List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

No I think he means the "allies" who will look for other "allies", if they feel their current "ally" can't be trusted.
The world is a dangerous place if your alone, something Trump seems to seek.

Maybe our allies will decide to be on our side rather than the Iranian Mullahs.
Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.

Congress didn't verify any treaty with the Iranians, did they? Only Congress can do that.

Trump would have been obliged to adhere to a real treaty. Not a stupid worthless agreement between that asshole Kerry, dimwit Obama and the Mullahs.

Of course thanks to the stupidity of Obama and Kerry the Mullahs already got their barrels of cash, haven't they? How stupid an agreement was that?
Yup that makes all the difference. Congress didn't ratify a deal made by the president, so the allies will completely not mind that it's broken without Iran actually breaking the terms of the agreement made.
Why in the hell is it so hard to admit that the US just gave up a huge chunk of what little credibility it has left out of cheer spite?

You are confused. Let me guess. You have been reading Democratunderground?

The US never had any credibility making such a terrible deal with the Iranians Mullahs. We were the laughing stock of the world giving them barrels of cash up front and no verifiable agreement. Only an idiot would have made that terrible deal. We certainly had idiots in the White House and in the State Department, didn't we?

Meanwhile Trump has just served notice to Kim that he is serious about negotiating a real verifiable deal.

That is the difference between having a weak President that gives away the store and a strong President that knows The Art of the Deal.
WHAT billion in "hard earned taxpayer dollars"? Do you mean the billion that was Iran's own frozen assets?

That is not true. Now you are the one falling for spin.
It stems from assets that Iran had in the U.S. to expedite payments to U.S. military contractors throughout the 1970's.
In 1979, the United states temporarily froze the account.

1) The account had outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms. Congress enacted a law that provided authorization to pay those firms debts owed from the account.
2) After paying debts, there was just over $400 million left.
3) Congress passed another bill that granted authorization to use the funds to pay victims of families from the hostage situation of 1979.

Iran said they don't agree with what the United States did with the money.
The U.S. Government overwhelmingly agreed by Congress said too bad, we don't owe you a dime.

Obama took it upon himself to disagree with 30 years of previous arrangements and handed over not only what Iran claimed - BUT MORE THAN WHAT THEY EVER HAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your facts straight.

I do have my facts straight.

Back in late 1979, after Iranian revolutionaries took 52 Americans hostage at the US Embassy in Tehran, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Iran and froze Iranian assets in America. Among those frozen assets was a $400 million delivery of fighter jets from the U.S. that Iran’s previous government had already paid for.

Although the American hostages were finally released a year later, issues such as the frozen Iranian assets (including that $400 million) were not settled at that time. Instead, an international court based in the Hague, the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal was established to deal with such legal claims. The tribunal process dragged on for years and years without a ruling on the $400 million being issued, and finally, when arbitration process was apparently about to wind up (quite possibly not in American’s favor), the U.S. agreed to pay Iran back the $400 million principal along with $1.3 billion in interest. If the issue had gone to the tribunal for a decision, as was expected, the U.S. could have been on the hook for the full $10 billion in compensation Iran was seeking.

It is true the U.S. agreed to the settlement at the same time it was negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran and for the return of four U.S. citizens who had been detained by Iran. However, the negotiations over these these issues were conducted by completely separate teams in order to avoid any overlap or suggestions of connections between them.
Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

I'm Dutch (European), and it's actually much much worse than that.

we here in Europe "imported" a fair number of Muslims back in the 1960s to do jobs that whites were no longer willing to do at reasonable wages for such jobs (office cleaning for instance). These muslim populations in the EU got spread out into every village, town, and city, every suburb. In most cases it's a mix in each such village or suburb of whites living right next to Muslims.

currently, due to the war on terror and the many grave mistakes leading to hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives already lost due to poorly executed regime changes and sanctions programs, whites and Muslims in the EU just try to ignore eachother.

but i, as a peace activist who is active on multiple forums internationally, one who actually talks to Muslim hardlines and Muslim moderates, know,
that this peace between whites and Muslims in the EU is fairly fragile.
in fact it's a combustible mix just lacking a primer charge (attacks on Mosques or Synagogues for instance, or insults of the Prophet Mohammed that enjoy state protection {Hebdo, France}) to blow up into actual violent ethnic tensions.
we already saw some of that some years ago in France where they decided to put Muslims together with eachother in very underfunded housing blocks. Eventually the Muslims held a campaign of firebombing cars in white-mans suburbs of their cities.

