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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Human Beings are the ones that engage in illegal behavior. Unless there is some law on the books regarding illegal behavior of livestock of which I am unaware.
Hi Lady:

Thank you for staying on the ball with this 'hiring' of illegal aliens problem we have here in the USA and the developed world. The corrupt US govt allows millions and millions and millions of foreign nationals to just come in and take over the place, then people wonder why US Citizens lose jobs, go bankrupt, go into foreclosure, run out of benefits to find themselves camping out in tents on the side of the road. Some of my fellow Americans have slept under the stars in tents and under plastic and under a box or in a dumpster so another American can make a little bit more money by hiring an illegal alien for half the price.

Then the corrupt politicians tax you to death, so you cannot compete with their illegals paying no taxes and getting benefits from the govt at the same time. While I a grateful that the Lord our God has held the son of man in His Almighty Hand and blessed me, I weep dearly for my brothers and sisters that live in poverty so all the wealth on God's green earth can go to a very few. The people doing this to you have names like Rothschild ....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkhss0IDhZc]Zionism Is Front Run By Rothschild[/ame]

.... and Rockefeller and the Global Banking Cartel that cons sovereign peoples into gracing Rothschild the authority to print all the money. That is Reason #1 that the USA will be destroyed (my topic). Anyway, thank you again for writing on this topic.


Each time these open border lobby advocates tried to con you with this line, then give him the 'coming out of the bank with money' story. Some people come out the the bank with money 'legal' and sometimes somebody robs the place; and these illegals are coming in the back door. The problem is still with the 'hiring' and that is policed at the workplace. Obama is an illegal alien himself and most everyone knows it, but America is not America anymore.

“We are not illegal” “We are human beings”
Being legal has nothing to do with being human or inhuman. You broke the law when you came to my country illegally. Then you took a job from one of my fellow Americans and took bread out of the mouths his children.There is a place in this world where you belong and where you are a citizen and if someone goes to your country and takes the job of your family, then I feel pity for them too. The free economy only works if everyone plays on a level playing field. That means I compete for a job with another American who has kids in school and insurance to pay and a house payment and health insurance and, well, you get my drift. If ten illegal aliens live down the street and they take my job under the table-because my boss would like to make some extra money-then they pay no taxes and have no insurance and have no bills at all.
“We are not criminals”
The only reason you are not a convicted criminal is because our govt is more corrupt than you. The laws say you are a criminal, but nobody is enforcing the statutes from the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (link). We have been through all of this 'making them legal' open border lobby NONSENSE before in the mid 1980's and more than a million illegals were made legal, under the stipulation before God and all His witnesses that we would NEVER go through this again. All sides agreed and we have 20 million illegals stealing identities and jobs from my fellow Americans.They do not let me enforce the laws around here, but I would skin the people alive who are 'hiring' the illegals and my kingdom would not have this problem. ;0)
“Poverty is not excuse of stealing”

If you are not in this country legally you are in this country illegally and you are illegal.


They Proclaim to be “human beings” but their action state they are lower forms of human beings. They steal into the country under the radar in the dead of night to escape detention by US border patrols, steal jobs from Americans by lying.

The economic disparity between Mexico and the USA creates this problem, but 'law enforcement' should be 'enforcing' the law. Twenty Five US Citizens are killed by illegal aliens every day, which is 10,000 of my brothers every year and by people who are not even supposed to be here. I still put more blame on Law enforcement that 'The People' should require and demand do their job.

Then they steal healthcare, education for their children. Stealing the American Dream from us and our children.

We are so much on the same page. The American Dream died with a corrupt Government that serves a privately-owned and corrupt Federal Reserve that has siphoned off your wealth and your dignity. We are witnessing the implosion of the USA right before our eyes to third-world status. Very soon gas will be 5 to 10 dollars per gallon, a loaf of bread will be 4-5 bucks and twice that for a gallon of milk. When the trucks can no longer run, then the grocery stores will be without food. You are wise to get prepped for the crap to hit the fan.

And they teach their children to lie and steal by their lying and stealing. If they were Americans citizens they would be in jail for theft and that make them criminals. Entering this county illegally is a federal crime.

