Limbaugh hit the nail on the head years ago regarding liberal loons.

Thanks for making my point. Though I am surprised that you are admitting that your insults of Limbaugh aren't signs of your superior intelligence.
My insults of Stuttering LimpTard are a sign of deep sincere respect for the Golden Rule of his PROFESSED religious beliefs. As a Christian he would not insult others if he didn't want to be insulted himself. :eusa_angel:

September 20, 2007
RUSH: Now, I'm focusing on Christianity because I am one
Thanks for making my point. Though I am surprised that you are admitting that your insults of Limbaugh aren't signs of your superior intelligence.
My insults of Stuttering LimpTard are a sign of deep sincere respect for the Golden Rule of his PROFESSED religious beliefs. As a Christian he would not insult others if he didn't want to be insulted himself. :eusa_angel:

September 20, 2007
RUSH: Now, I'm focusing on Christianity because I am one

So you agree that they make you look as stupid as he does when he insults people?
Thanks for making my point. Though I am surprised that you are admitting that your insults of Limbaugh aren't signs of your superior intelligence.
My insults of Stuttering LimpTard are a sign of deep sincere respect for the Golden Rule of his PROFESSED religious beliefs. As a Christian he would not insult others if he didn't want to be insulted himself. :eusa_angel:

September 20, 2007
RUSH: Now, I'm focusing on Christianity because I am one

So you agree that they make you look as stupid as he does when he insults people?
Isn't that just like a CON$ervative to think showing someone respect makes you look stupid. :cuckoo:
The highlights of the Reagan presidency:

1. promised to balance the budget and then presided over unprecedented peacetime deficits.

2. Fixed Social Security with a big payroll tax increase.

3. Ran from the Middle East at the first sign of trouble.

4. Reformed immigration with a big amnesty bill.

5. oh, I forgot, traded arms for hostages.

Your revisionist history is just too damn funny. Baseless and loony, but funny just the same.

Lets look at REAL substantiated facts. I know you don't deal in facts but, oh well!

1. Average family income grew by well over 15%from '82 to '89
2.For the poorest fifth of amricans, real income grew by 12%
3.Families earning more than $50,000.00 went from 25% of families in 1980 to 31% in 1990.
4. The percentage of families earning less then 15,000 dropped dramatically.
5. The US treasury office of tax analysis states that those who were in the bottom fifth income bracket in 1979, 65% jumped at least two income brackets during the 80's. More made it all teh way to the top than stayed in the poorest group.
6. Taxpayers were five times more likely to increase their income than have it fall.
7.Fed reserve data shows that families with incomes between $10,000.00 and $50,000.00 A year experienced a higher percentage of growth in net worth than those in the top one-fifth income group.
8. The top 1% paid more than 25% of ALL federal income taxes in 1990, a 40% increase over 1980 according to the CBO. The bottom 60% paid 11% of fed taxes in 1990---20% less than 1980.
9. The black middle class grew from 2.6 million households with incomes of $25,000.00 or more in 1979, to 3.9 million in 1989
10. Between 1983 and '89, the total population under the poverty line decreased by 3.8 million people.
11. we experienced sustained economic growth without inflation, low unemployment, and record low interest rates. 20 million new jobs were created, 82% of which were in the higher-skilled, higher paying occupations.
12. Between '78 and '82 the number of poor blacks rose by more than 2 million. Between '82 and '89 the number fell by 400.000.

That's just twelve examples of Reagan's greatness. It can't be disputed.

What has Obama done?........Please show us!

Fact are facts. And we all know that you liberals just hate facts. Facts tend to blow your loony BS right out of the fucking water.


Too bad you don't prove cause and effect in any of those examples. Maybe they all occurred because the country 1) cycled out of a deep recession in 1982 2) saw oil prices drop precipitously in the mid eighties 3) benefited from a drastic reduction of interest rates by the Fed starting in 1982.

Maybe THOSE are the real factors for the prosperity of the eighties. None of which, btw, can be credited to Ronald Reagan.

EVERYTHING I posted was Ronald Reagan's doing.
The highlights of the Reagan presidency:

1. promised to balance the budget and then presided over unprecedented peacetime deficits.

2. Fixed Social Security with a big payroll tax increase.

3. Ran from the Middle East at the first sign of trouble.

4. Reformed immigration with a big amnesty bill.

5. oh, I forgot, traded arms for hostages.

Your revisionist history is just too damn funny. Baseless and loony, but funny just the same.

Lets look at REAL substantiated facts. I know you don't deal in facts but, oh well!

