Lindsey Graham steps up to the plate and threatens Donald Trump!

Should a President who is under investigation be able to fire the Special Prosecutor ?

  • yes

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • no

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Should a President be able to pardon someone they're associated with who is under investigation?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • no

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world ... If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."

He added, "Any effort to go after [special counsel Robert] Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."

Graham, a Senate Judiciary Committee member from South Carolina, stressed that there would be no confirmation hearing for a new attorney general in 2017 and that Trump should respect Sessions as a person who "deserves better."

He echoed Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who subtly critiqued Trump on Twitter on Wednesday evening, saying the Judiciary Committee is focusing for the rest of the year on judicial and sub-Cabinet nominees and would not consider an attorney general nominee.

Graham reiterated his support for Mueller's Russia investigation, saying he has no reason to think Mueller is compromised. Graham warned that he will introduce a bill next week that would prevent the special counsel from being fired when "empaneled to investigate the president" unless there is judicial review of the firing.

"The idea that the president would fire Mueller or have somebody fire Mueller because he doesn't like Mueller or Mueller is doing something he doesn't like — then we have become Russia," Graham said. "So the red line should never be drawn ... No president can do that."

Graham added that the "president is not in the business of drawing red lines when it comes to the law"
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

So this is the first time in this nation where we see Republican Senate members put a Republican President in the corner and threaten him. They're clearly sick & tired of him--and have had enough of his threats and insults. Now we have the new communications director--Saramuchi attacking White house advisers and staff for leaking information to the media. What we're watching is the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes.
Anthony Scaramucci tweets and deletes a cryptic message about leakers that also seemed to call out Reince Priebus

But this is a good question, so I'll add a poll.

1. Should a sitting President be able to fire a special prosecutor when it is the President or his associates that are under investigation?
2. Should a President be able to pardon someone who they are closely associated with & under investigation?
Last edited:
Not sure if it was a threat or a warning. I almost want Trump to do it just to watch what plays out.
Not sure if it was a threat or a warning. I almost want Trump to do it just to watch what plays out.

Me too--I hope he fires Robert Mueller, it would move the impeachment process along a lot faster.

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases. Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world ... If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."

He added, "Any effort to go after [special counsel Robert] Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."

Graham, a Senate Judiciary Committee member from South Carolina, stressed that there would be no confirmation hearing for a new attorney general in 2017 and that Trump should respect Sessions as a person who "deserves better."

He echoed Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who subtly critiqued Trump on Twitter on Wednesday evening, saying the Judiciary Committee is focusing for the rest of the year on judicial and sub-Cabinet nominees and would not consider an attorney general nominee.

Graham reiterated his support for Mueller's Russia investigation, saying he has no reason to think Mueller is compromised. Graham warned that he will introduce a bill next week that would prevent the special counsel from being fired when "empaneled to investigate the president" unless there is judicial review of the firing.

"The idea that the president would fire Mueller or have somebody fire Mueller because he doesn't like Mueller or Mueller is doing something he doesn't like — then we have become Russia," Graham said. "So the red line should never be drawn ... No president can do that."

Graham added that the "president is not in the business of drawing red lines when it comes to the law"
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

So this is the first time in this nation where we see Republican Senate members put a Republican President in the corner and threaten him. They're clearly sick & tired of him--and have had enough of his threats and insults. Now we have the new communications director--Saramuchi attacking White house advisers and staff for leaking information to the media. What we're watching is the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes.
Anthony Scaramucci tweets and deletes a cryptic message about leakers that also seemed to call out Reince Priebus

But this is a good question, so I'll add a poll.

1. Should a sitting President be able to fire a special prosecutor when it is the President or his associates that are under investigation?
2. Should a President be able to pardon someone who they are closely associated with & under investigation?

Sitting Presidents can and have fired special prosecutors before. There is now law forbidding it. There used to be a law for a short time but it expired in 1999.

Mueller is the only special prosecutor to be appointed without being given a specific crime to investigate.

