Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
The Constitution also charges the Senate to confirm or deny appointments to the federal courts, so some sort of investigation is proper.
That is clearly not what I was talking about. And since some sort of investigation is proper, it sure took them long enough to request one that actually matters.
This is a critically important nomination since if Kavanaugh is confirmed it will give conservatives a clear 5 to 4 majority in the SC and possibly place some previous SC decisions precious to Democrats in jeopardy, so one can hardly blame them for wanting to try to delay the confirmation until after the midterm elections in which they hope, foolishly I believe, to win control of the Senate. After the FBI completes this updating of their Kavanaugh investigation next Friday, if it looks like the Republicans have enough votes to confirm, the Democrats will try to dig up another red herring to delay the vote.
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.
Be careful what you ask for my progressive friends, this thing promises to get uglier before the emotions ratchet down...

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.
Great. The more he drags this, the more women voters get energized for the midterms.
Yep, and a whole lot of them are outraged and don't want to see this type of nonsense happen to their husbands, sons, fathers or brothers

Leftists have seriously miscalculated on this
This kind of "nonsense?" You really think that kind of information should stay hidden beneath the rug?
I see. So he wants a full scale investigation of Democrats on the committee, who's job it is to vet the nominee

But he wants a very limited investigation of the nominee.

LMFAO. You can't make this shit up.

The Midterm elections are in 5 weeks, and if Kav isn't confirmed by then, he never will be.

That doesn't allow enough time for anything but a limited investigation.

Only two results in the Mid Terms.

The Democrats win the Senate, and no Republican nominee will ever be confirmed, making the whole matter moot.

Or the GOP wins the Senate, so President Trump withdraws Kav's name in favor of a Hardcore Conservative candidate.

OTOH, the Democrats on the committee will be there, come hell or high water, plenty of time to look into them for collusion. There are already known Red Chinese operatives in Feinstein's acquaintance.
That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
The Constitution also charges the Senate to confirm or deny appointments to the federal courts, so some sort of investigation is proper.
That is clearly not what I was talking about. And since some sort of investigation is proper, it sure took them long enough to request one that actually matters.
This is a critically important nomination since if Kavanaugh is confirmed it will give conservatives a clear 5 to 4 majority in the SC and possibly place some previous SC decisions precious to Democrats in jeopardy, so one can hardly blame them for wanting to try to delay the confirmation until after the midterm elections in which they hope, foolishly I believe, to win control of the Senate. After the FBI completes this updating of their Kavanaugh investigation next Friday, if it looks like the Republicans have enough votes to confirm, the Democrats will try to dig up another red herring to delay the vote.
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.

If the Dems can delay the vote until after the Midterms, AND they win, they will stop any more Trump appointees indefinitely.

Even if they don't, if they can ruin Kavanaugh's reputation sufficiently, it will be a discouragement to any other good men to agree to serve on the Supreme Court, lest they face the same fate.

LOL touche! Grassley may be old, but he's still on the ball.
That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
The Constitution also charges the Senate to confirm or deny appointments to the federal courts, so some sort of investigation is proper.
That is clearly not what I was talking about. And since some sort of investigation is proper, it sure took them long enough to request one that actually matters.
This is a critically important nomination since if Kavanaugh is confirmed it will give conservatives a clear 5 to 4 majority in the SC and possibly place some previous SC decisions precious to Democrats in jeopardy, so one can hardly blame them for wanting to try to delay the confirmation until after the midterm elections in which they hope, foolishly I believe, to win control of the Senate. After the FBI completes this updating of their Kavanaugh investigation next Friday, if it looks like the Republicans have enough votes to confirm, the Democrats will try to dig up another red herring to delay the vote.
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.
The next Congress will be sworn in on Jan. 3, so if they can defeat Kavanaugh and win control of the Senate, there is a reasonable chance they can delay a confirmation vote on a new candidate until after Jan. 3 when they will control the Senate and be able to defeat any Trump new candidate with a simple majority vote.
I see. So he wants a full scale investigation of Democrats on the committee, who's job it is to vet the nominee

But he wants a very limited investigation of the nominee.

