List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

We get to PREVENT iran from obtaining a nuke. Something that your hero, the obummers "deal" GRANTED them the ability to obtain in 10 years.

How Westwall? Haven't seen a single plan advanced that is any better except go to war.

The plan as it exists allowed iran to further their ballistic missile development, didn't prevent them from engaging in State sponsored terrorism, and gave them permission to build a nuke in 10 years. What exactly do you think iran is going to do when they have that missile and nuke?

The plan was constructed very narrowly to address only the nukes, because there was no way we would get a more comprensive plan - that can be saved for later agreements (something we COULD have been working towards). We had a sunset clause - it didn't exactly give them permission, it meant new agreements would be negotiated. It buys time, and that is quite likely the best we could have gotten.

If this deal is allowed to stand we will be engaged in a nuclear war in 12 years. If iran decides to go to war over our demand that they not get to have a nuke, OK, I would far rather fight a non nuke equipped military than one that is. Wouldn't you? Anyone with the ability to think KNOWS that the second that iran has a nuke, they are going to use it. They are the david koresh of the middle east.

No one wants to go to war, except maybe Trump. Neither Iran nor us. Hence the agreement. And no, I doubt they will use it. Nukes provide leverage and entry into an elite power club. That is what they strive for, to increase their leverage. They aren't insane.

So, no deal. Now what? Why would Iran negotiate with a partner that has renegged?

The plan was constructed as it was because obama and kerry are crap negotiators, they were desperate to do a deal to further their legacy, and they gave away the farm because of that desperation. iran ABSOLUTELY will use a nuke when they get it. I grant you that the PEOPLE of iran don't want war, but the mullahs do.. They want the final war, they have Paradise waiting for them.

And yes, the sunset clause gave them permission to develop their nuke after ten years.

Crap negotiators? Who else has negotiated any sort of deal with Iran?

No, they don't want a final war - there is no indication of that or they would be behaving like ISIS and they don't. They're canny, and they want to hang on to their power and become a regional mover and shaker (and, since we took out Iraq, there is little to counter balance their ambitions).

Far better to have never entered into this crappy a deal than go for this idiocy. And yes, there is LOADS of evidence that they want a final war. They just want to make sure they have a good chance at "winning" it. Nukes give them a chance.
Can ewe tell me why we had possession of Iran’s money or not?

Nitwit....we have frozen Iranian assets since 1979 for their taking US hostages............

NOW, can morons like you tell us WHY the Iranians took the U.S. hostages???

During a Revolution to overthrow the despotic Shah that was installed by the US after they deposed the democratically elected Iranian leader. But hey, I guess they have no reason to hate the US.
We get to PREVENT iran from obtaining a nuke. Something that your hero, the obummers "deal" GRANTED them the ability to obtain in 10 years.

How Westwall? Haven't seen a single plan advanced that is any better except go to war.

The plan as it exists allowed iran to further their ballistic missile development, didn't prevent them from engaging in State sponsored terrorism, and gave them permission to build a nuke in 10 years. What exactly do you think iran is going to do when they have that missile and nuke?

The plan was constructed very narrowly to address only the nukes, because there was no way we would get a more comprensive plan - that can be saved for later agreements (something we COULD have been working towards). We had a sunset clause - it didn't exactly give them permission, it meant new agreements would be negotiated. It buys time, and that is quite likely the best we could have gotten.

If this deal is allowed to stand we will be engaged in a nuclear war in 12 years. If iran decides to go to war over our demand that they not get to have a nuke, OK, I would far rather fight a non nuke equipped military than one that is. Wouldn't you? Anyone with the ability to think KNOWS that the second that iran has a nuke, they are going to use it. They are the david koresh of the middle east.

No one wants to go to war, except maybe Trump. Neither Iran nor us. Hence the agreement. And no, I doubt they will use it. Nukes provide leverage and entry into an elite power club. That is what they strive for, to increase their leverage. They aren't insane.

So, no deal. Now what? Why would Iran negotiate with a partner that has renegged?

