LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

José;3299920 said:

Did you do this with a spray can?
José;3300065 said:
Originally posted by BolshevikHunter
Look, White America is not responsible for Black poverty. How about you take a look at Worldwide Black poverty Amigo? I am sure that's all Whitey's fault too eh?

Wasn't this exactly what I said??

White Mexico is not responsible for the poverty of Indian and Mestizos like so many people here say just like White America can't be blamed for all the violence, poverty, tons of grafitti and the strong stink of urine that emanates from so many black ghettos.

Jose, I myself do blame the corrupt Government of Mexico for their peoples misery. I have traveled to Mexico many times and it's the Mestizos who are always kind and smile at you. Watching how the Spanish / Mexican upper class treats them while staying at the resorts is enough to make one sick. I also talk to them alot about it and they love Americans more than their own people because we treat them good when the Gachupines just shit on them, no tips and order them around like dogs.

Anyway, I don't blame them or anyone else for wanting to come here, but we are a Nation of Laws and we can't shoulder the entire turd world of this planet. ~BH
José;3299920 said:

Did you do this with a spray can?

Tank... let me explain the whole crap to you...

Angelhair is a white american woman who opposes illegal immigration of Indians and mestizos from Mexico/Latin America (although she won't admit the "racial component" of her stance).

So in order to avoid looking racist in front of the whole USMB she goes to extreme lengths to blame her white brothers in Mexico for the misery of Indians and Mestizos.

Angelhair is willing to throw white Mexicans to the wolves as part of her desperate effort to hide the racial component of her opposition to mexican illegal immigration.

This is the sad, pathetic state the white race finds itself in...
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If you don't blame white people, then you would have to discuss racial differences.
José;3300065 said:
Originally posted by BolshevikHunter
Look, White America is not responsible for Black poverty. How about you take a look at Worldwide Black poverty Amigo? I am sure that's all Whitey's fault too eh?

Wasn't this exactly what I said??

White Mexico is not responsible for the poverty of Indian and Mestizos like so many people here say just like White America can't be blamed for all the violence, poverty, tons of grafitti and the strong stink of urine that emanates from so many black ghettos.

Jose, I myself do blame the corrupt Government of Mexico for their peoples misery. I have traveled to Mexico many times and it's the Mestizos who are always kind and smile at you. Watching how the Spanish / Mexican upper class treats them while staying at the resorts is enough to make one sick. I also talk to them alot about it and they love Americans more than their own people because we treat them good when the Gachupines just shit on them, no tips and order them around like dogs.

Anyway, I don't blame them or anyone else for wanting to come here, but we are a Nation of Laws and we can't shoulder the entire turd world of this planet. ~BH


White America should not be blamed for the poverty of black americans.

But white Mexicans are to be blamed for all the misery of mexican Indians and Mestizos from the day Hernan Cortés arrived in Veracruz to today.

How fair and impartial of you!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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José;3300078 said:
Originally posted by BolshevikHunter
Look, White America is not responsible for Black poverty. How about you take a look at Worldwide Black poverty Amigo? I am sure that's all Whitey's fault too eh?

Wasn't this exactly what I said??

And no that's not exactly what you said bro. What you said was......that you found it interesting that we don't blame ourselves for Black Poverty. Well, That's not exactly an endorsement of our position. :cool: ~BH
José;3300114 said:
José;3299920 said:

Did you do this with a spray can?

Tank... let me explain the whole crap for you...

Angelhair is a white american woman who opposes illegal immigration of Indians and mestizos from Mexico/Latin America (although she won't admit the "racial component" of her stance).

So in order to avoid looking racist in front of the whole USMB she goes to extreme lengths and blame her white brothers in Mexico for the misery of Indians and Mestizos.

Angelhair is willing to throw white Mexicans to the wolves as part of her desperate effort to hide the racial component of her opposition to mexican illegal immigration.

This is the sad, pathetic state the white race finds itself in...

Say what Jose???? I oppose ALL illegal entry in to the USA!!!! And that includes ALL countries. It did not take long for you to pull that proverbial race card, eh? I blame ALL mexicans for Mexico's plight - but - you are in deep denial if you think that racism against those indians which you speak of does not run rampant in MEXICO! I am not willing to throw anybody to the wolves - just throw them back to the country they came from. The white race does not find itself in a pathetic state - I would venture to say that it's the REST of the world who finds itself in a patethic state. The USA has done very well thank you!!! And - will continue to do so.
José;3300128 said:
José;3300065 said:

Wasn't this exactly what I said??

White Mexico is not responsible for the poverty of Indian and Mestizos like so many people here say just like White America can't be blamed for all the violence, poverty, tons of grafitti and the strong stink of urine that emanates from so many black ghettos.

Jose, I myself do blame the corrupt Government of Mexico for their peoples misery. I have traveled to Mexico many times and it's the Mestizos who are always kind and smile at you. Watching how the Spanish / Mexican upper class treats them while staying at the resorts is enough to make one sick. I also talk to them alot about it and they love Americans more than their own people because we treat them good when the Gachupines just shit on them, no tips and order them around like dogs.

Anyway, I don't blame them or anyone else for wanting to come here, but we are a Nation of Laws and we can't shoulder the entire turd world of this planet. ~BH


White America should not be blamed for the poverty of black americans.

But white Mexicans are to be blamed all the misery in Mexico from the day Hernan Cortés arrived in Veracruz to today.

How fair and impartial of you!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You see? I do blame our past rulers for how the Native Americans were treated, but better us than the Russians grabbing North America. Don't even bother crying about how we stole Mexico's land because we didn't. We could have taken it after beating your ass, yet we signed the Treaty of Guadalupe with you and purchased it. You offered us Baja for 50 million (1.3 billion today), but we unfortunately declined. I think Cabo USA would have been great Jose, don't yuh think? Real good surfing down there bro.