Think about it Lady: If these illegals were 'just like' our corrupt politicians, they would be running the place like Obama. ;0) Americans are foolish for allowing this problem to get so out of hand. Corruption is everywhere.

If they want to be treated like human beings, then they should act like human being and enter this country legally waiting their turns in line.

We may disagree a little bit here. Again, illegal has nothing to do with humanity. The rights that you have as a citizen of the USA are only mentioned in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, when in reality they are granted by your Creator; and He is God of that illegal alien too. The corrupt politicians work with the corrupt employers and they bring in millions of foreign nationals to take our jobs 'legally,' THEN they refuse to enforce our immigration, employment and document fraud laws (to mention a few) and really start taking jobs from Americans. Illegals and the people hiring them are 'humans,' but engaging in illegal activities under the auspices of corrupt politicians and law non-enforcement officers.

When they break in line in front of those playing by the rules, they are cheating someone in line of their chance at legally entering the country.

Our very survival means competition in a workplace that must be played by rules. If nobody is going to enforce the rules, then the system breaks and dreams are destroyed. Thanks again,


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Hye if we have to put up with people telling us that no amount of greed is too much, then you pretty much have no choice but to accept that THEFT must be okay, too.

Yes. This line of logic does justify robbin' banks. :eusa_think:
Why are we Fighting Our Own Government on Immigration? Why is Our Government Aiding and Abetting?

Just so we are all on the same page here.

Aiding and Abetting/Accessory.

A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy.

For example, Andy draws a floor plan of a bank, knowing of Dan's intention to rob it. After Dan commits the robbery, Alice agrees to let him store the stolen money at her house. Both Andy and Alice can be charged with aiding and abetting, or acting as accessories to the robbery.

Aiding and Abetting/Accessory - Criminal Law
Illegal aliens have been receiving free medical care in Arizona longer than the 60 years I can remember. Being from Pinal Country and have been in Tucson Medical Center ER and had to wait longer than expected because of ER being packed with illegals using ER as their primary physician.
Here in Reno, I often visit ER because of Hyponatremia seizures and MS flare-ups, if I go into ER there is always 80% filled with illegals and if a gang shooting or stabbing occur it takes priority. Sometimes I have left and gone home and called paramedics which will get me into a room faster than going into ER. If I am admitted, I have to wait for a room sometimes more than a day lying on a hard bed in ER. Often treated in hallway of ER and never getting an ER room.
Checking citizenship status will open up medical care in ER for Americans.
Eventually Arizona will get the job done and set a precedent for getting rid of illegals.
This is an injustice to the healthcare of Americans and need to stop.
If a doctors is to moral to refuse to treat illegals, then he should open an office and treat them on his own time with his own money. I don’t know why doctors are complaining anyway, illegals that do not have a true emergency is weeded out before they get to see a doctor by medical staff. When I go into ER pre-medical testing is given before you see a doctor and if it is not a true emergency send them home and tell them to see their primary physician. Nurses are trained to make those decision.
Doctors bill is separate from the hospital bill and if they want to give free medical care to illegals, so be it. Doctor complain checking citizenship will cause delay. They check insurance for citizens?
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Where does Mexico's responsibility for it's peole began and mine end? I did not ask for these people so why should I pay for their anything. I don't mind taking care of my own people but that's as far as I am able to go. We have poor homeless hungry people and they should come first but they stand in line behind illegals and their chidren.
Withdraw benefits and services from illegals and their children and that will balance the budget in many state and federal government to pay down the deficit also.
Too many hospitals have gone bankrupt or closed their emergency rooms becasue of illegal aliens. Maybe they will all leave arizona now and look to other states for free medical. It not they cannot pay for medical, it's because they know they don't have to that they use er and most of the time is is week ends when doctor offices and clinics are closed that they fill ER. Our leaders keep sending them the message that they don't have to pay and cannot be refused treatment and they keep using ER.
Check citizenship give the emergency treatment and lock em up and send em home after getting genetic imprint. If they show up again put em in jail for 30 days and send em home, if caught again 1 yr, etc.
Hospitals are now going to be imigration centers?

This means people will die for lack of treatment.