on the political level, because of the European desire to keep NATO as healthy as possible, you won't find our goverments too critical of the US because they simply can't.

but. the case made by Trump and Netanyahu against Iran is as full of lies as the entire Iraq-WMD story was. And that cost so many (over a million by my count) Iraqi lives that it still and for decades to come serves as a very powerful recruitment tool for Muslim terrorists and their supporters.

then there's the fact Trump made the huge mistake today of telling the world that any country that does not follow the new and apparently ultra-strong sanctions program against Iran, would become subject to US sanctions themselves.
YOU JUST THREATENED ALL OF YOUR ALLY COUNTRIES, AMERICAN GOVERMENT. that is crossing the line so much i'm here to inform you we will be taking decisive counter-measures.

i am a civilian using free speech and common sense and truth. i do not use lies, half-truths, or almost-truths. i focus on facts that are confirmed by sources from all around the world, facts that wise Americans and Europeans and Russians and Asians and Arabs all at least sort-of-agree on.


I *strongly* recommend you don't fall into replying as if you're under attack. Because you're not *just yet*. Your only option is to stay VERY polite and patient with me, because i as a European have much more right to be pissed off about this than you have about the way i started with this firm warning.
You need to ask a person like me what specifically is wrong with Trump's approach while staying polite. If you do, you get polite answers. If you don't, then i use other means to curtail the means of the US to project such lunatic arrogance onto the world.

Ainchu jus all bad and shit? Why didn't Iran sign the "agreement"?

what agreement didn't Iran sign?

i'm not bad, i'm not evil, i am an ally of the US, have been since before this awful war on terror started, and all throughout, i've always had your back in heated online discussions on other international forums frequented by muslims *and* whites,

but i'm drawing the line at the policies embarked on by the US today.
enough is enough.

i get the Iraq-WMD arguments thrown at me very effectively by Muslims who are so nationalistic and fundamentalistic, that you might call them terrorist supporters.
and those number in the 50-million to 300-million world-wide.
there are just over a billion muslims in total on Earth.

how many terrorists are you fighting today, including every type of supporter including verbal and online supporter? i recon about 10-20 million at most.

do you really want to see your numbers of enemies go up exponentially, and do you really want to expose especially your European allies to risks you might say are manageable, but which in reality are a total powder-keg waiting for the detonator to be installed and flipped.

if Trump's sanctions end up hurting many Iranian civilians, and they're highly likely to, YOU THE US GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE, WILL HAVE INSTALLED THAT DETONATOR into the combustible mix that is the current ethnic demographics in pretty much all western-european countries. And you will have effectively made NATO a thing of the past, existing only on paper afterwards, because you so arrogantly tried to bully and regime-change nation after nation into total submission. And you will have done this with warnings sent to your media agencies, forums like this, AND YOUR CIA.GOV, for years, by guys like me, at each of the turns that led us to more and more intense war on terror.

Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

I'm Dutch (European), and it's actually much much worse than that.

we here in Europe "imported" a fair number of Muslims back in the 1960s to do jobs that whites were no longer willing to do at reasonable wages for such jobs (office cleaning for instance). These muslim populations in the EU got spread out into every village, town, and city, every suburb. In most cases it's a mix in each such village or suburb of whites living right next to Muslims.

currently, due to the war on terror and the many grave mistakes leading to hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives already lost due to poorly executed regime changes and sanctions programs, whites and Muslims in the EU just try to ignore eachother.

but i, as a peace activist who is active on multiple forums internationally, one who actually talks to Muslim hardlines and Muslim moderates, know,
that this peace between whites and Muslims in the EU is fairly fragile.
in fact it's a combustible mix just lacking a primer charge (attacks on Mosques or Synagogues for instance, or insults of the Prophet Mohammed that enjoy state protection {Hebdo, France}) to blow up into actual violent ethnic tensions.
we already saw some of that some years ago in France where they decided to put Muslims together with eachother in very underfunded housing blocks. Eventually the Muslims held a campaign of firebombing cars in white-mans suburbs of their cities.

on the political level, because of the European desire to keep NATO as healthy as possible, you won't find our goverments too critical of the US because they simply can't.

but. the case made by Trump and Netanyahu against Iran is as full of lies as the entire Iraq-WMD story was. And that cost so many (over a million by my count) Iraqi lives that it still and for decades to come serves as a very powerful recruitment tool for Muslim terrorists and their supporters.

then there's the fact Trump made the huge mistake today of telling the world that any country that does not follow the new and apparently ultra-strong sanctions program against Iran, would become subject to US sanctions themselves.
YOU JUST THREATENED ALL OF YOUR ALLY COUNTRIES, AMERICAN GOVERMENT. that is crossing the line so much i'm here to inform you we will be taking decisive counter-measures.

i am a civilian using free speech and common sense and truth. i do not use lies, half-truths, or almost-truths. i focus on facts that are confirmed by sources from all around the world, facts that wise Americans and Europeans and Russians and Asians and Arabs all at least sort-of-agree on.


