Limbaugh lying again

Rush is just a voice on the radio. Why do lefties get hysterical about him when they have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR and almost all the mulch media not to mention H'wood? If you want to quibble about the census question it seems that the citizenship question was on the census long form but Obama eliminated the long form.
And Rachel Maddow is just a voice on TV and conservatives lose their minds over her.

The difference is Rush flunked out of college and quit. That's why he started his rants about liberal college professors. He doesn't know anything but the right pretends he's an expert.

Rachel Maddow was a Rhodes scholar.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)
Rush Limbaugh makes millions duping you morons & you are all too dumb to get it.

Isn't that calling the kettle black, when your name is REAL DUMB?
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)

Here is the citizenship question on the 2000 census


Now show me the citizen question on the 2010 census
you cant because it isnt there
so then it was removed and who was president in 2010?

so who is the stupid one again?
You are another stupid fuck. That is not a copy of the 2000 Census form that was sent to the vast majority of people.

They used to ask the question on the Census long form randomly sent top a small percentage.

They replaced asking that question on the long form & instead asked it on a different Census Bureau survey form.
did Limbaugh or me say the citizen question was on all forms sent out? No in the hell we didn't that question was on 1 out of 6 forums sent out so that does make it part of the census

and by the way I'm returning to the forum after an absence didn't realize they now allow poster to call other members stupid fucks should I report you to find out?
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)

Here is the citizenship question on the 2000 census


Now show me the citizen question on the 2010 census
you cant because it isnt there
so then it was removed and who was president in 2010?

so who is the stupid one again?
You are another stupid fuck. That is not a copy of the 2000 Census form that was sent to the vast majority of people.

They used to ask the question on the Census long form randomly sent top a small percentage.

They replaced asking that question on the long form & instead asked it on a different Census Bureau survey form.

Why do you have to swear, I mean really. Is that all you have! Does posting 4 letter words make you tough, you phony-e-baloney?

You are not only the quintessential UGLY American, you are the arrogant American, the STUPID American, and the Marxist American.

Guess what! Most of us WISH you were NOT an American, and any time you want to vacate the premises; feel free. We aren't going to miss your worthless a**!

And oh, by the way, if you decide to leave our great country, (please do!) take AOC, and Omarr with ya. Save us the money of insuring their worthless anti American a**es are REMOVED from office in 2020!
Last edited:
Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.
Why are non-Whites fleeing non-White leaders?
Like I said, they will have to spend more money to send more people to count all the people, as per the Constitution, not only US Citizens. It can't be denied that if included, the question would lead to an under-count of non-citizens.

Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)
Rush Limbaugh makes millions duping you morons & you are all too dumb to get it.

And madow is poor?
Rush is just a voice on the radio. Why do lefties get hysterical about him when they have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR and almost all the mulch media not to mention H'wood? If you want to quibble about the census question it seems that the citizenship question was on the census long form but Obama eliminated the long form.
And Rachel Maddow is just a voice on TV and conservatives lose their minds over her.

The difference is Rush flunked out of college and quit. That's why he started his rants about liberal college professors. He doesn't know anything but the right pretends he's an expert.

Rachel Maddow was a Rhodes scholar.


Where do I apply?
Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.

You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.

Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.

The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.

It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.

The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.

This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.

The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.

Your using socks
Rush was correct as usual! Did anyone hear the caller today who had some suggestions to the lesbian USA Soccer team is they want to make more money? Rush pointed out women's beach volleyball would not have much viewership if the participants were dressed in baggy outfits like the lesbian USA soccer team. :p
Rush is just a voice on the radio. Why do lefties get hysterical about him when they have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR and almost all the mulch media not to mention H'wood? If you want to quibble about the census question it seems that the citizenship question was on the census long form but Obama eliminated the long form.

Because he's a felon.

This again moron?

A person that Doctor shops to obtain class A narcotics is a felon.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.

Real Dumb listening to Rush?

Guess he needs to know what is real after all, lol.

Just another Real Dumb propaganda thread, hehehehehehehehehe.

Wondering out loud-------------------->you related in any way to Billy-E-Baloney?

No way Jose'! No two people could create siblings with a gap that big between their ears.

Speaking about ears, have you checked out Obysmals……………….-)
Rush Limbaugh makes millions duping you morons & you are all too dumb to get it.

He calls his listeners "servile" characteristic of a slave.
Rush was correct as usual! Did anyone hear the caller today who had some suggestions to the lesbian USA Soccer team is they want to make more money? Rush pointed out women's beach volleyball would not have much viewership if the participants were dressed in baggy outfits like the lesbian USA soccer team. :p

WOW! Limbaugh came up with sex sells! STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, you lying sack of sh**, here is the year 2000 census, it asks point blank if the person is a US citizen. (Question 13)

Now here is the 2010 census.
No question about place of birth or citizenship.

NIce try. You linked to the long form form 2000 and the short form from 2010.

Here's the form that was sent to 95% of households.

So you are trying to claim the long from was illegal?

No. I'm saying the form you linked to was only sent to 5% of households in 2000.

In the end it will just cost the tax payer more money for the Census Bureau to send out more people to survey the areas that under report.

Even if true, that is irrelevant. The premise of the OP and moronic liberals arguing against the citizenship question is that it wasn’t there before or is somehow not important or even legal to ask. The question has appeared on several census questionnaires. It is a total fabrication to claim it wasn’t asked before. It is totally factual to say that it was removed during the 2010 census since it did not appear as a question on any form. You can spin it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing wrong or “unprecedented” asking about citizenship in the census. This is yet another case of double standards by leftwing Marxist maniacs like yourself, who can’t admit you welcome foreign invaders to be counted as citizens and giving more electoral votes to Dems.

Are Trump supporters white supremacists. True or false.
You would answer false & claim just because some are does not mean all are.
Limbaugh and you claimed the 2000 Census had the citizenship question implying they all did. That is a lie.
The purpose of the Census is to count everyone living in the US. Not just citizens.
It is not factual to say the question was removed for the 2010 Census when it never appeared on the standard Census forms in 2000.
The only one spinning is you. You are a dishonest person who lies & then tries to make excuses.
This s another example of how you assfuck Trumpettes like to cheat. It is another example of how you lie.
The Census runs m,any surbveys, don't pretend you were talking about them. They otherf forms are not meant to count everyone.
You remind me of Corporal Clinger in M.A.S.H., ShrillDave. Except you're not funny, and your airhead grand swipes are egregious projections of what you do to tout socialist restrictions upon free people, all of whom your words despise. :19:

You really need to concentrate on growing up as a mature person, not the profane sniveler that you have made of yourself.
Driving home from town just ten minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh claim Obama took the citizenship question off the Census.

No wonder Trumpettes are so stupid.
It wasn’t removed under obamas term?

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