List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Radioactivity is everywhere. By giving the iranians 24 days to clean up after themselves they can flood the area with all sorts of benign isotopes which makes any search a joke.

I take it you know nothing about neutron activation analysis. It lets you tell exactly which radioactive elements are present. And as I said, you can't hide those from uranium because their half life is measured in millions of years.

Actually, I think it is YOU who don't know what you're talking about. This is the machine that does all of the magic. It ain't portable. The only thing it can survey, is what you put in it. It's not a cute little radar gun that you point around the room. Like I said, you progressives are incredibly ignorant of science, and scientific work.

Actually, I think it is YOU who don't know what you're talking about. This is the machine that does all of the magic. It ain't portable. The only thing it can survey, is what you put in it. It's not a cute little radar gun that you point around the room. Like I said, you progressives are incredibly ignorant of science, and scientific work.


their luggage and tools be monitored for radiation, using gamma/neutron search detectors (NSDs) (and possibly PRDs). Hand-held RIDs should be available for the assessment of the instrument alarm. As new and more sophisticated radiation detection instruments become available, their incorporation into the nuclear security system should be considered.
Actually, I think it is YOU who don't know what you're talking about. This is the machine that does all of the magic. It ain't portable. The only thing it can survey, is what you put in it. It's not a cute little radar gun that you point around the room. Like I said, you progressives are incredibly ignorant of science, and scientific work.


their luggage and tools be monitored for radiation, using gamma/neutron search detectors (NSDs) (and possibly PRDs). Hand-held RIDs should be available for the assessment of the instrument alarm. As new and more sophisticated radiation detection instruments become available, their incorporation into the nuclear security system should be considered.

Yes, they can do a generalized search for radioactivity. They can't tell you what kind it is, nor the exact amount, till they get samples back for analysis. You see, if it were easy peasey, like you claim, there would be no need for that big ass machine I showed you.
Radioactivity is everywhere. By giving the iranians 24 days to clean up after themselves they can flood the area with all sorts of benign isotopes which makes any search a joke.

I take it you know nothing about neutron activation analysis. It lets you tell exactly which radioactive elements are present. And as I said, you can't hide those from uranium because their half life is measured in millions of years.
Nice try but the half life is irrelevant.
I still want to know where Obama got the 150 billion in cash he sent to Iran under the cover of darkness....did he get it from selling Uranium to Russia?
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There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

It will do no harm, in fact, if Trump puts massive sanctions back on Iran, it may cause their government to collapse, allowing actual freedom in that country...
It will do no harm, in fact, if Trump puts massive sanctions back on Iran, it may cause their government to collapse, allowing actual freedom in that country...

China doesn't do iranian sanctions. They're going to continue to do business, no matter what Trump says.
We get to PREVENT iran from obtaining a nuke. Something that your hero, the obummers "deal" GRANTED them the ability to obtain in 10 years.

Well, thank you for clearing THAT up......I had no idea that Obama GRANTED Iran the ability....
See, that is why you're in charge on here.....You bring up the unquestionable facts that its up to the U.S. to "GRANT" nukes or not.......perhaps we GRANTED a few too many countries that ability?......
What do you think?
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

Integrity, by not got along with a deal where the other party lied and violated that deal. That’s the whole point of a deal, if you do A we will do B, if you don’t do A, we will not do B. Now if we were to go ahead and say “alright, even though you didn’t do B, we’re going to do A still anyway.” Well, other countries we might want to make deals with in the future will see that and say “these guys are going to do B regardless of wether or not we do A, so fuck A, they’re full of shit.”

It was a BS deal anyway that obviously didn’t accomplish anything, other than let them ramp up their refined uranium production...oh and get back billions of dollars to do so.
Inspections that have to give at least 24 days prior notice are a joke Coyote.

Indeed, because it is a well documented fact that folks can hide nukes under mattresses if given 24 hours notice....
those crafty Iranians and their mattresses' tricks.
Inspections that have to give at least 24 days prior notice are a joke Coyote.

Indeed, because it is a well documented fact that folks can hide nukes under mattresses if given 24 hours notice....
those crafty Iranians and their mattresses' tricks.

That would be 24 days there eagle-eye. Nice to see you're current and up to date on facts.

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