Lions will break 0-16 ???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
I am very confident they can go 0-17

They already accomplished 0-16

They do have a bad azz Off line
In their defense, I have seen them get some bad calls from the reffs last season. They have some good players and lost some close games. They should have their bugs worked out of their team strategy and get some wins.
My sympathy to Detroit having to put up with Jared Goof.LA citizens says thank you for Stanford by the way.

Stafford. The man's name is Stafford, and you got a good QB, a team leader, and a very good man. I watched Goff yesterday, he's a few rungs down on the talent ladder from Stafford, but it's only one game. Hard to believe you guys gave him all that money, he looks to be only as good as the team around him. If they ain't very good then neither is he.
In their defense, I have seen them get some bad calls from the reffs last season. They have some good players and lost some close games. They should have their bugs worked out of their team strategy and get some wins.
You will never believe this but that is because the NFL has it fixed for the Lions to never go to the superbowl.When the NFL awarded Detroit a thanksgiving game part of that agreement was they had to sacrifice never being allowed to go to a superbowl. LIons great Barry Sanders found out about it and that was why he retired as early as he did.the explanation given in the media for his retirement was only what the media wanted you to hear.

Misterbeal knows more about this story than I do if you want to learn more.

people here do not get it that they are being played by the NFL,that it is as much fixed and as much a dog and pony show as election are with the outcomes already decided in advance,at least as far as playoffs and superbowls are concerned. Only difference is it doesnt always go the way they planned it to happen.
In their defense, I have seen them get some bad calls from the reffs last season. They have some good players and lost some close games. They should have their bugs worked out of their team strategy and get some wins.

The Lions have been getting fucked by the refs for decades, but more often they've screwed themselves by making stupid mistakes. At least the current regime looks to be an improvement but it might take awhile to assemble the required talent and culture.
Stafford. The man's name is Stafford, and you got a good QB, a team leader, and a very good man. I watched Goff yesterday, he's a few rungs down on the talent ladder from Stafford, but it's only one game. Hard to believe you guys gave him all that money, he looks to be only as good as the team around him. If they ain't very good then neither is he.
Believe me,after you start watching Goof for many games,you will wish you had Stafford back in no time flat. Not that I care sense I gave NFL football the boot a few years ago. Only came on here cause i noticed it was one of the most recent topics that popped up while posting.
Believe me,after you start watching Goof for many games,you will wish you had Stafford back in no time flat. Not that I care sense I gave NFL football the boot a few years ago. Only came on here cause i noticed it was one of the most recent topics that popped up while posting.

As I see it, the Lions had to take Goff in the deal or there wouldn't have been a deal. The Rams couldn't have afforded to keep Goff and his bloated salary, and he wasn't going to take them very far in the playoffs.

I think they will keep him for a couple of years cuz the dead money is a killer, and in the meantime draft a decent college QB and maybe by that time they'll have a competitive team.

Yeah, lots of people have walked away from the NFL, NBA, MLB, and some other sports. Personally, I don't need the fucking politics, STFU and play ball already. But I've been watching Lions football on TV for 60 years, and it's hard to walk away. I know what you're thinking, that poor bastard.
The Lions have been getting fucked by the refs for decades, but more often they've screwed themselves by making stupid mistakes. At least the current regime looks to be an improvement but it might take awhile to assemble the required talent and culture.
yep and that is because 0f the answers i gave in my previous post before yours. anybody who thinks they are going to ever go to the superbowl in their lifetime,is living in a fantasyland.It has nothing to do with poor ownership or bad drafts,it is because of that reason it will never happen. Not too hard to understand the reason WHY they have been fucked over by the refs for DECADES just as you said so well. when I used to watch all playoff games I remember that cowboys/Lions game when the Lions totally got robbed by the refs.

If you recall,the refs initially correctly called pass interference against one of the cowboys players who was all over one of the LIons receivers MUGGING him on a third down pass play ,and then later on,the asshole paid ref then picked up the flag and said it was fourth down for the Lions without even given an explanation why he picked up the flag and said there was no penalty.

It was a critical non call that cost the Lions that game.The patriots have ALWAYS had the refs in their corner the past 20 years giving them all the calls that were critical to give them the victory as well just as they did with the cowboys that day against the Lions. I wised up to all that 10 years ago or so that they were playing us and have not watched a playoff game sense then, l did not even watch the Rams/Patriots superbowl knowing what the outcome was going to be.Last superbowl I watched was the Pats/seahawks game,another obviously rigged game for the patriots to win with help from the seahawks coach throwing it for them as well.

That playoff game where the refs robbed the Lions of that victory for the Cowboys is not the first time the refs have done that against the Lions either,as you said so well they have been doing that for DECADES to them for that very reason to keep them from ever going to the superbowl. Its a fucked up world we live in,
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As I see it, the Lions had to take Goff in the deal or there wouldn't have been a deal. The Rams couldn't have afforded to keep Goff and his bloated salary, and he wasn't going to take them very far in the playoffs.

