List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Do you mind answering Nat question? It’s simple and easy question. Why is it so difficult?

Thank you......I sincerely began the thread expecting one or two legitimate reasons why its "good" for us to withdraw unilaterally from this deal......

Of course I mean besides making Bibi feel all tingly inside and Trump cult members cheer without any fucking idea why they're cheering.
We will gain the exact same thing as we went into it.
Nothing., correct?
It was never a deal in the first place. It was an exercise showing how a mouse can intimidate and control the elephant.

Let's do it to please you fuck heads.....Let's declare war and invade, THAT, will surely keep Trump in power

You're an idiot.
No one wants war with Iran, no one has said that.
All I said was that there was never a "deal" to begin with...what it was was a signed agreement that Iran can still have nukes and received a LARGE cash bonus directly from the America taxpayers pocket by the former President.

Please link to where the fuck you pulled this from. It's not even close to reality.

1. They paid Iran $1.7 Billion in cash and used a flimsy excuse saying it was settling a decades old claim Iran said we owe them. Whatever. It was a cash bonus.
2. Iran can, and is still pursuing nukes. They just can't make or buy weapons grade material....IF they are telling the truth which is highly suspect.
But it still provides them a path to nuclearization.

1. That’s a lie.
2. Pleas provide a link where you got these information.
I wonder if the Iranians have already spent the barrels of cash that Kerry sent them. Kerry and Obama were nitwits. How could anybody be that stupid?
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.

Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.

How verifiable can it be with no Americans, three weeks notice and several military installations off limits?

We have seen from the Israelis how the Iranians are liars. How can they be trusted?

That asshole Obama signed a terrible deal. Like the worst ever signed.

Thank goodness Trump is not a weak minded Muslim loving dumbass like that affirmative action nitwit Obama.

So what's your alternative?
If I were a president I would want a F'n front row seat to watch Irans every nuclear move ..

but Trump is a complete idiot and wants out .... his BS knows no bounds.
Why do liberals always back the terrorist nations like Iran? It is a riddle.

I don't see anyone backing Iran. Try again.
You only see what you wish to see. Read the thread, pay attention to the language from the left. Go ashead, I dare you. Then of course agree with them. Then never mind.

Who is backing Iran vs who is backing the deal? Provide specific links.
If you back the deal you back Iran. Did you not watch Netanyahu’s presentation of Iranian lies? I ran broke their part of the deal long ago but you batshit crazy yahoos want the US to keep kissing Iranian ass!'ve expressed support of Trump negotiating with Rocketboy. Therefore you support NK.

Netanyahu is hardly a trustworthy presenter - he was openly attempting to sabatoge the negotiations, and all he showed was what we ALREADY KNEW - ie no one really believed Iran was simply pursuing peaceful nuclear technology prior to the agreement. None of that changes the fact that there is no evidence that Iran is not abiding by the terms of the agreement per all the parties involved. If anything, it means it's more important to have this agreement in place so inspections can continue. Oh..wait...that bit of common sense means you're supporting Iran :cuckoo:
I did? Where? Show me where! The way I read it, he did not negotiate, he threatened their asses with annhilation and you morons went full batshit crazy. You have a memory problem. Is that new or old age?
If I were a president I would want a F'n front row seat to watch Irans every nuclear move ..

but Trump is a complete idiot and wants out .... his BS knows no bounds.

Exactly, and that is what no one gets in their pathological hatred of all things Obama. If we pull out, there will be NO observation, NO verification, it will be like NK. There is no real "good deal" with either state - it's basically choosing the best scenarios that delay weapon's and MAYBE prevent them.

Too late with NK.
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.

Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.

How verifiable can it be with no Americans, three weeks notice and several military installations off limits?

We have seen from the Israelis how the Iranians are liars. How can they be trusted?

That asshole Obama signed a terrible deal. Like the worst ever signed.

Thank goodness Trump is not a weak minded Muslim loving dumbass like that affirmative action nitwit Obama.
How verifiable is it now?