Arizona has lost its mind
Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion AnnuallyState's "cheap labor" costs average household $1,183 a year
By Robert Longley, About.com Guide
.Dateline: December, 2004
In hosting America's largest population of illegal immigrants, California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the costs to Californians is $10.5 billion per year.

Illegal Immigration Costs California $10.5 Billion Annually

This was in 2004 and I have to wonder what California's budget was then? That have to take a big plug out of services for American citizens. It's no wonder Calif in in the hole and cannot dig it self out.
IF Calif is in a hole, then the rest of the country must be in a hole also.
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Another stupid attempt by my State to do something about illegal immigration that is not going to work. How do you get people to prove that they are in the Country legally? The average citizen stopped on the street by a policeman is unable to do so! Drivers license? Social Security card? No problem. Illegal immigrants buy them for $10 on any street corner where the Hispanic population is paramount. How many of us carry a passport with us every day? And who will reimburse the hospitals for the extra cost involved in checking everyone's status? Of course hospitals MUST provide the service by federal law so, once again they are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Solution? The hospital worker will ask the patient: Are you a legal resident? The patient will say Yes or Si whatever the case will be and the hospital will have complied with the law. Case closed.
No! AZ will HAVE to treat them as it's by FEDERAL LAW!!! What they CAN do is ask for their legality!!! It's a CONFIRMATION NOT a death sentence. My question is: Are they sending the medical bills to Mexico???? Yeah, right!
It's time to close birthright citizenship loophole
Sen. David Vitter

February 15, 2011

America’s illegal immigration problem is out of control. To change this, we must better protect our borders, particularly the Mexican border, and ensure that only citizens and those in our country legally can be hired for jobs.

Another change we must make is to stop babies born in this country to two illegal immigrant parents from automatically becoming U.S. citizens as they do now; this happens more than 300,000 to 400,000 times in the U.S. every year. This is just flat wrong, and it serves as a magnet to attract more and more adults into our country illegally.

I recently introduced legislation so that a person born in the United States to illegal aliens does not automatically gain citizenship unless at least one parent is a legal citizen (including naturalized citizens), legal immigrant, or active member of the Armed Forces. Closing this loophole will not prevent anyone from becoming a citizen. What it will do is ensure that he or she has to go through the same process as anyone else born of foreign parents who wants to become an American citizen.

I don’t believe that the 14th Amendment to our Constitution grants birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. In fact, all we have to do is use history as our guide. It reminds us that this amendment was specifically designed to address the horrible injustice of slavery — not to grant citizenship to children of people living in our country illegally.

Therefore, my goal is to make sure that our 14th Amendment is not stretched to allow a person born in the United States to illegal aliens to automatically gain citizenship. I want to bring the 14th Amendment back to what its drafters intended — nothing more and nothing less.

Please let me know about any issues of importance to you and your family by contacting me at any of my state offices or in my Washington office by mail at U.S. Senator David Vitter, U.S. Senate, 516 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, or by phone at 202-224-4623. You can also reach me on the web at vitter.senate.gov.

David Vitter is a U.S. Senator from Louisiana and the chairman of the U.S. Senate Border Security and Enforcement First Immigration Caucus.

The Natchez Democrat - It's time to close birthright citizenship loophole
I agree.

Send all the honkeys back to Europe.

For evidence why this is necessary, I submit all the racial violence of the past 200 years.
I agree.

Send all the honkeys back to Europe.

For evidence why this is necessary, I submit all the racial violence of the past 200 years.

The "honkies" entered this country when we had not immigration laws or registered though Ellis Island. Illegal aliens sneaked across the border undetected scampering like desert rats to avoid registering and being returned home. That was then and this is now and we are not into building america but in survival of America. Being Native American, I do not like what happened to the Natives but that was then and this is now and all america and americans are in danger of extinction because of uncontrolled immigration.
Illegal aliens are not immigrants either, they are criminals under the radar. We cannot keep making the same mistake over and over. We cannot do anything about the last 200 years but we can do something about the atrocities that is cause by illegal aliens.
Call me a racist, zenophobic I don't give a bucket of S***. I will never stop fighting to end illegal immigration.

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