Lindsey Graham says there will be riots in the street if trump is indicted


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I just love seeing 4-5 threads on the same topic.

It fills me with amazement that people are too fucking stupid to do a search for existing topics.
Who are these white people that will be rioting?

Whites only riot when their black sports ball team wins a game.

Well, the MAGA crowd had a riot on J6 and over 800 were prosecuted. You really think threatening the DOJ is a good idea?


If the Left establishment REALLY was out to get Donald they way they pretend to be......he'd be Clinton'ed by now.
"And I'll say this, if there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle… there will be riots in the streets."

Interpreted: "We have guns and we will attack and kill people if the DOJ prosecutes our messiah, trump, for crimes he has committed."

Well, the MAGA crowd had a riot on J6 and over 800 were prosecuted. You really think threatening the DOJ is a good idea?
If the administration uses the security apparatus for political reasons, not to respond would be criminal. Americans are not cowed ... yet.

Well, the MAGA crowd had a riot on J6 and over 800 were prosecuted. You really think threatening the DOJ is a good idea?
This is the threat factor that will be heavily influencing the DOJ's decision to prosecute him.
But the FBI/DOJ is acting proactively to diminish his popularity before moving on him and risking a massive protest in the streets that will either kill or injure thousands.

Trump has to know that he has to push the bounds of his risk factor on the promoting of violence, or be further humiliated by his opponents.

Will he believe that he can risk suggesting that his 'boys' should take to the streets as a show of strength? That would perhaps allow the military to eliminate them from the equation!

I've been consistently saying that crunch time for Trump's is near. Could it be within a couple of weeks already?
Vaccine mandates.

Tell us more, little sore-loser.

Who was forced to get a vaccine?

Were those kept out of businesses by "No shirt, no shoes, no service" signs also being oppressed like you were?

What other basic public health laws do you consider yourself to be victimized by?

Do you understand that "Make stupid choices, bitch, win stupid prizes" is how normal people respond to your whining?

Do you think your fascist sore-loser butthurt justifies even more violence from your fascist brownshirt pals?

Oh, bag of dicks. Eat it.
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Remember when the Right was outraged because African-Americans took to the streets because they were being shot and killed by the cops?

Now? Their orange Fuhrer commits a crime and he is basically handled with kid-gloves by the authorities and yet…

The same Right-wing nuts are ready to riot!!!
In the minutes and hours after the F.B.I.’s search of former President Donald J. Trump’s residence in Florida this month, his supporters did not hesitate to denounce what they saw as a blatant abuse of power and outrageous politicization of the Justice Department. But with the release of a redacted affidavit detailing the justification for the search, the former president’s allies were largely silent, a potentially telling reaction with ramifications for his political future.

From my unbiased Canadian POV, it 'does' appear that Trump has stepped too far out of line on this issue, to be supported by any significant number of Americans.

This could be the low point in his popularity and time for the FBI/DOJ to strike with the proverbial stake to his heart!

From my unbiased Canadian POV, it 'does' appear that Trump has stepped too far out of line on this issue, to be supported by any significant number of Americans.

This could be the low point in his popularity and time for the FBI/DOJ to strike with the proverbial stake to his heart!
Are all Canadians idiots?
Remember when the Right was outraged because African-Americans took to the streets because they were being shot and killed by the cops?

Now? Their orange Fuhrer commits a crime and he is basically handled with kid-gloves by the authorities and yet…

The same Right-wing nuts are ready to riot!!!
The DOJ gave him every chance to turn over the classifed documents. He ignored their subpoena. What was left?

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