are pulled over for speeding. You are then asked to prove your citizenship, and you present the officer your driver's license. Have you proved your citizenship? No. You haven't. Now the officer asks if you have any proof of citizenship-and you say no. That officer now has the ability to arrest you-a legal American citizen, while you have committed no crime (aside from speeding).

Legal immigrants have green cards and ARE required by LAW to produce Legal Documents upon request.
How many times has your little cherry picked scenario happened in your lifetime? :cuckoo:
You don't want closed borders and you don't want these law breakers out of our country. I get doesn't make you right, but I get it.

Read my other posts, where I agree that we should stop all aid towards illegal immigrants, and deport them right when they're found, and we shouldn't allow anchor babies to have citizenship. The only thing I don't think is feasible is securing the border. So don't put words into my mouth.

Securing the border IS the most feasible project.

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