Lindsey Graham: Troll Level Grand Master

Interesting take.

I think itā€™s great that the Russians didnā€™t get to hack the voting boxes; ā€œjustā€ the DNC. It was right for Obama to defend the voting boxes.

Your mileage may vary but then again, youā€™re an idiot.
Exactly how does ordering a standown of cyber security do that?

No ā€œstand downā€ was ordered.

Strike 3
Ya ya. No standown, Trumps a Russkie, worlds gonna die in 12 years.

What color is the sky on your world?

There was no stand down order.
I donā€™t think Trumpā€™s a Ruskie, heā€™s a russian puppet..


As for the world ending in 12 yearsā€¦we will see what happens as we move forward.
Ya, MSM lies to protect Trump the Putin puppet.

Seek professional mental healthcare.

Huh? MSM Lies to protect Trump?

First time Iā€™ve ever heard you guys come up with that.
Exactly how does ordering a standown of cyber security do that?

No ā€œstand downā€ was ordered.

Strike 3
Ya ya. No standown, Trumps a Russkie, worlds gonna die in 12 years.

What color is the sky on your world?

There was no stand down order.
I donā€™t think Trumpā€™s a Ruskie, heā€™s a russian puppet..


As for the world ending in 12 yearsā€¦we will see what happens as we move forward.
Ya, MSM lies to protect Trump the Putin puppet.

Seek professional mental healthcare.

Huh? MSM Lies to protect Trump?

First time Iā€™ve ever heard you guys come up with that.
The Mediaā€™s Russia ā€˜Bombshellsā€™ Look Even Worse Now That Mueller Found No Collusion
The electors elected a total fuck up.
Yet he landslided all over Hillary and everything has gone his way since! You only wish you could be as good a fuckup.
Hillary got 3M more votes than a total fuck up
Not only is the official count only 2.8 million, but its now widely recognized that at least 900K to several million Dim votes were ILLEGAL. Besides, not only does the national popular vote count mean nothing (no one is elected based on that), but that just makes Hillary an even BIGGER fuckup! She got more popular votes, had 99% of the media and Hollywood backing, spent way more money, had a lifetime career in politics in high positions, her husband was a popular past president, AND SHE STILL LOST. :auiqs.jpg: It just don't get any better than that (well, talking to a guy who calls himself candycorn comes close!)
The investigation was from the fuck upā€™s own DOJ
SURE it was, Babblebrain. The same DOJ that has been trying to hang him, the same DOJ full of Obama appointees who bent over backwards to keep Hillary out of jail! Hillary didn't even belong in that race, pardner! She should have been behind bars. And Mueller handpicked a basket-full of democratic supporters. The only thing wrong with Mueller's report is that it delivered the TRUTH. For two years all we heard was how IMPECCABLE Mueller was! Had he found Trump guilty, you'd be singing his praises (just like you did Comey's) from the rafters! :auiqs.jpg:
And as a result of Obama ordering this standown and shifting of resources away to unimportant tasks, Russia hacked into the DNC and Hillary servers.

Game Over.

Interesting take.

I think itā€™s great that the Russians didnā€™t get to hack the voting boxes; ā€œjustā€ the DNC. It was right for Obama to defend the voting boxes.

Your mileage may vary but then again, youā€™re an idiot.
Exactly how does ordering a standown of cyber security do that?

No ā€œstand downā€ was ordered.

Strike 3
Ya ya. No standown, Trumps a Russkie, worlds gonna die in 12 years.

What color is the sky on your world?

There was no stand down order.
I donā€™t think Trumpā€™s a Ruskie, heā€™s a russian puppet..

That's right, candyhead! That's why the USA is bristling with warnings against Russia right now:

US will not 'stand idly' on Russian role in Venezuela: Pompeo

Speaking of winning, there goes the "fuck up" building that wall thumbing his nose at Nancy! :auiqs.jpg:

:5_1_12024: :5_1_12024: :5_1_12024:
No ā€œstand downā€ was ordered.

Strike 3
Ya ya. No standown, Trumps a Russkie, worlds gonna die in 12 years.

What color is the sky on your world?

There was no stand down order.
I donā€™t think Trumpā€™s a Ruskie, heā€™s a russian puppet..


As for the world ending in 12 yearsā€¦we will see what happens as we move forward.
Ya, MSM lies to protect Trump the Putin puppet.

Seek professional mental healthcare.

Huh? MSM Lies to protect Trump?

First time Iā€™ve ever heard you guys come up with that.
The Mediaā€™s Russia ā€˜Bombshellsā€™ Look Even Worse Now That Mueller Found No Collusion

Libs lie, itā€™s what they do.
Agree, Trump is a total fuck up.
So you agree, Hillary lost to a total fuckup.
The democrats lost to a total fuckup.
The DNC lost to a total fuckup.
The media lost to a total fuckup.
Hollywood was beaten by a total fuckup
Your investigation failed to pin a crime on a total fuckup
Democrats even won the popular vote and they STILL lost to a total fuckup!

The electors elected a total fuck up.

Hillary got 3M more votes than a total fuck up

The investigation was from the fuck upā€™s own DOJ
Yet you continue to work on getting Trump elected again.

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