I *strongly* recommend you don't fall into replying as if you're under attack. Because you're not *just yet*. Your only option is to stay VERY polite and patient with me, because i as a European have much more right to be pissed off about this than you have about the way i started with this firm warning.
You need to ask a person like me what specifically is wrong with Trump's approach while staying polite. If you do, you get polite answers. If you don't, then i use other means to curtail the means of the US to project such lunatic arrogance onto the world.
So, is it a lie that Iran screams death to America and death to Israel? And you still back Iran. Is it because they are not screaming death to you? You see America and Israel as expendable do you?

*some* Iranians do, and they're not the smartest, nor do they have full control over Iran's actions.
many in Iran, especially among the civilians your President now wants to sanction into near famine levels (because that's how far a sanctions program against the entire economy of a country will go, as it did in Iraq), do not want war.

there's even vocal opposition inside Iran now for their government's militant activities outside Iranian borders.
but the messages of Trump have put on hold completely, efforts by guys like me (and i'm far from alone) to foster such friendly (and much more effective) pressure to get Iran to "evangelize" and "gain influence (and a mediterranean sea port) outside their borders" in peaceful ways instead of through their current militancy.

the reason i back Iran in this case, *at this juncture*, is because US policies like this send massive amounts of recruitment power to muslim extremists around the entire world.
and i explained how your current national arrogance is generating real risks for the populations of the EU. stuff you might ignore as insignificant occasional Mosques and Synagogue vandalism, or increasingly frequent small incidents of violence between Muslims and whites.
however, what you don't realize or refuse to take into account at the moment (i'm here primarily to change that), is that these risks could very well enflame all of Europe into real ethnic tensions and force us to resort to police-state measures to keep the peace over here.
we are NOT willing to go that far just for a very misguided American sense of winning or getting the best deal.

Iran never signed your beloved Nuclear Deal.
If this "agreement" was verifiable why did that idiot Obama give the billions of dollars in cash up front?

Wasn't that stupid? Obama never read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal", did he?

Why didn't he prorate the money on verifiable milestones?

Wouldn't that have been the smart thing to do?

Why was he such an idiot?

Why were these Moon Bats such idiots electing him?
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

What does the US have to gain by pulling out?

No more baby Iran's, that's what.
Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.

Congress didn't verify any treaty with the Iranians, did they? Only Congress can do that.

Trump would have been obliged to adhere to a real treaty. Not a stupid worthless agreement between that asshole Kerry, dimwit Obama and the Mullahs.

Of course thanks to the stupidity of Obama and Kerry the Mullahs already got their barrels of cash, haven't they? How stupid an agreement was that?
Yup that makes all the difference. Congress didn't ratify a deal made by the president, so the allies will completely not mind that it's broken without Iran actually breaking the terms of the agreement made.
Why in the hell is it so hard to admit that the US just gave up a huge chunk of what little credibility it has left out of cheer spite?

You are confused. Let me guess. You have been reading Democratunderground?

The US never had any credibility making such a terrible deal with the Iranians Mullahs. We were the laughing stock of the world giving them barrels of cash up front and no verifiable agreement. Only an idiot would have made that terrible deal. We certainly had idiots in the White House and in the State Department, didn't we?

Meanwhile Trump has just served notice to Kim that he is serious about negotiating a real verifiable deal.

That is the difference between having a weak President that gives away the store and a strong President that knows The Art of the Deal.
Lol I am the rest of the world, I'm European. Here of the last 2 president one is indeed considered an idiot, although a dangerous one. I'll give you a tip for whom it is. It's the white one.

Obama was the worst President this country ever had. A weak piece of shit.

Only Crooked Hillary had the potential to be worse.

Obama's legacy is in the toilet as well it should be. He was an idiot negotiating that unverifiable agreement and giving the Iranian Mullahs billions in cash up front. No wonder he didn't have the courage to ask the Congress to make a real treaty that would have the force of law. He knew Congress would just laugh at him.

These Moon Bats were morons electing that worthless affirmative action asshole.

