LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Yep. And the easiest way to do it would be to put Predator drones every 50-100 miles (along with a barracks that would house 15-20 personnel), and every 3rd one, put a Reaper drone as well.

Take about 6 months to secure the border. I guarantee, the first idiots who are running guns get blown away, the rest will think twice.

After that? THEN we can talk about immigration reform.
Yep. And the easiest way to do it would be to put Predator drones every 50-100 miles (along with a barracks that would house 15-20 personnel), and every 3rd one, put a Reaper drone as well.

Take about 6 months to secure the border. I guarantee, the first idiots who are running guns get blown away, the rest will think twice.

After that? THEN we can talk about immigration reform.
wouldnt a predator cover more area than a 50 mile radius?
i'm, thinking you could do it every 200 miles(maybe more)
Yep. And the easiest way to do it would be to put Predator drones every 50-100 miles (along with a barracks that would house 15-20 personnel), and every 3rd one, put a Reaper drone as well.

Take about 6 months to secure the border. I guarantee, the first idiots who are running guns get blown away, the rest will think twice.

After that? THEN we can talk about immigration reform.
wouldnt a predator cover more area than a 50 mile radius?
i'm, thinking you could do it every 200 miles(maybe more)

The millitary has all the assets needed to sucessfully defend our borders, ground support, technological support and air support. And the idea is to narrow the window of opertunity for them to cross the closer the better.
Having any American prove their citizenship based on the color of their skin is ridiculous. Minorities who're citizens and just as American as anybody else should not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, and are protected under the constitution from such. I don't know any reasonable person who would dispute that.

Does this mean every American who's mexian/latino in Arizona has to carry their passport and/or birth certificate on them now? I hope the minority cops start asking white people for their proof of citizenship, and when they can't prove it right away-take their asses to jail.

I'm not for illegal immigration obviously-BUT I'm much much much much more against violating an American's constitutional rights.

Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.

Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. Americans currently DO NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship. You can't have 1 law saying you only have to issue a DL, or state ID, and another law stating you have to prove citizenship. They contradict each other.

Let's say you or me (I'm assuming you're American), are driving and are pulled over. We're asked to PROVE CITIZENSHIP. We only have a DL on us. We're going to jail.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.
You're not really in Florida are you?
You know? The state where you have to show your birth certificate, social security card, AND 2 pieces of mail with your name on it in order to get a license??
Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.

Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. Americans currently DO NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship. You can't have 1 law saying you only have to issue a DL, or state ID, and another law stating you have to prove citizenship. They contradict each other.

Let's say you or me (I'm assuming you're American), are driving and are pulled over. We're asked to PROVE CITIZENSHIP. We only have a DL on us. We're going to jail.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.
You're not really in Florida are you?
You know? The state where you have to show your birth certificate, social security card, AND 2 pieces of mail with your name on it in order to get a license??
wow, they really made changes since i was last there

Florida Drivers License Identification Requirements
I think all of these items would be primary in proving citizenship:

  • Certified United States birth certificate, including territories and District of Columbia
  • Valid United States Passport or Passport Card
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad
  • Certificate of Naturalization, Form N-550 or Form N-570
  • Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560 or Form N-561

Hey stupid, if you are a legal immigrant in this country then you have a green card, a green card that must be on your person at all times. That's the law. If you are a citizen and you are asked for an ID by LEO then you must present an ID in the form of a DL or state issued ID, again that's the the law. You don't like the law? Then seek to change it or move your ass to another country, where the laws will probably be much more strict.

Hey stupid, State issued IDs, and DL's are NOT proof of citizenship. Americans currently DO NOT have to prove their citizenship-according to your own words (as you agreed they have to show one of a DL or a state issued identification). Therefore the law does NOT state an American has to prove their citizenship. You can't have 1 law saying you only have to issue a DL, or state ID, and another law stating you have to prove citizenship. They contradict each other.

Let's say you or me (I'm assuming you're American), are driving and are pulled over. We're asked to PROVE CITIZENSHIP. We only have a DL on us. We're going to jail.

Maybe you should think about the law-because in your post you prove that very point.
You're not really in Florida are you?
You know? The state where you have to show your birth certificate, social security card, AND 2 pieces of mail with your name on it in order to get a license??

No, he's not from Florida, as a matter of fact. I'm guessing he's from, "across the pond". This does explain a lot.
My granny used to say, "If you'll lie about one thing, you'll lie about anything"
Yep. And the easiest way to do it would be to put Predator drones every 50-100 miles (along with a barracks that would house 15-20 personnel), and every 3rd one, put a Reaper drone as well.

Take about 6 months to secure the border. I guarantee, the first idiots who are running guns get blown away, the rest will think twice.

After that? THEN we can talk about immigration reform.
wouldnt a predator cover more area than a 50 mile radius?
i'm, thinking you could do it every 200 miles(maybe more)

Range of a Predator (from what I've read and heard on the news) is roughly a 250 mile radius, but, you've also got to figure in flight time to catch the bastards crossing.

Maybe 2 Predators every 200 miles, with 1 Reaper every 200 miles.

But, you'd need the berthing every 25-50 miles for the people on the ground that are patrolling. Travel in the desert takes time.
Yep. And the easiest way to do it would be to put Predator drones every 50-100 miles (along with a barracks that would house 15-20 personnel), and every 3rd one, put a Reaper drone as well.

Take about 6 months to secure the border. I guarantee, the first idiots who are running guns get blown away, the rest will think twice.

After that? THEN we can talk about immigration reform.

I'm sure those drones work great in tunnels!
Hey stupid, If they're here legally they have to have a form of ID on them at all times, just like we do. If they have nothing, then there is a problem isn't there? Just like if I had nothing there is a problem.
Nobody is going around and stopping the Latino's asking for proof of citizenship. If it did the courts would hear it for sure....This is where your bullshit ends.