1. Average family income grew by well over 15%from '82 to '89
2.For the poorest fifth of amricans, real income grew by 12%
3.Families earning more than $50,000.00 went from 25% of families in 1980 to 31% in 1990.
4. The percentage of families earning less then 15,000 dropped dramatically.
5. The US treasury office of tax analysis states that those who were in the bottom fifth income bracket in 1979, 65% jumped at least two income brackets during the 80's. More made it all teh way to the top than stayed in the poorest group.
6. Taxpayers were five times more likely to increase their income than have it fall.
7.Fed reserve data shows that families with incomes between $10,000.00 and $50,000.00 A year experienced a higher percentage of growth in net worth than those in the top one-fifth income group.
8. The top 1% paid more than 25% of ALL federal income taxes in 1990, a 40% increase over 1980 according to the CBO. The bottom 60% paid 11% of fed taxes in 1990---20% less than 1980.
9. The black middle class grew from 2.6 million households with incomes of $25,000.00 or more in 1979, to 3.9 million in 1989
10. Between 1983 and '89, the total population under the poverty line decreased by 3.8 million people.
11. we experienced sustained economic growth without inflation, low unemployment, and record low interest rates. 20 million new jobs were created, 82% of which were in the higher-skilled, higher paying occupations.
12. Between '78 and '82 the number of poor blacks rose by more than 2 million. Between '82 and '89 the number fell by 400.000.

That's just twelve examples of Reagan's greatness. It can't be disputed.

What has Obama done?........Please show us!

Fact are facts. And we all know that you liberals just hate facts. Facts tend to blow your loony BS right out of the fucking water.

Wasn't that Dem Congress great! :rofl:

You can't credit Reagan's Democratic Congress. You can however credit Clinton's Republican Congress.

You need to learn the rules of rightwing bullshittery.
[1. Average family income grew by well over 15%from '82 to '89

82 to 89, that's 7 years. Income up 15% in 7 years?? That's to brag about??

Inflation rate from January of 1982 to January of 1989:


I think that would mean that family income rose about half of what inflation did.

Damn was Reagan on his game in 1964. The guy had spent a decade travelling the country and speaking to the working man during his GE days, gathering an understanding of the broad spectrum of Americana that far exceeded his political contemporaries, and when America was reeling from the proverbial darkness of the post Vietnam/Watergate era, and found itself mocked the world over, and being witness to a President who seemingly apologized for America to those wishing its demise, Reagan arose from the political ashes like some conservative phoenix - confident, resolute, and utterly comfortable in his own skin like no politician of the modern era - current president included.

The last great president this country has seen - let us pray not to be the last, for the darkness is falling upon America once again...

Ronbo Reagan was the pied piper on the road to serfdom, which we now feel the devastating effects of. He was the biggest socialist in modern history. He destroyed the middle class and opened the flood gates to corporate piranha who are now feeding on the misery of the middle class people in debt.

Reagan and the Republicans legislated 'wrong' as being lawful.
My insults of Stuttering LimpTard are a sign of deep sincere respect for the Golden Rule of his PROFESSED religious beliefs. As a Christian he would not insult others if he didn't want to be insulted himself. :eusa_angel:

September 20, 2007
RUSH: Now, I'm focusing on Christianity because I am one

So you agree that they make you look as stupid as he does when he insults people?
Isn't that just like a CON$ervative to think showing someone respect makes you look stupid. :cuckoo:
Isn't that just like a leftist to think insulting someone is showing respect?
Just picked up a book, "See, I told you so", written by Limbaugh during the Clinton fiasco. This one statement says it all about the liberal loons. It describes them to a tee.

"How do people allow themselves to be conditioned into liberalism without ever coolly analyzing the rationale? I'll tell you. Liberalism is seductive and insiduous. It can take hold of you before you realize it. Do you know why? Because it doesn't take any guts to become a liberal. It's the easiest decision you could ever make in your life. It's the most effortless, gutless thing you could do. All you have to do is say yes to everything, except cutting spending and downsizing government. Just say yes. Government should do more to end homelessness. It should spend more on education. It should guarantee health-care benefits to everyone. It should provide day care. You name it; the omnipotent, central government should do it. All you have to do to prove your "compassion" is to say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. What could be easier?"

Some of the truest words ever spoken!

As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own.

"As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own"

says the mindless, irrational, illogical hatefilled conservative who merely regurgitates the same hateful words that he has been taught by the likes of limbaugh

What would he have done without Limbaugh to tell him how to think?
Just picked up a book, "See, I told you so", written by Limbaugh during the Clinton fiasco. This one statement says it all about the liberal loons. It describes them to a tee.