Our allies know that the deal was terrible. They have a choice now of going along with the Mullahs or aligning themselves with Uncle Sugar Daddy.
Flash the only thing I can say to you is that when reality hits you in the face, it's gonna hurt. Nothing I can say can change that.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
There was no reason to accept the original deal. Iran only agreed to the deal on the stipulations that:
1. No IAEA inspectors were allowed to inspect military bases, as the Iranians insisted they would have their own people inspect the bases.
2. The IAEA had to give 24 hour advance notice of any upcoming inspections.
Those two stipulations ensured that Iran could actually develop nuclear weapons technology and the deal was worthless.
You're "correct"......we should have nuked Moscow.....What could possibly have gone wrong had we done that.......

BTW.....tell us how your orange clown is imposing NEW sanctions on Putin for the invasion of eastern Ukraine and Crimea

LOL, do you really think your obfuscation will work on me? So it's ok for your Magic Negro to break a pact ( one actually approved by the Senate) but not Rump? You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

What international agreement did Obama break?

I always enjoy schooling idiots.

"The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

Welcoming the accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as non-nuclear-weapon State,

Taking into account the commitment of Ukraine to eliminate all nuclear weapons from its territory within a specified period of time,

Noting the changes in the world-wide security situation, including the end of the Cold War, which have brought about conditions for deep reductions in nuclear forces.

Confirm the following:

1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to
Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.

2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

3. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to refrain from
economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind."

Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia

I know you love you some Bammy but he is a pussy.

4. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate
United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used.

5. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm, in the case of Ukraine, their commitment not to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a State in association or alliance with a nuclear-weapon State.

6. Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America will consult in the event a situation arises that raises a question concerning these commitments.

— Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine’s Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons[9]

How exactly was the agreement broken? They imposed stiff sanctions on Russia following the annexation of Crimea.

Tell me little boy, just what does "security assurances" mean? I love when stupid people like you and nat use the infamous "Nuh-Uh" defense.
Can ewe tell me why we had possession of Iran’s money or not?

Nitwit....we have frozen Iranian assets since 1979 for their taking US hostages............

NOW, can morons like you tell us WHY the Iranians took the U.S. hostages???

Because another Pussy Dem interfered in their Country's bidness.

Poor nat, we both know it's true Carter pulled shit that caused them to pull the trigger on it.

How dare he allow one of the USA's longtime ally into the country for cancer treatment. That's some real shit right there.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
There was no reason to accept the original deal. Iran only agreed to the deal on the stipulations that:
1. No IAEA inspectors were allowed to inspect military bases, as the Iranians insisted they would have their own people inspect the bases.
2. The IAEA had to give 24 hour advance notice of any upcoming inspections.
Those two stipulations ensured that Iran could actually develop nuclear weapons technology and the deal was worthless.

Iran nuclear deal framework - Wikipedia

Inspections and transparency[edit]
Iran will be required to provide the International Atomic Energy Agency access to all of its declared facilities so that the agency can be assured of the peaceful nature of the nuclear program.[18] According to details of the deal published by the U.S. government, IAEA inspectors would have access to all of the nuclear facilities including enrichment facilities, the supply chain that supports the nuclear program and uranium mines as well as continuous surveillance at uranium mills, centrifuge rotors and bellows production and storage facilities. Iran will be required to grant access to the IAEA to investigate suspicious sites or allegations of a covert enrichment facility, conversion facility, centrifuge production facility, or yellowcake production facility anywhere in the country. Iran will implement an agreed set of measures to address the IAEA’s concerns regarding the Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) of its program.[17]

According to the Iranian fact sheet, Iran will implement the Additional Protocol temporarily and voluntarily in line with its confidence-building measures and after that the protocol will be ratified in a time frame by the Iranian government and parliament (Majlis).[19]
Maybe our allies will decide to be on our side rather than the Iranian Mullahs.
Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.

Congress didn't verify any treaty with the Iranians, did they? Only Congress can do that.

Trump would have been obliged to adhere to a real treaty. Not a stupid worthless agreement between that asshole Kerry, dimwit Obama and the Mullahs.

Of course thanks to the stupidity of Obama and Kerry the Mullahs already got their barrels of cash, haven't they? How stupid an agreement was that?
Yup that makes all the difference. Congress didn't ratify a deal made by the president, so the allies will completely not mind that it's broken without Iran actually breaking the terms of the agreement made.
Why in the hell is it so hard to admit that the US just gave up a huge chunk of what little credibility it has left out of cheer spite?

You are confused. Let me guess. You have been reading Democratunderground?

