Lindell The Loser

The topic, retard.

The "topic" such as it might be, is you Nazis attacking an enemy of the Reich.

What office does Mike Lindell hold that justifies the Mafia tactics by you Nazis?

You don't "boycott" because 75 million Trump voters ensure that your boycott will fail. So you engage in restraint of trade. You go after the banks he works with, logistics companies that ship his goods, chemical supplies who provide the materials for memory foam.

You Nazis are criminal scum. The ONLY way to stop the evil shit you vermin are engaged in is to do the same to you.
McDogmeat uses Brazilian Beef, we can petition Bolsonaro to prohibit export to them. Picket Golden State Foods - the California produce supplier. Organize worker strikes. Do to you Nazi vermin what you do to us. Yes, these are evil, shitty tactics - but you Nazis are evil, shitty people.
Lindell the Loser says he lost a bundle. His KOOK behavior and snuggling up to Trump has hurt him. Not such a smart guy, as many here seem to believe. PR nightmare.

"Speaking to Insider this Monday, MyPillow CEO and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell said that boycotts resulting from his mass voter fraud claims have cost him $65 million in revenue."

"I lost 20 retailers, and it's cost me $65 million this year that I won't get back, OK?" Lindell said. "There's your story. Print it right. Don't try and twist this."

Nice...perfect...a leftist anti American celebrating the hard time of a 100% made in America company...don't ever try and pass yourself off as a patriot....go buy a pillow from China....

He voted for Beijing Biden. He's Anti-American and Pro-CCP.
Oh lookie, a slander thread attacking an enemy of the Reich.

How droll...
and here comes the "nazi" spewing. both sides do it. lol.

Gather 'round kiddies:

A Reich Member is about to regale us with how a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state. But this isn't fascism and Nazism because reasons....
do something useful with your meltdown energy. help some frozen texans.

The reason you can't refute what I say is that we all know it's 100% fact. The democrats are as a matter of demonstrable fact, Nazis. Your vile and shameful party is today what Hitler's was in 1932, before the camps and Nuremburg laws. You've staged your Reichstag Fire and seized power through questionable means.

You are what you are, and what you are is Nazis.
nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi.
you are nothing but an UN-AMERICAN piece of shit
translation---commie shit stain
Committing slander and being a moron doesn't mean we've already lost.

It just means you're committing slander and being a moron.

Do me a favor, find the Real Toro and ask him if he supports restraint of trade? If the organized criminal disruption of supply chains to destroy competitors is something he gets behind?
Wow, so a guy who argued for martial law to overturn an election is losing business. What did the moron expect. Hopefully, he will be in bankrupcy court in the near future. He in a danger to this nation.
He talked about an EO that would impose martial law on the disputed states. All within the presidents power. Lindell could not invoke martial law. His opinion is just that. It has to be a real bitch being scared of what others say.
The fact that any AMERICAN would support martial law is an outright abomination. Lindell did not give a shit for over 80 million plus voters who cast ballots for Pres. Biden, I certainly don't give a shit for him.
are you including the millions of votes that popped up, after the scum demonRAT states stopped counting, to add millions of illegal, fraudulant votes caught on camera. never have states sent people away from counting, until it was counted.
there should not have been any "pause" time. demonRATS are vile scum of the earth.
If true, this is very good news. Hope MrPillow ends up sleeping on a heating grate and bumming change for a half-pint of peppermint schnapps and $5 bag of meth.
That or maybe Donald could hire him as his new Minister of Disinformation and Conspiracy Theories.
Actually, the lesson is much simpler than that. You don't mix politics with business.
The left mixes politics with business all the time

if mike lindell was a trump hater you would hail him as a hero

Not if they went on a wacky and dangerous disinformation campaign that resulted in lefties sacking the capitol.
Wow, so a guy who argued for martial law to overturn an election is losing business. What did the moron expect. Hopefully, he will be in bankrupcy court in the near future. He in a danger to this nation.
He talked about an EO that would impose martial law on the disputed states. All within the presidents power. Lindell could not invoke martial law. His opinion is just that. It has to be a real bitch being scared of what others say.

Fluff up your MrPillow and go back to bed ;-)
Lindell the Loser says he lost a bundle. His KOOK behavior and snuggling up to Trump has hurt him. Not such a smart guy, as many here seem to believe. PR nightmare.

"Speaking to Insider this Monday, MyPillow CEO and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell said that boycotts resulting from his mass voter fraud claims have cost him $65 million in revenue."

"I lost 20 retailers, and it's cost me $65 million this year that I won't get back, OK?" Lindell said. "There's your story. Print it right. Don't try and twist this."

Good joke. The guy's a self made marketing genius and who's made it back from severe drug addiction to a net worth of about 300 million, but just because he doesn't fall in line with the mentally Left's TDS, he's a "loser".

Easy come - Easy go! :cool-45:
Wow, so a guy who argued for martial law to overturn an election is losing business. What did the moron expect. Hopefully, he will be in bankrupcy court in the near future. He in a danger to this nation.
He talked about an EO that would impose martial law on the disputed states. All within the presidents power. Lindell could not invoke martial law. His opinion is just that. It has to be a real bitch being scared of what others say.

Fluff up your MrPillow and go back to bed ;-)
Lindell the Loser says he lost a bundle. His KOOK behavior and snuggling up to Trump has hurt him. Not such a smart guy, as many here seem to believe. PR nightmare.

"Speaking to Insider this Monday, MyPillow CEO and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell said that boycotts resulting from his mass voter fraud claims have cost him $65 million in revenue."

"I lost 20 retailers, and it's cost me $65 million this year that I won't get back, OK?" Lindell said. "There's your story. Print it right. Don't try and twist this."

Good joke. The guy's a self made marketing genius and who's made it back from severe drug addiction to a net worth of about 300 million, but just because he doesn't fall in line with the mentally Left's TDS, he's a "loser".

Easy come - Easy go! :cool-45:
It didn't come easy, and it isn't going anywhere. His revenue is still the same minus a couple of box stores, and his are still running. In fact, many have purchased his products just to make a statement.
be good little nazi’s or the lib cancel culture will get you

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