limiting temp-rise to 2 celcius no longer sufficient

deniers :eusa_naughty:
But amid the hope is a much darker reality: Years of stalled talks and baby steps toward action have all but ensured that we will pass the previous do-not-pass benchmark of 2 degrees Celsius of warming by 2100. Now, The New York Times reports, the negotiators’ objective is to stave off atmospheric warming of 4 to 10 degrees by the end of the century, at which point, experts say, Earth may “become increasingly uninhabitable.”
David Victor, a professor of international relations and an expert on climate change policy

Lets sum up the thread..

This man is a card carrying socialist. His specialty is Communist nations and their control systems of government. His expertise in Climate Change comes from the IPCC and POLITICAL POLICY working groups. He has no training in science whatsoever..

Just another left wing attempt to give credibility where none is warranted. He is a political whore just like Al Gore.

/Thread Dead
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The dog ate your lab work???

We've showed it to you dozens of times. And you just lie about it. There's no point in doing it again, because you'd just lie again.

So, how do you manage to look in the mirror without puking? If I had behaved as badly as you do, I'd instantly off myself out of pure shame.

Basically, deniers self-select for sociopathy. Normal people can be shamed into behaving better, hence those normal people leave the denier cult. Only those lacking a conscience remain.

You haven't shown shit.. I on the other hand will post up the Null hypothesis again and how it shreds the alarmist drivel into little bitty pieces.. showing that the current rise in CO2 has been rendered mute.

Below are two rates of warming from the Hadcrut3 lower troposphere. One is from the period 1900 through 1950 and the the other is 1951 through 2000. Below each is the rate of warming.


The trend for the period 1900-1950 is 0.51 deg C or 0.103/decade

This trend occurred before CO2 became a rapidly increasing according to the IPCC and is near or is the Natural Variational rate.

The trend for 1951-2000 is 0.50 deg C or 0.100 deg C/decade.

This means that the two rates of warming are statistically insignificant DESPITE the rapid rise in CO2 and equal to NATURAL VARIATION..


So by simple observation we can see the problem with the hypothesis of runaway temp caused by CO2. During the time they claim runway rise it was nothing of the sort and even given the rise in CO2, there was no discernible increase in that natural rise.

Now refute that hairball!
The Null Hypothesis says it must be assumed a system has not experienced a change unless there is evidence of a change.

The Null Hypothesis is a fundamental scientific principle and forms the basis of all scientific understanding, investigation and interpretation. Indeed, it is the basic principle of experimental procedure where an input to a system is altered to discern a change: if the system is not observed to respond to the alteration then it has to be assumed the system did not respond to the alteration.

In the case of climate science there is a hypothesis that increased greenhouse gases (GHGs, notably CO2) in the air will increase global temperature. There are good reasons to suppose this hypothesis may be true, but the Null Hypothesis says it must be assumed the GHG changes have no effect unless and until increased GHGs are observed to increase global temperature. That is what the scientific method decrees. It does not matter how certain some people may be that the hypothesis is right because observation of reality (i.e. empiricism) trumps all opinions.

You just cant get it any better than that..
The dog ate your lab work???

We've showed it to you dozens of times. And you just lie about it. There's no point in doing it again, because you'd just lie again.

So, how do you manage to look in the mirror without puking? If I had behaved as badly as you do, I'd instantly off myself out of pure shame.

Basically, deniers self-select for sociopathy. Normal people can be shamed into behaving better, hence those normal people leave the denier cult. Only those lacking a conscience remain.
You are a liar, there has been no scientific test that showed the current increase in CO2 causes a similar raise in temp, in fact the temp rise is just a little over what the prediction was it would be from 1900 to 2000.

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