The US never had any credibility making such a terrible deal with the Iranians Mullahs. We were the laughing stock of the world giving them barrels of cash up front and no verifiable agreement. Only an idiot would have made that terrible deal. We certainly had idiots in the White House and in the State Department, didn't we?

Meanwhile Trump has just served notice to Kim that he is serious about negotiating a real verifiable deal.

That is the difference between having a weak President that gives away the store and a strong President that knows The Art of the Deal.
WHAT billion in "hard earned taxpayer dollars"? Do you mean the billion that was Iran's own frozen assets?

That is not true. Now you are the one falling for spin.
It stems from assets that Iran had in the U.S. to expedite payments to U.S. military contractors throughout the 1970's.
In 1979, the United states temporarily froze the account.

1) The account had outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms. Congress enacted a law that provided authorization to pay those firms debts owed from the account.
2) After paying debts, there was just over $400 million left.
3) Congress passed another bill that granted authorization to use the funds to pay victims of families from the hostage situation of 1979.

Iran said they don't agree with what the United States did with the money.
The U.S. Government overwhelmingly agreed by Congress said too bad, we don't owe you a dime.

Obama took it upon himself to disagree with 30 years of previous arrangements and handed over not only what Iran claimed - BUT MORE THAN WHAT THEY EVER HAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your facts straight.

I do have my facts straight.

Back in late 1979, after Iranian revolutionaries took 52 Americans hostage at the US Embassy in Tehran, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Iran and froze Iranian assets in America. Among those frozen assets was a $400 million delivery of fighter jets from the U.S. that Iran’s previous government had already paid for.

Although the American hostages were finally released a year later, issues such as the frozen Iranian assets (including that $400 million) were not settled at that time. Instead, an international court based in the Hague, the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal was established to deal with such legal claims. The tribunal process dragged on for years and years without a ruling on the $400 million being issued, and finally, when arbitration process was apparently about to wind up (quite possibly not in American’s favor), the U.S. agreed to pay Iran back the $400 million principal along with $1.3 billion in interest. If the issue had gone to the tribunal for a decision, as was expected, the U.S. could have been on the hook for the full $10 billion in compensation Iran was seeking.

It is true the U.S. agreed to the settlement at the same time it was negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran and for the return of four U.S. citizens who had been detained by Iran. However, the negotiations over these these issues were conducted by completely separate teams in order to avoid any overlap or suggestions of connections between them.

That is not facts.
But I do appreciate the fact you at least repost trying.
What you say here is how the media spun the facts in Obama's favor.
Like I said - Congress enacted a law that paid out debts and claims against Iran from the account to U.S. firms
Glad to see you are not trying to dispute that.
Secondly, Congress again granted access to the funds to pay out lawsuits and valid claims against Iran for the 1979 crime.
That settled it.
America does not hold itself accountable to a kangaroo court decision outside of our borders.
Neither do other countries.
Obama took it upon himself to not only pay back the money to Iran, which included over $400 million paid to families of victims of the Iran hostage taking - WHICH MEANS OBAMA DOESN'T THINK IRAN OWED THEM ANYTHING
Obama 100% gave in to Iran that hey owed no one any money....and he paid them triple the value in "interest"

Do you really want to sit there and agree that Iran's assets that were granted by Congress to settle both lawsuits against Iran that they wouldn't pay....and compensation for hostage victims were all wrong. That Iran owed no one nothing. Because that is what Obama said when he literally delivered a PALLET of money to Iran.
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Yet ANOTHER idiot who "thinks" Iran got U.S. taxpayers' money. No wonder Trump famously stated that he LOVES the poorly educated.
The above idiot is ample proof of why the buffoon, Trump, got elected.


Iran gave the deal the middle finger the moment the got what they wanted. You are the ultimate imbecile.

Doesn't matter who's money it was. Giving resources to your sworn enemy is just stupid.
Using your logic, you should be pressing Congress to give every American fully automatic 50 cal machine guns since you view gun owners a terrorist threat. BUT side with the enemies of the US EACH AND EVERY TIME you traitor.

And I'm NOT talking about the Iranian people. I'm talking about their evil tyrant LEADERS.

Russia wouldn't have given it back to their enemies, nor would China.

Only the USA is stupid enough to have people like you who gleefully fund those out to bust your ass.

If you get what you deserve it'll be poetic justice.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

We get to PREVENT iran from obtaining a nuke. Something that your hero, the obummers "deal" GRANTED them the ability to obtain in 10 years.
Yet ANOTHER idiot who "thinks" Iran got U.S. taxpayers' money. No wonder Trump famously stated that he LOVES the poorly educated.
The above idiot is ample proof of why the buffoon, Trump, got elected.


