Lime Communist Regimes, Biden Administration Holding, Mistreating POLITICAL Prisoners


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
While protecting defending, and even bailing out of jail foreign/Democrat-funded/supported domestic Marxist terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have looted, damaged, destroyed, burned, assaulted, and murdered - attempting to burn local and federal police alive, while perpetrating BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat run communities all over the US, the Biden Administration has made political prisoners of American citizens who participated in the riot at the US Capitol on 6 Jan 21.

'While more than three dozen people charged with various offenses related to the January 6 protest on Capitol Hill now rot in solitary confinement in a D.C. jail, Joe Biden’s Justice Department is letting off the hook violent protestors involved in the ongoing siege of Portland.'

'Federal prosecutors are seeking “deferred prosecution” for at least six people charged with disorderly conduct, attacking police officers, and interfering with law enforcement in that city last year. “Some lawyers attribute the government’s newfound willingness to resolve the Portland protest cases without criminal convictions to the arrival of President Joe Biden’s administration in January and to policy and personnel changes at the Justice Department,” Josh Gerstein wrote April 14. “Some of the assaults described in the Portland cases bear similarities to the Capitol violence.”

This includes assaults on law enforcement with various weapons including a shield—a few Capitol defendants face multiple charges for use or possession of a “deadly weapon,” a riot shield, inside the building on January 6—and flashing a laser at police aircraft. Offenders also face “civil disorder” charges similar to the “obstruction of an official proceeding” charge filed against more than 130 Capitol protestors.

Portland protestors, once the quasi-plea arrangement is settled, will come away with a clean record and serve no jail time. But legal observers admit the special treatment poses a stark difference in how Biden’s Justice Department is handling its “unprecedented” manhunt for January 6 perpetrators. “There are already signs the Portland deals could create contrasts or anomalies with the Capitol cases,” Gerstein wrote. “While the Portland defendants now face no jail or criminal conviction in connection with assaulting law enforcement, prosecutors in Washington have sought pretrial detention in virtually all the Capitol riot cases involving alleged assaults on police.


Local Democrats helped the Marxist domestic terrorists commit their crimes that included holding entire city blocks hostage, extorting businesses, assault and murder of citizens inside their seized zone by providing them with hardened barriers, port-o-potties, and food deliveries.

Local, state, and Federal Democrats bailed out of jail domestic terrorists who were arrested for destroying property, looting stores, burning businesses down, and even attempting to burn local and federal officers alive.

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, not only helped bail domestic terrorists but also implored them to continue their violent insurrection / attacks on the American people after the last election...and they have complied.


In Lafayette Park, DC violent domestic terrorists attacked. The violence was so bad the President and the 1st Family were rushed into the WH Bunker for their safety as FBI Agents, DHS Agents, Secret Service Agents, capitol Police, and Local police engaged the domestic terrorists.

Some demonstrators repeatedly attempted to knock over security barriers and vandalized six Secret Service vehicles, the agency said in a statement on Sunday.

Protesters threw bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items at officers and some Secret Service personnel were also "directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched and exposed to bodily fluids," the statement added.


NONE of the domestic terrorists / violent protestors have been treated like those arrested for participating in 1/6 - none are sitting in solitary confinement still waiting to be arraigned / to stand trial, none of them have faced mistreatment / beatings - those, if any, arrested are already home / have been released.

The same can not be said who have been tracked down by the Biden administration, arrested, and thrown in prison, AND ARE BEING PHYSICALLYAND MENTALLY ABUSED while they STILL WAIT FOR TRIAL.

“There is a pattern of abuse and of targeting of the defendants who are being held pursuant to what happened on Jan. 6,” said Joseph McBride of New York, a defense lawyer for Barnett. “It is targeted. It is ruthless. It is nonstop.”

Steven Metcalf, a lawyer for Samsel, said that after his client complained last month about slow delivery of toilet paper, he was zip-tied, moved to a cell outside the view of surveillance cameras and brutally beaten by guards.

“I have seen Ryan. He has two black eyes to this day, two weeks later. All the skin is ripped off both wrists, which shows the zip ties and how tight they were,” said Metcalf, also from New York. “Other inmates said his face looked like a tomato that was stomped on.”

Another case of physical abuse of another defendent is also under investigation right now.

'A spokesperson for the jail system said the matter was under federal investigation.'

'An FBI spokesperson would not say what the agency is doing about Samsel’s allegations, but said agents had been advised about them.'

Nearly all the Jan. 6 defendants who have reached Washington and remain in custody are being held at the Correctional Treatment Facility, a complex in southeast D.C. typically used for prisoners with health needs or who require isolation from the general jail population.
- One veteran D.C. defense attorney said many Capitol rioters were new to the District’s jail system and might believe they’re being specifically targeted when they’re simply unfamiliar with being in jail at all — particularly in the harsh conditions of 23-hour-a-day isolation.

