Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried About Being ‘Exposed’ By Declassification


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried About Being ‘Exposed’ By Declassification

Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried About Being ‘Exposed’ By Declassification | The Daily Caller
May 27, 2019 ~ By Chuck Ross
Lindsey Graham said the former government officials pushing back on President Trump's order to declassify Russia documents "are worried about being exposed." Home; Video also argued Democrats are unconcerned with whether the FBI misled the federal surveillance court in order to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants … Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham asserted Sunday that the former government officials opposing declassification of Russia probe documents “are worried about being exposed.” In an interview on “Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace, Graham also argued Democrats are unconcerned with whether the FBI misled the federal surveillance court in order to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Mueller has a long record of abusing the power of his office through his years in the FBI. He let four men rot in prison knowing they were innocent, a crime costing taxpayers nearly $100M in recompense to the victims. He did the bidding of Hillary Clinton when she delivered 'Uranium One' to Russia. Then, working with James Comey, he seriously mis-prosecuted the anthrax case, relentlessly pursuing an innocent man, Steven Hatfill, and again costing the taxpayers millions, this time $5.82M. As with Comey, Mueller's positions of power over the years have gone to his head and made him both arrogant and careless.
Obviously, Mueller hoped to find Trump guilty of anything that would give the Democrats enough rope for impeachment. But as the truth has seeped out over the last eighteen months thanks to real investigative journalists — John Solomon, Sara Carter, Jeff Carlson, Gregg Jarrett, Margot Cleveland, Eric Felton, Lee Smith and several others — Mueller may have realized that to perpetrate more lies on the public could bring the entire house of cards down. Once all the facts are revealed, it is likely that he will be permanently tainted by his deceptive machinations for personal or political reasons many times over the course of his career in law. The same goes for James Comey.
As new information is about to come to light, the principals are pointing their fingers at each other. It would be amusing if it were not all so deadly serious.
IMHO, The original "Insurance Plan" was a manufactured "Obstruction of Justice" charge all along. Weissman plotted from day one of the Special Counsel for 'Obstruction' and KNEW there was no collusion and knew the people he was charging were innocent!!
Mueller was just an ornament to give the whole Witch Hunt an aura of legitimacy and authenticity. Mueller didn't do a thing the entire time.
Furthermore, Mueller did not write a single page of the so-called "Mueller Report", it was all Weissman and the Clinton Foundation Lawyer's "work"​
As Mueller was handed documents, in the first week, that fully disputed and dispelled the Russia collusion narrative, the continuation of the probe had no other purpose but to create a perjury trap or obstruction charge.

Mueller entrapped many of Trumps inner circle hoping they would compose a lie they could use. All but one held their integrity. Only one lied his ass off and was discredited. As the investigation into Mueller's team continues many of them could face jail time for their illegal conduct. Notice that Mueller is keeping his mouth shut.
Boy, how tall is Lindsey Graham standing in the midst of Kavanaugh blackballing and FBI spying?
Boy, how tall is Lindsey Graham standing in the midst of Kavanaugh blackballing and FBI spying?

These the same people demanding to see everything from the Mueller report?
Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried About Being ‘Exposed’ By Declassification

Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried About Being ‘Exposed’ By Declassification | The Daily Caller
May 27, 2019 ~ By Chuck Ross
Lindsey Graham said the former government officials pushing back on President Trump's order to declassify Russia documents "are worried about being exposed." Home; Video also argued Democrats are unconcerned with whether the FBI misled the federal surveillance court in order to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants … Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham asserted Sunday that the former government officials opposing declassification of Russia probe documents “are worried about being exposed.” In an interview on “Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace, Graham also argued Democrats are unconcerned with whether the FBI misled the federal surveillance court in order to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.=
Mueller has a long record of abusing the power of his office through his years in the FBI. He let four men rot in prison knowing they were innocent, a crime costing taxpayers nearly $100M in recompense to the victims. He did the bidding of Hillary Clinton when she delivered 'Uranium One' to Russia. Then, working with James Comey, he seriously mis-prosecuted the anthrax case, relentlessly pursuing an innocent man, Steven Hatfill, and again costing the taxpayers millions, this time $5.82M. As with Comey, Mueller's positions of power over the years have gone to his head and made him both arrogant and careless.
Obviously, Mueller hoped to find Trump guilty of anything that would give the Democrats enough rope for impeachment. But as the truth has seeped out over the last eighteen months thanks to real investigative journalists — John Solomon, Sara Carter, Jeff Carlson, Gregg Jarrett, Margot Cleveland, Eric Felton, Lee Smith and several others — Mueller may have realized that to perpetrate more lies on the public could bring the entire house of cards down. Once all the facts are revealed, it is likely that he will be permanently tainted by his deceptive machinations for personal or political reasons many times over the course of his career in law. The same goes for James Comey.
As new information is about to come to light, the principals are pointing their fingers at each other. It would be amusing if it were not all so deadly serious.
IMHO, The original "Insurance Plan" was a manufactured "Obstruction of Justice" charge all along. Weissman plotted from day one of the Special Counsel for 'Obstruction' and KNEW there was no collusion and knew the people he was charging were innocent!!
Mueller was just an ornament to give the whole Witch Hunt an aura of legitimacy and authenticity. Mueller didn't do a thing the entire time.
Furthermore, Mueller did not write a single page of the so-called "Mueller Report", it was all Weissman and the Clinton Foundation Lawyer's "work"​

Funny how everyone is concerned for how Bidet is dissed by Trump but not one democrat cares to know if FISA was abused?

Where republicans operate like a tiger hunting alone, Democrats operate in packs like wolves. They know if any of them goes against their party, their career is over.

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