LMFAO. You can't make this shit up.

The Midterm elections are in 5 weeks, and if Kav isn't confirmed by then, he never will be.

That doesn't allow enough time for anything but a limited investigation.

Only two results in the Mid Terms.

The Democrats win the Senate, and no Republican nominee will ever be confirmed, making the whole matter moot.

Or the GOP wins the Senate, so President Trump withdraws Kav's name in favor of a Hardcore Conservative candidate.

OTOH, the Democrats on the committee will be there, come hell or high water, plenty of time to look into them for collusion. There are already known Red Chinese operatives in Feinstein's acquaintance.

There's a third result.

The Dems win the House, and Ivanka, Jared, and Don Jr. spend a lot of quality time answering questions in front of the various committees that will be interrogating them.

And dotard can't pardon his way out of that, and the Supreme Court can't issue a stay to stop it from happening.

Cable news is going to be so enjoyable in 2019.

It's going to be a long year for the dotard crime syndicate.
That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
The Constitution also charges the Senate to confirm or deny appointments to the federal courts, so some sort of investigation is proper.
That is clearly not what I was talking about. And since some sort of investigation is proper, it sure took them long enough to request one that actually matters.
This is a critically important nomination since if Kavanaugh is confirmed it will give conservatives a clear 5 to 4 majority in the SC and possibly place some previous SC decisions precious to Democrats in jeopardy, so one can hardly blame them for wanting to try to delay the confirmation until after the midterm elections in which they hope, foolishly I believe, to win control of the Senate. After the FBI completes this updating of their Kavanaugh investigation next Friday, if it looks like the Republicans have enough votes to confirm, the Democrats will try to dig up another red herring to delay the vote.
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.

If the Dems can delay the vote until after the Midterms, AND they win, they will stop any more Trump appointees indefinitely.

Even if they don't, if they can ruin Kavanaugh's reputation sufficiently, it will be a discouragement to any other good men to agree to serve on the Supreme Court, lest they face the same fate.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.
Be careful what you ask for my progressive friends, this thing promises to get uglier before the emotions ratchet down...

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.
Great. The more he drags this, the more women voters get energized for the midterms.
Yep, and a whole lot of them are outraged and don't want to see this type of nonsense happen to their husbands, sons, fathers or brothers

Leftists have seriously miscalculated on this
This kind of "nonsense?" You really think that kind of information should stay hidden beneath the rug?
Uncorroborated politically motivated accusations are not a reliable source of "information."
Be careful what you ask for my progressive friends, this thing promises to get uglier before the emotions ratchet down...

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.
Great. The more he drags this, the more women voters get energized for the midterms.
Yep, and a whole lot of them are outraged and don't want to see this type of nonsense happen to their husbands, sons, fathers or brothers

Leftists have seriously miscalculated on this
This kind of "nonsense?" You really think that kind of information should stay hidden beneath the rug?
Uncorroborated politically motivated accusations are not a reliable source of "information."
They weren't politically motivated. The committee has made them politically motivated, but that was not her intention.
There also has been corroborating information about Kavanaugh's hard drinking and his behavior while drunk during that time period. You are chosing to ignore it.
If Kav is confirmed, this will all be forgotten.

If he isn't, we'll find out exactly how this scheme took place and if it involved the Red Chinese spy ring on Feinstein's staff.

It will never be forgotten, we have not forgot about Thomas.
To this day, when I think Thomas I picture a guy with a pubic hair in his teeth. Every time.

Interesting thought. When I think of Mr. Thomas I picture a black guy hanging from a utility pole with a crowd of Ku Kluxers in full dress celebrating around him.
I for one would not quietly sit back and allow them to do that, but my state has no Democratic senators, so I don't really have anyone to bitch at if the Dems try blocking an SC nominee for over two years.

They would just explain that they were doing just the same the Republicans did with Garland.

Holding the seats open for when they have control of the WH.