Blah, blah, blah...already a thread under polislick, you echo chamber barkers are a dime a dozen. You can't justify 1/6 by using other riots as a measure of actions...You seem to always leave out the protest when Trump became president that Trump pledged would earn then ten years in prison.
Several Capitol defendants have been denied bail and transported from their home state to a D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility where they reportedly are held in solitary confinement and have been attacked by prison guards; some have been behind bars for three months. Judges continue to approve extended pre-trial detention.

The Justice Department already has dropped roughly one-third of the cases tied to last year’s violence in Portland. This includes protestors charged with assaulting federal officers; some cases were “dismissed with prejudice,” meaning the case cannot be brought back to court. “Three defendants cut plea deals resulting in probation and home detention.” “Two of the plea agreements required a relatively short prison sentence of 30 days. Several people closely involved with the protest cases, who asked not to be identified, said they expect many more federal charges to be dismissed soon.”

Meanwhile, Biden’s Justice Department continues to round up nonviolent Trump supporters from across the country and hold them as political prisoners.

Conservatives who were arrested for peacefully walking around the Capitol after being shown walking through a door held open for them by a Capitol Police Officer are reportedly facing 8 year jail sentences.

....IF and WHEN their cases come to trial.

This prolonged incarceration is a violation of their Constitutional Right to a speedy trial.

Equal Justice is not being applied to American citizens, as the Biden administration appears to be applying a politically partisan filter to their Justice System.

Radical leftists and Marxist domestic terrorists are being protected while conservative citizens who do not embrace the Left's ideology and agenda appear to be being held as political prisoners and physically and mentally abused while in custody.

The Biden administration seems to be using yet another playbook form the CCP.

As Capitol Defendants Rot in DC Jail, Portland Rioters Get Leniency - Tennessee Star
Yeah, jail is tough, but so is sports, the military and being married with children...
WTF? Your attempt to change the focus from what CCP Joe is doing to me for some reason is a desperate to defend comrade Biden. :itsok:
Has Biden been abducting news reporters off the streets and breaking into their phones, tablets and pads like Trump?
Those people were fools to listen to Trump and his lying cohorts in crime...Now they be doing time...Just like all the other innocent people in jail do every damn day.
While protecting defending, and even bailing out of jail foreign/Democrat-funded/supported domestic Marxist terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have looted, damaged, destroyed, burned, assaulted, and murdered - attempting to burn local and federal police alive, while perpetrating BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat run communities all over the US, the Biden Administration has made political prisoners of American citizens who participated in the riot at the US Capitol on 6 Jan 21.

'While more than three dozen people charged with various offenses related to the January 6 protest on Capitol Hill now rot in solitary confinement in a D.C. jail, Joe Biden’s Justice Department is letting off the hook violent protestors involved in the ongoing siege of Portland.'

'Federal prosecutors are seeking “deferred prosecution” for at least six people charged with disorderly conduct, attacking police officers, and interfering with law enforcement in that city last year. “Some lawyers attribute the government’s newfound willingness to resolve the Portland protest cases without criminal convictions to the arrival of President Joe Biden’s administration in January and to policy and personnel changes at the Justice Department,” Josh Gerstein wrote April 14. “Some of the assaults described in the Portland cases bear similarities to the Capitol violence.”

This includes assaults on law enforcement with various weapons including a shield—a few Capitol defendants face multiple charges for use or possession of a “deadly weapon,” a riot shield, inside the building on January 6—and flashing a laser at police aircraft. Offenders also face “civil disorder” charges similar to the “obstruction of an official proceeding” charge filed against more than 130 Capitol protestors.

Portland protestors, once the quasi-plea arrangement is settled, will come away with a clean record and serve no jail time. But legal observers admit the special treatment poses a stark difference in how Biden’s Justice Department is handling its “unprecedented” manhunt for January 6 perpetrators. “There are already signs the Portland deals could create contrasts or anomalies with the Capitol cases,” Gerstein wrote. “While the Portland defendants now face no jail or criminal conviction in connection with assaulting law enforcement, prosecutors in Washington have sought pretrial detention in virtually all the Capitol riot cases involving alleged assaults on police.


Local Democrats helped the Marxist domestic terrorists commit their crimes that included holding entire city blocks hostage, extorting businesses, assault and murder of citizens inside their seized zone by providing them with hardened barriers, port-o-potties, and food deliveries.

Local, state, and Federal Democrats bailed out of jail domestic terrorists who were arrested for destroying property, looting stores, burning businesses down, and even attempting to burn local and federal officers alive.