Donnie Dealmaker just gave a free ticket to produce nukes
If I were a president I would want a F'n front row seat to watch Irans every nuclear move ..

but Trump is a complete idiot and wants out .... his BS knows no bounds.

Exactly, and that is what no one gets in their pathological hatred of all things Obama. If we pull out, there will be NO observation, NO verification, it will be like NK. There is no real "good deal" with either state - it's basically choosing the best scenarios that delay weapon's and MAYBE prevent them.

Too late with NK.

I see zero benefit in Trumps action
nd the Messiah let Russia get away with attacking them.

You're "correct"......we should have nuked Moscow.....What could possibly have gone wrong had we done that.......

BTW.....tell us how your orange clown is imposing NEW sanctions on Putin for the invasion of eastern Ukraine and Crimea

LOL, do you really think your obfuscation will work on me? So it's ok for your Magic Negro to break a pact ( one actually approved by the Senate) but not Rump? You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

There was no pact that guaranteed US intervention. The whole country knew Congress would not stand behind President Obama, no matter what. None of the others in the agreement they signed were willing to go to war either.
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.

Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.

How verifiable can it be with no Americans, three weeks notice and several military installations off limits?

We have seen from the Israelis how the Iranians are liars. How can they be trusted?

That asshole Obama signed a terrible deal. Like the worst ever signed.

Thank goodness Trump is not a weak minded Muslim loving dumbass like that affirmative action nitwit Obama.

So what's your alternative?

Now that we undid the terrible deal do what Trump said in his speech. Put sanctions and pressure on Iran and then renegotiate to create a verifiable treaty. A deal that is not an embarrassment to the US or our allies.

That is what Trump was working with the French and Germans the last couple of week.

If the Iranians continue then use our military power to take out their production. A few cruise missiles and it is over.

Don't you agree with me that Obama and Kerry were imbeciles to give the Iranians cash up front and agree to a very weak verification? How could anybody be that stupid?
WHAT billion in "hard earned taxpayer dollars"? Do you mean the billion that was Iran's own frozen assets?

That is not true. Now you are the one falling for spin.
It stems from assets that Iran had in the U.S. to expedite payments to U.S. military contractors throughout the 1970's.
In 1979, the United states temporarily froze the account.

1) The account had outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms. Congress enacted a law that provided authorization to pay those firms debts owed from the account.
2) After paying debts, there was just over $400 million left.
3) Congress passed another bill that granted authorization to use the funds to pay victims of families from the hostage situation of 1979.

Iran said they don't agree with what the United States did with the money.
The U.S. Government overwhelmingly agreed by Congress said too bad, we don't owe you a dime.

Obama took it upon himself to disagree with 30 years of previous arrangements and handed over not only what Iran claimed - BUT MORE THAN WHAT THEY EVER HAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your facts straight.
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.
The incentive of NOT having sanctions on about every imported good. But please answer the question posed by Nat. What does the US gain by pulling out? Doesn't seem to be a complicated question.

Trump is doing his best to undo the damage that asshole Kerry and worthless affirmative action Negro did in giving away the store to the Mullahs. How dumb was it to give them barrels of cash of front and agree to no American inspectors and giving them three weeks notice before any weak UN inspection? How can anybody be that dumb?

It serves notice that the US is not the stupid country headed by Obama any more.

The Iranians lied already and the verification is worthless so we need to start over from a position of strength to keep a belligerent country from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Obama's stupid deal did nothing to assure that the Iranians won't have nuclear weapons but it gave them a lot of money.

Obama was a disaster. Kerry is a traitorous piece of shit whose daughter is married to a filthy ass Iranian.

Really? The whole world knew that we have a stupid president. They look at us like ignorant morons and bullies. Like this link. Who the fuck in the world would say something like that? Let alone a POTUS.
From corners of China all the way to Africa US as it lowest point when this idiot took over. A total embarrassment.

Trump's 'shameful' NRA speech slammed by France, sparks anger in the U.K.
nd the Messiah let Russia get away with attacking them.

You're "correct"......we should have nuked Moscow.....What could possibly have gone wrong had we done that.......

