Limbaugh lying again

Actually it can be denied,

"Census professionals agree that a citizenship question will significantly reduce census participation, both by citizens and non-citizens. As former Census Bureau directors recently explained to the U.S. Supreme Court, adding the citizenship question will create a chilling effect on participation by raising privacy concerns and stoking the fears of undocumented individuals that their responses may be used against them. Census professionals currently employed at the bureau have already reported that a heightened environment of suspicion and fear is complicating their work in the field preparing for the census, even before a citizenship question has been added to their questionnaires. Under these circumstances, if the citizenship question remains, the resulting population counts that we all rely on will be wrong."

Why The Census Asking About Citizenship Is Such A Problem

Ohhh, “census professionals” say so....LOL.

Good enough to testify to the Supreme Court. Looks like they were heard.
2010 Census question on citizenship


Now show me the citizen question on the 2010 census
you cant because it isnt there
so then it was removed and who was president in 2010?

Your article is bullshit. The question was on the “long form” which is now known as the American Community Survey...and it is still on the ACS.

The long form, like the ACS was sent to less than 5% of the country.

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/——/ Sez you. I believe The Hill before any of your TDS rants,

When Did the U.S. Census Stop Asking About Citizenship?
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the question about citizenship was removed from census forms in 2010. Was she correct?
David Emery
  • Published 2 April 2018
  • [...]
The census is a decennial event, meaning it occurs every 10 years. There was a census in 1960, and one in 1970, for example, but there wasn’t one in 1965. It’s unclear why Sanders cited that year as a reference point.

It’s misleading, moreover, to claim that the citizenship question was “removed” from the census in 2010. As noted above, it was a standard question on census forms through 1950; then, for unexplained reasons, it was omitted in 1960 for everyone except residents of New York City and Puerto Rico. Beginning in 1970 and continuing through 2000, the Census Bureau used two different questionnaires to gather information: a short form sent to more than 80 percent of American households which did not inquire about citizenship, and a long form distributed to fewer than 20 percent of American households which did. The long form was discontinued after 2000, so in 2010 every household received the short form — meaning, in effect, that no one was asked for citizenship data in that year’s decennial census. But it wasn’t because any questions were “removed.”

By then, the Census Bureau was relying on another program called the American Community Survey (ACS) to collect most of the same data (including citizenship information) that the long form did, but on an ongoing, annual basis instead of once a decade. That it’s still in use means that technically the Census Bureau never actually stopped asking the citizenship question; to put it more accurately, since 2000 they have only asked the citizenship question of the approximately 3.5 million households (2.6 percent of the population) per year who participate in the ACS survey.

Returning to Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ statement, while it is not absolutely incorrect to claim, as she apparently intended to do, that every census between 1960 and 2010 included a question about citizenship, it is misleading. The vast majority of Americans — the more than 80 percent who only filled out the short form during those years — wouldn’t have been asked about citizenship, because the question only appeared on the long form. And that form ceased to exist after 2000.

Strictly speaking, then, the Trump administration isn’t “reinstating” the citizenship question. They’re calling for it to be added to the short form that will be mailed to every American household in 2020.

It won’t be the first time people are required to divulge their citizenship status on a U.S. census form, but it will be the first time since 1950 that everyone is required to do so.

When Did the U.S. Census Stop Asking About Citizenship?

There is nothing misleading about it. The old census can be found on website. It clearly asks about US citizenship in 2000. In 2010 it does not.

That means it was removed during the Hussein Regime.

Obama took over in Jan 2009. The Census is printed by July the year prior to the Census year. The questionnaire is planned and layed more than a year before that to be tested by focus groups.

If it was taken out, it was done so by Bush.

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the long form was removed after the 2000 census because the ACS began doing the count, yearly, instead of every decade...
Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution dictates that data collected by the census determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives (a process called apportionment) and is also used to distribute billions in federal funds to local communities.

So yeah, we need to know the citizenship status.
2010 Census question on citizenship


Now show me the citizen question on the 2010 census
you cant because it isnt there
so then it was removed and who was president in 2010?

The decision to stop using the long form as shown in your example was not made by the Obama administration. ElRushbo just conflated the two because he knows most of his followers believe everything bad he says about the Magic Negro. After all it was 2010. Obama was President. It just feels like the truth, deep down inside, in yer gut.

The citizenship question on the 2020 census, explained

After the 2000 census, the government decided to get rid of the long-form census and replace it with the smaller but more frequent American Community Survey. The ACS only goes out to 2.5 percent of Americans — way fewer than the long-form census — but it’s conducted every year. At present, that’s our primary source of official information about how many citizens live in the US.

