Limbaugh: Zika a SCAM!

Zika baby. Pass.

And what in the hell are we going to do with these small beings who should never have been born?
Behead them immediately after birth.
I would think we can be a bit more clever than that.

Develop a test for pregnant women so they can make an informed choice regarding abortion.
Maybe Donald Trump will call in to Rush's show pretending to be a doctor.

"You're right, Mr. Limbaugh. It's a scam, believe me. A total disaster. A great guy like Donald Trump will put an end to the Zika virus hoax so fast your head will spin. Instead of wasting money on scams, he'll build a wall. And it will be tremendous. And if there really is a Zika virus, you know its the Mexican rapists who are bringing it here. That's why your listeners need to vote for Donald Trump. That's my medical advice."
I get my medical advice from my doctor.
Liberals get theirs from CNN.
Sounds to me like you rubes are getting your medical advice from Limbaugh.

Here's an idea. Ask your doctor what he thinks about Limbaugh's claim that Zika is a government scam.
I do not pay my doctor to ask about Limbaugh or your opines.
I pay mine to find out about ME.
YOU should try it with your next visit to your shrink or parole officer.
so you get your medical news solely from your doctor, but you do not ask your doctor about anything that is not directly affecting you

which would make you ignorant on most medical subjects. but then again why should anyone expect otherwise?
I get my medical advice from my doctor.
Liberals get theirs from CNN.
Sounds to me like you rubes are getting your medical advice from Limbaugh.

Here's an idea. Ask your doctor what he thinks about Limbaugh's claim that Zika is a government scam.
I do not pay my doctor to ask about Limbaugh or your opines.
I pay mine to find out about ME.
YOU should try it with your next visit to your shrink or parole officer.
And here we see the willfully blind monkey syndrome. It would only take a second to ask your doctor the next time you see him. And you wouldn't even be charged extra for it.

But you'd rather blindly bleev Rush than ask an actual authority. What a fascinating little rube who works so hard to stay stupid you are!

I WISH you could read you moron. I just said I no more take his opine {Rush} than yours idiot.
Its MEDICAL, ask a doctor you retard.
I get my medical advice from my doctor.
Liberals get theirs from CNN.
Sounds to me like you rubes are getting your medical advice from Limbaugh.

Here's an idea. Ask your doctor what he thinks about Limbaugh's claim that Zika is a government scam.
I do not pay my doctor to ask about Limbaugh or your opines.
I pay mine to find out about ME.
YOU should try it with your next visit to your shrink or parole officer.
And here we see the willfully blind monkey syndrome. It would only take a second to ask your doctor the next time you see him. And you wouldn't even be charged extra for it.

But you'd rather blindly bleev Rush than ask an actual authority. What a fascinating little rube who works so hard to stay stupid you are!

I WISH you could read you moron. I just said I no more take his opine {Rush} than yours idiot.
Its MEDICAL, ask a doctor you retard.
Hey dumbshit. Are you reading these posts?

Did I not suggest you should ask your doctor about the Zika virus and what he thinks about a retard on the radio saying its a scam?

And how did you respond? You REFUSED the idea of asking a doctor's expert opinion about Zika and whether or not its a scam.

You are a classic low information bonehead who willfully works at being stupid.
Well, even if Limbaugh says that the Zika virus is a government hoax, there are many doctors who will disagree and tell you that it's real.

Yes, Dark Fury, we SHOULD listen to doctors rather than Limbaugh.
Are we so cynical now that a pronouncement by an idiot the caliber of Rush Limbaugh can be taken seriously? Have we lost al faith in public health officials? And, if so, what does that portend for our public health?

Can we be led astray by what a former disc jockey says to boost his sagging ratings? Why isn't Rush Limbaugh easily dismissed as the rodeo clown he is? And is it the paranoid, the disaffected, the angry and the naïve who are taken in by this bloviating miscarriage of intellect, or are there thoughtful, reasonable people out there who see this moron for what he truly is?

I don't know. When I was growing up there was an easy way to dismiss idiots. But it seems as I age, the idiots are being taken seriously, hence Donald Trump and his celebrity candidacy. Once we were able to see such phenomenon as silly and illegitimate.
I get my medical advice from my doctor.
Liberals get theirs from CNN.
Sounds to me like you rubes are getting your medical advice from Limbaugh.

Here's an idea. Ask your doctor what he thinks about Limbaugh's claim that Zika is a government scam.
I do not pay my doctor to ask about Limbaugh or your opines.
I pay mine to find out about ME.
YOU should try it with your next visit to your shrink or parole officer.
And here we see the willfully blind monkey syndrome. It would only take a second to ask your doctor the next time you see him. And you wouldn't even be charged extra for it.

But you'd rather blindly bleev Rush than ask an actual authority. What a fascinating little rube who works so hard to stay stupid you are!

I WISH you could read you moron. I just said I no more take his opine {Rush} than yours idiot.
Its MEDICAL, ask a doctor you retard.
Hey dumbshit. Are you reading these posts?

Did I not suggest you should ask your doctor about the Zika virus and what he thinks about a retard on the radio saying its a scam?

And how did you respond? You REFUSED the idea of asking a doctor's expert opinion about Zika and whether or not its a scam.

You are a classic low information bonehead who willfully works at being stupid.
If your brand of stupid was a virus there would be no communists left healthy.
Are we so cynical now that a pronouncement by an idiot the caliber of Rush Limbaugh can be taken seriously? Have we lost al faith in public health officials? And, if so, what does that portend for our public health?

Can we be led astray by what a former disc jockey says to boost his sagging ratings? Why isn't Rush Limbaugh easily dismissed as the rodeo clown he is? And is it the paranoid, the disaffected, the angry and the naïve who are taken in by this bloviating miscarriage of intellect, or are there thoughtful, reasonable people out there who see this moron for what he truly is?

I don't know. When I was growing up there was an easy way to dismiss idiots. But it seems as I age, the idiots are being taken seriously, hence Donald Trump and his celebrity candidacy. Once we were able to see such phenomenon as silly and illegitimate.
idiots that normally would have been corrected by their peers now find community in online media and talk radio - this reinforces their ideas and leads them to believe that their crazy theories have merit.

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