Lindsey Graham: Better for a Democrat to win the White House than Trump


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
I can see trump definitely starting a third party , this will slit, yes slit the republican party wide open

In a statement tweeted Saturday by Time political reporter Zeke Miller, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said that it would be better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump. The statement was issued in response to comments Trump made regarding Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

Lindsey Graham Better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump - National Policy Issues
Lindsay Graham was reelected by a membrane last time. He knows he's done unless he can ingratiate himself with democrats.

If he really wants a democrat in the white hut, he should be supporting Jebbie Bush.
Lindsay Graham was reelected by a membrane last time. He knows he's done unless he can ingratiate himself with democrats.

If he really wants a democrat in the white hut, he should be supporting Jebbie Bush.
Can they get Jeb a better OS program to operate with?
If it were, horror of horrors, Trump the coward, it would be far better to get Bernie or Hillary. Trump is further left than either of them. READ the guys statements people. The trump idiots are wanting to vote for someone more bat shit than Bernie
Funny watching them shred each other cuz that's only time a Republican tells the truth.
If it were, horror of horrors, Trump the coward, it would be far better to get Bernie or Hillary. Trump is further left than either of them. READ the guys statements people. The trump idiots are wanting to vote for someone more bat shit than Bernie

Trump is for lower taxes to no taxes at all for the very wealthy, as are all billionaires. . He's no lefty. He may just be in this to make bush look bad so as to pave the way for scott walker, the favorite of the coke brothers, This - even after bush and most of the other republican dogs have kissed the coke brother's rings, feet and whatever else they were allowed to kiss.
Bernie's packing them in, saying what most Americans want to hear. Decent health care and wages, stop these insane trade policies that send jobs to low wage countries, affordable education. It's beyond me why any low to average income worker would ever vote republican, the party of the very wealthy.
Sounds like Lindsey is getting the vapors again - but I agree with him about Trump.


Oh My Gracious Sakes! Lindsey Graham's Got the Vapors Again!

Oh my, I do declare I have the vapors!
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lol... Graham is still mad about his phone number being given out to the public by Trump. He turned the tables on Trump and gave out his phone number. Trump put a recording on his phone talking about the issues and where he stands. Checkmate! ;)

Question: Why would Lindsey Graham have Donald Trump's phone number and visa versa??
I can see trump definitely starting a third party , this will slit, yes slit the republican party wide open

In a statement tweeted Saturday by Time political reporter Zeke Miller, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said that it would be better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump. The statement was issued in response to comments Trump made regarding Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

Lindsey Graham Better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump - National Policy Issues
What do you know, the little faggot gets one right...
What gets me is that Lindsey didn't mind asking trump for money when no one was looking. This is like paying for a hooker with a credit card and then talking about what a terrible societal ill prostitution is. He's a hypocrite and a politician. Is there a difference?
I can see trump definitely starting a third party , this will slit, yes slit the republican party wide open

In a statement tweeted Saturday by Time political reporter Zeke Miller, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said that it would be better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump. The statement was issued in response to comments Trump made regarding Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

Lindsey Graham Better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump - National Policy Issues

Lindsey Graham is an idiot.

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