I think they will keep him for a couple of years cuz the dead money is a killer, and in the meantime draft a decent college QB and maybe by that time they'll have a competitive team.

Yeah, lots of people have walked away from the NFL, NBA, MLB, and some other sports. Personally, I don't need the fucking politics, STFU and play ball already. But I've been watching Lions football on TV for 60 years, and it's hard to walk away. I know what you're thinking, that poor bastard.
For me I bagged NFL football not for political reasons as others have but for the two reasons that these games are so obviously fixed and rigged especially patriots games where they ALWAYS get all the calls never getting bad calls against them and the bad calls ALWAYS go against the other teams at the most critical times giving them the victory to them in the AFC games and like i said,they have it fixed so your Lions will never get to the superbowl.

I mean if anybody cannot see it that the refs wanted to make sure the Cowboys won that playoff game against your Lions that year picking up the flag which cost the Lions the game and not even giving an explanation for picking it up,then they are hopeless and will NEVER wake up that the NFL has the system fixed for them to never get to the superbowl.:rolleyes-41: caus elike you said,that was not a one time thing,the refs have been doing that against then for DECADES now.

for that reason and the NFL owners dont give a shit about history and tradition,that it has sadly come down to putting shiny brand new state of the art facilitys ahead of history and tradition,becoming a circus where you not only do not know what city your favorite player will be in next year,you dont even know what city your favorite team will be in next year. those two reasons for me is why i say fuck the NFL, give me UCLA college footballl anyday of the year over that bullshit. I thought that bullshit of teams moving all the time had finally stopped in the 90's but obviously i was wrong and they dont even follow the rules they make for relocation,why make rules if you are not gong to follow them?:uhoh3:

sounds like a pretty fucked up corrupt cartel to me.
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The Lions have been getting fucked by the refs for decades, but more often they've screwed themselves by making stupid mistakes. At least the current regime looks to be an improvement but it might take awhile to assemble the required talent and culture.
I wont argue that but you just got to do your research and you'll find out that there was a deal made in place decades ago by the owners that in exchange for the Lions getting the right to host thanksgiving days games,they had to give up the right to go to the superbowl. That is WHY the refs went out of their way that day in that playoff game many years ago to pickup that yellow flag where that cowboys player totally mugged the Lions receiver on a third down pass play that cost the Lions the game sense it was close down to the end zone which would have given them a score not even giving the crowd an explanation WHY it was picked up..the fix was in.

funny how the next week when the cowboys whined complaining that they were robbed of a call of a non catch against the packers the following week,they whine about a call that did not go their way when the shoe is on the other foot,where wawas their complaining the previous week not admitting the refs cost the lions the game against them? they were strangley silent on that bad call against the Lions,but all of a sudden when a call does not go their way the next week,they speak out cause they dont like it the shoe is on the other foot. Justice was done that week sense it should have been the Lions against the packers and they did not like that justice being down.fucking hypocrites.
Stafford. The man's name is Stafford, and you got a good QB, a team leader, and a very good man. I watched Goff yesterday, he's a few rungs down on the talent ladder from Stafford, but it's only one game. Hard to believe you guys gave him all that money, he looks to be only as good as the team around him. If they ain't very good then neither is he.
I wont argue that but you just got to do your research and you'll find out that there was a deal made in place decades ago by the owners that in exchange for the Lions getting the right to host thanksgiving days games,they had to give up the right to go to the superbowl. That is WHY the refs went out of their way that day in that playoff game many years ago to pickup that yellow flag where that cowboys player totally mugged the Lions receiver on a third down pass play that cost the Lions the game sense it was close down to the end zone which would have given them a score not even giving the crowd an explanation WHY it was picked up..the fix was in.

funny how the next week when the cowboys whined complaining that they were robbed of a call of a non catch against the packers the following week,they whine about a call that did not go their way when the shoe is on the other foot,where wawas their complaining the previous week not admitting the refs cost the lions the game against them? they were strangley silent on that bad call against the Lions,but all of a sudden when a call does not go their way the next week,they speak out cause they dont like it the shoe is on the other foot. Justice was done that week sense it should have been the Lions against the packers and they did not like that justice being down.fucking hypocrites.

I do not believe that any amount of research will turn up any evidence of such a deal as you describe, the NFL is not going to leave anything that might substantiate that claim. I can see where some might think such an agreement was made, but if it ever came to light with some evidence to support it then the NFL would take a humongous hit. Ergo, the possibility that some information will be revealed is I think not very likely.

I remember that Cowboys game, and yes that call (non-call) was a travesty. I think it is true that some teams get more of a benefit of a doubt when it comes to officiating, while it goes the other way for other teams like the Lions. I think you probably will see it in other sports too, teams like the Lakers and the Celtics get a break but the sad-sacks don't. Partly it's a human condition to go with the crowd, that's why home teams get more favorable treatment from the refs than the visitors do. And so it is also with the Pats, the Steelers, and the fucking Packers.

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