LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

You racist!!! :eusa_whistle:

. They did not ask for free education, healthcare, welfare and housing. We are no longer into nation building but into nation survival. We do not have the natural resources or food to sustain the population growth of 30 million immigrants into this country every 20 years. We already have a water shortage and import much of our food. And where are the jobs for the growth going to come from? Not to mention 30 million low wage earners into our healthcare system. And their elderly parents will come over and go into our social security system without ever paying into it. SSI with full Medicaid. It will turn us into a third world country. We need limited and controlled immigration in order to survive.

The will pay taxes? They already pay taxes in spite of the rhetoric that they don’t. Very little if any and that will not change with amnesty. And don’t forget the crime that has come with immigrants and population growth. Gangs and drugs. It is not true that most illegal aliens are good hard working people who only want to take care of their families.

We will cease to be a democracy and become socialist or communist country because we will have no choice and the end of America as we know it.

Pro-amnesty advocates should think long and hard before they do amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens. Because once it begin, there will be no turning back.
Their biggest gripe I'm sure is that they wanted legalization aka amnesty so that they could bring their relatives from their country of birth. All these millions of illegals are NOT students by any stretch of the imagination. You can fool me some of the time; but you can't fool me all of the time.
DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!"
by safari

“This is war!”
claims Phoenix student Aldemar Cruz. “Republicans may
have stopped the DREAM Act, but they won’t prevent La Reconquista from
happening. “White people, watch out!”

Olivia Perez, an undocumented student who claims she was forced to
fill out false paperwork in order to stay in the United States, says,
“Latinos need to fight back. We need to march. We need to scream. If
necessary, we need to riot. We need to do everything Blacks did to get their civil rights!”

DREAM Act students vow revolution after act fails in the Senate "White People, Watch Out!" - Page 12

IF it's war you want, it's war you will get. Bring it on you liitle #%$@ #@$% $$#% #q$#S.

"Give them and inch and they want a mile."

The mexicans already got their asses kicked once. I reckon they're ready for round two. Bring it on!
They're just pissed off. They'll get over it.
They're not very astute political observers to think it would pass to begin with. They had hope-ey, but sorry, no change-ee.
Here's one for ya.
Did you hear about the Mexican who was so stupid he thought Roe vs. Wade was the two ways to cross the Rio Grande?:eek:

The funny thing about this one is that I told it to a Mex guy and all I got was a blank look.
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Why do Mexicans have those small chain steering wheels on there cars? they can drive in handcuffs.
As a native American (Cherokee), I say fuck all of you.


Sorry. I don't know any Cherokee jokes. You should lighten up and take a deep breath. We're just having some fun. You going to tell me that Mexican don't make jokes about us white guys here in America?
As a native American (Cherokee), I say fuck all of you.


Wait what???? Please dont tell me there here illegally to.:razz:

Yes, we are. My family refused to leave the South on the Trail of Tears, so in a sense, I am here illegally.

We "hid out" in the mountains of North Georgia, and the white folk were dumb enough to believe our German last name was real, and our red skin was from lounging on the Mediterranean :)
As a native American (Cherokee), I say fuck all of you.


Wait what???? Please dont tell me there here illegally to.:razz:

Yes, we are. My family refused to leave the South on the Trail of Tears, so in a sense, I am here illegally.

We "hid out" in the mountains of North Georgia, and the white folk were dumb enough to believe our German last name was real, and our red skin was from lounging on the Mediterranean :)

Now thats Fucken funny !!!!!!

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