Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin eyed as 2016 GOP debate moderators

The source for this tripe is the Washington examiner! Wow.
A panel of conservative media in the GOP debates would score huge ratings. Liberals would tune in out of paranoia. This is long overdue. Two parties, two medias.
They ought to be moderators between the Dem and Republican candidates also...

If the Left Wingers can put people like Candy Crowley and that idiot from NPR as Moderators, then Republicans should be able to Rush, Hannity, or Levin seated as moderators.

Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin eyed as 2016 GOP debate moderators |

The Republican National Committee, already threatening to block CNN and NBC from hosting 2016 primary debates if they air planned features on Hillary Clinton, is also looking to scrap the old model of having reporters and news personalities ask the questions at candidate forums.

Miffed that their candidates were singled out for personal questions or CNN John King's "This or That," when he asked candidates quirky questions like "Elvis or Johnny Cash," GOP insiders tell Secrets that they are considering other choices, even a heavyweight panel of radio bigs Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.

They told Secrets that they are eager to bring in questioners who understand Republican policies and beliefs and who have the ability to get candidates to differentiate their positions on core conservative values

You really think that little of women that you assume they would watch a debate on tv just because another is moderating it?

Pretty insulting, isn't it.

Gotta have the token black woman. It's a twofer. :cool:

I find many lefties have the same attitude of women and minorities. It's like they placate them just to keep them quiet. The Dems pour on the hate if you disagree with their stand, very intolerant.
A female journalist would be great. It would draw women to watch it and hence, introduce many of them to conservative views and at the same time put a dent in the war on women branding.

You really think that little of women that you assume they would watch a debate on tv just because another is moderating it?

Pretty insulting, isn't it.

No, it's not insulting at all. It's called reality.
In case someone else posted this, it's a repeat.

Limbaugh says he wouldn't do it. He claims he more famous than any of the debators!

with any of these as moderators the ratings for the debates might go up, but do they give a shit..?
Debate moderators ask predetermined questions. They monitor the time used by the people who are debating. No wonder liberals are going crazy over using conservative moderators. A moderator does not answer the question for their favorite candidate and that's what liberals want their moderators to do.
if all three hosts are Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, we can pretty much assume that most answers we will get out of Hillary will be, "That All Started Under The Bush Administration" and "I Plead The Fifth".
Neocons all. Maybe Tom Woods or Pat Buchanan?

Gingrich would be interesting, too. He seems to be emerging a little from the neocon funk.

Palin would surely create a few sparks.
In case someone else posted this, it's a repeat.

Limbaugh says he wouldn't do it. He claims he more famous than any of the debators!


Limbaugh would be a mistake. The coverage of the debates would be about him, and not about the contrasts between the candidates. They should get some less famous conservative. Some of the National Review columnists come to mind.

Authors | National Review Online
Mark Levin is no slouch when it comes to politics...I think he'd be ok

Hannity, not sure about...

Limbaugh, a maybe
Why don't they get moderators that AREN'T one percenters and ARE pro middle class?

Interestingly, there has only been one middle class candidate of note in national politics. The left immediately attacked Ms. Palin as unqualified because of it.
Why don't they get moderators that AREN'T one percenters and ARE pro middle class?

Interestingly, there has only been one middle class candidate of note in national politics. The left immediately attacked Ms. Palin as unqualified because of it.

that is right...and who do they get behind...not one but TWO one percenters...Obama/Biden

they love love love their one percenters to be their Masters...
Hilarious. Republicans think if you are FOR the American "Middle Class", you must be "biased".

Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin to Moderate 2016 Primary Debates?

Malkin and Coulter should also be considered to "round out" the panel.

Could you imagine these five crazies? All in one place?

Think of the questions:

1. How old do you think the world is?

2. What would you do to "solve" the Negro problem?

3. Is there anything we can do to keep homo's out of the military?

4. Do you support a resolution to keep Hispanics born here from being declared "citizens"?

5. How far can we "defund" education?

6. What is your policy to redistribute the rest of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% so they can finally create jobs?

7. Are you going to give BP back their money they were made to pay for the "gulf" accident?

8. How would you stop rape victims from having an abortion?

9. Will you work to repeal "speed limits" and stop infringing on people's rights?

10. Will you repeal car safety regulations and let the market decide which cars are "safe"?

11. Will you repeal unneeded food and beverage safety regulations and let corporations decide what they want to sell?

12. Will you finally invade Iran?

I could do this all night.

Where the fuck is the buttered popcorn????

Then do it...and the popcorn is in your pantry loser.

And what of the gotcha' questions from the left?

Just can't have another side have equal time, can you?

As a matter of course NO. YOU are a biased PIMP deaney-bub.

No one else matters but your side. First Amendment means something...SAD you can't recognize it.

You don't think these are good questions for Republicans?????

If not, give us some examples. And while you are at it, give us a couple of answers. Let us understand the "conservative" viewpoint. :popcorn:

Here are a few questions for democrat candidates:

How do you justify the wholesale slaughter of unborn children?

How does debasing our currency promote the general welfare?

Why haven't you denounced Anthony Weiner as a serial sexual pervert?

How is the Affordable Care Act affordable?

Why do you continue to waste American lives and treasure in fruitless Middle East wars?

How do you justify using our armed forces as a laboratory for social experiments?

...and most importantly:

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Why don't you answer a few of these?

It might be amusing.

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