Limbaugh lying again

Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
reported, false thread title, and no sourcing. Loser.
So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Look, assfuck. My post was accurate.

The Census always had other surveys that did ask the citizenship question.

Now I understand what as fucking asshole you are trying to confuse the two issues.

The official Census that takes place every ten years did NOT have the citozenship question on it in 2000.

You are a lying fuck if you claim it was.

Now, pull your head out of your fucking lying ass & look at the census form from any year.

2000 - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Furthermore you God damn assfuck, if other Census suvbeys ask the citrizenship question, why are you & your assfuck buddies so intent on putting it on the ten year survey.. I mean other to be the cheating assfucks you have always been

Nothing mote pathetic than a Trumpette pretending to know shit.

Your post was not accurate, shitstain. You claimed Rush was lying.

I posted an actual census questionnaire from 2000 with the link.

View attachment 268867

Are you trying to claim this is not the 2000 census?

It must hurt to be called out and exposed for being a moronic shitbag.

The subject was the Census forms being sent now.

You, being a dishonest fuck, made the claim it was on the 2000 Census forms but it was only on a small percentage.

Your shitstain buddy Trump wanted it on all & you & Limbaugh claimed it was until Obama changed it.

That makes El Rushbo & you liars & dishonest assfucks.

No, it makes you a retard, because you hear things and you still don't know what the hell is being said.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Answer honestly (I know, quite a challenge to pose to a liberal) when you are surveyed as to your listening habits. Mr. Limbaugh and all his loyal sponsors very much appreciate your dedication. It's what has made his entertainment program the highest rated such show in history!
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.
/—-/ Thanks Dave, keep listening to Rush and keep us posted.
I do tune in occasionally & get a good laugh knowing you actually believe the shit he says.

Probably why you love Trump.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.
/—-/ Thanks Dave, keep listening to Rush and keep us posted.
I do tune in occasionally & get a good laugh knowing you actually believe the shit he says.

Probably why you love Trump.
Thank you for listening! You might think you can't be taught, and probably, you can't. But you never know, some reality and truth might accidentally get through to your tiny pea brain.
Limbaugh lying again

shocker -

lie then deny is the benchmark of every RW'r on the planet.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Answer honestly (I know, quite a challenge to pose to a liberal) when you are surveyed as to your listening habits. Mr. Limbaugh and all his loyal sponsors very much appreciate your dedication. It's what has made his entertainment program the highest rated such show in history!
I live in dumbsass MAGA country. Dumbasses love Rush. One minute they play music & then Rush comes on. It also saves me from reading most posts here because I know their origin.

Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.
/—-/ Thanks Dave, keep listening to Rush and keep us posted.
I do tune in occasionally & get a good laugh knowing you actually believe the shit he says.

Probably why you love Trump.
/—-/ Bullshyt. No one listens to opposing views just to get a laugh. That’s just tripe. If you do listen, and I doubt you do, it’s to hear what the MSM isn’t reporting.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Answer honestly (I know, quite a challenge to pose to a liberal) when you are surveyed as to your listening habits. Mr. Limbaugh and all his loyal sponsors very much appreciate your dedication. It's what has made his entertainment program the highest rated such show in history!
I live in dumbsass MAGA country. Dumbasses love Rush. One minute they play music & then Rush comes on. It also saves me from reading most posts here because I know their origin.


Do you receive SSI for mental illness?
Sing you P's os Sing
House Judiciary authorizes subpoenas for Trump officials

Jul 11th 2019 1:02PM
WASHINGTON — The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday voted to authorize subpoenas targeting current and former Trump administration officials, as lawmakers seek documents from them as well as their testimony.

The panel voted along party lines 21-12 to approve a resolution that authorizes subpoenas for 12 people who are witnesses sought in the panel's investigation into potential obstruction and abuse of power by President Donald Trump. Separately, the resolution also authorizes Nadler to issue subpoenas relating to the Trump administration's family separation policies and practices at the southern border.

"These include government officials who worked or continue to work in close proximity to the president," Nadler said in his opening statement.

"These witnesses also include those outside of government who have critical information in connection with our investigation. We will not rest until we obtain their testimony and documents so this committee and Congress can do the work the Constitution, and the American people, expect of us."
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Answer honestly (I know, quite a challenge to pose to a liberal) when you are surveyed as to your listening habits. Mr. Limbaugh and all his loyal sponsors very much appreciate your dedication. It's what has made his entertainment program the highest rated such show in history!
I live in dumbsass MAGA country. Dumbasses love Rush. One minute they play music & then Rush comes on. It also saves me from reading most posts here because I know their origin.


Sing you P's os Sing
House Judiciary authorizes subpoenas for Trump officials

Jul 11th 2019 1:02PM
WASHINGTON — The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday voted to authorize subpoenas targeting current and former Trump administration officials, as lawmakers seek documents from them as well as their testimony.

The panel voted along party lines 21-12 to approve a resolution that authorizes subpoenas for 12 people who are witnesses sought in the panel's investigation into potential obstruction and abuse of power by President Donald Trump. Separately, the resolution also authorizes Nadler to issue subpoenas relating to the Trump administration's family separation policies and practices at the southern border.

"These include government officials who worked or continue to work in close proximity to the president," Nadler said in his opening statement.

"These witnesses also include those outside of government who have critical information in connection with our investigation. We will not rest until we obtain their testimony and documents so this committee and Congress can do the work the Constitution, and the American people, expect of us."

They stupid Eddie
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Like I said, they will have to spend more money to send more people to count all the people, as per the Constitution, not only US Citizens. It can't be denied that if included, the question would lead to an under-count of non-citizens.

But Rush was lying. The question has NOT appeared on the actual Census form since 1950. There are other information gathering tools that the question has appeared on, but not the Census.

This is like Trump saying that Obama started the family separations. It's a drop of truth in a sea of lies.
Rush is just a voice on the radio. Why do lefties get hysterical about him when they have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR and almost all the mulch media not to mention H'wood? If you want to quibble about the census question it seems that the citizenship question was on the census long form but Obama eliminated the long form.

The only people who still get hysterical about rusty are his dittos.

But Rush was lying. The question has NOT appeared on the actual Census form since 1950. There are other information gathering tools that the question has appeared on, but not the Census.

This is like Trump saying that Obama started the family separations. It's a drop of truth in a sea of lies.

And yet so far, nobody has quoted or provided the link to Rush saying it.

So. You're a fucking liar, and so is the OP.

Which doesn't meet the standards for this forum, having failed to source his lie.

But Rush was lying. The question has NOT appeared on the actual Census form since 1950. There are other information gathering tools that the question has appeared on, but not the Census.

This is like Trump saying that Obama started the family separations. It's a drop of truth in a sea of lies.

And yet so far, nobody has quoted or provided the link to Rush saying it.

So. You're a fucking liar, and so is the OP.

Which doesn't meet the standards for this forum, having failed to source his lie.

He heard it on the radio.. take his word for it.
Even 100 years ago when there was only ONE sort of census form:


But Rush was lying. The question has NOT appeared on the actual Census form since 1950. There are other information gathering tools that the question has appeared on, but not the Census.

This is like Trump saying that Obama started the family separations. It's a drop of truth in a sea of lies.

And yet so far, nobody has quoted or provided the link to Rush saying it.

So. You're a fucking liar, and so is the OP.

Which doesn't meet the standards for this forum, having failed to source his lie.

He heard it on the radio.. take his word for it.
While driving and taking his psychotropics with a nice warm beer.

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