LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

We've reached a point of insanity in this country when unqualified judges allow people who break federal law by illegally entering the country and trespass on a man's property to sue him for detaining them. A man has a right to defend his property. This ruling defies all common sense, but that's not surprising coming from the Ninth Circus Court which gets overturned by the SCOTUS 75% of the time. He needs to appeal to the Supreme Court.
Court upholds verdict against Arizona rancher who detained illegal immigrants on his land

A federal appeals court rules that Arizona rancher Roger Barnett must pay $87,000 to four illegal immigrants he detained at gunpoint. The court says the immigrants were not armed and didn't threaten him.

In this photo from 1999, Roger Barnett looks out on his ranch in Douglas,… (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)February 04, 2011|By Nicholas Riccardi, Los Angeles TimesA federal appeals court has upheld a controversial verdict that an Arizona rancher must pay $87,000 to four illegal immigrants he detained at gunpoint while they were crossing his property.

The ruling Thursday from a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco found that the 2009 civil judgment against rancher Roger Barnett was proper and that the jury should not have been instructed that they could find Barnett acted in self-defense.

Court upholds verdict against Arizona rancher who detained illegal immigrants on his land - Los Angeles Times

Now it's time for him to sue Homeland Security for not protecting his land against illegal aliens.

RICO -- Citizen Recourse
Private persons and entities may initiate civil suits to obtain injunctions and treble damages against enterprises that conspire to or actually violate federal alien smuggling, harboring, or document fraud statutes, under the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO). The pattern of racketeering activity is defined as commission of two or more of the listed crimes. A RICO enterprise can be any individual legal entity, or a group of individuals who are not a legal entity but are associated in fact, AND CAN INCLUDE NONPROFIT ASSOCIATIONS.

The Federal Court is in Violation of It's Trust.
Criminal trespass in the third degree; classification

Detail: : 13-1502 Criminal trespass in the third degree; classification
A. A person commits criminal trespass in the third degree by:

1. Knowingly entering or remaining unlawfully on any real property after a reasonable request to leave by the owner or any other person having lawful control over such property, or reasonable notice prohibiting entry.
2. Knowingly entering or remaining unlawfully on the right-of-way for tracks, or the storage or switching yards or rolling stock of a railroad company.
B. Criminal trespass in the third degree is a class 3 misdemeanor.


Criminal trespass in the second degree; classification

Detail: : 13-1503 Criminal trespass in the second degree; classification
A. A person commits criminal trespass in the second degree by knowingly entering or remaining unlawfully in or on any nonresidential structure or in any fenced commercial yard.
B. Criminal trespass in the second degree is a class 2 misdemeanor.

Criminal trespass in the first degree; classification

Detail: : 13-1504 Criminal trespass in the first degree; classification
A. A person commits criminal trespass in the first degree by knowingly:
1. Entering or remaining unlawfully in or on a residential structure.
2. Entering or remaining unlawfully in a fenced residential yard.
3. Entering any residential yard and, without lawful authority, looking into the residential structure thereon in reckless disregard of infringing on the inhabitant's right of privacy.
4. Entering unlawfully on real property that is subject to a valid mineral claim or lease with the intent to hold, work, take or explore for minerals on the claim or lease.
5. Entering or remaining unlawfully on the property of another and burning, defacing, mutilating or otherwise desecrating a religious symbol or other religious property of another without the express permission of the owner of the property.
6. Entering or remaining unlawfully in or on a critical public service facility.
B. Criminal trespass in the first degree under subsection A, paragraph 1, 5 or 6 is a class 6 felony. Criminal trespass in the first degree under subsection A, paragraph 2,
3 or 4 is a class 1 misdemeanor.
What is the penalty for trespassing private property in arizona? - Yahoo! Answers
(PRWEB) June 14, 2000

PRESS RELEASEDate: 14 June 2000
Subject: Texas group forms to help Arizona ranchers protect against trespassers and repair property damage
Contact: Mark HarjuEmail: [email protected]site: http://www.ranchrescue.com14 June 2000 (Dallas, Texas, USA) — The citizen volunteer group ‘Ranch Rescue’ today announced its formation in Dallas, Texas. The group is actively recruiting members to help ranchers on the Arizona / Mexico border cope with the damage to their property caused by thousands of criminal trespassers.

Thousands of undocumented aliens pass through the Douglas, Arizona area every month, from across the border with nearby Mexico. The ranch owners in the area report hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage from the resulting criminal trespass on their private property. Trespassers cut fence lines, damage water irrigation systems, steal and slaughter livestock, break into the ranchers’ homes and nearby businesses, and assault the ranchers.

Ranch Rescue will repair the downed fences, fix the broken irrigation systems, round up scattered livestock, and assist the Cochise County local ranch owners in protecting their private property against a vast number of criminal trespassers, some of whom are heavily armed drug smugglers. Ranchers and local law enforcement in the area have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of trespassers, and federal immigration law enforcement in the area has been unable to prevent the number of illegal border crossers from increasing dramatically over the past year.

The US Border Patrol reports a 350 percent increase in the apprehension of illegal border crossers in Arizona from 1994 to 1999. The number of apprehensions in Douglas nearly doubled between April 1999 and April 2000. Local ranchers say that the number actually caught is only a fraction of the number that make it far enough into southeastern Arizona to damage the ranchers’ private property.

The Texas-based grassroots group will travel this fall to the Douglas, Arizona area to offer their assistance during what the ranchers report to be the annual peak of criminal trespass activity. Ranch Rescue will join the ranchers in a “Neighborhood Watch” over the ranch properties to guard them against illegal activity and will assist the property owners in lawful apprehension of criminal trespassers. Trespassers so apprehended will be lawfully detained for immediate turnover to law enforcement.

