Lindsey Graham calls Trump a liar on Fox n' Friends this morning

Good for him. John McCain would be proud.

I saw the clip of this a little while ago and now it's hitting the msm:

Lindsey Graham slams Trump for Syria withdrawal

'Biggest Lie by This Admin'
Lindsey Graham Slams Trump for Syria Withdrawal

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham calls Trump claim that ISIS has been defeated 'the biggest lie told by this administration'"""""
Lindsey Graham acts like he defends Trump, but he's really stabbing him in the back. Why does he refuse to call witnesses in this fake impeachment inquiry? Why hasn't he issued subpoenas to members of the FBI in their mishandling of the Hillary email scandal? What is he waiting for?
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.
Making America's military great again is a beautiful thing, isn't it?
Good for him. John McCain would be proud.

I saw the clip of this a little while ago and now it's hitting the msm:

Lindsey Graham slams Trump for Syria withdrawal

'Biggest Lie by This Admin'
Lindsey Graham Slams Trump for Syria Withdrawal

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham calls Trump claim that ISIS has been defeated 'the biggest lie told by this administration'"""""
Lindsey Graham acts like he defends Trump, but he's really stabbing him in the back. Why does he refuse to call witnesses in this fake impeachment inquiry? Why hasn't he issued subpoenas to members of the FBI in their mishandling of the Hillary email scandal? What is he waiting for?
He said yesterday he's waiting on the IG Report to drop in two weeks and he'll use that as his guidance on who to subpoena and investigate.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
did you look it up? why is that my job exactly? cause you queried me? if your intent was to challenge me, then I would expect you have a fact to post. got one yet?
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
One death is too many!
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
One death is too many!
funny, he didn't even look it up. too funny.
I'd like to see us out of there, but done with a plan, and with our allies there...
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
One death is too many!
funny, he didn't even look it up. too funny.
I looked it up right after I asked you...
Good for him. John McCain would be proud.

I saw the clip of this a little while ago and now it's hitting the msm:

Lindsey Graham slams Trump for Syria withdrawal

'Biggest Lie by This Admin'
Lindsey Graham Slams Trump for Syria Withdrawal

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham calls Trump claim that ISIS has been defeated 'the biggest lie told by this administration'"""""

Wait, what!? According to you fricken loons Trump lies every day, some idiot posted that Trump has lied 30,000 times...and this is the biggest lie?
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.


He might be, but that's not the point and you know it.

More Republicans need to grow a spine and stand up to this sociopathic, spoiled attention addict who is running this country off the rails.

How so?

Please be specific in your mental delusion that trump is running this country off the rails?


To put it as simply as I can: Your vote next year isn't worth the toilet paper you used this morning after the coffee kicked in.
Trump traded your sorry ass in for personal gain and power.
And he'll continue to do so rather than face indictments if he loses the election.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
One death is too many!
Then Why was it okay for Trump to send our military to protect Saudi Arabia after their attack? Putting a new batch of our military in harm's way?
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
One death is too many!
Then Why was it okay for Trump to send our military to protect Saudi Arabia after their attack? Putting a new batch of our military in harm's way?

Describing the attack as a "dramatic escalation of Iranian aggression," Defense Secretary Mark Esper told reporters at the Pentagon that the troops would be "defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense" following the attacks on Saudi oil facilities attacks which Esper said "all indications are that Iran was responsible for."

"Right now we're focused on helping the Saudis improve their defense infrastructure," Esper said. The administration's goal is to send a "clear message" that the United States supports its partners in the region, will defend the free flow of commerce through the Persian Gulf and demonstrate its commitment to the rules-based international order.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
One death is too many!
Then Why was it okay for Trump to send our military to protect Saudi Arabia after their attack? Putting a new batch of our military in harm's way?
How were they in harm's way? Do you even know where they were specifically sent?
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
so the left want more american deaths? no, really? the pro lifers want more americans to die for Syria? oh wait, my bad.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
Why does it matter?

WTF are we doing there now?
Make no mistake...Graham is a blatant Trumper partisan but the fact that he calls Trump out on this lie is STUNNING

ISIS is NOT defeated
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.


He might be, but that's not the point and you know it.

More Republicans need to grow a spine and stand up to this sociopathic, spoiled attention addict who is running this country off the rails.

How so?

Please be specific in your mental delusion that trump is running this country off the rails?


Blaine Sweeter says:
“Because, because, because....he makes disgusting lowlife piece of shit degenerates like me feel like the disgusting lowlife piece of shit degenerates we actually are...that’s why!”

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