List Containing Names of 1,300 Purported Illegals Mailed Around Utah

Anyone ever check the birth announcements in their town? Ours have so many babies with only a mommy. So sad. :evil:
Maybe you should get your legislators to outlaw single motherhood. :lol:

Two Utah state workers may have helped compile deportation list

Concerned Citizens of the United States

Both are put on leave while officials investigate a letter urging expulsion of 1,300 people the writers say are illegal immigrants.
Authorities in Utah said Friday that at least two state employees may have been responsible for compiling and distributing a list containing the names and personal information of 1,300 people who, the senders charged, are illegal immigrants and should be deported immediately ... 3855.story


A person or entity having knowledge of a violation or potential violation of employer sanctions provisions may submit a signed written complaint to the INS office with jurisdiction over the business or residence of the potential violator, whether an employer, employee, or agent. The complaint must include the names and addresses of both the complainant and the violator, and detailed factual allegations, including date, time, and place of the potential violation, and the specific conduct alleged to be a violation of employer sanctions. By regulation, the INS will only investigate third-party complaints that have a reasonable probability of validity. Designated INS officers and employees, and all other officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws, may make an arrest for violation of smuggling or harboring illegal aliens.

RICO -- Citizen Recourse

Private persons and entities[/B] may initiate civil suits to obtain injunctions and treble damages against enterprises that conspire to or actually violate federal alien smuggling, harboring, or document fraud statutes, under the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO). The pattern of racketeering activity is defined as commission of two or more of the listed crimes. A RICO enterprise can be any individual legal entity, or a group of individuals who are not a legal entity but are associated in fact, AND CAN INCLUDE NONPROFIT ASSOCIATIONS. ... C1324.html
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
Anyone ever check the birth announcements in their town? Ours have so many babies with only a mommy. So sad. :evil:
Maybe you should get your legislators to outlaw single motherhood. :lol:

Get them to outlaw ANCHOR BABIES. They are not really single, just do that to avoid paying bill. Cannot prove the are not single and a anchor baby welfare check is the reason.
We don't need to outlaw single motherhood; just make lying on a birth certificate a felony. Just like exposing rackateering apparently is (when its the govt)
Is that what a good American supposed to do? If you see a crime being committed, report it?
How can you possible equate reporting CRIMINALS that are IN THE ACT OF BREAKING THE LAW to Hitler's Germany? They are totally different things and the government should be actively perusing these things on their own. What really gets to me is that the government openly admits they are not going to enforce the law. How can anyone stand up for that farce?
Oh it's a felony now?

Thanks for your non-answer. Ripping off government money by illegals - good Ripping off lists by people trying to do a good thing - bad.

Got it.
From what I've read, no one is ripping off the government. American children are eligible for welfare.

And yes I've read that stealing government files and violating the privacy of others can be a felony.

The bigger questions is why it is not MANDATORY for those social workers to report possible illegal aliens that are applying for governmental assistance. I see an issue when it is the governments OWN RECORDS that indicate illegal aliens.

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