President Trump can fire his own AG or this special prosecutor if he wants. All people in federal positions are subject to oversight and can be fired. If Trump hired them, he can fire them.
When did Lindsey Graham grow a pair?
How refreshing after watching the rest of the R sheep cower and hide while Trump continues to embarrass the office of the presidency..
Not sure if it was a threat or a warning. I almost want Trump to do it just to watch what plays out.

Me too--I hope he fires Robert Mueller, it would move the impeachment process along a lot faster.

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases. Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit

In your dreams moron, no crime has been committed when it comes to the Russian fantasy-gate, unless you count the Obama administration that abused national security assets in order to spy on Trump and illegally outed Flynn.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world ... If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."

He added, "Any effort to go after [special counsel Robert] Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."

Graham, a Senate Judiciary Committee member from South Carolina, stressed that there would be no confirmation hearing for a new attorney general in 2017 and that Trump should respect Sessions as a person who "deserves better."

He echoed Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who subtly critiqued Trump on Twitter on Wednesday evening, saying the Judiciary Committee is focusing for the rest of the year on judicial and sub-Cabinet nominees and would not consider an attorney general nominee.

Graham reiterated his support for Mueller's Russia investigation, saying he has no reason to think Mueller is compromised. Graham warned that he will introduce a bill next week that would prevent the special counsel from being fired when "empaneled to investigate the president" unless there is judicial review of the firing.

"The idea that the president would fire Mueller or have somebody fire Mueller because he doesn't like Mueller or Mueller is doing something he doesn't like — then we have become Russia," Graham said. "So the red line should never be drawn ... No president can do that."

Graham added that the "president is not in the business of drawing red lines when it comes to the law"
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

So this is the first time in this nation where we see Republican Senate members put a Republican President in the corner and threaten him. They're clearly sick & tired of him--and have had enough of his threats and insults. Now we have the new communications director--Saramuchi attacking White house advisers and staff for leaking information to the media. What we're watching is the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes.
Anthony Scaramucci tweets and deletes a cryptic message about leakers that also seemed to call out Reince Priebus

But this is a good question, so I'll add a poll.

1. Should a sitting President be able to fire a special prosecutor when it is the President or his associates that are under investigation?
2. Should a President be able to pardon someone who they are closely associated with & under investigation?

Sitting Presidents can and have fired special prosecutors before. There is now law forbidding it. There used to be a law for a short time but it expired in 1999.

Mueller is the only special prosecutor to be appointed without being given a specific crime to investigate.

President Trump can fire his own AG or this special prosecutor if he wants. All people in federal positions are subject to oversight and can be fired. If Trump hired them, he can fire them.

Sure he can. I dare him.
Important to understand about pardon:

The receiver of a pardon ADMITS GUILT by doing so.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world ... If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."

He added, "Any effort to go after [special counsel Robert] Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."

Graham, a Senate Judiciary Committee member from South Carolina, stressed that there would be no confirmation hearing for a new attorney general in 2017 and that Trump should respect Sessions as a person who "deserves better."

He echoed Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who subtly critiqued Trump on Twitter on Wednesday evening, saying the Judiciary Committee is focusing for the rest of the year on judicial and sub-Cabinet nominees and would not consider an attorney general nominee.

Graham reiterated his support for Mueller's Russia investigation, saying he has no reason to think Mueller is compromised. Graham warned that he will introduce a bill next week that would prevent the special counsel from being fired when "empaneled to investigate the president" unless there is judicial review of the firing.

"The idea that the president would fire Mueller or have somebody fire Mueller because he doesn't like Mueller or Mueller is doing something he doesn't like — then we have become Russia," Graham said. "So the red line should never be drawn ... No president can do that."

Graham added that the "president is not in the business of drawing red lines when it comes to the law"
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

So this is the first time in this nation where we see Republican Senate members put a Republican President in the corner and threaten him. They're clearly sick & tired of him--and have had enough of his threats and insults. Now we have the new communications director--Saramuchi attacking White house advisers and staff for leaking information to the media. What we're watching is the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes.
Anthony Scaramucci tweets and deletes a cryptic message about leakers that also seemed to call out Reince Priebus

But this is a good question, so I'll add a poll.