According to the group’s Volunteer Coordinator and co-founder Jack Foote, “We are a group of Texas ranchers and other folks dedicated to preserving and defending the private property rights of individual citizens. We are appalled by the utter lack of effective action on this issue by the Arizona governor and the federal government. Whatever the state and federal authorities have been doing for the past 2 years, it has just simply not worked.

The number of criminal trespassers in the Douglas, Arizona area has increased, not decreased. To us, this is no longer an immigration issue, it is a mass criminal activity issue… The ranchers in Douglas are in need of helping hands, so we are going to provide them with ours.”

Ranch Rescue is based in Arlington, Texas and their website is at .

The group’s Volunteer Coordinator can be reached at [email protected].

The Public Affairs Office can be contacted by the media at [email protected].
RICO -- Citizen Recourse
Private persons and entities may initiate civil suits to obtain injunctions and treble damages against enterprises that conspire to or actually violate federal alien smuggling, harboring, or document fraud statutes, under the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO). The pattern of racketeering activity is defined as commission of two or more of the listed crimes. A RICO enterprise can be any individual legal entity, or a group of individuals who are not a legal entity but are associated in fact, AND CAN INCLUDE NONPROFIT ASSOCIATIONS.

There goes the Catholic Church now run by Latin American invasion forces!

“We are not illegal” “We are human beings” “We are not criminals”
“Poverty is not excuse of stealing”
If you are not in this country legally you are in this country illegally and you are illegal.

They claim to be “human beings” but their action state they are lower forms of human beings. They steal into the country under the radar in the dead of night to escape detention by US border patrols, steal jobs from Americans by lying. Then they steal healthcare, education for their children. Stealing the American Dream from us and our children. And they teach their children to lie and steal by their lying and stealing. If they were Americans citizens they would be in jail for theft and that make them criminals. Entering this county illegally is a federal crime.

If they want to be treated like human beings, then they should act like human being and enter this country legally waiting their turns in line. When they break in line in front of those playing by the rules, they are cheating someone in line of their chance at legally entering the country.

When they live and steal they are breaking two of GOD’s commandments and are destined to hell forever. Remember Ananias?

The man that stole a loaf of bread from the convenient store with his child because she was hungry and he was sent to jail separating him from his child who had no choice in her father robbery. In jail he will be treated less than human and when he get out of jail, he will lose certain civil liberties like voting and section 8 housing. Thus punishing the child even more.

At the same time illegal aliens can enter this country with a child to make a better life for him and he is welcome and rewarded with a path to citizenship after a minimum fine. Eventually given the right to vote and section 8 housing. And all his criminal activities wiped of his record. Three million of theses criminals were excused and pardoned with amnesty in 1986. The biggest jail break assisted by the government ever in history with tax payer’s money. Now our government want to do the same again for 20 million. A gift from the american tax payers. They did not pay a fine. We paid it for them. We can pardon 23 million illegal aliens but not Americans citizen even after they have paid for their crimes with jail time. Is there a double standard here for Americans and ilegals? They very word “amnesty” means a pardon and a pardon usually mean a crime has been committed. Illegal aliens given amnesty in 1986 were criminals.

Then they are rewarded while still criminals by giving their American born children automatic citizenship with all the benefits of children born to american citizens.
When is this nightmare of injustices going to end? With the second coming of CHRIST?

"Poverty is nor an excuse to steal."
When is this nightmare of injustices going to end? With the second coming of CHRIST?

This will end WHEN and only IF the American Citizenry stands up as one and DEMANDS that it end. It cannot be a Right or a Left issue. It cannot be Democrats or Republicans, Conservatives or Liberals. It will ONLY ever end when all sides are willing to stand together and to do the difficult things that will be necessary in order to fix the problem.

If you want proof of that, I will give you the Native Americans. A loosely connected group of tribes, unwilling to put their own differences aside long enough to fight their common ENEMY who was bent on conquest..... US. They lost because they allowed us to get a foothold here on the continent and then refused to band together to drive us off. Just like we are doing right now with the illegal immigrants coming into this country from a myriad of places.

Want further proof.... look at the clans in Ireland and Scotland when the English invaded both of those countries.
Why can't we band together and protest for our immigration laws be enforced, our borders secure and illegal aliens deported? I am a diehard democrat in a wheelchair and I would be willing to take part and have taken part in small protest here in Nevada.
Anachronism (sp) is right. We are the only country that I know have that allow this to happen. I regret that your country does not treat you well or offer you opportunity but you need to take your country back not take mine over. Over 300 years ago we were being abused by the ruling government so we took it away from them and started over and have done very well until recently. Those of you who are here illegally go home and work on your own country and leave my alone.
Hye if we have to put up with people telling us that no amount of greed is too much, then you pretty much have no choice but to accept that THEFT must be okay, too.
Anachronism (sp) is right. We are the only country that I know have that allow this to happen. I regret that your country does not treat you well or offer you opportunity but you need to take your country back not take mine over. Over 300 years ago we were being abused by the ruling government so we took it away from them and started over and have done very well until recently. Those of you who are here illegally go home and work on your own country and leave my alone.

Correction........Pre WW2 Germany allowed a small group of gangsters to take over the country and destroy it.
We have dope coming in the Country on the backs of criminals, potential terrorists from all over the globe have access to our borders and the left wants to play semantics. Yeah, people aren't illegal but their conduct is.

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