BTW.....tell us how your orange clown is imposing NEW sanctions on Putin for the invasion of eastern Ukraine and Crimea

LOL, do you really think your obfuscation will work on me? So it's ok for your Magic Negro to break a pact ( one actually approved by the Senate) but not Rump? You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

There was no pact that guaranteed US intervention. The whole country knew Congress would not stand behind President Obama, no matter what. None of the others in the agreement they signed were willing to go to war either.

We signed a document that gave them "security assurances", of course to you that means taking James Taylor over there to sing "You've Got A Friend".
Again, another who says it's ok when your magic pussy does it but not when Rump does it. Got it. Why didn't Iran sign the document?
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What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.
The incentive of NOT having sanctions on about every imported good. But please answer the question posed by Nat. What does the US gain by pulling out? Doesn't seem to be a complicated question.

Trump is doing his best to undo the damage that asshole Kerry and worthless affirmative action Negro did in giving away the store to the Mullahs. How dumb was it to give them barrels of cash of front and agree to no American inspectors and giving them three weeks notice before any weak UN inspection? How can anybody be that dumb?

It serves notice that the US is not the stupid country headed by Obama any more.

The Iranians lied already and the verification is worthless so we need to start over from a position of strength to keep a belligerent country from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Obama's stupid deal did nothing to assure that the Iranians won't have nuclear weapons but it gave them a lot of money.

Obama was a disaster. Kerry is a traitorous piece of shit whose daughter is married to a filthy ass Iranian.

Really? The whole world knew that we have a stupid president. They look at us like ignorant morons and bullies. Like this link. Who the fuck in the world would say something like that? Let alone a POTUS.
From corners of China all the way to Africa US as it lowest point when this idiot took over. A total embarrassment.

Trump's 'shameful' NRA speech slammed by France, sparks anger in the U.K.

Obama was an asshole and an embarrassment to this nation.

It is no foreign country's business what our Presidents says at a NRA meeting.

That was a great speech by the way. Not as good as Diamond and Silk but good never the less.

Thank goodness we have a President willing to undo the damage that the worthless affirmative action Negro did to our country.

MAGA Baby! The time of an incompetent Muslim President giving away the store to the Iranian Mullahs is over.
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.

Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.

How verifiable can it be with no Americans, three weeks notice and several military installations off limits?

We have seen from the Israelis how the Iranians are liars. How can they be trusted?

That asshole Obama signed a terrible deal. Like the worst ever signed.

Thank goodness Trump is not a weak minded Muslim loving dumbass like that affirmative action nitwit Obama.

So what's your alternative?

Now that we undid the terrible deal do what Trump said in his speech. Put sanctions and pressure on Iran and then renegotiate to create a verifiable treaty. A deal that is not an embarrassment to the US or our allies.

What was unverifiable about the agreement? Be specific, because all parties involved apparently felt it was verifiable.

What deal do you think you can possibly get? This deal was negotiated with our allies, and neither we nor Iran were going to get any more out of it then was gotten. We can put sanctions and pressure on Iran but do you think our allies will follow suit again, after we pulled this stunt? I doubt it. Do you think Iran will negotiate another deal with us after we pulled this stunt? I doubt it. You have lost whatever leverage you night have had with Iran.

That is what Trump was working with the French and Germans the last couple of week. The French and German's were working with Trump to retain the deal in some portion.

If the Iranians continue then use our military power to take out their production. A few cruise missiles and it is over.

What people don't understand was the nuclear deal was specific and narrow, and for a reason - Iran was not going to go along with some sort of comprehensive deal involving it's regional activities and the nuclear issue was most pressing. So you get a nuclear deal. Now you have nothing.

Oh wait. You want to start ANOTHER MID EAST WAR? ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY????

Don't you agree with me that Obama and Kerry were imbeciles to give the Iranians cash up front and agree to a very weak verification? How could anybody be that stupid?

No one seems to think the verification was weak. Except you guys. No...I think the the imbeciles are those who hate Obama so much they are going to shred this agreement at any cost. That is the definition of imbecile.

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