1. Should a sitting President be able to fire a special prosecutor when it is the President or his associates that are under investigation?
2. Should a President be able to pardon someone who they are closely associated with & under investigation?

Sitting Presidents can and have fired special prosecutors before. There is now law forbidding it. There used to be a law for a short time but it expired in 1999.

Mueller is the only special prosecutor to be appointed without being given a specific crime to investigate.

President Trump can fire his own AG or this special prosecutor if he wants. All people in federal positions are subject to oversight and can be fired. If Trump hired them, he can fire them.

Sure he can. I dare him.

I dare you to name the law firing a SP or AG violates.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world ... If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."

He added, "Any effort to go after [special counsel Robert] Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."

Graham, a Senate Judiciary Committee member from South Carolina, stressed that there would be no confirmation hearing for a new attorney general in 2017 and that Trump should respect Sessions as a person who "deserves better."

He echoed Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who subtly critiqued Trump on Twitter on Wednesday evening, saying the Judiciary Committee is focusing for the rest of the year on judicial and sub-Cabinet nominees and would not consider an attorney general nominee.

Graham reiterated his support for Mueller's Russia investigation, saying he has no reason to think Mueller is compromised. Graham warned that he will introduce a bill next week that would prevent the special counsel from being fired when "empaneled to investigate the president" unless there is judicial review of the firing.

"The idea that the president would fire Mueller or have somebody fire Mueller because he doesn't like Mueller or Mueller is doing something he doesn't like — then we have become Russia," Graham said. "So the red line should never be drawn ... No president can do that."

Graham added that the "president is not in the business of drawing red lines when it comes to the law"
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

So this is the first time in this nation where we see Republican Senate members put a Republican President in the corner and threaten him. They're clearly sick & tired of him--and have had enough of his threats and insults. Now we have the new communications director--Saramuchi attacking White house advisers and staff for leaking information to the media. What we're watching is the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes.
Anthony Scaramucci tweets and deletes a cryptic message about leakers that also seemed to call out Reince Priebus

But this is a good question, so I'll add a poll.

1. Should a sitting President be able to fire a special prosecutor when it is the President or his associates that are under investigation?
2. Should a President be able to pardon someone who they are closely associated with & under investigation?

Sitting Presidents can and have fired special prosecutors before. There is now law forbidding it. There used to be a law for a short time but it expired in 1999.

Mueller is the only special prosecutor to be appointed without being given a specific crime to investigate.

President Trump can fire his own AG or this special prosecutor if he wants. All people in federal positions are subject to oversight and can be fired. If Trump hired them, he can fire them.
Not sure if it was a threat or a warning. I almost want Trump to do it just to watch what plays out.

Me too--I hope he fires Robert Mueller, it would move the impeachment process along a lot faster.

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases. Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit

In your dreams moron, no crime has been committed when it comes to the Russian fantasy-gate, unless you count the Obama administration that abused national security assets in order to spy on Trump and illegally outed Flynn.
obama. Lol
Subpoenas are getting ready to go out and none of them have Obama's name on them.
You're hysterical..
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world ... If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."

He added, "Any effort to go after [special counsel Robert] Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."

Graham, a Senate Judiciary Committee member from South Carolina, stressed that there would be no confirmation hearing for a new attorney general in 2017 and that Trump should respect Sessions as a person who "deserves better."

He echoed Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who subtly critiqued Trump on Twitter on Wednesday evening, saying the Judiciary Committee is focusing for the rest of the year on judicial and sub-Cabinet nominees and would not consider an attorney general nominee.

Graham reiterated his support for Mueller's Russia investigation, saying he has no reason to think Mueller is compromised. Graham warned that he will introduce a bill next week that would prevent the special counsel from being fired when "empaneled to investigate the president" unless there is judicial review of the firing.