It would leave the President more time for tweeting if he didn't have to fill worry about filling jobs that require confirmation
There's a third result.

The Dems win the House, and Ivanka, Jared, and Don Jr. spend a lot of quality time answering questions in front of the various committees that will be interrogating them.

And dotard can't pardon his way out of that, and the Supreme Court can't issue a stay to stop it from happening.

Cable news is going to be so enjoyable in 2019.

It's going to be a long year for the dotard crime syndicate.

Regardless of what happens in the Senate, if the Democrats win the House, they will impeach President Trump and Vice President Pence, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and whoever else.

And yes, they will want to question all of the members of the Trump family, which will give those folks an opportunity to repeat the 5th Amendment.
Be careful what you ask for my progressive friends, this thing promises to get uglier before the emotions ratchet down...

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week."

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.
Great. The more he drags this, the more women voters get energized for the midterms.
Yep, and a whole lot of them are outraged and don't want to see this type of nonsense happen to their husbands, sons, fathers or brothers

Leftists have seriously miscalculated on this
This kind of "nonsense?" You really think that kind of information should stay hidden beneath the rug?
Uncorroborated politically motivated accusations are not a reliable source of "information."
They weren't politically motivated. The committee has made them politically motivated, but that was not her intention.
Why else would she come forward at this time? Obviously, it was in an effort to prevent him from being confirmed, so it was politically motivated. After being relatively silent about what she claims he did for 35 years, once he was nominated she hired a lawyer and paid to have a polygraph done before contacting Feinstein and then the Washington Post. She clearly had a well thought out campaign to try to derail his candidacy.
They weren't politically motivated. The committee has made them politically motivated, but that was not her intention.
There also has been corroborating information about Kavanaugh's hard drinking and his behavior while drunk during that time period. You are chosing to ignore it.

How can you know what Ford's intentions were? She is a pink hat wearing hard left activist.

I suppose you might be right, but I'd really want the FBI to take a peak at her computers and phones to see if there is another motivation before rushing to judgment on this.
That would be fine with me; I'm dying to know who leaked that letter. I do really wish, though, that the Senate would get off this investigate the investigators kick. It seems they call for investigations at least once a week these days. Can someone please remind them that they are there to create and vote on laws, not go running around like Keystone Cops trying to bust each other?
The Constitution also charges the Senate to confirm or deny appointments to the federal courts, so some sort of investigation is proper.
That is clearly not what I was talking about. And since some sort of investigation is proper, it sure took them long enough to request one that actually matters.
This is a critically important nomination since if Kavanaugh is confirmed it will give conservatives a clear 5 to 4 majority in the SC and possibly place some previous SC decisions precious to Democrats in jeopardy, so one can hardly blame them for wanting to try to delay the confirmation until after the midterm elections in which they hope, foolishly I believe, to win control of the Senate. After the FBI completes this updating of their Kavanaugh investigation next Friday, if it looks like the Republicans have enough votes to confirm, the Democrats will try to dig up another red herring to delay the vote.
I don't understand why they think delaying will help. Who is going to nominate the next justice? It will still be Trump, from his list.

Ah, you do realize there are the mid terms coming up in about a month? The Democrats are delaying because they think they might get enough Senators elected to block any Trump nominee.
Ah, you do realize there are the mid terms coming up in about a month? The Democrats are delaying because they think they might get enough Senators elected to block any Trump nominee.

All it takes for the Democrats is 51 Senators, and it will free up President Trump's time considerably.

Little need to make appointments that won't be confirmed or even considered.

President Trump can concentrate on his executive orders and tweeting.
Ah, you do realize there are the mid terms coming up in about a month? The Democrats are delaying because they think they might get enough Senators elected to block any Trump nominee.

All it takes for the Democrats is 51 Senators, and it will free up President Trump's time considerably.

Little need to make appointments that won't be confirmed or even considered.

President Trump can concentrate on his executive orders and tweeting.

And GOD will liberals scream bloody murder about Trump using executive orders...won't they Prince? LOL

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