As far as Black poverty goes, I think it's blown out of proportion by the media. Look, All races are in poverty in the USA, that's the big secret that the media never tells the sheople. Actually, I bet their are more poor White people these days than poor Black people because there are simply so many more White people in general. Blacks have had plenty of time to get their shit together, and most have or did. The problem is Black males in Prison. Hell, Our President is Black. I think equality has been reached.

Anyway, Blacks are not oppressed today like the Mestizos are and were centuries ago. The Mestizos were not only enslaved, but had their land seized, women and children killed or raped and culture virtually wiped out. No comparison bro, none whatsoever. Also, Blacks were sold into slavery by their own, and then put on Jewish & Portugese merchant slave ships. So quit blaming everything on White people. Blame those who made a profit off of bringing them here. Some of you guys are so stuck on hating White people when we are the kindest on the planet by allowing everyone to come here and enjoy America. You think you would get such love from Red China? LMAO!!! They would kill you all to make room! LOL!!!!! Hell, take a look at Mexicos immigration policy. Now that is a great immigration policy! ~BH
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Originally posted by Angelhair
I blame ALL mexicans for Mexico's plight

Are you sure you do?

Angelhair posted 10 - 16 - 2010
I wonder how much Carlos Sims gives back and does to help the poor in MEXICO??? And how about the rest of the rich mexicans? Come on Jose, you know very well that the latino mentality is NOT one of the most 'giving'!! Was it not Bill Gates who told Sims he HAD to give back to the people who made him rich?
This is the kind of Mexican Angelhair blames for the poverty of Indians and Mestizos.

Does he look like the average mexican Indian or Mestizo to you?

Does he look like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Geronimo or Montezuma?


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In the same message Angelhair said this:

Could it be because it (poverty among blacks) is NOT the fault of the 'white AMERICAN elite???

And this:

How about blaming the poverty, violence, graffiti, and stink of urine in ALL american ghettos on the people themselves???

This is the blatant, scandalous double standards that gives me murderous tendencies.

When the super patriotic american clown debates poverty among american blacks all you hear is:

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago.

Nobody alive today had anything to do with it.

America does not owe blacks and indians anything other than the right to get a job and work their asses off.


But when the subject is poverty in Mexico their tune changes drastically:

The big, bad, evil white Mexican gives at least 200 lashes to their Indian and Mestizo slaves every night.

I have it on good authority that they even promote cannibalistic rituals in which they drink the blood and devour the raw flesh of Indian and Mestizo babies after sodomising their corpses.

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This kind of double standards towards white Mexicans gives me a tremendous desire to spend 15 minutes alone with a couple of super patriotic american clowns.

Not to kill them... just mutilate them...

Cut off a finger or two.
Now seriously...

The same white americans who reject white guilt in America want to shove it down the throats of white mexicans.

How retarded is that??
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José;3301043 said:
Now seriously...

The same white americans who reject white guilty in America want to shove it down the throats of white mexicans.

How retarded is that??

The perennial argument about who is "white" and who isn't?

What nonsense.

I know you don't reject white guilt neither in America nor in Mexico, Madeline, so no one can accuse you of being incoherent on this particular issue.

But you have an awful lot of posters on this Board (Angelhair, Old Rocks, Frazzledgear, just to name a few) and people in America who create a grotesque caricature of white Mexicans as savage capitalists ravaging the Mexican poor while at the same time blaming american blacks themselves for their poverty.

This is a hell of a double standard, specially when you consider that slavery was outlawed in Mexico almost 40 years before the American Civil War.
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José;3301085 said:
José;3301043 said:
Now seriously...

The same white americans who reject white guilty in America want to shove it down the throats of white mexicans.

How retarded is that??

The perennial argument about who is "white" and who isn't?

What nonsense.

I know you don't reject white guilty neither in America nor in Mexico, Madeline, so no one can accuse you of being incoherent on this particular issue.

But you have an awful lot of posters on this Board (Angelhair, Old Rocks, Frazzledgear, just to name a few) and people in America who create a grotesque caricature of white Mexicans as savage capitalists ravaging the Mexican poor while at the same time blaming american blacks themselves for their poverty.

This is a hell of a double standard, specially when you consider that slavery was outlawed in Mexico almost 50 years before the American Civil War.

Fair enough, Jose'. Leave aside the racial question. I understand Mexico once had a much larger middle class than it now does, and the elite, through a corrupt government, dismantled assets and basically embezzled them, impoverishing miillions and sending Mexico into a slide that has still not ended.

If that is an unfair characterization, please explain.

José;3301085 said:
The perennial argument about who is "white" and who isn't?

What nonsense.

I know you don't reject white guilty neither in America nor in Mexico, Madeline, so no one can accuse you of being incoherent on this particular issue.

But you have an awful lot of posters on this Board (Angelhair, Old Rocks, Frazzledgear, just to name a few) and people in America who create a grotesque caricature of white Mexicans as savage capitalists ravaging the Mexican poor while at the same time blaming american blacks themselves for their poverty.

This is a hell of a double standard, specially when you consider that slavery was outlawed in Mexico almost 50 years before the American Civil War.

Fair enough, Jose'. Leave aside the racial question. I understand Mexico once had a much larger middle class than it now does, and the elite, through a corrupt government, dismantled assets and basically embezzled them, impoverishing miillions and sending Mexico into a slide that has still not ended.

If that is an unfair characterization, please explain.


You did anything but "leave the racial question aside". Mexico's political and economic elite is 100% white.

More white guilt for Mexico coming from America. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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