Limbaugh lying again

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.
You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.
Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.
The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.
It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.
The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.
This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.
The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.
You remind me of Corporal Clinger in M.A.S.H., ShrillDave. Except you're not funny, and your airhead grand swipes are egregious projections of what you do to tout socialist restrictions upon free people, all of whom your words despise. :19:

You really need to concentrate on growing up as a mature person, not the profane sniveler that you have made of yourself.

So lying is being grown up. Supporting liars is being grown up?


Airhead? You seem to be the one supporting Trump.
NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Your using socks
You're?????? Translation???
Last edited:
So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Your using socks
You're?????? Translation???

About time one ....
No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Your using socks
You're?????? Translation???

About time one ....

Why your sock run away?
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
It wasn’t removed under obamas term?

No it wasn't. The decision to stop using the form was made in 2005.

As usual El Rushbo slips it in you, but you never notice cause ya'll are too busy cleaning up the drool over the technical fact that it had been on the long form.

But it sure feels like Obama did it, Doesn't it? Be honest
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
It wasn’t removed under obamas term?

No it wasn't. The decision to stop using the form was made in 2005.

As usual El Rushbo slips it in you, but you never notice cause ya'll are too busy cleaning up the drool over the technical fact that it had been on the long form.

But it sure feels like Obama did it, Doesn't it? Be honest
It was on the 2010 form .. mic drop

This is page 4 from the 2000 US Census.


A History of the Census Bureau's Birthplace and Citizenship Questions in One Table

Obama took the question off the census in 2010 so he could help the Democrat Party to hold power.

Now President Trump wants it back on the census.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
It wasn’t removed under obamas term?

No it wasn't. The decision to stop using the form was made in 2005.

As usual El Rushbo slips it in you, but you never notice cause ya'll are too busy cleaning up the drool over the technical fact that it had been on the long form.

But it sure feels like Obama did it, Doesn't it? Be honest
It was on the 2010 form .. mic drop

Hahaha. Stupid Litterbug.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.

you forgot to add 4 x married, anal cysted, draft dodger.

This is page 4 from the 2000 US Census.


A History of the Census Bureau's Birthplace and Citizenship Questions in One Table

Obama took the question off the census in 2010 so he could help the Democrat Party to hold power.

Now President Trump wants it back on the census.
BlindBoo can you read?? Lol

Yes. What makes you think, (or should that be who?) it was Obama who discontinued the use of the long form for 2010. Did he do it by EO, or was it some legislation that he signed?
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.

you forgot to add 4 x married, anal cysted, draft dodger.
/----/ Well that does it. After 31 years, I'm done with Rush. From now on, I'll only listen to Air America. I'm turning the radio dial now to get the station.....ummm gotta be here somewhere....
are you a moron.gif
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.

you forgot to add 4 x married, anal cysted, draft dodger.
/----/ Well that does it. After 31 years, I'm done with Rush. From now on, I'll only listen to Air America. I'm turning the radio dial now to get the station.....ummm gotta be here somewhere....
View attachment 269085

air america folded because of piss poor management & ego. el rushbo, that i tune it from time 2 time & have for years has great entertainment value for sure... he just spotlights the idiocy ditto heads will swallow with blind faith.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Partial truths are all that is needed sometimes

The short form did not have the citizen question

The American Community Survey replaced the long form and did have the citizen question. Which is only sent to 1/3 of the people

The reason for the question "These statistics are essential for enforcing the Voting Rights Act and its protections against voting discrimination"

yet they only sent it to a 1/3 of the population

and what does a population count have to do with enforcing the Voting Right Act and its protection against voting discrimination
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.

you forgot to add 4 x married, anal cysted, draft dodger.
/----/ Well that does it. After 31 years, I'm done with Rush. From now on, I'll only listen to Air America. I'm turning the radio dial now to get the station.....ummm gotta be here somewhere....
View attachment 269085

Funny chit.

Air America failed because liberals can read & learn & don't need some drugged up fattie drop out telling them what they should think.
Gush Pimpballs is a known fabricator of information.
/—-/. post proof of your slander or STFU

Limbaugh lies every fucking day.

He was trying to blame epstein on Democrats.

If you believe that oversized, ex druggie, college dropout, uneducaded POS, it explains how freaking stupids you must be.

you forgot to add 4 x married, anal cysted, draft dodger.
/----/ Well that does it. After 31 years, I'm done with Rush. From now on, I'll only listen to Air America. I'm turning the radio dial now to get the station.....ummm gotta be here somewhere....
View attachment 269085

Funny chit.

Air America failed because liberals can read & learn & don't need some drugged up fattie drop out telling them what they should think.

The census question is all about blue state welfare whores..

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