This explains why the Trump administration is defending its decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census by saying there has been a citizenship question as part of every recent census except the 2010 one. It also explains why critics are saying the Trump administration is reinstating something that hasn’t existed since 1950.

They’re both right.

The Trump administration is correct in the technical sense: 2010 was the only year that no survey conducted as part of the US census asked about citizenship. But the critics are also correct: Citizenship hasn’t been a question on the mandatory census survey since 1950.
Rush is just a voice on the radio. Why do lefties get hysterical about him when they have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR and almost all the mulch media not to mention H'wood? If you want to quibble about the census question it seems that the citizenship question was on the census long form but Obama eliminated the long form.

Because he's a felon.
Rush is just a voice on the radio. Why do lefties get hysterical about him when they have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR and almost all the mulch media not to mention H'wood? If you want to quibble about the census question it seems that the citizenship question was on the census long form but Obama eliminated the long form.

Because he's a felon.

This again moron?
2010 Census question on citizenship


Now show me the citizen question on the 2010 census
you cant because it isnt there
so then it was removed and who was president in 2010?

The decision to stop using the long form as shown in your example was not made by the Obama administration. ElRushbo just conflated the two because he knows most of his followers believe everything bad he says about the Magic Negro. After all it was 2010. Obama was President. It just feels like the truth, deep down inside, in yer gut.

The citizenship question on the 2020 census, explained

After the 2000 census, the government decided to get rid of the long-form census and replace it with the smaller but more frequent American Community Survey. The ACS only goes out to 2.5 percent of Americans — way fewer than the long-form census — but it’s conducted every year. At present, that’s our primary source of official information about how many citizens live in the US.

This explains why the Trump administration is defending its decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census by saying there has been a citizenship question as part of every recent census except the 2010 one. It also explains why critics are saying the Trump administration is reinstating something that hasn’t existed since 1950.

They’re both right.

The Trump administration is correct in the technical sense: 2010 was the only year that no survey conducted as part of the US census asked about citizenship. But the critics are also correct: Citizenship hasn’t been a question on the mandatory census survey since 1950.

your just parsing words at this point
Limbaugh did or did I say the question was included in every census form sent out now did we
the citizen question was included on one out of 6 forums sent out so its not incorrect to say that the question was part of the 2000 census and it wasn't there in 2010 no you can make excuse why it wasn't there all you want doesn't change the fact it wasn't included
2010 Census question on citizenship


Now show me the citizen question on the 2010 census
you cant because it isnt there
so then it was removed and who was president in 2010?

The decision to stop using the long form as shown in your example was not made by the Obama administration. ElRushbo just conflated the two because he knows most of his followers believe everything bad he says about the Magic Negro. After all it was 2010. Obama was President. It just feels like the truth, deep down inside, in yer gut.

The citizenship question on the 2020 census, explained

After the 2000 census, the government decided to get rid of the long-form census and replace it with the smaller but more frequent American Community Survey. The ACS only goes out to 2.5 percent of Americans — way fewer than the long-form census — but it’s conducted every year. At present, that’s our primary source of official information about how many citizens live in the US.

This explains why the Trump administration is defending its decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census by saying there has been a citizenship question as part of every recent census except the 2010 one. It also explains why critics are saying the Trump administration is reinstating something that hasn’t existed since 1950.

They’re both right.

The Trump administration is correct in the technical sense: 2010 was the only year that no survey conducted as part of the US census asked about citizenship. But the critics are also correct: Citizenship hasn’t been a question on the mandatory census survey since 1950.

your just parsing words at this point
Limbaugh did or did I say the question was included in every census form sent out now did we
the citizen question was included on one out of 6 forums sent out so its not incorrect to say that the question was part of the 2000 census and it wasn't there in 2010 no you can make excuse why it wasn't there all you want doesn't change the fact it wasn't included

Yeah I don't listen to him. I take the OP's word that he tried to pin the change on Obama. I heard that Conway chick do that however, so I know that false narrative is out there. Rushie and propagandist like him rely on lazy people to swallow their conflations.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)
Rush Limbaugh makes millions duping you morons & you are all too dumb to get it.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)

Here is the citizenship question on the 2000 census


Now show me the citizen question on the 2010 census
you cant because it isnt there
so then it was removed and who was president in 2010?

so who is the stupid one again?

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