Limbaugh hit the nail on the head years ago regarding liberal loons. opposed to leftiwng pundits and politicians telling you what to think?

Now that's an interesting comment, considering I don't listen or read any pundits....left or right wing.

Very interesting. But you are welcome to find any posts by me drooling over what some left wing pundit said. Good luck with that.
:lol: Must be one of those "independent thinkers" I hear so much about.

So, you are amused that someone would be an independent thinker. Shocked I am. Truely.
Still waiting for that loooooooooong list of Obama accomplishments!

Anybody come up with some jobs created numbers?
Anybody able to show that the stimulus has done a damn thing?
Are the poor better off under Obama?
Are the blacks better off under Obama?
Any proof of all those shovel ready jobs he promised?
Any proof that Obama will EVER reach the greatness of Ronald Reagan?

Yeah, that's what I thought!......LMAO!

And still, so many dem's consider themselves "Reagan Democrats".....Now why might that be?

Are you saying that Obama hasn't done anything?
apparently you would prefer a nation in which the unemployed ate out of garbage cans?

no, we conservatives would like to see the unemployed STOP BEING FUCKING LAZY AND GET A JOB. and if they cant? Try harder. it's fucking america, there is no such thing as "cant". or if that fails, there are things called PRIVATE CHARITIES. social safety nets are the biggest joke of all time. lets reward the people that suck at life!!! yeah thats great.

why should the successful, who worked hard all their lives to earn their for lazy fuckers to go buy drugs and video games when they should be trying to make something of themselves? There is a "welfare mentality" now. Dumb bitches GET PREGNANT in order to get government aid. That is what our great fucking progressive policies have done. You still in favor of that? Then you are part of the fucking problem.
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Another example of how CON$ can dish it out, but whine and cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical asses.

What I've been doing, according to CON$ervative rationalizations when your MessiahRushie does it, is "illustrating absurdity by being absurd." The Golden Rule is a bitch, isn't it! It's meant to be! :rofl:
Uh huh.

You had a chance to rise above the behavior you condemn.

Instead, you chose to wallow in it.

But you just keep pretending you have the moral high ground, mmmmkay? Your hypocrisy is entertaining.
Now that's an interesting comment, considering I don't listen or read any pundits....left or right wing.

Very interesting. But you are welcome to find any posts by me drooling over what some left wing pundit said. Good luck with that.
:lol: Must be one of those "independent thinkers" I hear so much about.

So, you are amused that someone would be an independent thinker. Shocked I am. Truely.
I'm sure. Actually, I'm amused that someone who spews nothing but talking points would claim to be an independent thinker. :lol:
Another example of how CON$ can dish it out, but whine and cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical asses.

What I've been doing, according to CON$ervative rationalizations when your MessiahRushie does it, is "illustrating absurdity by being absurd." The Golden Rule is a bitch, isn't it! It's meant to be! :rofl:
Uh huh.

You had a chance to rise above the behavior you condemn.

Instead, you chose to wallow in it.

But you just keep pretending you have the moral high ground, mmmmkay? Your hypocrisy is entertaining.
It really kills you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's rationalizations! :rofl:
:lol: Must be one of those "independent thinkers" I hear so much about.

So, you are amused that someone would be an independent thinker. Shocked I am. Truely.
I'm sure. Actually, I'm amused that someone who spews nothing but talking points would claim to be an independent thinker. :lol:

"Spews nothing but talking points"....well, of course you can prove that that is what I do...and all I do, right?

Eagerly awaiting your examples of me spewing talking points. Really. I am eager to see that proof.
Just picked up a book, "See, I told you so", written by Limbaugh during the Clinton fiasco. This one statement says it all about the liberal loons. It describes them to a tee.

"How do people allow themselves to be conditioned into liberalism without ever coolly analyzing the rationale? I'll tell you. Liberalism is seductive and insiduous. It can take hold of you before you realize it. Do you know why? Because it doesn't take any guts to become a liberal. It's the easiest decision you could ever make in your life. It's the most effortless, gutless thing you could do. All you have to do is say yes to everything, except cutting spending and downsizing government. Just say yes. Government should do more to end homelessness. It should spend more on education. It should guarantee health-care benefits to everyone. It should provide day care. You name it; the omnipotent, central government should do it. All you have to do to prove your "compassion" is to say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. What could be easier?"

Some of the truest words ever spoken!

As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own.

So his entire "hitting the nail on the head" boils down to saying liberals have no balls. If I write a book saying Limbaugh is mad at liberals because he has cooties, am I hitting the nail on the head too? Then apparently, all you have to do is insult large swathes of people with elementary and middle school insults to negate any opponent's reasoning.

By the way, am I the only one who noticed and laughed at the irony in this OP? Wicked Jester criticizes liberals as saying they can't think on their own, when he makes a thread about someone else's thoughts as "some of the truest words ever spoken."
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It really kills you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's rationalizations! :rofl:
I'm sure it comforts your fragile soul to...well, "think" isn't really appropriate feel that way, but no.

My Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ. I worship no man, for no man is worthy.

And I don't listen to Rush. Your insistence that I do is proof only of you letting stereotypes do your thinking for you.

And they're not doing a very good job. :lol:
So, you are amused that someone would be an independent thinker. Shocked I am. Truely.
I'm sure. Actually, I'm amused that someone who spews nothing but talking points would claim to be an independent thinker. :lol:

"Spews nothing but talking points"....well, of course you can prove that that is what I do...and all I do, right?

Eagerly awaiting your examples of me spewing talking points. Really. I am eager to see that proof.
Remember me from that other board? Let's not pretend I've never seen your opinions before, mmmkay? :lol:
It really kills you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's rationalizations! :rofl:
I'm sure it comforts your fragile soul to...well, "think" isn't really appropriate feel that way, but no.

My Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ. I worship no man, for no man is worthy.

And I don't listen to Rush. Your insistence that I do is proof only of you letting stereotypes do your thinking for you.

And they're not doing a very good job. :lol:
Madam, how like you this play?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2
It really kills you to have to eat your MessiahRushie's rationalizations! :rofl:
I'm sure it comforts your fragile soul to...well, "think" isn't really appropriate feel that way, but no.

My Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ. I worship no man, for no man is worthy.

And I don't listen to Rush. Your insistence that I do is proof only of you letting stereotypes do your thinking for you.

And they're not doing a very good job. :lol:
Madam, how like you this play?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2
Do you consider yourself open-minded? For Gaea's sake, why?
Just picked up a book, "See, I told you so", written by Limbaugh during the Clinton fiasco. This one statement says it all about the liberal loons. It describes them to a tee.

"How do people allow themselves to be conditioned into liberalism without ever coolly analyzing the rationale? I'll tell you. Liberalism is seductive and insiduous. It can take hold of you before you realize it. Do you know why? Because it doesn't take any guts to become a liberal. It's the easiest decision you could ever make in your life. It's the most effortless, gutless thing you could do. All you have to do is say yes to everything, except cutting spending and downsizing government. Just say yes. Government should do more to end homelessness. It should spend more on education. It should guarantee health-care benefits to everyone. It should provide day care. You name it; the omnipotent, central government should do it. All you have to do to prove your "compassion" is to say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. What could be easier?"

Some of the truest words ever spoken!

As usual, Limbaugh gets it absolutely right regarding loony lib's who just can't seem to think or function on their own.

So his entire "hitting the nail on the head" boils down to saying liberals have no balls. If I write a book saying Limbaugh is mad at liberals because he has cooties, am I hitting the nail on the head too? Then apparently, all you have to do is insult large swathes of people with elementary and middle school insults to negate any opponent's reasoning.

By the way, am I the only one who noticed and laughed at the irony in this OP? Wicked Jester criticizes liberals as saying they can't think on their own, when he makes a thread about someone else's thoughts as "some of the truest words ever spoken."

Yes...I noticed. It was kind of hard to miss, wasn't it? *chuckle
I'm sure. Actually, I'm amused that someone who spews nothing but talking points would claim to be an independent thinker. :lol:

"Spews nothing but talking points"....well, of course you can prove that that is what I do...and all I do, right?

Eagerly awaiting your examples of me spewing talking points. Really. I am eager to see that proof.
Remember me from that other board? Let's not pretend I've never seen your opinions before, mmmkay? :lol:

I looked at your post here, but I'm still not seeing any evidence or quotes of mine. But perhaps you slipped and agreed with me when you said "my opinion"....admitting that it is indeed MY opinion and not some quoted talking point? Hmmmmm?
Still waiting for that loooooooong list of Obama accomplishments.

The lib's just don't seem to have any answers or proof.

Now, why might that be?

Still waiting for that loooooooong list of Obama accomplishments.

The lib's just don't seem to have any answers or proof.

Now, why might that be?


I think I asked once....are you submitting that Obama has done nothing?
Still waiting for that loooooooong list of Obama accomplishments.

The lib's just don't seem to have any answers or proof.

Now, why might that be?


I think I asked once....are you submitting that Obama has done nothing?
I think I asked you dufus' first to provide evidence that he's actually done something. At least something beyond shoving a BS laden healthcare fiasco down the throats of citizens who never wanted it in the first place.

We are clearly headed into double dip recession. The stimulus was supposed to prevent it. It's misersably failed.

Any proof of jobs created?

Where's those shovel ready jobs?

Where's those shovel ready projects?

Why didn't the stimulus keep unemployment under 8% as he guaranteed.

Are the poor any better off?

Are the blacks any better off?

Are you deviant gay goofballs any better off?

What has he done?......Answer the fucking question and quit using the typical loony liberal tactic of spin and deflect......I fully understand that you people are not the brightest lights on the ol' Christmas tree. You're liberals after all but, surely you must have some kind of a fucking answer

Bottom line, NO!.....he hasn't done Jack Shit!......That's the main reason why his numbers have plummeted to Carter territory.
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Still waiting for that loooooooong list of Obama accomplishments.

The lib's just don't seem to have any answers or proof.

Now, why might that be?


I'm actually still waiting for that long list of Clinton accomplishments. been asking for the last 10 years.
Still waiting for that loooooooong list of Obama accomplishments.

The lib's just don't seem to have any answers or proof.

Now, why might that be?


I think I asked once....are you submitting that Obama has done nothing?
I think I asked you dufus' first to provide evidence that he's actually done something. At least something beyond shoving a BS laden healthcare fiasco down the throats of citizens who never wanted it in the first place.

We are clearly headed into double dip recession. The stimulus was supposed to prevent it. It's misersably failed.

Any proof of jobs created?

Where's those shovel ready jobs?

Where's those shovel ready projects?

Why didn't the stimulus keep unemployment under 8% as he guaranteed.

Are the poor any better off?

Are the blacks any better off?

Are you deviant gay goofballs any better off?

What has he done?......Answer the fucking question and quit using the typical loony liberal tactic of spin and deflect......I fully understand that you people are not the brightest lights on the ol' Christmas tree. You're liberals after all but, surely you must have some kind of a fucking answer

Bottom line, NO!.....he hasn't done Jack Shit!......That's the main reason why his numbers have plummeted to Carter territory.

Where's the Not to Exceed 8% Unemployment Level?

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