"The idea that the president would fire Mueller or have somebody fire Mueller because he doesn't like Mueller or Mueller is doing something he doesn't like — then we have become Russia," Graham said. "So the red line should never be drawn ... No president can do that."

Graham added that the "president is not in the business of drawing red lines when it comes to the law"
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

So this is the first time in this nation where we see Republican Senate members put a Republican President in the corner and threaten him. They're clearly sick & tired of him--and have had enough of his threats and insults. Now we have the new communications director--Saramuchi attacking White house advisers and staff for leaking information to the media. What we're watching is the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes.
Anthony Scaramucci tweets and deletes a cryptic message about leakers that also seemed to call out Reince Priebus

But this is a good question, so I'll add a poll.

1. Should a sitting President be able to fire a special prosecutor when it is the President or his associates that are under investigation?
2. Should a President be able to pardon someone who they are closely associated with & under investigation?

Sitting Presidents can and have fired special prosecutors before. There is now law forbidding it. There used to be a law for a short time but it expired in 1999.

Mueller is the only special prosecutor to be appointed without being given a specific crime to investigate.

President Trump can fire his own AG or this special prosecutor if he wants. All people in federal positions are subject to oversight and can be fired. If Trump hired them, he can fire them.
Wrong. When Mueller was hired Trump already committed obstruction of justice. The stupid putz even admitted it live on national TV. Imagine that!
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham today warned that there would be "holy hell to pay" if President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"This effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the Senate," Graham told reporters today. "I don't think it's going over well in the conservative world ... If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."

He added, "Any effort to go after [special counsel Robert] Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong."

Graham, a Senate Judiciary Committee member from South Carolina, stressed that there would be no confirmation hearing for a new attorney general in 2017 and that Trump should respect Sessions as a person who "deserves better."

He echoed Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who subtly critiqued Trump on Twitter on Wednesday evening, saying the Judiciary Committee is focusing for the rest of the year on judicial and sub-Cabinet nominees and would not consider an attorney general nominee.

Graham reiterated his support for Mueller's Russia investigation, saying he has no reason to think Mueller is compromised. Graham warned that he will introduce a bill next week that would prevent the special counsel from being fired when "empaneled to investigate the president" unless there is judicial review of the firing.

"The idea that the president would fire Mueller or have somebody fire Mueller because he doesn't like Mueller or Mueller is doing something he doesn't like — then we have become Russia," Graham said. "So the red line should never be drawn ... No president can do that."

Graham added that the "president is not in the business of drawing red lines when it comes to the law"
Republican senator warns of 'holy hell to pay' if Trump fires Sessions

So this is the first time in this nation where we see Republican Senate members put a Republican President in the corner and threaten him. They're clearly sick & tired of him--and have had enough of his threats and insults. Now we have the new communications director--Saramuchi attacking White house advisers and staff for leaking information to the media. What we're watching is the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes.
Anthony Scaramucci tweets and deletes a cryptic message about leakers that also seemed to call out Reince Priebus

But this is a good question, so I'll add a poll.

1. Should a sitting President be able to fire a special prosecutor when it is the President or his associates that are under investigation?
2. Should a President be able to pardon someone who they are closely associated with & under investigation?

Sitting Presidents can and have fired special prosecutors before. There is now law forbidding it. There used to be a law for a short time but it expired in 1999.

Mueller is the only special prosecutor to be appointed without being given a specific crime to investigate.

President Trump can fire his own AG or this special prosecutor if he wants. All people in federal positions are subject to oversight and can be fired. If Trump hired them, he can fire them.
Not sure if it was a threat or a warning. I almost want Trump to do it just to watch what plays out.

Me too--I hope he fires Robert Mueller, it would move the impeachment process along a lot faster.

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases. Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit

In your dreams moron, no crime has been committed when it comes to the Russian fantasy-gate, unless you count the Obama administration that abused national security assets in order to spy on Trump and illegally outed Flynn.
obama. Lol
Subpoenas are getting ready to go out and none of them have Obama's name on them.
You're hysterical..

Susan Rice was subpoenaed you moron.

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