Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin eyed as 2016 GOP debate moderators

Why don't they get moderators that AREN'T one percenters and ARE pro middle class?

Interestingly, there has only been one middle class candidate of note in national politics. The left immediately attacked Ms. Palin as unqualified because of it.

that is right...and who do they get behind...not one but TWO one percenters...Obama/Biden

they love love love their one percenters to be their Masters...

The Democrats are all 1%ers.

What a tired canard.
So "libruls" have no business in the person that wants to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:

Would you have suggested to American Jews that they buy tickets to the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

ROFLMAO DRAMA QUEEN^^^ You suggest you won't watch the Republican debates, I agree with you and even welcome it.. and you come back comparing it to Jews and the 36 Olympics??? Number 1- No one gives a damn about Russia banning gay athletes.."Don't ask, don't tell." . Lastly, drop the dramatics.. it doesn't wash here.

I said I don't have to watch, but I will be paying attention to what they say...just not by giving FAUX a boost in viewership.

There are direct parallels between Hitlers policies towards Jews, at the time of the Berlin Olympics , and Putin's towards gays now.

It remains to be seen as to the extent of "caring" there is regarding Heir Putin's policy.

There are parallels between Obama's use of the Big Lie and Hitler's.

Glaring parallels.
You KNOW you're hitting PAY DIRT when the board LIBROIDS show up en mass to spew their HORSE SHIT.

This isn't about YOU, LIBTARDS, this about US, the CONSERVATIVES! We're sick and tired of having your filthy little commie leftists RUIN *OUR* debates. We want someone to ask "OUR" candidates questions that matter to US, and ya know what, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING RAT FUCK whether YOU LIKE it or NOT.

Go pound sand.
You KNOW you're hitting PAY DIRT when the board LIBROIDS show up en mass to spew their HORSE SHIT.

This isn't about YOU, LIBTARDS, this about US, the CONSERVATIVES! We're sick and tired of having your filthy little commie leftists RUIN *OUR* debates. We want someone to ask "OUR" candidates questions that matter to US, and ya know what, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING RAT FUCK whether YOU LIKE it or NOT.

Go pound sand.

they are here just to dump their usual ugly for others and show how much they care.:rolleyes:
You KNOW you're hitting PAY DIRT when the board LIBROIDS show up en mass to spew their HORSE SHIT.

This isn't about YOU, LIBTARDS, this about US, the CONSERVATIVES! We're sick and tired of having your filthy little commie leftists RUIN *OUR* debates. We want someone to ask "OUR" candidates questions that matter to US, and ya know what, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING RAT FUCK whether YOU LIKE it or NOT.

Go pound sand.

they are here just to dump their usual ugly for others and show how much they care.:rolleyes:

I'll tell ya Stephanie, if the idea gets the little libtards undies in a bundle, THEN IT'S A GOOD IDEA. Because whatever THEY want, we want the OPPOSITE!

They're just too fucking STUPID to realize we KNOW that, so the more they're in here talking their SHIT, the BETTER IDEA GETS.
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You KNOW you're hitting PAY DIRT when the board LIBROIDS show up en mass to spew their HORSE SHIT.

This isn't about YOU, LIBTARDS, this about US, the CONSERVATIVES! We're sick and tired of having your filthy little commie leftists RUIN *OUR* debates. We want someone to ask "OUR" candidates questions that matter to US, and ya know what, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING RAT FUCK whether YOU LIKE it or NOT.

Go pound sand.

Do the rest of the conservatives on the board know that a welching, name-changing, drama queen (you) is speaking for them? :eusa_eh: :rofl:
You KNOW you're hitting PAY DIRT when the board LIBROIDS show up en mass to spew their HORSE SHIT.

This isn't about YOU, LIBTARDS, this about US, the CONSERVATIVES! We're sick and tired of having your filthy little commie leftists RUIN *OUR* debates. We want someone to ask "OUR" candidates questions that matter to US, and ya know what, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING RAT FUCK whether YOU LIKE it or NOT.

Go pound sand.

Do the rest of the conservatives on the board know that a welching, name-changing, drama queen (you) is speaking for them?

Poor Dot Cum... poor, poor Dot Cum...

You KNOW you're hitting PAY DIRT when the board LIBROIDS show up en mass to spew their HORSE SHIT.

This isn't about YOU, LIBTARDS, this about US, the CONSERVATIVES! We're sick and tired of having your filthy little commie leftists RUIN *OUR* debates. We want someone to ask "OUR" candidates questions that matter to US, and ya know what, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING RAT FUCK whether YOU LIKE it or NOT.

Go pound sand.

Do the rest of the conservatives on the board know that a welching, name-changing, drama queen (you) is speaking for them? :eusa_eh: :rofl:

He sure got your panties in a wad.
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Pretty insulting, isn't it.

No, it's not insulting at all. It's called reality.

And sexist.

It's not sexist. The insults and sexist stuff are the respones. Calling them "little women" for starters. Suggesting that if they tuned in out of curiousity it makes them easy to influence. How ridiculous is it that the folks who drive away women voters in unprecidented numbers feel they are knowledgeable on how women think and react to political issues. And when a suggestion is made that could perhaps help bring some respect and interest they attack it. That is why you idiots are destroying any hope for a conservative victory in the near future elections. You are so stuck on yourselves and think so highly of your own opinions that you just can't get out of that bubble. You can't think out of the box. You are just stuck on stupid. You dumb ass's thinking has undeservedly branded the Republican Party as anti-women, anti-immigrant, racist do nothing haters. Not because that represents the majority of Republicans, but because the idiots are loud and outragious and they feed the media and their opponents a steady stream of stupid.
Hillary just won't participate in non-rigged debates.

She's going to be placed, not elected.
No, it's not insulting at all. It's called reality.

And sexist.

It's not sexist. The insults and sexist stuff are the respones. Calling them "little women" for starters. Suggesting that if they tuned in out of curiousity it makes them easy to influence. How ridiculous is it that the folks who drive away women voters in unprecidented numbers feel they are knowledgeable on how women think and react to political issues. And when a suggestion is made that could perhaps help bring some respect and interest they attack it. That is why you idiots are destroying any hope for a conservative victory in the near future elections. You are so stuck on yourselves and think so highly of your own opinions that you just can't get out of that bubble. You can't think out of the box. You are just stuck on stupid. You dumb ass's thinking has undeservedly branded the Republican Party as anti-women, anti-immigrant, racist do nothing haters. Not because that represents the majority of Republicans, but because the idiots are loud and outragious and they feed the media and their opponents a steady stream of stupid.

This is from a party that attacked Palin and called her a slut, get your own house in order before you go after anyone else. Talk about stuck in stupid.

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