Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin eyed as 2016 GOP debate moderators

hahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahaahahahaha.......hahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...hahahahhahahhahaahahhahahahhaahahhaahaha.......oh man

And the next time you losers want to try to pass off these 3 have zero influence on policy or politics, fuck you. no seriously FUCK YOU.....

Seriously, I agree.

Look at this pig. I think he's perfect for the moderator of the GOP debates. His physical presence embodies their policies.


How far back in the wayback machine did you have to go for this one?? Limbaugh quit smoking years ago and lost all that weight too. It looks like late 70s or early 80s.

Really? Is he still a junkie? Bet that he is.
hahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahaahahahaha.......hahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...hahahahhahahhahaahahhahahahhaahahhaahaha.......oh man

And the next time you losers want to try to pass off these 3 have zero influence on policy or politics, fuck you. no seriously FUCK YOU.....

Seriously, I agree.

Look at this pig. I think he's perfect for the moderator of the GOP debates. His physical presence embodies their policies.


How far back in the wayback machine did you have to go for this one?? Limbaugh quit smoking years ago and lost all that weight too. It looks like late 70s or early 80s.

Nah, likely late nineties or since.:eusa_angel:
Yes, let's choose all deeply conservative moderators.. Allow them to interrupt the DIMWIT candidate, promote absolute lies, and throw softball questions to all of our candidates.. That would make it even, now wouldn't it?

LIBERALISM= PATHETIC and cannot stand on truth.
Brilliant. Instead of putting the GOP Sideshow on National TV where the nutszoids might modify their speech, they're gonna keep it in the bubble where the "candidates" will feel more "at home" and will let the crazy out. I cannot wait!!!!
Brilliant. Instead of putting the GOP Sideshow on National TV where the nutszoids might modify their speech, they're gonna keep it in the bubble where the "candidates" will feel more "at home" and will let the crazy out. I cannot wait!!!!

Shouldn't you be in Russia actually putting your money where your mouth is?!

In regard to the Republican debates.. Don't watch.. We don't give a shit.. Now run along and grab your rainbow flag, off to Russia you go!
A conservative leaning journalist as a Presidential debate moderator could not do anything worse than Candy Crowley did when she chose to insert herself into the debate.
Brilliant. Instead of putting the GOP Sideshow on National TV where the nutszoids might modify their speech, they're gonna keep it in the bubble where the "candidates" will feel more "at home" and will let the crazy out. I cannot wait!!!!

Shouldn't you be in Russia actually putting your money where your mouth is?!

In regard to the Republican debates.. Don't watch.. We don't give a shit.. Now run along and grab your rainbow flag, off to Russia you go!

Why do you continually try to take threads off topic? Can't find an actual rebuttal?

No need to watch. The stupid, racist or hateful things they say will be all over the Twittersphere in no time. :lol:

We won't be laughing at them...we'll be laughing really hard at them.
They ought to be moderators between the Dem and Republican candidates also...

If the Left Wingers can put people like Candy Crowley and that idiot from NPR as Moderators, then Republicans should be able to Rush, Hannity, or Levin seated as moderators.

Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin eyed as 2016 GOP debate moderators |

The Republican National Committee, already threatening to block CNN and NBC from hosting 2016 primary debates if they air planned features on Hillary Clinton, is also looking to scrap the old model of having reporters and news personalities ask the questions at candidate forums.

Miffed that their candidates were singled out for personal questions or CNN John King's "This or That," when he asked candidates quirky questions like "Elvis or Johnny Cash," GOP insiders tell Secrets that they are considering other choices, even a heavyweight panel of radio bigs Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.

They told Secrets that they are eager to bring in questioners who understand Republican policies and beliefs and who have the ability to get candidates to differentiate their positions on core conservative values
I pick Tom Fitton. He's informed, he knows where the bodies are buried, and he knows who buried 'em. :D
Brilliant. Instead of putting the GOP Sideshow on National TV where the nutszoids might modify their speech, they're gonna keep it in the bubble where the "candidates" will feel more "at home" and will let the crazy out. I cannot wait!!!!

Shouldn't you be in Russia actually putting your money where your mouth is?!

In regard to the Republican debates.. Don't watch.. We don't give a shit.. Now run along and grab your rainbow flag, off to Russia you go!

Why do you continually try to take threads off topic? Can't find an actual rebuttal?

No need to watch. The stupid, racist or hateful things they say will be all over the Twittersphere in no time. :lol:

We won't be laughing at them...we'll be laughing really hard at them.

Good, you librul busy bodies needs to mind your own fucking biznez for once and stay the hell out of ours..

As to the question, you didn't answer it.. DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR TICKET TO RUSSIA YET?
if that happens, then they'll have no reason to moderate their message of hate & intolerance :thup:
Shouldn't you be in Russia actually putting your money where your mouth is?!

