Lindsey Graham calls Trump a liar on Fox n' Friends this morning

If we worked with western allies, telling them, we are outta here.... then our allies could plan to put More of their people in, to do the job of guarding the captured ISIS....
We did tell them "we are outta here".
Trump announced via Twitter, then we pulled back on it...

Now we are doing it again...

We NEVER worked with our partners on an unchaotic plan With them.

You do realize that we have a Federal State Department that works with foreign nations regarding issues like this, right? Just because you found out via Donny's twitter feed doesn't mean all the foreign gub'mints around the globe did.

Stop being silly, it's WAY past time we got every last U.S. Government Personnel the hell out of Syria, if our "allies" want to stay there then that is their choice.
Our allies are reporting this was NOT done. No one worked with them.
What wasn’t done? They can take over, what do they need from us? We’re out, bye, we don’t owe them shit!
If we worked with western allies, telling them, we are outta here.... then our allies could plan to put More of their people in, to do the job of guarding the captured ISIS....
We did tell them "we are outta here".
Trump announced via Twitter, then we pulled back on it...

Now we are doing it again...

We NEVER worked with our partners on an unchaotic plan With them.

You do realize that we have a Federal State Department that works with foreign nations regarding issues like this, right? Just because you found out via Donny's twitter feed doesn't mean all the foreign gub'mints around the globe did.

Stop being silly, it's WAY past time we got every last U.S. Government Personnel the hell out of Syria, if our "allies" want to stay there then that is their choice.
Our allies are reporting this was NOT done. No one worked with them.

"Reporting" it to whom? You?

Do You really believe the State Department didn't know what was going on and didn't inform the governments involved?

As far as I'm concerned they can go fuck themselves; all those "allies" ever do is cost us blood & treasure, whenever things get tough they want to sacrifice the lives of American Men & Women as well as American Tax Payer money.
How many deaths if any, have we had in Syria?
One death is too many!
funny, he didn't even look it up. too funny.
I looked it up right after I asked you...
Cool post the link
You can get it, just let your fingers do the walking... I'm on my Kindle and its not that easy for me to find again, till I get to my lap top....

Ask Camp, who posted the number in this thread, it is likely easier for him
So you won’t confirm your own statement! Go fking figure . You are predictable.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.
I agree, but he IS pulling out of Syria, so you must give credit where it is due.

Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

Yeah, but he's now a big hero to the moonbats, because he's against this Trump policy.

Party > nation
I don't know who he is a hero to.
I am glad he is speaking up for the Kurds.

I wish Lindsey would speak up for Americans against President Nervious Nancys effort to get foreign governments to dig up dirt on Nervous Nancy's political enemies.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.
I agree, but he IS pulling out of Syria, so you must give credit where it is due.

Nervous Nancy is abandoning our Kurdish allies who helped the U.S. defeat ISIS in Syria.

So we have to give him credit for that.
Good for him. John McCain would be proud.

I saw the clip of this a little while ago and now it's hitting the msm:

Lindsey Graham slams Trump for Syria withdrawal

'Biggest Lie by This Admin'
Lindsey Graham Slams Trump for Syria Withdrawal

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham calls Trump claim that ISIS has been defeated 'the biggest lie told by this administration'"""""

We need to pull out of the Middle East. Who are we to judge or police that part of the world. Bring the troops home.

Other than that I don't waste my time watching Fox News, not sure why you would.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.
I agree, but he IS pulling out of Syria, so you must give credit where it is due.

Nervous Nancy is abandoning our Kurdish allies who helped the U.S. defeat ISIS in Syria.

So we have to give him credit for that.
Wait. I thought we still hadn't defeated ISIS.

Will everyone get their fucking stories straight?

Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.

Comparing 2019 with 2015 data. How honest.

Current Canada defense spending is $25 billion. In comparison to GDP, their spending is in par with US defense spending.
now dog gone it, there you go speaking common sense again. WTF?
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.

Comparing 2019 with 2015 data. How honest.

Current Canada defense spending is $25 billion. In comparison to GDP, their spending is in par with US defense spending.
now dog gone it, there you go speaking common sense again. WTF?

That's one language that left can't understand.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.

Comparing 2019 with 2015 data. How honest.

Current Canada defense spending is $25 billion. In comparison to GDP, their spending is in par with US defense spending.
now dog gone it, there you go speaking common sense again. WTF?

That's one language that left can't understand.
it's hard when they don't have any!!!! I've been trying to find a word for them, but it eludes me. There isn't one, deranged doesn't work, hostility is obvious, incompetent doesn't fit since that implies they were once competent, nope, nothing.
At least the pro war morons don't have to pretend they are for peace.

Oh wait, they are for everything their gods tell them.

Like, when clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds he was a big hero.

When Boooosh enforced it they all collectively protested and broke out the john lennon peace commie chants.

They blamed Trump for calling the North Korean hero leader to the left names and called Trump a war monger (favorite hyperbole of the left behind racist and climate denier.) Then, they went ape shit when he had peace talks with the fat left wing commie hero.

Now this.

Fucking losers
Lindsey Graham calls Trump a liar

Yet, nowhere is your article do I see a video of him actually saying that!
Nowhere do I see a link to said video.
A search of YouTube turns up no video.
Just your fake news story claim that he did.

Got any more fake Trump stories?
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.


He might be, but that's not the point and you know it.

More Republicans need to grow a spine and stand up to this sociopathic, spoiled attention addict who is running this country off the rails.

I don't agree with Trump on much be we need to get the hell out of the Middle East. We have no business there and Democrats pointed that out during the Bush years and now because Trump is wanting to get out, the Democrats think we should stay.

Time to come home and let the rest of the world police where we are not wanted.
maybe it's a trap? you know say one thing and do another? ah shit, I hope I didn't give it away!!!

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