The plan was constructed as it was because obama and kerry are crap negotiators, they were desperate to do a deal to further their legacy, and they gave away the farm because of that desperation. iran ABSOLUTELY will use a nuke when they get it. I grant you that the PEOPLE of iran don't want war, but the mullahs do.. They want the final war, they have Paradise waiting for them.

And yes, the sunset clause gave them permission to develop their nuke after ten years.

Crap negotiators? Who else has negotiated any sort of deal with Iran?

No, they don't want a final war - there is no indication of that or they would be behaving like ISIS and they don't. They're canny, and they want to hang on to their power and become a regional mover and shaker (and, since we took out Iraq, there is little to counter balance their ambitions).

You know NOTHING about Shia Islam. Nothing at all.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

What do we lose?

Inspections. Limits on what they do.

Inspections that have to give at least 24 days prior notice are a joke Coyote.
How Westwall? Haven't seen a single plan advanced that is any better except go to war.

The plan as it exists allowed iran to further their ballistic missile development, didn't prevent them from engaging in State sponsored terrorism, and gave them permission to build a nuke in 10 years. What exactly do you think iran is going to do when they have that missile and nuke?

The plan was constructed very narrowly to address only the nukes, because there was no way we would get a more comprensive plan - that can be saved for later agreements (something we COULD have been working towards). We had a sunset clause - it didn't exactly give them permission, it meant new agreements would be negotiated. It buys time, and that is quite likely the best we could have gotten.

If this deal is allowed to stand we will be engaged in a nuclear war in 12 years. If iran decides to go to war over our demand that they not get to have a nuke, OK, I would far rather fight a non nuke equipped military than one that is. Wouldn't you? Anyone with the ability to think KNOWS that the second that iran has a nuke, they are going to use it. They are the david koresh of the middle east.

No one wants to go to war, except maybe Trump. Neither Iran nor us. Hence the agreement. And no, I doubt they will use it. Nukes provide leverage and entry into an elite power club. That is what they strive for, to increase their leverage. They aren't insane.

So, no deal. Now what? Why would Iran negotiate with a partner that has renegged?

The plan was constructed as it was because obama and kerry are crap negotiators, they were desperate to do a deal to further their legacy, and they gave away the farm because of that desperation. iran ABSOLUTELY will use a nuke when they get it. I grant you that the PEOPLE of iran don't want war, but the mullahs do.. They want the final war, they have Paradise waiting for them.

And yes, the sunset clause gave them permission to develop their nuke after ten years.

Crap negotiators? Who else has negotiated any sort of deal with Iran?

No, they don't want a final war - there is no indication of that or they would be behaving like ISIS and they don't. They're canny, and they want to hang on to their power and become a regional mover and shaker (and, since we took out Iraq, there is little to counter balance their ambitions).

You know NOTHING about Shia Islam. Nothing at all.

More than you.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

What do we lose?

Inspections. Limits on what they do.

Lot better than Obama's dumb ass deal with no American inspectors, three weeks notice and no military installations.
The plan as it exists allowed iran to further their ballistic missile development, didn't prevent them from engaging in State sponsored terrorism, and gave them permission to build a nuke in 10 years. What exactly do you think iran is going to do when they have that missile and nuke?

The plan was constructed very narrowly to address only the nukes, because there was no way we would get a more comprensive plan - that can be saved for later agreements (something we COULD have been working towards). We had a sunset clause - it didn't exactly give them permission, it meant new agreements would be negotiated. It buys time, and that is quite likely the best we could have gotten.

If this deal is allowed to stand we will be engaged in a nuclear war in 12 years. If iran decides to go to war over our demand that they not get to have a nuke, OK, I would far rather fight a non nuke equipped military than one that is. Wouldn't you? Anyone with the ability to think KNOWS that the second that iran has a nuke, they are going to use it. They are the david koresh of the middle east.

No one wants to go to war, except maybe Trump. Neither Iran nor us. Hence the agreement. And no, I doubt they will use it. Nukes provide leverage and entry into an elite power club. That is what they strive for, to increase their leverage. They aren't insane.