Iran gave the deal the middle finger the moment the got what they wanted. You are the ultimate imbecile.

Doesn't matter who's money it was. Giving resources to your sworn enemy is just stupid.
Using your logic, you should be pressing Congress to give every American fully automatic 50 cal machine guns since you view gun owners a terrorist threat. BUT side with the enemies of the US EACH AND EVERY TIME you traitor.

And I'm NOT talking about the Iranian people. I'm talking about their evil tyrant LEADERS.

Russia wouldn't have given it back to their enemies, nor would China.

Only the USA is stupid enough to have people like you who gleefully fund those out to bust your ass.

If you get what you deserve it'll be poetic justice.

nat really does, he'll side with ANYONE over Rump.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

We get to PREVENT iran from obtaining a nuke. Something that your hero, the obummers "deal" GRANTED them the ability to obtain in 10 years.

How Westwall? Haven't seen a single plan advanced that is any better except go to war.
And AGAIN......... just going to keep reposting this to all the people who said the $1.7 billion signing bonus beloned to Iran.

WHat no one wants to comment on this?????????

People here are saying it was their money (Iran's)
It stems from assets that Iran had in the U.S. to expedite payments to U.S. military contractors throughout the 1970's.
In 1979, the United states temporarily froze the account.

1) The account had outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms. Congress enacted a law that provided authorization to pay those firms debts owed from the account.
2) After paying debts, there was just over $400 million left.
3) Congress passed another bill that granted authorization to use the funds to pay victims of families from the hostage situation of 1979.

Iran said they don't agree with what the United States did with the money.
The U.S. Government overwhelmingly agreed by Congress said too bad, we don't owe you a dime.

Obama took it upon himself to disagree with 30 years of previous arrangements and handed over not only what Iran claimed - BUT MORE THAN WHAT THEY EVER HAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your facts straight.

American hostages who were taken at the U.S. embassy in Iran during the Islamic revolution three decades ago will finally receive payment for the ordeal, thanks to the omnibus spending bill passed by Congress last week.

Buried in the spending bill are provisions that grant each of the 53 hostages financial compensation for enduring the 444-day ordeal, which spanned between November 1979 and January 1981. The amount per hostage varies, but the bill stipulates that each hostage -- or their relatives -- can receive as much as $4.4 million each.

Hostages from 1979 Iranian embassy takeover granted millions in compensation after 36 years

Of the 53 hostages, 37 are still alive today. Since their release in 1981, many of the hostages have sought some type of restitution for enduring physical and psychological torture at the hands of Iranian Islamists for 14 months.

The amount authorized per living hostage, at its maximum, works out to about 10,000 for each day of captivity. Spouses and children of deceased former hostages can receive payment of up to $600,000.

"I had to pull over to the side of the road, and I basically cried," Rodney Sickmann, a Marine sergeant working as a security guard at the Tehran embassy during the takeover, said. "It has been 36 years, one month, 14 days, obviously, until President Obama signed the actual bill, until Iran was held accountable."

The money will come from a $9 billion fine paid by French bank BNP Paribas for violating sanctions against Iran, Sudan and Cuba -- some of which was made available for victims of state-sponsored terror.
We spent about a billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars in an extortion scheme and financed terrorist organizations with boxcar loads of cash and euro
Stupid damn Trump piss drinker! It was Iran's assets which were RETURNED as part of the agreement. But dumb asses like yourself will fall for any fucking lie the Orange Pile of Shit shovels out to the gullible fools! Stupid, ignorant bastards!
Yet ANOTHER idiot who "thinks" Iran got U.S. taxpayers' money. No wonder Trump famously stated that he LOVES the poorly educated.
The above idiot is ample proof of why the buffoon, Trump, got elected.


Iran gave the deal the middle finger the moment the got what they wanted. You are the ultimate imbecile.

Doesn't matter who's money it was. Giving resources to your sworn enemy is just stupid.
Using your logic, you should be pressing Congress to give every American fully automatic 50 cal machine guns since you view gun owners a terrorist threat. BUT side with the enemies of the US EACH AND EVERY TIME you traitor.

And I'm NOT talking about the Iranian people. I'm talking about their evil tyrant LEADERS.

Russia wouldn't have given it back to their enemies, nor would China.

Only the USA is stupid enough to have people like you who gleefully fund those out to bust your ass.

