Limbaugh lying again

I live in dumbsass MAGA country. Dumbasses love Rush. One minute they play music & then Rush comes on. It also saves me from reading most posts here because I know their origin.

I imagine reading is quite painful to you so the solace must be huge.

But in any case, it's not your motivation in listening that's important to Mr. Limbaugh and his sponsors. It's your having become a member of the most loyal audience in broadcast history that counts!
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.
/—-/ Thanks Dave, keep listening to Rush and keep us posted.
I do tune in occasionally & get a good laugh knowing you actually believe the shit he says.

Probably why you love Trump.
/—-/ Bullshyt. No one listens to opposing views just to get a laugh. That’s just tripe. If you do listen, and I doubt you do, it’s to hear what the MSM isn’t reporting.
Limbaugh lying again

shocker -

lie then deny is the benchmark of every RW'r on the planet.
Oh, Seedty, yer fulla prunes.
But another, usually much-anticipated use of decennial census results will fall short this time around. In the past, the decennial census has been a treasure trove of socioeconomic data for policy makers, researchers, students, and journalists, covering everything from income to place of birth, educational attainment to commuting patterns, occupation to household heating fuel. All those data were collected on the census “long form,” a questionnaire mailed to approximately 1 in 6 households and statistically weighted to reflect results for the entire country.

But the long form is dead. Instead, in 2010 everyone received the equivalent of what used to be called the “short form.” And this time it was even shorter, covering only home ownership, sex, age, race, ethnicity, household size, and relationships among people living in each household. While we need a full count for the purposes of population estimates, congressional apportionment and the allocation of over $400 billion in federal funds, what will we do without all that juicy data from the long form to analyze?

Celebrate! While we mourn the death of the long form, we can rejoice in the birth of the American Community Survey (ACS). Begun in 2005, this annual survey of 3 million American households is taking the place of the decennial long form by asking many of the same – and a few more – questions on social, economic, and demographic characteristics that have major implications for our nation’s future.

R.I.P., Census Long Form

But Rush was lying. The question has NOT appeared on the actual Census form since 1950. There are other information gathering tools that the question has appeared on, but not the Census.

This is like Trump saying that Obama started the family separations. It's a drop of truth in a sea of lies.

And yet so far, nobody has quoted or provided the link to Rush saying it.

So. You're a fucking liar, and so is the OP.

Which doesn't meet the standards for this forum, having failed to source his lie.

He heard it on the radio.. take his word for it.
While driving and taking his psychotropics with a nice warm beer.

He got all worked up..

Must be taking a nap and dreaming

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Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

In 2010, the long form of the census, which included a citizenship question, was dropped in favor of the short form. Every census from 1960 to 2010 contained a citizenship question.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

It was asked in 2000 and not in 2010, remind us of who was president in 2010 again. LMAO

Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Like I said, they will have to spend more money to send more people to count all the people, as per the Constitution, not only US Citizens. It can't be denied that if included, the question would lead to an under-count of non-citizens.

Actually it can be denied, since removing the question has never shown an uptick in census responses.

Keep moving the goal posts though, it’s entertaining.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.
Actually it can be denied,

"Census professionals agree that a citizenship question will significantly reduce census participation, both by citizens and non-citizens. As former Census Bureau directors recently explained to the U.S. Supreme Court, adding the citizenship question will create a chilling effect on participation by raising privacy concerns and stoking the fears of undocumented individuals that their responses may be used against them. Census professionals currently employed at the bureau have already reported that a heightened environment of suspicion and fear is complicating their work in the field preparing for the census, even before a citizenship question has been added to their questionnaires. Under these circumstances, if the citizenship question remains, the resulting population counts that we all rely on will be wrong."

Why The Census Asking About Citizenship Is Such A Problem
Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.
The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Why you listening to AM talk radio?

Isn't this more your style?
Like you don't tune into El Rusbo on your local FM station everyday with your note pad
Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Yes the full purpose is to count both citizens and non-citizens, or “everyone” as you say. So how can you do that without asking about citizenship? We need to know how many are citizens and how many are not. So what is the big deal?
Actually it can be denied,

"Census professionals agree that a citizenship question will significantly reduce census participation, both by citizens and non-citizens. As former Census Bureau directors recently explained to the U.S. Supreme Court, adding the citizenship question will create a chilling effect on participation by raising privacy concerns and stoking the fears of undocumented individuals that their responses may be used against them. Census professionals currently employed at the bureau have already reported that a heightened environment of suspicion and fear is complicating their work in the field preparing for the census, even before a citizenship question has been added to their questionnaires. Under these circumstances, if the citizenship question remains, the resulting population counts that we all rely on will be wrong."

Why The Census Asking About Citizenship Is Such A Problem

Ohhh, “census professionals” say so....LOL.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

See 200 Years Of Twists And Turns Of Census Citizenship Questions

2000 "Is this person a citizen of the United States?" was asked of all people in about 1 out of 6 households.
2010 nothing
2020 "Is this person a citizen of the United States?" may be asked of all people in every household.

See 200 Years Of Twists And Turns Of Census Citizenship Questions

And you was saying again?

Its you that is lying not Limbaugh but let me guess NPR is one of those right wing fake news outlets
NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Yes the full purpose is to count both citizens and non-citizens, or “everyone” as you say. So how can you do that without asking about citizenship? We need to know how many are citizens and how many are not. So what is the big deal?
It’s scary to the poor darlings and it’s all about their feelings
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Limbaugh Still Lying

There, I fixed your thread title, maybe you could get a mod to make it official...

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