So, no deal. Now what? Why would Iran negotiate with a partner that has renegged?

The plan was constructed as it was because obama and kerry are crap negotiators, they were desperate to do a deal to further their legacy, and they gave away the farm because of that desperation. iran ABSOLUTELY will use a nuke when they get it. I grant you that the PEOPLE of iran don't want war, but the mullahs do.. They want the final war, they have Paradise waiting for them.

And yes, the sunset clause gave them permission to develop their nuke after ten years.

Crap negotiators? Who else has negotiated any sort of deal with Iran?

No, they don't want a final war - there is no indication of that or they would be behaving like ISIS and they don't. They're canny, and they want to hang on to their power and become a regional mover and shaker (and, since we took out Iraq, there is little to counter balance their ambitions).

You know NOTHING about Shia Islam. Nothing at all.

More than you.

LOL, not a chance pal. Not a chance.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

What do we lose?

Inspections. Limits on what they do.

Inspections that have to give at least 24 days prior notice are a joke Coyote.

But better than nothing - such as is with NK. And the 24 days is only on some sites, not all or even most.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

What do we lose?

Inspections. Limits on what they do.

And was Iran cooperating?
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

What do we lose?

Inspections. Limits on what they do.

And was Iran cooperating?

Thus far.
Here's another thought. Each of the nations that negotiated the deal did so independently - that means even though the US might impose it's sanctions, other nations might (and likely will) decline to. That means even more reduction in leverage.
Only htey can't. If obummer had left the sanctions in place, and not given them billions of dollars, the government was going to collapse, probably this year. .

China broke the sanctions. And unless you want to nuke China, you're not going to get them to enforce the sanctions.
Here's another thought. Each of the nations that negotiated the deal did so independently - that means even though the US might impose it's sanctions, other nations might (and likely will) decline to. That means even more reduction in leverage.
I've read that one sanction Trump can "reimpose" is a sanction on other countries that allow their entities to do biz with Iran. I can't see that happening.

But yeah, the net result of Trump's actions will be a decrease in leadership the US can exert worldwide. But at this point it's possible that the less influence we have in Asia and the ME, maybe they are better off.
Here's the real deal, not the propaganda you're pushing...

"Under the JCPOA, by 2030 Iran will be permitted to build an industrial-size nuclear industry. It will be able to operate an unlimited number of advanced centrifuges and accumulate as large a stockpile of fissile material as it desires.

Maybe you flunked math, you said 10 years.

What's 2030 - 2018?

Maybe you aren't smarter than a 5th grader.
The plan as it exists allowed iran to further their ballistic missile development, didn't prevent them from engaging in State sponsored terrorism, and gave them permission to build a nuke in 10 years. What exactly do you think iran is going to do when they have that missile and nuke? .

Trump just did the same thing Bush did with North Korea. Breaking the deal, taking off all the shackles, allowing them to build a nuke NOW.

Inspections are now off. Iran can start their nuke program tomorrow

What is to stop them?
Here's another thought. Each of the nations that negotiated the deal did so independently - that means even though the US might impose it's sanctions, other nations might (and likely will) decline to. That means even more reduction in leverage.
I've read that one sanction Trump can "reimpose" is a sanction on other countries that allow their entities to do biz with Iran. I can't see that happening.

But yeah, the net result of Trump's actions will be a decrease in leadership the US can exert worldwide. But at this point it's possible that the less influence we have in Asia and the ME, maybe they are better off.
Those countries still have a treaty with Iran
The plan as it exists allowed iran to further their ballistic missile development, didn't prevent them from engaging in State sponsored terrorism, and gave them permission to build a nuke in 10 years. What exactly do you think iran is going to do when they have that missile and nuke? .

Trump just did the same thing Bush did with North Korea. Breaking the deal, taking off all the shackles, allowing them to build a nuke NOW.

Inspections are now off. Iran can start their nuke program tomorrow

What is to stop them?


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