If you get what you deserve it'll be poetic justice.

well in my view, in order to win the war on terror, you need to retain a firm hold on the moral highground.

that means returning such money as is mentioned here.

the fact that the Iranians probably did use it to fuel militancy outside their borders, that degrades their claim on the moral highground, which in turn restrains the recruitment powers muslim extremists get. that's very important.

we not only need to be much stronger militarily (and yes, i support that Iran should not run a nuclear weapons program, and that North-Korea should de-nuclearize verifiably),
but we also need to be wiser and nicer than our enemies.

or you end up in a scenario of literally endless war with a people in this case who greatly value dying in war. they've been promised the best kind of Heaven by their priests if they die in that war against us, and they use deaths and suffering among their own as recruitment power. effectively, mind you.
Now that we undid the terrible deal do what Trump said in his speech. Put sanctions and pressure on Iran and then renegotiate to create a verifiable treaty. A deal that is not an embarrassment to the US or our allies.

That is what Trump was working with the French and Germans the last couple of week.

If the Iranians continue then use our military power to take out their production. A few cruise missiles and it is over.

Don't you agree with me that Obama and Kerry were imbeciles to give the Iranians cash up front and agree to a very weak verification? How could anybody be that stupid?
Clock is ticking on Trump to renegotiate a better deal

What is Iran’s incentive to negotiate at all?
Sanctions that will destroy Iran's already faltering economy.
They negotiate stronger by having a nuclear program
Trump just pushed them in that direction
Any evidence of Iran pursuing nuclear weapons will lead to severe attacks by Israel and perhaps the US, perhaps even by the Saudis. For the regime now, it's negotiate or die, slowly by the failing economy starving the country and destabilizing the regime or by military action.

We have less bargaining power now than before Obama negotiated
We also cut the legs out from our allies
Why should they support us now?
They don’t. They only want us to pay for their security.
And AGAIN......... just going to keep reposting this to all the people who said the $1.7 billion signing bonus beloned to Iran.

WHat no one wants to comment on this?????????

People here are saying it was their money (Iran's)
It stems from assets that Iran had in the U.S. to expedite payments to U.S. military contractors throughout the 1970's.
In 1979, the United states temporarily froze the account.

1) The account had outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms. Congress enacted a law that provided authorization to pay those firms debts owed from the account.
2) After paying debts, there was just over $400 million left.
3) Congress passed another bill that granted authorization to use the funds to pay victims of families from the hostage situation of 1979.

Iran said they don't agree with what the United States did with the money.
The U.S. Government overwhelmingly agreed by Congress said too bad, we don't owe you a dime.

Obama took it upon himself to disagree with 30 years of previous arrangements and handed over not only what Iran claimed - BUT MORE THAN WHAT THEY EVER HAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your facts straight.

American hostages who were taken at the U.S. embassy in Iran during the Islamic revolution three decades ago will finally receive payment for the ordeal, thanks to the omnibus spending bill passed by Congress last week.

Buried in the spending bill are provisions that grant each of the 53 hostages financial compensation for enduring the 444-day ordeal, which spanned between November 1979 and January 1981. The amount per hostage varies, but the bill stipulates that each hostage -- or their relatives -- can receive as much as $4.4 million each.

Hostages from 1979 Iranian embassy takeover granted millions in compensation after 36 years

Of the 53 hostages, 37 are still alive today. Since their release in 1981, many of the hostages have sought some type of restitution for enduring physical and psychological torture at the hands of Iranian Islamists for 14 months.

The amount authorized per living hostage, at its maximum, works out to about 10,000 for each day of captivity. Spouses and children of deceased former hostages can receive payment of up to $600,000.

"I had to pull over to the side of the road, and I basically cried," Rodney Sickmann, a Marine sergeant working as a security guard at the Tehran embassy during the takeover, said. "It has been 36 years, one month, 14 days, obviously, until President Obama signed the actual bill, until Iran was held accountable."

The money will come from a $9 billion fine paid by French bank BNP Paribas for violating sanctions against Iran, Sudan and Cuba -- some of which was made available for victims of state-sponsored terror.

Yep - which again shows how corrupt things are.
It took Congress over 20 years to get off their dead asses and finally pay the money out that they, themselves, granted in the mid 80's.
In that time, Four Presidents, including 8 years of Clinton, and overwhelmingly Democrat led Congress....did not pay the money out until 2002.
Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.

Congress didn't verify any treaty with the Iranians, did they? Only Congress can do that.

Trump would have been obliged to adhere to a real treaty. Not a stupid worthless agreement between that asshole Kerry, dimwit Obama and the Mullahs.