"How do people allow themselves to be conditioned into liberalism without ever coolly analyzing the rationale? I'll tell you. Liberalism is seductive and insiduous. It can take hold of you before you realize it. Do you know why? Because it doesn't take any guts to become a liberal. It's the easiest decision you could ever make in your life. It's the most effortless, gutless thing you could do. All you have to do is say yes to everything, except cutting spending and downsizing government. Just say yes. Government should do more to end homelessness. It should spend more on education. It should guarantee health-care benefits to everyone. It should provide day care. You name it; the omnipotent, central government should do it. All you have to do to prove your "compassion" is to say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. What could be easier?"

Some of the truest words ever spoken!

As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own.

"As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own"

says the mindless, irrational, illogical hatefilled conservative who merely regurgitates the same hateful words that he has been taught by the likes of limbaugh

What would he have done without Limbaugh to tell him how to think? opposed to leftiwng pundits and politicians telling you what to think?
So you agree that they make you look as stupid as he does when he insults people?
Isn't that just like a CON$ervative to think showing someone respect makes you look stupid. :cuckoo:
Isn't that just like a leftist to think insulting someone is showing respect?
There's that CON$ervative dumb act again. As I explained already, I am showing sincere respect for the Golden Rule of your MessiahRushie's professed faith. There is no denying LimpTard insults everyone and everything he hates, so he wouldn't be so insulting if he didn't want to be insulted at every opportunity. Unless, of course, you are saying he is a ChINO, Christian In Name Only for political purposes only.

Now the pathological liar can rationalize that insulting one person's name and another's speech pattern is an "ACT OF COMPASSION," so by the same LimpTard "Logic" it can be rationalized that insulting him is respect for the Golden Rule. :lol:

April 1, 2008
RUSH: New York governor Mario Cooomo who was on -- where was this? -- The Situation Room. For those of you new to the program, "Rush, it's Cuo-mo." I know that. But a long time ago, I heard the Reverend Jackson pronounce his name "Cooomo." You know, it's not stylish and it's not classy to correct somebody's pronunciation of things, especially when the mistake is made by a man of the cloth and a respected, revered Rev. So if he thinks it's Cooomo, then on this program, it's Cooomo, and that is an act of compassion.
Just picked up a book, "See, I told you so", written by Limbaugh during the Clinton fiasco. This one statement says it all about the liberal loons. It describes them to a tee.

"How do people allow themselves to be conditioned into liberalism without ever coolly analyzing the rationale? I'll tell you. Liberalism is seductive and insiduous. It can take hold of you before you realize it. Do you know why? Because it doesn't take any guts to become a liberal. It's the easiest decision you could ever make in your life. It's the most effortless, gutless thing you could do. All you have to do is say yes to everything, except cutting spending and downsizing government. Just say yes. Government should do more to end homelessness. It should spend more on education. It should guarantee health-care benefits to everyone. It should provide day care. You name it; the omnipotent, central government should do it. All you have to do to prove your "compassion" is to say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. What could be easier?"

Some of the truest words ever spoken!

As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own.

"liberal loons."

the fact that you refer to them as "liberal loons" doesn't help your cause

liberals do NOT have all the answers

but I find them to be well-intentioned even though I do NOT agree with all of their positions

and it is my impression that there are far more conservative loons than liberal ones....

you, for one.

"Just say yes. Government should do more to end homelessness. It should spend more on education. It should guarantee health-care benefits to everyone. It should provide day care"

apparently you would prefer a nation in which the unemployed ate out of garbage cans?

a nation in which education, no matter how important to the nation, is harder and harder to get?

is THAT your idea of "America! the greatest nation in the world! where millions live in poverty, die from lack of proper health care, and can't get a decent education!"?

is THAT the kind of country you would be proud of?
This lil' statement by Limbaugh most definitely applies to YOU!:

"When liberals hurl epithets at you because you have pointed out the obvious error of their ways, just know that you have hit a nerve. If you criticize their behavior and they call you a pig, a bigot, or a fascist, their consciences must be giving them problems; or else they acquired their liberal "values" by rote and without comprehension. They claim to have a monopoly on the market of open-mindedness and tolerence, but in truth are often extremely closed minded and intolerant"


I see the one hurling epithets here. :eusa_whistle:
"As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own"

says the mindless, irrational, illogical hatefilled conservative who merely regurgitates the same hateful words that he has been taught by the likes of limbaugh

What would he have done without Limbaugh to tell him how to think? opposed to leftiwng pundits and politicians telling you what to think?