Legal immigrants need proof of legal residency-not just any form of identification. That's a fact. American citizens only need a form of ID (DL, or state issued ID minimum). That's a fact. I'm not disputing that. The problem is this: what if an American citizen is asked for proof of CITIZENSHIP. A driver's license and state issued license is NOT proof of citizenship-this part cannot be disputed-as legal immigrants get driver's licenses and state issued IDs if they wish.

So let's say you're an American citizenship, and are pulled over for speeding. You are then asked to prove your citizenship, and you present the officer your driver's license. Have you proved your citizenship? No. You haven't. Now the officer asks if you have any proof of citizenship-and you say no. That officer now has the ability to arrest you-a legal American citizen, while you have committed no crime (aside from speeding).
when was the last time you got a DL?
last time i got mine i had to provide proof of residence, and when i got my FIRST one i had to provide my birth certificate(as proof of AGE)
so, how hard would it be to have all states do this and put citizenship status on the DL?
that way no need for addition FEDERAL ID's

Did you ever see a Mexican at a US post office get a US PASSPORT after having taken an oath read to him IN ENGLISH and not understanding a word that was read to him. Then the postal employee nods to him at the appropriate times so he can say "Si!" ......ahhhhh.......Jess, Jess!

It's pretty watching "Family Guy" in SPANISH and waiting for Quagmire to say "Giggity, Giggity, Goo" with a SPANISH accent.:lol:
Yep. And the easiest way to do it would be to put Predator drones every 50-100 miles (along with a barracks that would house 15-20 personnel), and every 3rd one, put a Reaper drone as well.

Take about 6 months to secure the border. I guarantee, the first idiots who are running guns get blown away, the rest will think twice.

After that? THEN we can talk about immigration reform.
wouldnt a predator cover more area than a 50 mile radius?
i'm, thinking you could do it every 200 miles(maybe more)

The millitary has all the assets needed to sucessfully defend our borders, ground support, technological support and air support. And the idea is to narrow the window of opertunity for them to cross the closer the better.

Why is it that when the Mexican Army helping drug cartels deliver shipments of drugs, sneak into the US and confront the US military, the US military has run away. It has happened several times already. That doesn't make most Americans sleep easy at night.
Too bad some on this thread are such haters that they kill any civil conversation. :evil:
You know...........the military isn't really for conducting patrols inside the country. That is the job of the Border Patrol, National Guard and the police.

The military is for handling things OUTCONUS, which means outside the US borders. It's also the reason that the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Transportation rather than the Department of Defense, because otherwise it would be illegal for them to patrol in coastal waters. really should do some research rather than being the retarded troll that follows me around.
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You know...........the military isn't really for conducting patrols inside the country. That is the job of the Border Patrol, National Guard and the police.

The military is for handling things OUTCONUS, which means outside the US borders. It's also the reason that the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Transportation rather than the Department of Defense, because otherwise it would be illegal for them to patrol in coastal waters. really should do some research rather than being the retarded troll that follows me around.

You mean the spineless US forces in the US suddenly grow a backbone when in foreign countries? Then why don't they advance a few hundred yards into Mexico?

OUTCONUS? I guess the American soldiers of the 19th century didn't know how to spell that and just fought some of the greatest battles in history. All on AMERICAN SOIL!

When will these so called "serve and protect" guys run out of excuses? You joined the military for a buck and run like hell when you see a Mexican coming.


Read this and see all the times the US military was used inside the US. Your case is very weak.
Can't we all just get along? Have a dialect instead of trying to out-dis each other. We are re-acting like a bunch of @#$!#. Illegal immigration is a very serious problem and need to be discussed seriously and if you are not mentally able to; shut the fuck up and crawl back under your rock.

How will Comprehensive Immigration Reform stop or even control illegal immigration and secure the border? Putting the 20 millions that are here and those entering daily on a path to citizenship will do nothing to control or stop illegal immigration and secure the border and will make border patrol agent’s jobs even harder than it is now. It is in vain that they are busting their butts 24-7, being shot at and killed chasing illegals who cross the border when our government is enticing them to come illegally with the promise of a path to citizenship.

This is putting the horse before the wagon and beating the dead horse.
The promise of a path to citizenship only encourages more illegal immigration making border patrol agent‘s job harder. Some coming to work and some coming to commit crimes and they who know crime is a more lucrative business here than in Mexico.

Illegal immigration needs to be reversed by workforce enforcement to send the message that if you enter illegally you will not be able to work without legal documentation. Legal documentation is a green card and it must be on your person at all times.

We need to enforce the E-Verify system and put in place a temporary worker’s program.

When people are not punished for their crimes they tend to commit them over an over. If illegal immigration is a crime then there should be a punishment. The punishment for illegal immigration is deportation and not amnesty. Period.
Read the comment. It is a very good analogy.
Illegal Immigration: Should the Punishment Fit the Crime?

10 - sal m
Apr 01, 2006 at 1:33 pm
If paying the fine for sneaking in - and then being allowed to apply for citizenship without further penalty - is all the punishment that will be meted out, the united states will be overrun.

Sneak in, "get caught," pay your fine and get in line!

Illegal Immigration: Should the Punishment Fit the Crime? - Page 2 - Blogcritics Politics
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It won't. It's like a teacher that can't teach erasing the chalk board, and all of the evidence with it. Over, and over, and over. Repeat until the pension kicks in. They need to keep changing the rules to hide the numbers and ineffectiveness. Nothing can fuck up a wet dream faster than a new Government Program. ;) :eek: :lol:

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