Of course thanks to the stupidity of Obama and Kerry the Mullahs already got their barrels of cash, haven't they? How stupid an agreement was that?
Yup that makes all the difference. Congress didn't ratify a deal made by the president, so the allies will completely not mind that it's broken without Iran actually breaking the terms of the agreement made.
Why in the hell is it so hard to admit that the US just gave up a huge chunk of what little credibility it has left out of cheer spite?

You are confused. Let me guess. You have been reading Democratunderground?

The US never had any credibility making such a terrible deal with the Iranians Mullahs. We were the laughing stock of the world giving them barrels of cash up front and no verifiable agreement. Only an idiot would have made that terrible deal. We certainly had idiots in the White House and in the State Department, didn't we?

Meanwhile Trump has just served notice to Kim that he is serious about negotiating a real verifiable deal.

That is the difference between having a weak President that gives away the store and a strong President that knows The Art of the Deal.
WHAT billion in "hard earned taxpayer dollars"? Do you mean the billion that was Iran's own frozen assets?

That is not true. Now you are the one falling for spin.
It stems from assets that Iran had in the U.S. to expedite payments to U.S. military contractors throughout the 1970's.
In 1979, the United states temporarily froze the account.

1) The account had outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms. Congress enacted a law that provided authorization to pay those firms debts owed from the account.
2) After paying debts, there was just over $400 million left.
3) Congress passed another bill that granted authorization to use the funds to pay victims of families from the hostage situation of 1979.

Iran said they don't agree with what the United States did with the money.
The U.S. Government overwhelmingly agreed by Congress said too bad, we don't owe you a dime.

Obama took it upon himself to disagree with 30 years of previous arrangements and handed over not only what Iran claimed - BUT MORE THAN WHAT THEY EVER HAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your facts straight.

I do have my facts straight.

Back in late 1979, after Iranian revolutionaries took 52 Americans hostage at the US Embassy in Tehran, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Iran and froze Iranian assets in America. Among those frozen assets was a $400 million delivery of fighter jets from the U.S. that Iran’s previous government had already paid for.

Although the American hostages were finally released a year later, issues such as the frozen Iranian assets (including that $400 million) were not settled at that time. Instead, an international court based in the Hague, the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal was established to deal with such legal claims. The tribunal process dragged on for years and years without a ruling on the $400 million being issued, and finally, when arbitration process was apparently about to wind up (quite possibly not in American’s favor), the U.S. agreed to pay Iran back the $400 million principal along with $1.3 billion in interest. If the issue had gone to the tribunal for a decision, as was expected, the U.S. could have been on the hook for the full $10 billion in compensation Iran was seeking.

It is true the U.S. agreed to the settlement at the same time it was negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran and for the return of four U.S. citizens who had been detained by Iran. However, the negotiations over these these issues were conducted by completely separate teams in order to avoid any overlap or suggestions of connections between them.

That is not facts.
But I do appreciate the fact you at least repost trying.
What you say here is how the media spun the facts in Obama's favor.
Like I said - Congress enacted a law that paid out debts and claims against Iran from the account to U.S. firms
Glad to see you are not trying to dispute that.
Secondly, Congress again granted access to the funds to pay out lawsuits and valid claims against Iran for the 1979 crime.
That settled it.
America does not hold itself accountable to a kangaroo court decision outside of our borders.
Neither do other countries.
Obama took it upon himself to not only pay back the money to Iran, which included over $400 million paid to families of victims of the Iran hostage taking - WHICH MEANS OBAMA DOESN'T THINK IRAN OWED THEM ANYTHING
Obama 100% gave in to Iran that hey owed no one any money....and he paid them triple the value in "interest"

Do you really want to sit there and agree that Iran's assets that were granted by Congress to settle both lawsuits against Iran that they wouldn't pay....and compensation for hostage victims were all wrong. That Iran owed no one nothing. Because that is what Obama said when he literally delivered a PALLET of money to Iran.

It absolutely is the facts. It wasn't our money - thus, international courts do have a say in it. There is a long established precedence to it. Just like the artworks and stuff looted by the Nazi's had to be returned and repatriated. We can make all the laws we want, but if we want to be a member of the international community - and more - if WE want OUR possessions to be treated with the same legalities in other countries - we follow international law as well.
What is gained by giving Iran nuclear weapons?


Oh, my apologies....i did not know that we were shipping nuclear weapons to bad................LOL

It was Hillary. (Dontchano) She's the Queen of nuclear giveaways......I'm sure you'll find some pseudo-conned to tell you how much some Iranian businessman gave to the Clinton Foundation.

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