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, not only helped bail domestic terrorists but also implored them to continue their violent insurrection / attacks on the American people after the last election...and they have complied.


In Lafayette Park, DC violent domestic terrorists attacked. The violence was so bad the President and the 1st Family were rushed into the WH Bunker for their safety as FBI Agents, DHS Agents, Secret Service Agents, capitol Police, and Local police engaged the domestic terrorists.

Some demonstrators repeatedly attempted to knock over security barriers and vandalized six Secret Service vehicles, the agency said in a statement on Sunday.

Protesters threw bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items at officers and some Secret Service personnel were also "directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched and exposed to bodily fluids," the statement added.


NONE of the domestic terrorists / violent protestors have been treated like those arrested for participating in 1/6 - none are sitting in solitary confinement still waiting to be arraigned / to stand trial, none of them have faced mistreatment / beatings - those, if any, arrested are already home / have been released.

The same can not be said who have been tracked down by the Biden administration, arrested, and thrown in prison, AND ARE BEING PHYSICALLYAND MENTALLY ABUSED while they STILL WAIT FOR TRIAL.

“There is a pattern of abuse and of targeting of the defendants who are being held pursuant to what happened on Jan. 6,” said Joseph McBride of New York, a defense lawyer for Barnett. “It is targeted. It is ruthless. It is nonstop.”

Steven Metcalf, a lawyer for Samsel, said that after his client complained last month about slow delivery of toilet paper, he was zip-tied, moved to a cell outside the view of surveillance cameras and brutally beaten by guards.

“I have seen Ryan. He has two black eyes to this day, two weeks later. All the skin is ripped off both wrists, which shows the zip ties and how tight they were,” said Metcalf, also from New York. “Other inmates said his face looked like a tomato that was stomped on.”

Another case of physical abuse of another defendent is also under investigation right now.

'A spokesperson for the jail system said the matter was under federal investigation.'

'An FBI spokesperson would not say what the agency is doing about Samsel’s allegations, but said agents had been advised about them.'

Nearly all the Jan. 6 defendants who have reached Washington and remain in custody are being held at the Correctional Treatment Facility, a complex in southeast D.C. typically used for prisoners with health needs or who require isolation from the general jail population.
- One veteran D.C. defense attorney said many Capitol rioters were new to the District’s jail system and might believe they’re being specifically targeted when they’re simply unfamiliar with being in jail at all — particularly in the harsh conditions of 23-hour-a-day isolation.

By your logic BLM rioters are political prisoners too.
By your logic BLM rioters are political prisoners too.
Not at all. Black Lives Matter rioters are Marxist domestic terrorists who have looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, and inflicted BILLIONS of dollars of damage on Democrat-Run communities all over the US.

They are America-hating racists who have been duped by a self-identifying Marxist who publicly declared she created 'BLM' as a self-enriching project, and after dividing the nation racially, setting it on fire, buying 4 mansions, and buying millions of dollars worth of real estate she said she was walking away to pursue more lucrative projects such as a new book deal and negotiating a TV deal.

While the dupes are looting, burning, attempting to burn local and federal police alive, while these domestic terrorists climb onto busses and are bussed into towns where they don;t even live to destroy those communities, the Marcxist bitch who duped them and started this all is in one of her 4 mansions.

'Political PRISONERS'? How can they be considered 'prisoners' when the vast majority of them are not booked / indicted, get bailed out, get released, do not serve hardly any jail time, and walk away - as the articles report - without any mark even on their record. The most the worst of them are facing is 3 months in jail IF they go to jail.

In the meantime 1/6 protestors are in jail, have been there for 6 months, have spent 3 months or more in isolation, still do not have an estimated date for court appearances, and are being physically and mentally abused.

In places like China, Russia, North Korea, etc...people being targeted for their political beliefs and associations like these people are , people whose rights are getting violated like this while being physically abused are called 'political prisoners'.

Democrats are attempting to indoctrinate our kids & the military, censuring / silencing political opposition, and pushing Marxist ideology /practices while supporting /protecting Marxist-based domestic terrorists, so it should be no surprise that they have adopted the CCP tactics / policies of holding political prisoners.

Jailing your political opponent on trumped up charges makes a political prisoner. Like old Puti-bear does in Russia. Now taking criminal action against the Government and Constitution, regardless of how you came to believe your action were lawful, even if you believe the trumped up charges of sweeping election fraud by the leader of your Cult. That makes you a criminal and depending on the nature of your offense you may be in jail for a long time.

Haha stupid soviet style propaganda is easy to spot
What is Biden doing to you?

What does that have to do with anything?
This is about the xiden admin abusing American citizens and denying them their constitutional rights.
If you dont see that and dems agree with you I see no other option than a civil war.

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