In regard to the Republican debates.. Don't watch.. We don't give a shit.. Now run along and grab your rainbow flag, off to Russia you go!

Why do you continually try to take threads off topic? Can't find an actual rebuttal?

No need to watch. The stupid, racist or hateful things they say will be all over the Twittersphere in no time. :lol:

We won't be laughing at them...we'll be laughing really hard at them.

Good, you librul busy bodies needs to mind your own fucking biznez for once and stay the hell out of ours..

As to the question, you didn't answer it.. DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR TICKET TO RUSSIA YET?

So "libruls" have no business in the person that wants to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:

Would you have suggested to American Jews that they buy tickets to the 1936 Berlin Olympics?
Why do you continually try to take threads off topic? Can't find an actual rebuttal?

No need to watch. The stupid, racist or hateful things they say will be all over the Twittersphere in no time. :lol:

We won't be laughing at them...we'll be laughing really hard at them.

Good, you librul busy bodies needs to mind your own fucking biznez for once and stay the hell out of ours..

As to the question, you didn't answer it.. DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR TICKET TO RUSSIA YET?

So "libruls" have no business in the person that wants to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:

Would you have suggested to American Jews that they buy tickets to the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

ROFLMAO DRAMA QUEEN^^^ You suggest you won't watch the Republican debates, I agree with you and even welcome it.. and you come back comparing it to Jews and the 36 Olympics??? Number 1- No one gives a damn about Russia banning gay athletes.."Don't ask, don't tell." . Lastly, drop the dramatics.. it doesn't wash here.
Why do you continually try to take threads off topic? Can't find an actual rebuttal?

No need to watch. The stupid, racist or hateful things they say will be all over the Twittersphere in no time. :lol:

We won't be laughing at them...we'll be laughing really hard at them.

Good, you librul busy bodies needs to mind your own fucking biznez for once and stay the hell out of ours..

As to the question, you didn't answer it.. DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR TICKET TO RUSSIA YET?

So "libruls" have no business in the person that wants to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:

Would you have suggested to American Jews that they buy tickets to the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

Dumb analogy! :cuckoo:
Good, you librul busy bodies needs to mind your own fucking biznez for once and stay the hell out of ours..

As to the question, you didn't answer it.. DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR TICKET TO RUSSIA YET?

So "libruls" have no business in the person that wants to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:

Would you have suggested to American Jews that they buy tickets to the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

ROFLMAO DRAMA QUEEN^^^ You suggest you won't watch the Republican debates, I agree with you and even welcome it.. and you come back comparing it to Jews and the 36 Olympics??? Number 1- No one gives a damn about Russia banning gay athletes.."Don't ask, don't tell." . Lastly, drop the dramatics.. it doesn't wash here.

I said I don't have to watch, but I will be paying attention to what they say...just not by giving FAUX a boost in viewership.

There are direct parallels between Hitlers policies towards Jews, at the time of the Berlin Olympics , and Putin's towards gays now.

It remains to be seen as to the extent of "caring" there is regarding Heir Putin's policy.
so will FOX News ever be allowed to host a Presidential Debate? instead of Liberal Biased news channels that wont ask the Democrat a HARD QUESTION ???
Hannity doesn't have anything to do these days...would be a fun activity for him.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin eyed as 2016 GOP debate moderators

What makes the OP think that the Democrats wouldn't boycott FOXNEWS - in response to the GOP's boycott of CNN and NBC?

Unless the Republicans in the House do a 180 degree turn on the Immigration Bill, the 2016 Presidential Campaign is a lost cause!
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Mark Levin commented on this a couple hours ago and asked his producer to tell them he accepts, and wants an answer.

Good. Maybe we can find out why American helping American is "socialism".

Oh, that is obvious. After all, these crazy loonies believe that only the upper 1% are worthy of 'love'. The rest of us deserve only to be tools to their ambition. Just ask 'Rand' Paul, and Paul Ryan.

Ayn Rand Paul. Transgender libertarian with bad hair


And who does his hair? Roto-rooter? I bet he has the worst BO. Something many Republicans don't seem to notice for some reason.
Good, you librul busy bodies needs to mind your own fucking biznez for once and stay the hell out of ours..

As to the question, you didn't answer it.. DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR TICKET TO RUSSIA YET?

So "libruls" have no business in the person that wants to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:

Would you have suggested to American Jews that they buy tickets to the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

ROFLMAO DRAMA QUEEN^^^ You suggest you won't watch the Republican debates, I agree with you and even welcome it.. and you come back comparing it to Jews and the 36 Olympics??? Number 1- No one gives a damn about Russia banning gay athletes.."Don't ask, don't tell." . Lastly, drop the dramatics.. it doesn't wash here.

LGS calling somebody else a drama queen? That's priceless. :lol:

More on topic, Republicans alienated enough people when their debates had people booing a gay soldier, screaming "let them die", and.... Rick Perry. What makes them think this is a good idea?

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