Link/Max: Mary Magdalene Blu-ray [Media Mysteries]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It's funny that we'd find a canonical modern-day film about the Christian female figure Mary Magdalene (companion of Jesus Christ described in the Bible) in this age of commerce, immigration, traffic, and pluralism politics.

Does commerce promote political creativity?

Here's a pluralism-vignette involving the fictional swordsman Link (adventurer from the iconic Legend of Zelda fantasy-adventure video-game franchise) and Max Sterling (fictional space-pilot from the popular sub-culture Robotech space-adventure animation franchise).

Perhaps our commerce-and-traffic sensitive 'TrumpUSA' is a thing reflective of socialization-oriented values, but is this brainwashing or fitness?


"Two galactic adventurers, Link (a sword-wielding elfin time-traveler) and Max Sterling (a space-pilot and psychic) both traveled through time and landed in 2018 America ('TrumpUSA') and wanted to evaluate the impact of consumerism on global culture to analyze the 'theory' of capitalism. Link and Max noticed that the popular department-store and convenience super-store chain Wal-Mart was selling Blu-ray movie copies of the Christian mythology-adapted film Mary Magdalene (starring Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix). Link and Max became curious about the marketability of religious dogma/folklore in the culture of commerce (under 'TrumpUSA')."


"Link and Max decided to watch the Magdalene film on a newly-purchased Hitachi plasma-TV which they got on eBay for a fair asking-price. They enjoyed the presentation of high-definition visuals for a Christian mythos-oriented story about the iconic female figure who was an assistant and companion to Jesus of Nazareth, the holy messenger of Israel who sparked off a major religion that turned humanity into a more 'socialization-friendly' species (arguably!). Link and Max noticed that the appeal of the Magdalene film in 21st Century TrumpUSA reflected a general civilization focus on the 'aesthetics' of pluralism-politics/philosophy in multicultural America. Would these two galactic time-travelers discover that consumerism was compatible with nationalism?"


"Link and Max decided to visit U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House and ask him about the 'ergonomics' of commerce/capitalism in the 21st Century and why American audiences felt 'comfortable' purchasing religion-dogma themed entertainment such as the Magdalene film in a time of great pluralism traffic and commerce. To their surprise, President Trump told them that he'd had a strange dream in which he was visited by the impish fiend Rumpelstiltskin, a figure representing malicious intentions towards money and fortune, who'd told him that capitalism in the 21st Century would be marked by 'great artistic confidence'." Link and Max realized that Trump was telling them that commerce-imagination was creating a special 'mysticism'. Link and Max returned to their own realms, concluding that 'TrumpUSA' was a thing of 'pure pride'."



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