List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Well we know Trump fucked Boeing out of hundreds of millions of dollars

Sent from my iPhone using support them making money with a terrorist regime?

What makes them a terrorist regime? What makes them so much worse than Saudi Arabia and Yemen?

Nothing. They are ALL terrorist regimes.

Yet SA is our new biggest, bestest friend...

Yep. I don't approve of it, but the new leader seems to be making moves towards being a better leader. We shall see. Those sorts of changes take time.

I have not seen much "better" yet. Trump himself on a business level has very deep ties to SA. It seems as if he is doing the will of Israel and SA
Well we know Trump fucked Boeing out of hundreds of millions of dollars

Sent from my iPhone using support them making money with a terrorist regime?

What makes them a terrorist regime? What makes them so much worse than Saudi Arabia and Yemen?

They want a nuclear weapon to use against Israel, and they have stated over and over once they get the weapon, they are going to use it.

They talk a lot of trash, that is for sure. How many countries have the invaded in the last couple decades?
They want a nuclear weapon to use against Israel, and they have stated over and over once they get the weapon, they are going to use it.

They talk a lot of trash, that is for sure. How many countries have the invaded in the last couple decades?

Trump said over and over, that as soon as he got into office, he would make Mexico pay for the wall.

There's a big difference between talk and action.
Well we know Trump fucked Boeing out of hundreds of millions of dollars

Sent from my iPhone using support them making money with a terrorist regime?

What makes them a terrorist regime? What makes them so much worse than Saudi Arabia and Yemen?

They want a nuclear weapon to use against Israel, and they have stated over and over once they get the weapon, they are going to use it.

They talk a lot of trash, that is for sure. How many countries have the invaded in the last couple decades?

Yemen, killing US soldiers in Iraq.... support them making money with a terrorist regime?

What makes them a terrorist regime? What makes them so much worse than Saudi Arabia and Yemen?

Nothing. They are ALL terrorist regimes.

Yet SA is our new biggest, bestest friend...

Yep. I don't approve of it, but the new leader seems to be making moves towards being a better leader. We shall see. Those sorts of changes take time.

I have not seen much "better" yet. Trump himself on a business level has very deep ties to SA. It seems as if he is doing the will of Israel and SA

Women can hold political office now, unheard of under the former leader as a for instance. You have to acknowledge when they do good, otherwise your opinion is meaningless.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
It pisses in the cornflakes of gnats.


From your citation

INSPECTIONS: The United Nations' nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Commission, can inspect any declared nuclear site at any time.

How convenient of you to leave out part of the section...dumbass.
Iran has 24 days to allow such an inspection. If Iran refuses, an arbitration panel weighs the request and sanctions can immediately restart.
WE have broken the agreement NOT Iran The trump didn't want bs war??? He's heading that way

These are UN guidelines not US guidelines.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
If you like to deal with people who lie, sure just stay for more of the same. End the deal and deal from a better position.
How convenient of you to leave out part of the section...dumbass.
Iran has 24 days to allow such an inspection. If Iran refuses, an arbitration panel weighs the request and sanctions can immediately restart.

That deals with presidential palaces, religious sites, and other places that aren't supposed to have nukes in them.

Anywhere that Iran ever used for nuclear research or processing, is open to inspectors AT ANY TIME. As your citation said.

That's not even 24 hours, that's not even 1 hour, that's AT ANY TIME.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Come on in.

This one spells it out clearer. Even you should be able to understand.
Obama says inspectors get access to "any" site in Iran. Is it true? - CBS News
When our allies get hit with secondary sanctions for their normal commerce established over the last few years and longer, especially South Korea, our quazi ally India and our not so much ally China, the shit will hit the fan, and our economy will react negatively. Trump will be getting the majority of the industrialized world at odds with the US who is now just a has-been in its decline, just like GB post 1948 when the Sun set on England!
What exactly did the U.S. gain from entering into the Iran deal? We spent about a billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars in an extortion scheme and financed terrorist organizations with boxcar loads of cash and euros.
Exactly. President Trump was right when he said “Who the hell makes deals with a country that screams death to America? Who does that?” Well, we know who the fuck did that.

Exactly. President Trump was right when he said “Who the hell makes deals with a country that screams death to America? Who does that?” Well, we know who the fuck did that.

As he's knee deep in and weeks away from a not disimilar deal with NK.

I'm always amazed at the human capacity for self delusion.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
The obama/Iran deal is a shitty deal start to finish... we get nothing out of it.
Iran gets paid to make nuclear weapons...
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

Sheer liberal ignorance and far-left anti-semitism. We gain by cancelling a corrupt, horrible deal that would have paved the way for Iran to get nukes. We gain by reimposing harsh sanctions on the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. We gain by giving the Iranian opposition movement hope that we are not going to coddle Iran's brutal radical Muslim regime.
Sheer liberal ignorance and far-left anti-semitism. We gain by cancelling a corrupt, horrible deal that would have paved the way for Iran to get nukes. THAT is brilliant.....So, now that we've pulled out of the deal we have STOPPED "paving the way for Iran to get nukes"???

What, nitwit....we've hurt Iran's feelings and now they won't build a nuke out of spite???.......

What the hell is wrong with you Trumpist morons?
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Sheer liberal ignorance and far-left anti-semitism. We gain by cancelling a corrupt, horrible deal that would have paved the way for Iran to get nukes. THAT is brilliant.....So, now that we've pulled out of the deal we have STOPPED "paving the way for Iran to get nukes"???

What, nitwit....we've hurt Iran's feelings and now they won't build a nuke out of spite.......

What the hell is wrong with you Trumpist morons?

They were always going to get them, Obama's "deal" meant nothing. Iran got what they wanted, their money. The fact that you think you can deal with the Mullahs reveals your stupidity.
The fact that you think you can deal with the Mullahs reveals your stupidity.

Well, you certainly told me.........Of course, morons like you "think" that dealing with a North Korean despot is perfectly admirable, but those Mullahs who don't smile very much are the real boogey men.
The fact that you think you can deal with the Mullahs reveals your stupidity.

Well, you certainly told me.........Of course, morons like you "think" that dealing with a North Korean despot is perfectly admirable, but those Mullahs who don't smile very much are the real boogey men.

You have me confused with you. You are a slave to your Party, I have no Party. Kim is every bit the loon that the Mullahs are nd our dealings with NK prove that. Il took Slick Willy to the cleaners.

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