Now that's an interesting comment, considering I don't listen or read any pundits....left or right wing.

Very interesting. But you are welcome to find any posts by me drooling over what some left wing pundit said. Good luck with that.
Isn't that just like a CON$ervative to think showing someone respect makes you look stupid. :cuckoo:
Isn't that just like a leftist to think insulting someone is showing respect?
There's that CON$ervative dumb act again. As I explained already, I am showing sincere respect for the Golden Rule of your MessiahRushie's professed faith. There is no denying LimpTard insults everyone and everything he hates, so he wouldn't be so insulting if he didn't want to be insulted at every opportunity. Unless, of course, you are saying he is a ChINO, Christian In Name Only for political purposes only.

Now the pathological liar can rationalize that insulting one person's name and another's speech pattern is an "ACT OF COMPASSION," so by the same LimpTard "Logic" it can be rationalized that insulting him is respect for the Golden Rule. :lol:

April 1, 2008
RUSH: New York governor Mario Cooomo who was on -- where was this? -- The Situation Room. For those of you new to the program, "Rush, it's Cuo-mo." I know that. But a long time ago, I heard the Reverend Jackson pronounce his name "Cooomo." You know, it's not stylish and it's not classy to correct somebody's pronunciation of things, especially when the mistake is made by a man of the cloth and a respected, revered Rev. So if he thinks it's Cooomo, then on this program, it's Cooomo, and that is an act of compassion.
It's amazing how little effort it takes some people to delude themselves. I applaud you, sir. :clap2:
What would he have done without Limbaugh to tell him how to think? opposed to leftiwng pundits and politicians telling you what to think?

Now that's an interesting comment, considering I don't listen or read any pundits....left or right wing.

Very interesting. But you are welcome to find any posts by me drooling over what some left wing pundit said. Good luck with that.
:lol: Must be one of those "independent thinkers" I hear so much about. opposed to leftiwng pundits and politicians telling you what to think?

Now that's an interesting comment, considering I don't listen or read any pundits....left or right wing.

Very interesting. But you are welcome to find any posts by me drooling over what some left wing pundit said. Good luck with that.
:lol: Must be one of those "independent thinkers" I hear so much about.
Do you believe Limbaugh is one with the great minds of history?
Other than cook books, have you ever read a non-fiction book?
It's too early to hit the cooking sherry Chef, even though dem bums are heading to the cellar.

Would you agree that calling people names and insulting them isn't a sign of a great mind?

I didn't realize Dick Cheney had become an issue on this thread.
Still waiting for that loooooooooong list of Obama accomplishments!

Anybody come up with some jobs created numbers?
Anybody able to show that the stimulus has done a damn thing?
Are the poor better off under Obama?
Are the blacks better off under Obama?
Any proof of all those shovel ready jobs he promised?
Any proof that Obama will EVER reach the greatness of Ronald Reagan?

Yeah, that's what I thought!......LMAO!

And still, so many dem's consider themselves "Reagan Democrats".....Now why might that be?
Last edited:
Isn't that just like a leftist to think insulting someone is showing respect?
There's that CON$ervative dumb act again. As I explained already, I am showing sincere respect for the Golden Rule of your MessiahRushie's professed faith. There is no denying LimpTard insults everyone and everything he hates, so he wouldn't be so insulting if he didn't want to be insulted at every opportunity. Unless, of course, you are saying he is a ChINO, Christian In Name Only for political purposes only.

Now the pathological liar can rationalize that insulting one person's name and another's speech pattern is an "ACT OF COMPASSION," so by the same LimpTard "Logic" it can be rationalized that insulting him is respect for the Golden Rule. :lol:

April 1, 2008
RUSH: New York governor Mario Cooomo who was on -- where was this? -- The Situation Room. For those of you new to the program, "Rush, it's Cuo-mo." I know that. But a long time ago, I heard the Reverend Jackson pronounce his name "Cooomo." You know, it's not stylish and it's not classy to correct somebody's pronunciation of things, especially when the mistake is made by a man of the cloth and a respected, revered Rev. So if he thinks it's Cooomo, then on this program, it's Cooomo, and that is an act of compassion.
It's amazing how little effort it takes some people to delude themselves. I applaud you, sir. :clap2:
Another example of how CON$ can dish it out, but whine and cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical asses.

What I've been doing, according to CON$ervative rationalizations when your MessiahRushie does it, is "illustrating absurdity by being absurd." The Golden Rule is a bitch, isn't it! It's meant to be! :rofl:

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